Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)


I'm making the mistake of confusing my disagreement with a player as a assumption of their malice towards town.

While I still believe that Grandma is sorely mistaken about Mertex and a little too zealous in her pursuit of lynching her, I realize that doesn't necessarily make Grandma scum.

You've been pushing Grandma like crazy. But OK.

And I was wrong to do so, as I explained above.
It is never wrong to push a player you think is scum House. It is wrong if you use personal attacks or some such like if someone said "All people who like math deserve to be shot in real life 200 miles from a hospital" that would be wrong. Pushing people is how investigation works. No one is right 100% of the time.

I didn't say I was wrong for pushing. I was wrong for casting disagreement as malice towards town (omg, she has a diff opinion... obvscum!)

That's no way to play the game.
My bad. Misunderstood sorry.
Normally I would be all for conversation to continue but when a player seems so burnt out on mafia they refuse to help the side they are on; they need to be removed for the sake of the game.
I DID try to help Town. I tried my very best. Town chose not to listen. Repeatedly.
Fuck Town.

( emphasis added)

I left and came back hoping to see something different in Central or here on the forum, and instead this is what I start to read where I left off.

When you were scum last time, you were cussing and telling Avatar to shove chrome tail pipes, spiked ones at that, up his rear end as you were called scum several times ( you were scum and you won!) . Seems it was each time you were backed into a corner. When you are town you different. This play here, regardless of what you stated in Central reminds ME Exactly of your scum game last game.

I don't know if this is L-1 Lynch or Lynch plus 1. I don't think I care at this point.
Saying "Fuck Town" and what you are stating in Central is completely against your win condition if you truly are town. Not to mention totally uncalled for. I hope your sugar levels are okay and or you are okay, I mean that.

I will not have this game ruined like the last game 3, especially with what you are saying in Central Grandma.

Vote: Grandma

@House Please hammer. These type of actions are detrimental to the game as a whole.
With all the frustration she's feeling, I can't blame her for blowing off a little steam.

I won't be a part of lynching Grandma. I'm guilty enough of contributing to it as it is.
Grandma, Mertex is like
The lack of a counterclaim is compelling.

I am not the doctor but if I was I woouldn't cc.

There could also be no doctor given I am iceproof.

You're iceproof because you're fire, but I'm a nice guy that doesn't like to hold such things against people.

What's your read on FA?

Lean town. He is my fourth town after Grandma Wolf and Cafe. He seems pretty town but somethings he says in the hood make me not so sure.

If you actually think I am firescum, why are you voting Grandma, the easy mislynch. Your belief also runs starkly against the "someone in Rosie's hood" is scum narrative.

Take some time. Gather your thoughts. Produce consistency.
Grandma, Mertex is like
The lack of a counterclaim is compelling.

I am not the doctor but if I was I woouldn't cc.

There could also be no doctor given I am iceproof.

You're iceproof because you're fire, but I'm a nice guy that doesn't like to hold such things against people.

What's your read on FA?

Lean town. He is my fourth town after Grandma Wolf and Cafe. He seems pretty town but somethings he says in the hood make me not so sure.

If you actually think I am firescum, why are you voting Grandma, the easy mislynch. Your belief also runs starkly against the "someone in Rosie's hood" is scum narrative.

Take some time. Gather your thoughts. Produce consistency.

I'm not. Catch up, woman. :p
( emphasis added)

I left and came back hoping to see something different in Central or here on the forum, and instead this is what I start to read where I left off.

When you were scum last time, you were cussing and telling Avatar to shove chrome tail pipes, spiked ones at that, up his rear end as you were called scum several times ( you were scum and you won!) . Seems it was each time you were backed into a corner. When you are town you different. This play here, regardless of what you stated in Central reminds ME Exactly of your scum game last game.

I don't know if this is L-1 Lynch or Lynch plus 1. I don't think I care at this point.
Saying "Fuck Town" and what you are stating in Central is completely against your win condition if you truly are town. Not to mention totally uncalled for. I hope your sugar levels are okay and or you are okay, I mean that.

I will not have this game ruined like the last game 3, especially with what you are saying in Central Grandma.

Vote: Grandma

I NEVER told Avi to shove spiked chrome tail pipes up his ass. My exact words were Fuck you. In the eye. With the chrome bumper of a '57 Chevy.

Why did you lie, Cafe?

The Game won't be ruined by me getting lynched. It will be ruined by players refusing to learn from previous games.

Wake isn't going to post the Scum QT link, I'm not Scum. So don't worry about a repeat of that mess.

I'm not saying anything in Central that I'm not saying here. I want out. Deal with it.
That's true. He could very well be. I also have a feeling that SR might be Ice, just because she has sided with Grandma and disregarded all the posts I have posted to prove myself as Town Doc. We can certainly go after him next.

Bullshit. Town will go after whoever Mertex and her partner choose next.

This tone to me does not scream townie anger. It screams defeat -- giving up. If you are town you should be trying to fight the lynch or give your scum reads or trying to contribute in some way.
You are officially tone deaf. I am the only player out of all the games I have seen pretend to be town after being lynched. I have also gone on similar tirades.
Grandma, Mertex is like
The lack of a counterclaim is compelling.

I am not the doctor but if I was I woouldn't cc.

There could also be no doctor given I am iceproof.

You're iceproof because you're fire, but I'm a nice guy that doesn't like to hold such things against people.

What's your read on FA?

Lean town. He is my fourth town after Grandma Wolf and Cafe. He seems pretty town but somethings he says in the hood make me not so sure.

If you actually think I am firescum, why are you voting Grandma, the easy mislynch. Your belief also runs starkly against the "someone in Rosie's hood" is scum narrative.

Take some time. Gather your thoughts. Produce consistency.

I'm not. Catch up, woman. :p
Responding as I go yhrough. Blech.
Grandma, Mertex is like
The lack of a counterclaim is compelling.

I am not the doctor but if I was I woouldn't cc.

There could also be no doctor given I am iceproof.

You're iceproof because you're fire, but I'm a nice guy that doesn't like to hold such things against people.

What's your read on FA?

Lean town. He is my fourth town after Grandma Wolf and Cafe. He seems pretty town but somethings he says in the hood make me not so sure.

If you actually think I am firescum, why are you voting Grandma, the easy mislynch. Your belief also runs starkly against the "someone in Rosie's hood" is scum narrative.

Take some time. Gather your thoughts. Produce consistency.

I'm not. Catch up, woman. :p
Responding as I go yhrough. Blech.

Please don't hammer, kthx.
Why would you believe Scum? Of course Avi would like for Fire to win, that is why he would FOS Sameech, to draw attention away from his real partner, Grandma.
Or because he knows that his team has essentially lost if fire is down to one and ice remains with 2. You are tunneling Grandma and disregarding the fact that Sameech is very likely to be ice scum.

That's true. He could very well be. I also have a feeling that SR might be Ice, just because she has sided with Grandma and disregarded all the posts I have posted to prove myself as Town Doc. We can certainly go after him next.
Sameech is definitely next in line IMHO - there is no way around it. I don't think SR is ice - the ice proof claim would be asinine if she were. If grandma flips town then I think that SR might very well be the last fire mafia - the ice proof claim would play right into it. We would need conf from the fireproof townie first but its to early to do that. If there is a fireproof townee then I would be inclined to believe SR. I don't know what to do there because I don't want to lynch the PR that might very well be true and I don't want confirmation from the other townie at this point.
This makes me real paranoid you are the firescum seeking the fireproof townie.
If you actually think I am firescum, why are you voting Grandma, the easy mislynch. Your belief also runs starkly against the "someone in Rosie's hood" is scum narrative.
No it doesn't. There's more than 1 scum remaining.

If you actually think I am firescum, why are you voting Grandma, the easy mislynch. Your belief also runs starkly against the "someone in Rosie's hood" is scum narrative.
No it doesn't. There's more than 1 scum remaining.

Yes it does. The narrative asdumed Rosie was killed for outing as Macho Cop. So we began hunting in her food, supposing firescum had to be there. If you're supposing Icescum for Grandma that needs wholly separate reasoning.
If you actually think I am firescum, why are you voting Grandma, the easy mislynch. Your belief also runs starkly against the "someone in Rosie's hood" is scum narrative.
No it doesn't. There's more than 1 scum remaining.

Yes it does. The narrative asdumed Rosie was killed for outing as Macho Cop. So we began hunting in her food, supposing firescum had to be there. If you're supposing Icescum for Grandma that needs wholly separate reasoning.

If I was supposing any kind of scum for Grandma, my vote would be on Grandma.
Let's just leave that there for the grandma voters.

I am feeling a little paranoid of FA being firescum.

Overnight FA is pushing Sameech as scum heavily.

FA pushes that here as well.

FA then starts suggesting we run me up so the fireproof townie must claim.

His actions would seem to heavily benefit the fire team. Eliminate the guy who caught Avatar and then find the one townie he cannot kill.
That's true. He could very well be. I also have a feeling that SR might be Ice, just because she has sided with Grandma and disregarded all the posts I have posted to prove myself as Town Doc. We can certainly go after him next.

Bullshit. Town will go after whoever Mertex and her partner choose next.

This tone to me does not scream townie anger. It screams defeat -- giving up. If you are town you should be trying to fight the lynch or give your scum reads or trying to contribute in some way.
You are officially tone deaf. I am the only player out of all the games I have seen pretend to be town after being lynched. I have also gone on similar tirades.
You don't remember Sloth? Who pretended to be town after his lynch? It was my first game that I did not get lynched day one. Grandma actually hasn't been lynched yet. Even if she was she wasn't the only person I have seen do that.
Let's just leave that there for the grandma voters.

I am feeling a little paranoid of FA being firescum.

Overnight FA is pushing Sameech as scum heavily.

FA pushes that here as well.

FA then starts suggesting we run me up so the fireproof townie must claim.

His actions would seem to heavily benefit the fire team. Eliminate the guy who caught Avatar and then find the one townie he cannot kill.
That is just deceptive sis. FA said nothing about fireproof townie and I don't believe that exists :/ FA to me is town.

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