Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

Wow as if on queue you come back. But you have nothing to say about the drama. You are fine letting town argue amongst itself.
@CaféAuLait The person who claimed they were the only one working for town was me trying to stop the Grandma lynch and get a train on scum.

I am pretty satisified that Cafe Wolf and Mertex are all town.

That leaves scum in House Sameech TSO Mathblade and Gath.

I think House is town. My read could be far off. But his moving votes to ensure there are not mislynches makes me feel he is a town read because of this. My suspicion of him came from the fact many do not think this is his first game.

Last night and a bit before that I had myself convinced Tn/wolf were a team. I'll tell you what happened last night. This was FAR before Math ( who I thought was scum due to thinking Mebelle is scum) brought up the possible team play. I don't believe TN did not know he had a neighborhood BTW.

I moved my vote to Gath and Wolf immediately moved her vote to Gath quoting mine IIRC. She had me FOSed IIRC and I thought this to be weird she would follow my vote given she has me at being possible Scum. I mentioned the quick move on Wolf's part in my hood and almost immediately Wolf removed her vote. It may have been a coincidence, but it kinda gave me the impression she and TN may be a team since TN/TSO are I my hood and I thought it may have been mentioned to her. Additionally, this is the second time she has done this ( follow my vote) and at first I thought she may be subtly buddying me.

Anyway that is part of what I had. But my wiggle read of Sam has me questioning if Sam and Math are not partners and I may have it wrong, unless Sam is being truthful on the watcher thing.

If jailer's keys are given to Player A and scum targets Player A for their Night Kill, does Player A still receive the keys, or are they still in the hands of the original holder due to the NK cancelling them out?

If jailer's keys are given to Player A and scum targets Player A for their Night Kill, does Player A still receive the keys, or are they still in the hands of the original holder due to the NK cancelling them out?

Select and give one player "1-Shot Jailkeeper" status. This means your target can jail one person once during the Night. A person that is jailed cannot be killed during that Night, but he or she also isn't able to use any abilities.

@AyeCantSeeYou Gath had to trigger this during the day. All green dots are day abilities.
Wow as if on queue you come back. But you have nothing to say about the drama. You are fine letting town argue amongst itself.

Not sure who you are talking to here, but I've had it with the drama in these games. I tend to overlook those posts since they are driven by emotions instead of logical thinking. Emotional posting has gotten town to how many wins now? Can any of us count that high? Here's a hint for all - it's neither negative or positive and resides between -1 and 1. The micro game isn't included in the count, since there wasn't any drama going on in that one.

If jailer's keys are given to Player A and scum targets Player A for their Night Kill, does Player A still receive the keys, or are they still in the hands of the original holder due to the NK cancelling them out?

If jailer's keys are given to Player A and scum targets Player A for their Night Kill, does Player A still receive the keys, or are they still in the hands of the original holder due to the NK cancelling them out?

Select and give one player "1-Shot Jailkeeper" status. This means your target can jail one person once during the Night. A person that is jailed cannot be killed during that Night, but he or she also isn't able to use any abilities.

@AyeCantSeeYou Gath had to trigger this during the day. All green dots are day abilities.

Okay, IF that is the case then Sam could not have seen FA visit Rosie and be townfirm on FA- as a watchmen or tracker.
I have said in a few posts, he claimed Night Watchman in the hood.


Okay, then why is Sam suspicious for having a read on both FA and Rosie night 1 then? I could understand the suspicion if he claimed odd night tracker but the way he explains his role it does not seems suspicious if he is being honest.

@CaféAuLait you made a post about FA's partner awhile back.

How could Sameech know FA was town based on his power if a night watchman?

If jailer's keys are given to Player A and scum targets Player A for their Night Kill, does Player A still receive the keys, or are they still in the hands of the original holder due to the NK cancelling them out?

If jailer's keys are given to Player A and scum targets Player A for their Night Kill, does Player A still receive the keys, or are they still in the hands of the original holder due to the NK cancelling them out?

Select and give one player "1-Shot Jailkeeper" status. This means your target can jail one person once during the Night. A person that is jailed cannot be killed during that Night, but he or she also isn't able to use any abilities.

@AyeCantSeeYou Gath had to trigger this during the day. All green dots are day abilities.

Okay, IF that is the case then Sam could not have seen FA visit Rosie and be townfirm on FA- as a watchmen or tracker.
Where did Sameech claim to have seen FA?
I have said in a few posts, he claimed Night Watchman in the hood.


Okay, then why is Sam suspicious for having a read on both FA and Rosie night 1 then? I could understand the suspicion if he claimed odd night tracker but the way he explains his role it does not seems suspicious if he is being honest.

@CaféAuLait you made a post about FA's partner awhile back.

How could Sameech know FA was town based on his power if a night watchman?

Yup, I just requited it when you said giving keys was a day ability. There is no way.

If jailer's keys are given to Player A and scum targets Player A for their Night Kill, does Player A still receive the keys, or are they still in the hands of the original holder due to the NK cancelling them out?

If jailer's keys are given to Player A and scum targets Player A for their Night Kill, does Player A still receive the keys, or are they still in the hands of the original holder due to the NK cancelling them out?

Select and give one player "1-Shot Jailkeeper" status. This means your target can jail one person once during the Night. A person that is jailed cannot be killed during that Night, but he or she also isn't able to use any abilities.

@AyeCantSeeYou Gath had to trigger this during the day. All green dots are day abilities.

Okay, IF that is the case then Sam could not have seen FA visit Rosie and be townfirm on FA- as a watchmen or tracker.
Where did Sameech claim to have seen FA?

House and Wolf states it is in their hood IIRC. I think Mertex said it was here on the GT. I may be wrong about that.

If jailer's keys are given to Player A and scum targets Player A for their Night Kill, does Player A still receive the keys, or are they still in the hands of the original holder due to the NK cancelling them out?

Select and give one player "1-Shot Jailkeeper" status. This means your target can jail one person once during the Night. A person that is jailed cannot be killed during that Night, but he or she also isn't able to use any abilities.

@AyeCantSeeYou Gath had to trigger this during the day. All green dots are day abilities.

I understand about the abilities. If Rosie was handed a key Night 1 to be used on another game night, is that key lost since she was NK'd, or is it still in the hands of the player that was going to give it to her? (Not jail her, hand her a key to jail someone later on in the game.)
Gath could trigger an ability during the day give the keys and do the kill himself.

@House how did Sameech define night watchman?

I'm not trying to be uncooperative, but that would probably take more time than my limited availability will allow. If Wolf can hunt that down, I'll be more than happy to verify and/or add my own paraphrase of his words, given the post #.

What I can state, however, is that Sam said he couldn't reveal FA was town without outing the specifics of his ability (as a watchman, instead of tracker), which supports the post Cafe made.
Wow as if on queue you come back. But you have nothing to say about the drama. You are fine letting town argue amongst itself.

I am working. I will be off and on. Attacking RL is uncool sis. You know this.

I have said my peace on things. When I disagree respectfully I am "drowning you out". When I don't post due to RL "I am content with drama". Please quit making up shit.

If jailer's keys are given to Player A and scum targets Player A for their Night Kill, does Player A still receive the keys, or are they still in the hands of the original holder due to the NK cancelling them out?

If jailer's keys are given to Player A and scum targets Player A for their Night Kill, does Player A still receive the keys, or are they still in the hands of the original holder due to the NK cancelling them out?

Select and give one player "1-Shot Jailkeeper" status. This means your target can jail one person once during the Night. A person that is jailed cannot be killed during that Night, but he or she also isn't able to use any abilities.

@AyeCantSeeYou Gath had to trigger this during the day. All green dots are day abilities.

Okay, IF that is the case then Sam could not have seen FA visit Rosie and be townfirm on FA- as a watchmen or tracker.
Where did Sameech claim to have seen FA?

House and Wolf states it is in their hood IIRC. I think Mertex said it was here on the GT. I may be wrong about that.

Where did I say that? o_O
@CaféAuLait The person who claimed they were the only one working for town was me trying to stop the Grandma lynch and get a train on scum.

I am pretty satisified that Cafe Wolf and Mertex are all town.

That leaves scum in House Sameech TSO Mathblade and Gath.

I think House is town. My read could be far off. But his moving votes to ensure there are not mislynches makes me feel he is a town read because of this. My suspicion of him came from the fact many do not think this is his first game.

Last night and a bit before that I had myself convinced Tn/wolf were a team. I'll tell you what happened last night. This was FAR before Math ( who I thought was scum due to thinking Mebelle is scum) brought up the possible team play. I don't believe TN did not know he had a neighborhood BTW.

I moved my vote to Gath and Wolf immediately moved her vote to Gath quoting mine IIRC. She had me FOSed IIRC and I thought this to be weird she would follow my vote given she has me at being possible Scum. I mentioned the quick move on Wolf's part in my hood and almost immediately Wolf removed her vote. It may have been a coincidence, but it kinda gave me the impression she and TN may be a team since TN/TSO are I my hood and I thought it may have been mentioned to her. Additionally, this is the second time she has done this ( follow my vote) and at first I thought she may be subtly buddying me.

Anyway that is part of what I had. But my wiggle read of Sam has me questioning if Sam and Math are not partners and I may have it wrong, unless Sam is being truthful on the watcher thing.

I had you as a townread first of all if you looked at my reads lists last night. I did not have you as an FoS and I don't remember who's vote I follow nor do I care who's vote I follow. I explained my vote last night as putting Gath at L-2 for pressure because I had him as a scumread and explained to you again today why I voted for him in the first place. I unvoted before I went to bed. If I am buddying you, it would be the strangest buddying I've ever seen.

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