Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

Not if FA had a scum partner.
Damn, you are confusing me. FA was Town, how could he have a Scum partner. If you meant to say Sameech, please clarify because these type of mistakes just confuses the issue.

I clarified this with Wake when I was tracker. I thought they all went together, but only one makes the kill.
Exactly, and Sameech might have been the one that made the kill that night because he said he saw Avi kill Rosie. Targeting another Scum results in getting a pm from Wake telling them they targeted Scum. And, it is possible that Sam ordered the kill that night on Avi, ergo the failed kill, but as tracker, put a tail on FA.

I know FA is town. I just was not sure how Sam would know FA was town so sure. That is all.
We have no evidence that Scum did not get tracker roles. If Sam got a tracker role, he could have tracked FA that same night.

And Wolf clarified Sam said FA was town BEFORE he was lynched. I thought it was after. I was wrong.
Mertex the point of that, and me wanting to know who you healed, is trying to track who icescum targeted definitively.

But there were so many different powers at play, there is no certain way to find out other than Wake telling us, who was targeted and why it failed.

I honestly think it may help Mertex, I don't see any reason not to say who you have protected the last few nights. I can't imagine it hurting anything. I may be wrong because I am newish to the game, but I can't see how it can hurt to state who you protected the last few nights now. If there is anyone who thinks I am wrong please speak up. I also see the point you are making it could cause confusion, but it seems to me SR is able to parse information pretty well.

Only the first night helps us.

@CaféAuLait and @Mertex the other nights give scum more information to predict Mertex's next move. The first heal gives us the ability to deduce down to me or Avatar as the likely n1 ice targets.
Not if FA had a scum partner.
Damn, you are confusing me. FA was Town, how could he have a Scum partner. If you meant to say Sameech, please clarify because these type of mistakes just confuses the issue.

I clarified this with Wake when I was tracker. I thought they all went together, but only one makes the kill.
Exactly, and Sameech might have been the one that made the kill that night because he said he saw Avi kill Rosie. Targeting another Scum results in getting a pm from Wake telling them they targeted Scum. And, it is possible that Sam ordered the kill that night on Avi, ergo the failed kill, but as tracker, put a tail on FA.

I know FA is town. I just was not sure how Sam would know FA was town so sure. That is all.
We have no evidence that Scum did not get tracker roles. If Sam got a tracker role, he could have tracked FA that same night.

And Wolf clarified Sam said FA was town BEFORE he was lynched. I thought it was after. I was wrong.

( Emphasis added)

Look, I am not confused. I am saying quite clearly. Sameech could NOT have known FA was town just from one nights results IF Sam was claiming tracker, because FA's ( if he had been scum) could have carried out the night hit. I made this statement BEFORE Sameech clarified he is claiming to be watchmen and NOT tracker given he said he is odd night only, So for him to have said he watched Avatar and FA, night one would have been impossible and he was lying. AGAIN this was Before he clarified he is claiming watchman and not tracker.
Mertex the point of that, and me wanting to know who you healed, is trying to track who icescum targeted definitively.

But there were so many different powers at play, there is no certain way to find out other than Wake telling us, who was targeted and why it failed.

I honestly think it may help Mertex, I don't see any reason not to say who you have protected the last few nights. I can't imagine it hurting anything. I may be wrong because I am newish to the game, but I can't see how it can hurt to state who you protected the last few nights now. If there is anyone who thinks I am wrong please speak up. I also see the point you are making it could cause confusion, but it seems to me SR is able to parse information pretty well.

Only the first night helps us.

@CaféAuLait and @Mertex the other nights give scum more information to predict Mertex's next move. The first heal gives us the ability to deduce down to me or Avatar as the likely n1 ice targets.

Okay, thank you for clarifying. I did not know.

"Look, I am not confused. I am saying quite clearly. Sameech could NOT have known FA was town just from one nights results IF Sam was claiming tracker, because FA's ( if he had been scum) **PARTNER could have carried out the night hit. I made this statement BEFORE Sameech clarified he is claiming to be watchmen and NOT tracker given he said he is odd night only, So for him to have said he watched Avatar and FA, night one would have been impossible and he was lying. AGAIN this was Before he clarified he is claiming watchman and not tracker".

Partner should have been in my above quote Mertex.
Mertex the point of that, and me wanting to know who you healed, is trying to track who icescum targeted definitively.

But there were so many different powers at play, there is no certain way to find out other than Wake telling us, who was targeted and why it failed.

I honestly think it may help Mertex, I don't see any reason not to say who you have protected the last few nights. I can't imagine it hurting anything. I may be wrong because I am newish to the game, but I can't see how it can hurt to state who you protected the last few nights now. If there is anyone who thinks I am wrong please speak up. I also see the point you are making it could cause confusion, but it seems to me SR is able to parse information pretty well.

Only the first night helps us.

@CaféAuLait and @Mertex the other nights give scum more information to predict Mertex's next move. The first heal gives us the ability to deduce down to me or Avatar as the likely n1 ice targets.

Okay, thank you for clarifying. I did not know.

Setup cracking is my game. The goal is to give scum as little information as possible.

With less information scum cannot plan as effectively. Scum have to get into Mertex's head.

@CafeAuLait, The above quote strongly impliesSameech icescum.

The issue stating that scum got a PR like that infers, scum could have gotten Cop and Doc as well. I don't think wake would or did randomize these PR roles. There are certain role which go to town. I think they did end up with abilities, such as yours which made you appear scummy, but you were not.
Above quote being what you just posted...

What I said implies Sameech is ice scum? He is claiming watchman now, not tracker. He said his watches someone and sees who visits them, not the other way around to see who they visit. Do you think he is lying?
Mertex, it was not just the meatshield, ( which wake said you could have used on Rosie) but I am not going back. It was not just Grandma's assertions either. Lets leave that in the past and not revisit it, Okay? It will be counterintuitive to the progress we are making as a team.

I thought the lie you were referring to was the one about you using your ability or declaring your ability.

You're the one that brought it up. If you don't want to talk about it again, don't bring it up. And, that lie that Grandma manufactured, that I had not revealed my ability, and had not activated it, that too, made me look Scummy or you all wouldn't have jumped on me like you did.
Mertex, it was not just the meatshield, ( which wake said you could have used on Rosie) but I am not going back. It was not just Grandma's assertions either. Lets leave that in the past and not revisit it, Okay? It will be counterintuitive to the progress we are making as a team.

I thought the lie you were referring to was the one about you using your ability or declaring your ability.

You're the one that brought it up. If you don't want to talk about it again, don't bring it up. And, that lie that Grandma manufactured, that I had not revealed my ability, and had not activated it, that too, made me look Scummy or you all wouldn't have jumped on me like you did.

No, I did not. My initial post was replying to your post 4019, where you mentioned it. You mentioned it believing Aye was town since she could have never said anything as scum according to you. I replied about Rosie verifying your claims as I thought you were speaking about your ability and you saying Grandma was lying about that.
Anyway, It's pointless to discuss it further. It is in the past. Let's move on, as I said it seems as if we may be getting somewhere. Lets continue to move forward, okay?
I was a tracker in game 3.

The only result I got was "So and so did not visit anyone" or "so and so visited Mary". That was all I got from Wake. So I am not sure how Sam could have been so sure FA was town even if he got a no result. I don't recall him stating he was sure FA was town until AFTER he was NKed by scum. BUT again, I may have missed this, as you all know I am a bit off due to surgery/meds.

I never claimed to be the tracker. I am a night watchman. Avatar made it easy to sostion of tracking FA.
rt him out as scum of Rosie's night 1 visitors. I know who visits a target at night, not who my target visits. Wolf knew this before FA flipped town because I told her in the neighborhood when she wanted me to follow SR's suggested track of FA when I indicated I probably wouldn't sit on him as the watchman. Why she is so loyal to Avatar is beyond me, so since Avatar felt a need to point out to her that he told her there was two scum in that neighborhood, I cannot think of a better Ice Mafia candidate at the moment, especially in light of her messing up the TN lynch. She also got on the railroading me thing right after I pointed out in the neighborhood that if we mislynched, then we have to kill the fire scum player to even stay in the game. Any mislynch mathematically will eliminate us and a mass claim serves no purpose other than to help scum pick their targets.

That makes sense. Wolf was one of the first ones to try and make a big deal over my claiming that I wouldn't use the shield, and then insisting that I reveal who I was going to use it on or I would be considered Scum. That doesn't sound very Town to me. She was on my wagon, too, until I revealed I was the town Doc....
it's all very confusing...........argh........
I was a tracker in game 3.

The only result I got was "So and so did not visit anyone" or "so and so visited Mary". That was all I got from Wake. So I am not sure how Sam could have been so sure FA was town even if he got a no result. I don't recall him stating he was sure FA was town until AFTER he was NKed by scum. BUT again, I may have missed this, as you all know I am a bit off due to surgery/meds.

I never claimed to be the tracker. I am a night watchman. Avatar made it easy to sostion of tracking FA.
rt him out as scum of Rosie's night 1 visitors. I know who visits a target at night, not who my target visits. Wolf knew this before FA flipped town because I told her in the neighborhood when she wanted me to follow SR's suggested track of FA when I indicated I probably wouldn't sit on him as the watchman. Why she is so loyal to Avatar is beyond me, so since Avatar felt a need to point out to her that he told her there was two scum in that neighborhood, I cannot think of a better Ice Mafia candidate at the moment, especially in light of her messing up the TN lynch. She also got on the railroading me thing right after I pointed out in the neighborhood that if we mislynched, then we have to kill the fire scum player to even stay in the game. Any mislynch mathematically will eliminate us and a mass claim serves no purpose other than to help scum pick their targets.


@Wolfsister77 @House

Did Sameech claim tracker or watchman in your hood?

Why do you say Wolf is loyal to Avatar, Sameech?
I was a tracker in game 3.

The only result I got was "So and so did not visit anyone" or "so and so visited Mary". That was all I got from Wake. So I am not sure how Sam could have been so sure FA was town even if he got a no result. I don't recall him stating he was sure FA was town until AFTER he was NKed by scum. BUT again, I may have missed this, as you all know I am a bit off due to surgery/meds.

I never claimed to be the tracker. I am a night watchman. Avatar made it easy to sostion of tracking FA.
rt him out as scum of Rosie's night 1 visitors. I know who visits a target at night, not who my target visits. Wolf knew this before FA flipped town because I told her in the neighborhood when she wanted me to follow SR's suggested track of FA when I indicated I probably wouldn't sit on him as the watchman. Why she is so loyal to Avatar is beyond me, so since Avatar felt a need to point out to her that he told her there was two scum in that neighborhood, I cannot think of a better Ice Mafia candidate at the moment, especially in light of her messing up the TN lynch. She also got on the railroading me thing right after I pointed out in the neighborhood that if we mislynched, then we have to kill the fire scum player to even stay in the game. Any mislynch mathematically will eliminate us and a mass claim serves no purpose other than to help scum pick their targets.


@Wolfsister77 @House

Did Sameech claim tracker or watchman in your hood?

Why do you say Wolf is loyal to Avatar, Sameech?

I don't understand one thing in what Sameech posted. I have said in a few posts, he claimed Night Watchman in the hood. He claimed he saw Avi kill Rosie and also claimed he knew FA was town-both on N1. I wanted clarification because that looks like both a tracker result and a cop result and I did not think he could target 2 people in one night. I wanted him to clarify. Rather than doing so, he puts up a paragraph that makes no sense to me, votes for me, then Mertex says it makes sense and to be honest, that is when I get irritating to play with. There is absolutely nothing wrong with me asking the questions and wanting clarification. For that to somehow imply I'm ice scum or loyal to Avatar is just bizarre. Notice I did not call Sameech scum or vote him. I could of just let it go I suppose but bringing it up, gets the info. out there. But it seems in this game, if you bring info. out to try to help town, then you get accused of being scum. It is very annoying.
I was a tracker in game 3.

The only result I got was "So and so did not visit anyone" or "so and so visited Mary". That was all I got from Wake. So I am not sure how Sam could have been so sure FA was town even if he got a no result. I don't recall him stating he was sure FA was town until AFTER he was NKed by scum. BUT again, I may have missed this, as you all know I am a bit off due to surgery/meds.

I never claimed to be the tracker. I am a night watchman. Avatar made it easy to sostion of tracking FA.
rt him out as scum of Rosie's night 1 visitors. I know who visits a target at night, not who my target visits. Wolf knew this before FA flipped town because I told her in the neighborhood when she wanted me to follow SR's suggested track of FA when I indicated I probably wouldn't sit on him as the watchman. Why she is so loyal to Avatar is beyond me, so since Avatar felt a need to point out to her that he told her there was two scum in that neighborhood, I cannot think of a better Ice Mafia candidate at the moment, especially in light of her messing up the TN lynch. She also got on the railroading me thing right after I pointed out in the neighborhood that if we mislynched, then we have to kill the fire scum player to even stay in the game. Any mislynch mathematically will eliminate us and a mass claim serves no purpose other than to help scum pick their targets.

That makes sense. Wolf was one of the first ones to try and make a big deal over my claiming that I wouldn't use the shield, and then insisting that I reveal who I was going to use it on or I would be considered Scum. That doesn't sound very Town to me. She was on my wagon, too, until I revealed I was the town Doc....
it's all very confusing...........argh........
Yeah it is. I wish y'all could read my hood. Day one and two I waffled about Wolf scum. It was only later I started really being convinced.

I just hope that y'all can see what I see eventually.
I was a tracker in game 3.

The only result I got was "So and so did not visit anyone" or "so and so visited Mary". That was all I got from Wake. So I am not sure how Sam could have been so sure FA was town even if he got a no result. I don't recall him stating he was sure FA was town until AFTER he was NKed by scum. BUT again, I may have missed this, as you all know I am a bit off due to surgery/meds.

I never claimed to be the tracker. I am a night watchman. Avatar made it easy to sostion of tracking FA.
rt him out as scum of Rosie's night 1 visitors. I know who visits a target at night, not who my target visits. Wolf knew this before FA flipped town because I told her in the neighborhood when she wanted me to follow SR's suggested track of FA when I indicated I probably wouldn't sit on him as the watchman. Why she is so loyal to Avatar is beyond me, so since Avatar felt a need to point out to her that he told her there was two scum in that neighborhood, I cannot think of a better Ice Mafia candidate at the moment, especially in light of her messing up the TN lynch. She also got on the railroading me thing right after I pointed out in the neighborhood that if we mislynched, then we have to kill the fire scum player to even stay in the game. Any mislynch mathematically will eliminate us and a mass claim serves no purpose other than to help scum pick their targets.

That makes sense. Wolf was one of the first ones to try and make a big deal over my claiming that I wouldn't use the shield, and then insisting that I reveal who I was going to use it on or I would be considered Scum. That doesn't sound very Town to me. She was on my wagon, too, until I revealed I was the town Doc....
it's all very confusing...........argh........

That's right. I was on you like many were. I was not the only one. When you claim doc, I unvoted. Nice of you to remember that because not everyone did.

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