Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

I was a tracker in game 3.

The only result I got was "So and so did not visit anyone" or "so and so visited Mary". That was all I got from Wake. So I am not sure how Sam could have been so sure FA was town even if he got a no result. I don't recall him stating he was sure FA was town until AFTER he was NKed by scum. BUT again, I may have missed this, as you all know I am a bit off due to surgery/meds.

I never claimed to be the tracker. I am a night watchman. Avatar made it easy to sostion of tracking FA.
rt him out as scum of Rosie's night 1 visitors. I know who visits a target at night, not who my target visits. Wolf knew this before FA flipped town because I told her in the neighborhood when she wanted me to follow SR's suggested track of FA when I indicated I probably wouldn't sit on him as the watchman. Why she is so loyal to Avatar is beyond me, so since Avatar felt a need to point out to her that he told her there was two scum in that neighborhood, I cannot think of a better Ice Mafia candidate at the moment, especially in light of her messing up the TN lynch. She also got on the railroading me thing right after I pointed out in the neighborhood that if we mislynched, then we have to kill the fire scum player to even stay in the game. Any mislynch mathematically will eliminate us and a mass claim serves no purpose other than to help scum pick their targets.

That makes sense. Wolf was one of the first ones to try and make a big deal over my claiming that I wouldn't use the shield, and then insisting that I reveal who I was going to use it on or I would be considered Scum. That doesn't sound very Town to me. She was on my wagon, too, until I revealed I was the town Doc....
it's all very confusing...........argh........
Yeah it is. I wish y'all could read my hood. Day one and two I waffled about Wolf scum. It was only later I started really being convinced.

I just hope that y'all can see what I see eventually.

Last night SR asked me for my read on Wolf. I am compiling it now. I am looking for a specific post which I read last night. BUT this post is not the only reason I was waffling on her as scum. I reread her game 2 last night/early this AM and she is coming off the same way as then, but there were things which bothered me her play this time and they still do. Anyway I mentioned them in Central and East and will put it here is a few.
I was a tracker in game 3.

The only result I got was "So and so did not visit anyone" or "so and so visited Mary". That was all I got from Wake. So I am not sure how Sam could have been so sure FA was town even if he got a no result. I don't recall him stating he was sure FA was town until AFTER he was NKed by scum. BUT again, I may have missed this, as you all know I am a bit off due to surgery/meds.

I never claimed to be the tracker. I am a night watchman. Avatar made it easy to sostion of tracking FA.
rt him out as scum of Rosie's night 1 visitors. I know who visits a target at night, not who my target visits. Wolf knew this before FA flipped town because I told her in the neighborhood when she wanted me to follow SR's suggested track of FA when I indicated I probably wouldn't sit on him as the watchman. Why she is so loyal to Avatar is beyond me, so since Avatar felt a need to point out to her that he told her there was two scum in that neighborhood, I cannot think of a better Ice Mafia candidate at the moment, especially in light of her messing up the TN lynch. She also got on the railroading me thing right after I pointed out in the neighborhood that if we mislynched, then we have to kill the fire scum player to even stay in the game. Any mislynch mathematically will eliminate us and a mass claim serves no purpose other than to help scum pick their targets.


@Wolfsister77 @House

Did Sameech claim tracker or watchman in your hood?

Why do you say Wolf is loyal to Avatar, Sameech?

I don't understand one thing in what Sameech posted. I have said in a few posts, he claimed Night Watchman in the hood. He claimed he saw Avi kill Rosie and also claimed he knew FA was town-both on N1. I wanted clarification because that looks like both a tracker result and a cop result and I did not think he could target 2 people in one night. I wanted him to clarify. Rather than doing so, he puts up a paragraph that makes no sense to me, votes for me, then Mertex says it makes sense and to be honest, that is when I get irritating to play with. There is absolutely nothing wrong with me asking the questions and wanting clarification. For that to somehow imply I'm ice scum or loyal to Avatar is just bizarre. Notice I did not call Sameech scum or vote him. I could of just let it go I suppose but bringing it up, gets the info. out there. But it seems in this game, if you bring info. out to try to help town, then you get accused of being scum. It is very annoying.

Yet, this is the game Wolf and you seem to take offense to the same things you do to others. One of the reasons I said before you were coming off as arrogant, as if we should not even consider you- and that is coming off as scummish to me. EVERYONE has it happen to them , not just you. Do you see what I mean?
I was a tracker in game 3.

The only result I got was "So and so did not visit anyone" or "so and so visited Mary". That was all I got from Wake. So I am not sure how Sam could have been so sure FA was town even if he got a no result. I don't recall him stating he was sure FA was town until AFTER he was NKed by scum. BUT again, I may have missed this, as you all know I am a bit off due to surgery/meds.

I never claimed to be the tracker. I am a night watchman. Avatar made it easy to sostion of tracking FA.
rt him out as scum of Rosie's night 1 visitors. I know who visits a target at night, not who my target visits. Wolf knew this before FA flipped town because I told her in the neighborhood when she wanted me to follow SR's suggested track of FA when I indicated I probably wouldn't sit on him as the watchman. Why she is so loyal to Avatar is beyond me, so since Avatar felt a need to point out to her that he told her there was two scum in that neighborhood, I cannot think of a better Ice Mafia candidate at the moment, especially in light of her messing up the TN lynch. She also got on the railroading me thing right after I pointed out in the neighborhood that if we mislynched, then we have to kill the fire scum player to even stay in the game. Any mislynch mathematically will eliminate us and a mass claim serves no purpose other than to help scum pick their targets.

That makes sense. Wolf was one of the first ones to try and make a big deal over my claiming that I wouldn't use the shield, and then insisting that I reveal who I was going to use it on or I would be considered Scum. That doesn't sound very Town to me. She was on my wagon, too, until I revealed I was the town Doc....
it's all very confusing...........argh........
Yeah it is. I wish y'all could read my hood. Day one and two I waffled about Wolf scum. It was only later I started really being convinced.

I just hope that y'all can see what I see eventually.

Of course you would, because you are scummy and want to jump on any excuse to frame someone that several are reading as town.

If you succeed in getting me mislynched, town will come after you next so by all means, go for it. Too bad it is at a critical time but I'm not going to fight it any more. It takes up too much of my time and energy to play this game as it is.
I was a tracker in game 3.

The only result I got was "So and so did not visit anyone" or "so and so visited Mary". That was all I got from Wake. So I am not sure how Sam could have been so sure FA was town even if he got a no result. I don't recall him stating he was sure FA was town until AFTER he was NKed by scum. BUT again, I may have missed this, as you all know I am a bit off due to surgery/meds.

I never claimed to be the tracker. I am a night watchman. Avatar made it easy to sostion of tracking FA.
rt him out as scum of Rosie's night 1 visitors. I know who visits a target at night, not who my target visits. Wolf knew this before FA flipped town because I told her in the neighborhood when she wanted me to follow SR's suggested track of FA when I indicated I probably wouldn't sit on him as the watchman. Why she is so loyal to Avatar is beyond me, so since Avatar felt a need to point out to her that he told her there was two scum in that neighborhood, I cannot think of a better Ice Mafia candidate at the moment, especially in light of her messing up the TN lynch. She also got on the railroading me thing right after I pointed out in the neighborhood that if we mislynched, then we have to kill the fire scum player to even stay in the game. Any mislynch mathematically will eliminate us and a mass claim serves no purpose other than to help scum pick their targets.


@Wolfsister77 @House

Did Sameech claim tracker or watchman in your hood?

Why do you say Wolf is loyal to Avatar, Sameech?

I don't understand one thing in what Sameech posted. I have said in a few posts, he claimed Night Watchman in the hood. He claimed he saw Avi kill Rosie and also claimed he knew FA was town-both on N1. I wanted clarification because that looks like both a tracker result and a cop result and I did not think he could target 2 people in one night. I wanted him to clarify. Rather than doing so, he puts up a paragraph that makes no sense to me, votes for me, then Mertex says it makes sense and to be honest, that is when I get irritating to play with. There is absolutely nothing wrong with me asking the questions and wanting clarification. For that to somehow imply I'm ice scum or loyal to Avatar is just bizarre. Notice I did not call Sameech scum or vote him. I could of just let it go I suppose but bringing it up, gets the info. out there. But it seems in this game, if you bring info. out to try to help town, then you get accused of being scum. It is very annoying.

Yet, this is the game Wolf and you seem to take offense to the same things you do to others. One of the reasons I said before you were coming off as arrogant, as if we should not even consider you- and that is coming off as scummish to me. EVERYONE has it happen to them , not just you. Do you see what I mean?

I'm not going to defend myself on your arrogant claims any more. Would you like me to insult some aspect of your personality?

I am not going to waste any more time defending myself against people who are going to believe scum trying to set me up. I can guarantee if you are town, you would not like several people doing this to you, especially if one or more of them is scum and especially at this point in the game and especially over doing nothing more than trying to bring out info. and ask questions. I am now being looked at for asking about Sameech and Mertex is bringing up old shit that several were on her about.

Seriously, I can completely understand Grandma's frustration. But I'm not going to melt over it.

Have fun wasting your time. I already feel like I have.
Sis your Wolf push seems relatively recent. You did have a House/Wolf sister team woth me early. Then I found this gem.

I wouldn't know how to fake a day vig. Being newer to mafia I try to avoid lying at all costs. If I play well in a game I get through it without having to lie once.

I don't see me running that gambit turning out well at all.

That is Mathblade regardong lying in the hood.

Now her story is that lying about Gath is good play...
I was a tracker in game 3.

The only result I got was "So and so did not visit anyone" or "so and so visited Mary". That was all I got from Wake. So I am not sure how Sam could have been so sure FA was town even if he got a no result. I don't recall him stating he was sure FA was town until AFTER he was NKed by scum. BUT again, I may have missed this, as you all know I am a bit off due to surgery/meds.

I never claimed to be the tracker. I am a night watchman. Avatar made it easy to sostion of tracking FA.
rt him out as scum of Rosie's night 1 visitors. I know who visits a target at night, not who my target visits. Wolf knew this before FA flipped town because I told her in the neighborhood when she wanted me to follow SR's suggested track of FA when I indicated I probably wouldn't sit on him as the watchman. Why she is so loyal to Avatar is beyond me, so since Avatar felt a need to point out to her that he told her there was two scum in that neighborhood, I cannot think of a better Ice Mafia candidate at the moment, especially in light of her messing up the TN lynch. She also got on the railroading me thing right after I pointed out in the neighborhood that if we mislynched, then we have to kill the fire scum player to even stay in the game. Any mislynch mathematically will eliminate us and a mass claim serves no purpose other than to help scum pick their targets.

That makes sense. Wolf was one of the first ones to try and make a big deal over my claiming that I wouldn't use the shield, and then insisting that I reveal who I was going to use it on or I would be considered Scum. That doesn't sound very Town to me. She was on my wagon, too, until I revealed I was the town Doc....
it's all very confusing...........argh........
Yeah it is. I wish y'all could read my hood. Day one and two I waffled about Wolf scum. It was only later I started really being convinced.

I just hope that y'all can see what I see eventually.

Of course you would, because you are scummy and want to jump on any excuse to frame someone that several are reading as town.

If you succeed in getting me mislynched, town will come after you next so by all means, go for it. Too bad it is at a critical time but I'm not going to fight it any more. It takes up too much of my time and energy to play this game as it is.
Wolf, fight for one more day please.
I was a tracker in game 3.

The only result I got was "So and so did not visit anyone" or "so and so visited Mary". That was all I got from Wake. So I am not sure how Sam could have been so sure FA was town even if he got a no result. I don't recall him stating he was sure FA was town until AFTER he was NKed by scum. BUT again, I may have missed this, as you all know I am a bit off due to surgery/meds.

I never claimed to be the tracker. I am a night watchman. Avatar made it easy to sostion of tracking FA.
rt him out as scum of Rosie's night 1 visitors. I know who visits a target at night, not who my target visits. Wolf knew this before FA flipped town because I told her in the neighborhood when she wanted me to follow SR's suggested track of FA when I indicated I probably wouldn't sit on him as the watchman. Why she is so loyal to Avatar is beyond me, so since Avatar felt a need to point out to her that he told her there was two scum in that neighborhood, I cannot think of a better Ice Mafia candidate at the moment, especially in light of her messing up the TN lynch. She also got on the railroading me thing right after I pointed out in the neighborhood that if we mislynched, then we have to kill the fire scum player to even stay in the game. Any mislynch mathematically will eliminate us and a mass claim serves no purpose other than to help scum pick their targets.


@Wolfsister77 @House

Did Sameech claim tracker or watchman in your hood?

Why do you say Wolf is loyal to Avatar, Sameech?

I don't understand one thing in what Sameech posted. I have said in a few posts, he claimed Night Watchman in the hood. He claimed he saw Avi kill Rosie and also claimed he knew FA was town-both on N1. I wanted clarification because that looks like both a tracker result and a cop result and I did not think he could target 2 people in one night. I wanted him to clarify. Rather than doing so, he puts up a paragraph that makes no sense to me, votes for me, then Mertex says it makes sense and to be honest, that is when I get irritating to play with. There is absolutely nothing wrong with me asking the questions and wanting clarification. For that to somehow imply I'm ice scum or loyal to Avatar is just bizarre. Notice I did not call Sameech scum or vote him. I could of just let it go I suppose but bringing it up, gets the info. out there. But it seems in this game, if you bring info. out to try to help town, then you get accused of being scum. It is very annoying.

No need to get all alarmed.....that's what we all are doing....pointing out things that may stand out. It is true that you were adamant that I was Scum, and it is true that you kept insisting that I reveal who I was shielding or if I was even going to use it and suggested that I might be Scum if I didn't. It is true that you were on my wagon. You don't like it when you are accused of being Scum, but you accuse's all part of the game.
I was a tracker in game 3.

The only result I got was "So and so did not visit anyone" or "so and so visited Mary". That was all I got from Wake. So I am not sure how Sam could have been so sure FA was town even if he got a no result. I don't recall him stating he was sure FA was town until AFTER he was NKed by scum. BUT again, I may have missed this, as you all know I am a bit off due to surgery/meds.

I never claimed to be the tracker. I am a night watchman. Avatar made it easy to sostion of tracking FA.
rt him out as scum of Rosie's night 1 visitors. I know who visits a target at night, not who my target visits. Wolf knew this before FA flipped town because I told her in the neighborhood when she wanted me to follow SR's suggested track of FA when I indicated I probably wouldn't sit on him as the watchman. Why she is so loyal to Avatar is beyond me, so since Avatar felt a need to point out to her that he told her there was two scum in that neighborhood, I cannot think of a better Ice Mafia candidate at the moment, especially in light of her messing up the TN lynch. She also got on the railroading me thing right after I pointed out in the neighborhood that if we mislynched, then we have to kill the fire scum player to even stay in the game. Any mislynch mathematically will eliminate us and a mass claim serves no purpose other than to help scum pick their targets.


@Wolfsister77 @House

Did Sameech claim tracker or watchman in your hood?

Why do you say Wolf is loyal to Avatar, Sameech?

I don't understand one thing in what Sameech posted. I have said in a few posts, he claimed Night Watchman in the hood. He claimed he saw Avi kill Rosie and also claimed he knew FA was town-both on N1. I wanted clarification because that looks like both a tracker result and a cop result and I did not think he could target 2 people in one night. I wanted him to clarify. Rather than doing so, he puts up a paragraph that makes no sense to me, votes for me, then Mertex says it makes sense and to be honest, that is when I get irritating to play with. There is absolutely nothing wrong with me asking the questions and wanting clarification. For that to somehow imply I'm ice scum or loyal to Avatar is just bizarre. Notice I did not call Sameech scum or vote him. I could of just let it go I suppose but bringing it up, gets the info. out there. But it seems in this game, if you bring info. out to try to help town, then you get accused of being scum. It is very annoying.

Yet, this is the game Wolf and you seem to take offense to the same things you do to others. One of the reasons I said before you were coming off as arrogant, as if we should not even consider you- and that is coming off as scummish to me. EVERYONE has it happen to them , not just you. Do you see what I mean?

I'm not going to defend myself on your arrogant claims any more. Would you like me to insult some aspect of your personality?

I am not going to waste any more time defending myself against people who are going to believe scum trying to set me up. I can guarantee if you are town, you would not like several people doing this to you, especially if one or more of them is scum and especially at this point in the game and especially over doing nothing more than trying to bring out info. and ask questions. I am now being looked at for asking about Sameech and Mertex is bringing up old shit that several were on her about.

Seriously, I can completely understand Grandma's frustration. But I'm not going to melt over it.

Have fun wasting your time. I already feel like I have.

I am not trying to insult you Wolf, it just is coming off as if you don't think anyone should question you, we should just believe your claims. If that is the case we are not doing our job of ensuring we are right on who is town. And I have had it happen to me. YOU did it to me at the start of this game and Sammich hounded me all of game 3. It's the game. We need to be sure.
I was a tracker in game 3.

The only result I got was "So and so did not visit anyone" or "so and so visited Mary". That was all I got from Wake. So I am not sure how Sam could have been so sure FA was town even if he got a no result. I don't recall him stating he was sure FA was town until AFTER he was NKed by scum. BUT again, I may have missed this, as you all know I am a bit off due to surgery/meds.

I never claimed to be the tracker. I am a night watchman. Avatar made it easy to sostion of tracking FA.
rt him out as scum of Rosie's night 1 visitors. I know who visits a target at night, not who my target visits. Wolf knew this before FA flipped town because I told her in the neighborhood when she wanted me to follow SR's suggested track of FA when I indicated I probably wouldn't sit on him as the watchman. Why she is so loyal to Avatar is beyond me, so since Avatar felt a need to point out to her that he told her there was two scum in that neighborhood, I cannot think of a better Ice Mafia candidate at the moment, especially in light of her messing up the TN lynch. She also got on the railroading me thing right after I pointed out in the neighborhood that if we mislynched, then we have to kill the fire scum player to even stay in the game. Any mislynch mathematically will eliminate us and a mass claim serves no purpose other than to help scum pick their targets.

That makes sense. Wolf was one of the first ones to try and make a big deal over my claiming that I wouldn't use the shield, and then insisting that I reveal who I was going to use it on or I would be considered Scum. That doesn't sound very Town to me. She was on my wagon, too, until I revealed I was the town Doc....
it's all very confusing...........argh........

That's right. I was on you like many were. I was not the only one. When you claim doc, I unvoted. Nice of you to remember that because not everyone did.

Yeah, Grandma was the worst, then you and Cafe and some others, maybe just tagging along. And unvoting does not signify Town.....Scum would do that to appear Town. I'm not saying that you are Scum, but some of your actions do seem to appear scummy. And, you get really irritated when you are Scum and are accused of being Scum. Just sayin................
I was a tracker in game 3.

The only result I got was "So and so did not visit anyone" or "so and so visited Mary". That was all I got from Wake. So I am not sure how Sam could have been so sure FA was town even if he got a no result. I don't recall him stating he was sure FA was town until AFTER he was NKed by scum. BUT again, I may have missed this, as you all know I am a bit off due to surgery/meds.

I never claimed to be the tracker. I am a night watchman. Avatar made it easy to sostion of tracking FA.
rt him out as scum of Rosie's night 1 visitors. I know who visits a target at night, not who my target visits. Wolf knew this before FA flipped town because I told her in the neighborhood when she wanted me to follow SR's suggested track of FA when I indicated I probably wouldn't sit on him as the watchman. Why she is so loyal to Avatar is beyond me, so since Avatar felt a need to point out to her that he told her there was two scum in that neighborhood, I cannot think of a better Ice Mafia candidate at the moment, especially in light of her messing up the TN lynch. She also got on the railroading me thing right after I pointed out in the neighborhood that if we mislynched, then we have to kill the fire scum player to even stay in the game. Any mislynch mathematically will eliminate us and a mass claim serves no purpose other than to help scum pick their targets.


@Wolfsister77 @House

Did Sameech claim tracker or watchman in your hood?

Why do you say Wolf is loyal to Avatar, Sameech?

I don't understand one thing in what Sameech posted. I have said in a few posts, he claimed Night Watchman in the hood. He claimed he saw Avi kill Rosie and also claimed he knew FA was town-both on N1. I wanted clarification because that looks like both a tracker result and a cop result and I did not think he could target 2 people in one night. I wanted him to clarify. Rather than doing so, he puts up a paragraph that makes no sense to me, votes for me, then Mertex says it makes sense and to be honest, that is when I get irritating to play with. There is absolutely nothing wrong with me asking the questions and wanting clarification. For that to somehow imply I'm ice scum or loyal to Avatar is just bizarre. Notice I did not call Sameech scum or vote him. I could of just let it go I suppose but bringing it up, gets the info. out there. But it seems in this game, if you bring info. out to try to help town, then you get accused of being scum. It is very annoying.

No need to get all alarmed.....that's what we all are doing....pointing out things that may stand out. It is true that you were adamant that I was Scum, and it is true that you kept insisting that I reveal who I was shielding or if I was even going to use it and suggested that I might be Scum if I didn't. It is true that you were on my wagon. You don't like it when you are accused of being Scum, but you accuse's all part of the game.

I'm too tired to be alarmed. I am irritated. I feel like town always shoots itself in the foot by going after players who make the most effort to participate and ask questions and put out information. Those that are exposing themselves to being read are the ones who get the scum accusations. I'd be better off lurking.
I was a tracker in game 3.

The only result I got was "So and so did not visit anyone" or "so and so visited Mary". That was all I got from Wake. So I am not sure how Sam could have been so sure FA was town even if he got a no result. I don't recall him stating he was sure FA was town until AFTER he was NKed by scum. BUT again, I may have missed this, as you all know I am a bit off due to surgery/meds.

I never claimed to be the tracker. I am a night watchman. Avatar made it easy to sostion of tracking FA.
rt him out as scum of Rosie's night 1 visitors. I know who visits a target at night, not who my target visits. Wolf knew this before FA flipped town because I told her in the neighborhood when she wanted me to follow SR's suggested track of FA when I indicated I probably wouldn't sit on him as the watchman. Why she is so loyal to Avatar is beyond me, so since Avatar felt a need to point out to her that he told her there was two scum in that neighborhood, I cannot think of a better Ice Mafia candidate at the moment, especially in light of her messing up the TN lynch. She also got on the railroading me thing right after I pointed out in the neighborhood that if we mislynched, then we have to kill the fire scum player to even stay in the game. Any mislynch mathematically will eliminate us and a mass claim serves no purpose other than to help scum pick their targets.

That makes sense. Wolf was one of the first ones to try and make a big deal over my claiming that I wouldn't use the shield, and then insisting that I reveal who I was going to use it on or I would be considered Scum. That doesn't sound very Town to me. She was on my wagon, too, until I revealed I was the town Doc....
it's all very confusing...........argh........

That's right. I was on you like many were. I was not the only one. When you claim doc, I unvoted. Nice of you to remember that because not everyone did.

Yeah, Grandma was the worst, then you and Cafe and some others, maybe just tagging along. And unvoting does not signify Town.....Scum would do that to appear Town. I'm not saying that you are Scum, but some of your actions do seem to appear scummy. And, you get really irritated when you are Scum and are accused of being Scum. Just sayin................

You were part of my scumteam in game 3. I didn't answer most accusations. I hid out and hoped it would pass and town would move on to something else. I really don't get irritated as scum being accused of being scum, I get irritated as town being accused of it when I have put as much effort as I have into figuring things out and discussing things. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who gets this way. I would recommend you watch those trying to get me like this as possible scum in the future if I am not here to do so.
I was a tracker in game 3.

The only result I got was "So and so did not visit anyone" or "so and so visited Mary". That was all I got from Wake. So I am not sure how Sam could have been so sure FA was town even if he got a no result. I don't recall him stating he was sure FA was town until AFTER he was NKed by scum. BUT again, I may have missed this, as you all know I am a bit off due to surgery/meds.

I never claimed to be the tracker. I am a night watchman. Avatar made it easy to sostion of tracking FA.
rt him out as scum of Rosie's night 1 visitors. I know who visits a target at night, not who my target visits. Wolf knew this before FA flipped town because I told her in the neighborhood when she wanted me to follow SR's suggested track of FA when I indicated I probably wouldn't sit on him as the watchman. Why she is so loyal to Avatar is beyond me, so since Avatar felt a need to point out to her that he told her there was two scum in that neighborhood, I cannot think of a better Ice Mafia candidate at the moment, especially in light of her messing up the TN lynch. She also got on the railroading me thing right after I pointed out in the neighborhood that if we mislynched, then we have to kill the fire scum player to even stay in the game. Any mislynch mathematically will eliminate us and a mass claim serves no purpose other than to help scum pick their targets.


@Wolfsister77 @House

Did Sameech claim tracker or watchman in your hood?

Why do you say Wolf is loyal to Avatar, Sameech?

I don't understand one thing in what Sameech posted. I have said in a few posts, he claimed Night Watchman in the hood. He claimed he saw Avi kill Rosie and also claimed he knew FA was town-both on N1. I wanted clarification because that looks like both a tracker result and a cop result and I did not think he could target 2 people in one night. I wanted him to clarify. Rather than doing so, he puts up a paragraph that makes no sense to me, votes for me, then Mertex says it makes sense and to be honest, that is when I get irritating to play with. There is absolutely nothing wrong with me asking the questions and wanting clarification. For that to somehow imply I'm ice scum or loyal to Avatar is just bizarre. Notice I did not call Sameech scum or vote him. I could of just let it go I suppose but bringing it up, gets the info. out there. But it seems in this game, if you bring info. out to try to help town, then you get accused of being scum. It is very annoying.

No need to get all alarmed.....that's what we all are doing....pointing out things that may stand out. It is true that you were adamant that I was Scum, and it is true that you kept insisting that I reveal who I was shielding or if I was even going to use it and suggested that I might be Scum if I didn't. It is true that you were on my wagon. You don't like it when you are accused of being Scum, but you accuse's all part of the game.

I'm too tired to be alarmed. I am irritated. I feel like town always shoots itself in the foot by going after players who make the most effort to participate and ask questions and put out information. Those that are exposing themselves to being read are the ones who get the scum accusations. I'd be better off lurking.

I think this is the issue here where I say words which may come off as wrong to you. You seem to imply you are the only one advocating and or working for town, but this is not the case at all. I will leave it at that. I am not tying to hound you.
I was a tracker in game 3.

The only result I got was "So and so did not visit anyone" or "so and so visited Mary". That was all I got from Wake. So I am not sure how Sam could have been so sure FA was town even if he got a no result. I don't recall him stating he was sure FA was town until AFTER he was NKed by scum. BUT again, I may have missed this, as you all know I am a bit off due to surgery/meds.

I never claimed to be the tracker. I am a night watchman. Avatar made it easy to sostion of tracking FA.
rt him out as scum of Rosie's night 1 visitors. I know who visits a target at night, not who my target visits. Wolf knew this before FA flipped town because I told her in the neighborhood when she wanted me to follow SR's suggested track of FA when I indicated I probably wouldn't sit on him as the watchman. Why she is so loyal to Avatar is beyond me, so since Avatar felt a need to point out to her that he told her there was two scum in that neighborhood, I cannot think of a better Ice Mafia candidate at the moment, especially in light of her messing up the TN lynch. She also got on the railroading me thing right after I pointed out in the neighborhood that if we mislynched, then we have to kill the fire scum player to even stay in the game. Any mislynch mathematically will eliminate us and a mass claim serves no purpose other than to help scum pick their targets.

That makes sense. Wolf was one of the first ones to try and make a big deal over my claiming that I wouldn't use the shield, and then insisting that I reveal who I was going to use it on or I would be considered Scum. That doesn't sound very Town to me. She was on my wagon, too, until I revealed I was the town Doc....
it's all very confusing...........argh........

That's right. I was on you like many were. I was not the only one. When you claim doc, I unvoted. Nice of you to remember that because not everyone did.

Yeah, Grandma was the worst, then you and Cafe and some others, maybe just tagging along. And unvoting does not signify Town.....Scum would do that to appear Town. I'm not saying that you are Scum, but some of your actions do seem to appear scummy. And, you get really irritated when you are Scum and are accused of being Scum. Just sayin................

Everyone does things that come off as scummy when town. That's just the way it is. I'm not worried about appearing as the towniest townie here. That's scum's job to make that effort. I don't care about that. I just want to get information so I can make the best vote possible. And that is what I am going to do and not let town get distracted with me when I know it is a waste of town's time.
I was a tracker in game 3.

The only result I got was "So and so did not visit anyone" or "so and so visited Mary". That was all I got from Wake. So I am not sure how Sam could have been so sure FA was town even if he got a no result. I don't recall him stating he was sure FA was town until AFTER he was NKed by scum. BUT again, I may have missed this, as you all know I am a bit off due to surgery/meds.

I never claimed to be the tracker. I am a night watchman. Avatar made it easy to sostion of tracking FA.
rt him out as scum of Rosie's night 1 visitors. I know who visits a target at night, not who my target visits. Wolf knew this before FA flipped town because I told her in the neighborhood when she wanted me to follow SR's suggested track of FA when I indicated I probably wouldn't sit on him as the watchman. Why she is so loyal to Avatar is beyond me, so since Avatar felt a need to point out to her that he told her there was two scum in that neighborhood, I cannot think of a better Ice Mafia candidate at the moment, especially in light of her messing up the TN lynch. She also got on the railroading me thing right after I pointed out in the neighborhood that if we mislynched, then we have to kill the fire scum player to even stay in the game. Any mislynch mathematically will eliminate us and a mass claim serves no purpose other than to help scum pick their targets.


@Wolfsister77 @House

Did Sameech claim tracker or watchman in your hood?

Why do you say Wolf is loyal to Avatar, Sameech?

I don't understand one thing in what Sameech posted. I have said in a few posts, he claimed Night Watchman in the hood. He claimed he saw Avi kill Rosie and also claimed he knew FA was town-both on N1. I wanted clarification because that looks like both a tracker result and a cop result and I did not think he could target 2 people in one night. I wanted him to clarify. Rather than doing so, he puts up a paragraph that makes no sense to me, votes for me, then Mertex says it makes sense and to be honest, that is when I get irritating to play with. There is absolutely nothing wrong with me asking the questions and wanting clarification. For that to somehow imply I'm ice scum or loyal to Avatar is just bizarre. Notice I did not call Sameech scum or vote him. I could of just let it go I suppose but bringing it up, gets the info. out there. But it seems in this game, if you bring info. out to try to help town, then you get accused of being scum. It is very annoying.

No need to get all alarmed.....that's what we all are doing....pointing out things that may stand out. It is true that you were adamant that I was Scum, and it is true that you kept insisting that I reveal who I was shielding or if I was even going to use it and suggested that I might be Scum if I didn't. It is true that you were on my wagon. You don't like it when you are accused of being Scum, but you accuse's all part of the game.

I'm too tired to be alarmed. I am irritated. I feel like town always shoots itself in the foot by going after players who make the most effort to participate and ask questions and put out information. Those that are exposing themselves to being read are the ones who get the scum accusations. I'd be better off lurking.

I think this is the issue here where I say words which may come off as wrong to you. You seem to imply you are the only one advocating and or working for town, but this is not the case at all. I will leave it at that. I am not tying to hound you.

I never once said I was the only one working for town. Not one time.
I was a tracker in game 3.

The only result I got was "So and so did not visit anyone" or "so and so visited Mary". That was all I got from Wake. So I am not sure how Sam could have been so sure FA was town even if he got a no result. I don't recall him stating he was sure FA was town until AFTER he was NKed by scum. BUT again, I may have missed this, as you all know I am a bit off due to surgery/meds.

I never claimed to be the tracker. I am a night watchman. Avatar made it easy to sostion of tracking FA.
rt him out as scum of Rosie's night 1 visitors. I know who visits a target at night, not who my target visits. Wolf knew this before FA flipped town because I told her in the neighborhood when she wanted me to follow SR's suggested track of FA when I indicated I probably wouldn't sit on him as the watchman. Why she is so loyal to Avatar is beyond me, so since Avatar felt a need to point out to her that he told her there was two scum in that neighborhood, I cannot think of a better Ice Mafia candidate at the moment, especially in light of her messing up the TN lynch. She also got on the railroading me thing right after I pointed out in the neighborhood that if we mislynched, then we have to kill the fire scum player to even stay in the game. Any mislynch mathematically will eliminate us and a mass claim serves no purpose other than to help scum pick their targets.


@Wolfsister77 @House

Did Sameech claim tracker or watchman in your hood?

Why do you say Wolf is loyal to Avatar, Sameech?

I don't understand one thing in what Sameech posted. I have said in a few posts, he claimed Night Watchman in the hood. He claimed he saw Avi kill Rosie and also claimed he knew FA was town-both on N1. I wanted clarification because that looks like both a tracker result and a cop result and I did not think he could target 2 people in one night. I wanted him to clarify. Rather than doing so, he puts up a paragraph that makes no sense to me, votes for me, then Mertex says it makes sense and to be honest, that is when I get irritating to play with. There is absolutely nothing wrong with me asking the questions and wanting clarification. For that to somehow imply I'm ice scum or loyal to Avatar is just bizarre. Notice I did not call Sameech scum or vote him. I could of just let it go I suppose but bringing it up, gets the info. out there. But it seems in this game, if you bring info. out to try to help town, then you get accused of being scum. It is very annoying.

No need to get all alarmed.....that's what we all are doing....pointing out things that may stand out. It is true that you were adamant that I was Scum, and it is true that you kept insisting that I reveal who I was shielding or if I was even going to use it and suggested that I might be Scum if I didn't. It is true that you were on my wagon. You don't like it when you are accused of being Scum, but you accuse's all part of the game.

I'm too tired to be alarmed. I am irritated. I feel like town always shoots itself in the foot by going after players who make the most effort to participate and ask questions and put out information. Those that are exposing themselves to being read are the ones who get the scum accusations. I'd be better off lurking.

I think this is the issue here where I say words which may come off as wrong to you. You seem to imply you are the only one advocating and or working for town, but this is not the case at all. I will leave it at that. I am not tying to hound you.

I never once said I was the only one working for town. Not one time.

No, you have not. But your responses seem to imply that you have worked for town and therefor because of that we should all just believe you. That is all. I was not trying to put you down I was trying to show you how you saying and or doing the same things the rest of us do, e.g., pick up on past statements or actions and bringing them forward is NOT a slight to you, but the game itself and how it works. You seem to take it personally with your responses and this reads scummy at times. I hope you can see what I am saying and not think I am bashing you.
@CaféAuLait The person who claimed they were the only one working for town was me trying to stop the Grandma lynch and get a train on scum.

I am pretty satisified that Cafe Wolf and Mertex are all town.

That leaves scum in House Sameech TSO Mathblade and Gath.
Sis your Wolf push seems relatively recent. You did have a House/Wolf sister team woth me early. Then I found this gem.

I wouldn't know how to fake a day vig. Being newer to mafia I try to avoid lying at all costs. If I play well in a game I get through it without having to lie once.

I don't see me running that gambit turning out well at all.

That is Mathblade regardong lying in the hood.

Now her story is that lying about Gath is good play...

Yes. Note the "try to avoid". It was no longer possible when you are lynch shopping.

If jailer's keys are given to Player A and scum targets Player A for their Night Kill, does Player A still receive the keys, or are they still in the hands of the original holder due to the NK cancelling them out?

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