Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

If the "Know" is from a power or confidence or if he is lying?

That's the question, innit?

Can you please double check House?

Official USMB Mafia Game 5 A Game of Fire and Ice Page 139 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Wolf states it is post 641 in your hood where Sam claimed this for FA. We already have the post for Avatar's lynch.

Sam stated that he "knew" from night one that FA was town, but doesn't specify how he "knew".

Wolf says differently in the post above. She said it was because "he knows that because he's a Night Watchman and not a Tracker."

Official USMB Mafia Game 5 A Game of Fire and Ice Page 139 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

This is where Sam needs to step in to clear up the WIFOM, because I'm not sure what to make of it.

The first sentence in post 641 went pretty much exactly as I stated. The following post was him saying that outing FA's status would out his own (as a watchman or tracker).

This is where the water gets muddy for me, and I bow down to the larger craniums to sort the details.
@Wolfsister77 What was the context of Sameech knowing FA was town?

I wish I could copy 641 word for word but paraphrasing he said FA is town, from N1, and he knows that because he's a Night Watchman and not a Tracker.

Wol'fs post above @House and @MathBlade

Wolf's post calls for a conclusion. He stated he couldn't share FA's status without revealing he was night watchman instead of a tracker, but he doesn't say, "I knew FA was town because I am a night watchman."

Again, this is me splitting hairs. I simply don't know the game mechanics well enough to know where Sam was coming from (regardless of some people's opinions to the contrary).
@Wolfsister77 What was the context of Sameech knowing FA was town?

I wish I could copy 641 word for word but paraphrasing he said FA is town, from N1, and he knows that because he's a Night Watchman and not a Tracker.

Wol'fs post above @House and @MathBlade
Not sure what you are expecting here. It is just WIFOM. I just think it is confidence and attempting a mislynch but I don't have the words for input so I was avoiding commenting as I don't know 100% certain. IMO I think Sameech gave us scum and was right on FA. If Sameech is ever hurtful to town that is when I would consider him scum. There are much better suspects and I think Avi was trying to take out a PR.
@Wolfsister77 What was the context of Sameech knowing FA was town?

I wish I could copy 641 word for word but paraphrasing he said FA is town, from N1, and he knows that because he's a Night Watchman and not a Tracker.

Wol'fs post above @House and @MathBlade

Wolf's post calls for a conclusion. He stated he couldn't share FA's status without revealing he was night watchman instead of a tracker, but he doesn't say, "I knew FA was town because I am a night watchman."

Again, this is me splitting hairs. I simply don't know the game mechanics well enough to know where Sam was coming from (regardless of some people's opinions to the contrary).

The inference sounds as if he was saying he knew FA's status to me based on his PR. I understand where you are coming from, but it sounds like you and Wolf are sharing or reading the same thing to me.
If this had come up D1 or D2, I'd have been much more likely to believe that Sam's post would be scummy, but after almost participating in a mislynch I'm much more careful about jumping to conclusions now.

I don't know this game well enough to make assumptions on how people know things they know, so I'm looking for things that are indicative of scum on their own merits without the need for guess work.
@Wolfsister77 What was the context of Sameech knowing FA was town?

I wish I could copy 641 word for word but paraphrasing he said FA is town, from N1, and he knows that because he's a Night Watchman and not a Tracker.

Wol'fs post above @House and @MathBlade
Not sure what you are expecting here. It is just WIFOM. I just think it is confidence and attempting a mislynch but I don't have the words for input so I was avoiding commenting as I don't know 100% certain. IMO I think Sameech gave us scum and was right on FA. If Sameech is ever hurtful to town that is when I would consider him scum. There are much better suspects and I think Avi was trying to take out a PR.

It is not WIFOM.

If he stated he knew FA's status all the while stating he knew Avatar killed Rosie based on the same PR and the same night, it's impossible. He only gets results for one player Rosie. So whoever visited Rosie that night would have been it. FA did not, Wake has already clarified the giving of the keys was a day action.

No one is advocating a lynch right now. We are looking for information. Period. Avatar HAS nothing to do with what is happening now. It is past statements catching up to Sam. A conflicting statement and possible scumslip. Exactly what we are looking for.

I do think it's noteworthy that you expect us to lynch SR based on your neighborhood chatter though. Ill pack that away with the other tidbits I have gleened as well.
If this had come up D1 or D2, I'd have been much more likely to believe that Sam's post would be scummy, but after almost participating in a mislynch I'm much more careful about jumping to conclusions now.

I don't know this game well enough to make assumptions on how people know things they know, so I'm looking for things that are indicative of scum on their own merits without the need for guess work.

I agree we can't jump to conclusions. But it sounds like a scumslip. A big one at that.
If this had come up D1 or D2, I'd have been much more likely to believe that Sam's post would be scummy, but after almost participating in a mislynch I'm much more careful about jumping to conclusions now.

I don't know this game well enough to make assumptions on how people know things they know, so I'm looking for things that are indicative of scum on their own merits without the need for guess work.

I agree we can't jump to conclusions. But it sounds like a scumslip. A big one at that.

Which is why I'm leaving it to you folks to sort out, because it's all over my head.

Vote Count 4.3

ScarletRage (2):
Mathblade, Mertex
Sgt_Gath (1): ScarletRage
Sameech (1): Sgt_Gath
Wolfsister77 (1): Sameech

Not Voting (5):
T S O, AyeCantSeeYou, CafeAuLait, House, Wolfsister77

With 10 alive, it takes 6 to lynch!
Deadline is 9/14/14, @ 9AM central.

[CafeAuLait] - Neighborize!
Select five other players. You and them will now be Neighbors, and have your very own Neighborhood. This effect lasts until the end of the game. This ability cannot be activated if less than six players are alive.

[Mertex] - Nimble Fingers
Select one player and steal his or her "
" ability. You may not target a player who has already used an "
" ability. You may only activate this ability during Day 1 or 2.

[Grandma] - Invulnerability
Shield yourself from all kill attempts the following Night. This ability may only be used during Day 1.

[House] - Revelation!
Target two players. The Mod publicly reveals their "" abilities for all to see.

[Shaitra] - Human Shield
Gain "1-Shot Meat Shield" status. You may guard one player during the Night, and if he or she would die, you will die instead.

[tn5421] - Elementalism
Select one player, and select either "Ice" or "Fire." That player will be protected from being killed by a Mafia team of that element the following Night. May only be activated during Day 1 or Day 2.

[Sgt_Gath] - Jailer's Keys
Select and give one player "1-Shot Jailkeeper" status. This means your target can jail one person once during the Night. A person that is jailed cannot be killed during that Night, but he or she also isn't able to use any abilities.

[RosieS] - Double Trouble
Target and give one player another chance to use his or her "" ability again. Cannot be used on players who haven't used an "" ability. May only be activated during Day 1 or 2.

[FA_Q2] - Recycle
Take one "" ability that has already been activated, and activate it as your own. You may only use this effect during Days 1 or 2.

[Wolfsister77] - Blockade
Select one player with two or more votes on his or her wagon. Remove two of those votes, and the players who had cast those two votes may not vote for that player again during this Day. This ability may only be activated during Day 1 or 2.

[ScarletRage] - Swapper
Select two other players who haven't used their "" abilities. The Mod will swap them. This power may only be used once, during Days 1, 2, or 3.

[MeBelle60] - Forceful Swipe
Select and force one player to activate his or her "" ability.

[Moonglow] - Tough Decision
Select five other players. Those five must cast special votes to decide which one of them will be roleblocked the following Night. They will vote by posting "Roleblock: Player's Name." Failure to come to a majority vote that Day results in all five players being roleblocked the following Night. This ability may only be activated during Days 1 or 2.

[Sameech] - Inspection
Choose one player. The Mod will secretly tell you via PM what that player's "" ability is. To activate, post "Inspect: Player's Name."

[AyeCantSeeYou] - Revengeance
If you are lynched this Day, you may then select and kill one player. You may not activate this ability after you've been lynched. This ability may only be used during Day 1 or 2.

[Avatar4321] - Negation
Select one player. He or she will not be able to use his or her "" ability until the following Day.

If this had come up D1 or D2, I'd have been much more likely to believe that Sam's post would be scummy, but after almost participating in a mislynch I'm much more careful about jumping to conclusions now.

I don't know this game well enough to make assumptions on how people know things they know, so I'm looking for things that are indicative of scum on their own merits without the need for guess work.

I agree we can't jump to conclusions. But it sounds like a scumslip. A big one at that.

I think it is a scumslip and a lie. He's doing nothing to clear it up except vote me and saying I'm scum. He did say in that post that he checked FA on N1 and that FA is town. He also said he knew Avi carried out the NK on Rosie N1. The post were he said FA was town, he said he didn't say it in thread because he didn't want to reveal he is a Night Watchman and not a Tracker. He was trying to confuse scum. Now that he thinks I'm scum, he won't talk about this there so hopefully he will clear it up here. If not, this is info. for a a future lynch. He also never said who he watched N3.
@Wolfsister77 What was the context of Sameech knowing FA was town?

I wish I could copy 641 word for word but paraphrasing he said FA is town, from N1, and he knows that because he's a Night Watchman and not a Tracker.

Wol'fs post above @House and @MathBlade
Not sure what you are expecting here. It is just WIFOM. I just think it is confidence and attempting a mislynch but I don't have the words for input so I was avoiding commenting as I don't know 100% certain. IMO I think Sameech gave us scum and was right on FA. If Sameech is ever hurtful to town that is when I would consider him scum. There are much better suspects and I think Avi was trying to take out a PR.

It is not WIFOM.

If he stated he knew FA's status all the while stating he knew Avatar killed Rosie based on the same PR and the same night, it's impossible. He only gets results for one player Rosie. So whoever visited Rosie that night would have been it. FA did not, Wake has already clarified the giving of the keys was a day action.

No one is advocating a lynch right now. We are looking for information. Period. Avatar HAS nothing to do with what is happening now. It is past statements catching up to Sam. A conflicting statement and possible scumslip. Exactly what we are looking for.

I do think it's noteworthy that you expect us to lynch SR based on your neighborhood chatter though. Ill pack that away with the other tidbits I have gleened as well.

The neighborhood statements were part of it. Those were corroborated by FA and was as soon as I joined the game. :(

They are not my entire case either. If you feel that way it is possible maybe I did not explain well enough.
Oh and I don't know about the Day one or Day two thing. Is it is a scum slip it needs to be addressed this day.

If this had come up D1 or D2, I'd have been much more likely to believe that Sam's post would be scummy, but after almost participating in a mislynch I'm much more careful about jumping to conclusions now.

I don't know this game well enough to make assumptions on how people know things they know, so I'm looking for things that are indicative of scum on their own merits without the need for guess work.

I agree we can't jump to conclusions. But it sounds like a scumslip. A big one at that.

Which is why I'm leaving it to you folks to sort out, because it's all over my head.

What do you think is over your head.

it seemed as if he was saying it was his ability which allowed him to know FA's status? Or is that questionable? Is that what you are stating?
I think the reason Sameech is helping town is because it helps him. He is either a town PR or ice scum who wants to get rid of fire. He is the best one to clear this up and if he doesn't, that is damning in and of itself.
@Wolfsister77 What was the context of Sameech knowing FA was town?

I wish I could copy 641 word for word but paraphrasing he said FA is town, from N1, and he knows that because he's a Night Watchman and not a Tracker.

Wol'fs post above @House and @MathBlade
Not sure what you are expecting here. It is just WIFOM. I just think it is confidence and attempting a mislynch but I don't have the words for input so I was avoiding commenting as I don't know 100% certain. IMO I think Sameech gave us scum and was right on FA. If Sameech is ever hurtful to town that is when I would consider him scum. There are much better suspects and I think Avi was trying to take out a PR.

It is not WIFOM.

If he stated he knew FA's status all the while stating he knew Avatar killed Rosie based on the same PR and the same night, it's impossible. He only gets results for one player Rosie. So whoever visited Rosie that night would have been it. FA did not, Wake has already clarified the giving of the keys was a day action.

No one is advocating a lynch right now. We are looking for information. Period. Avatar HAS nothing to do with what is happening now. It is past statements catching up to Sam. A conflicting statement and possible scumslip. Exactly what we are looking for.

I do think it's noteworthy that you expect us to lynch SR based on your neighborhood chatter though. Ill pack that away with the other tidbits I have gleened as well.

The neighborhood statements were part of it. Those were corroborated by FA and was as soon as I joined the game. :(

They are not my entire case either. If you feel that way it is possible maybe I did not explain well enough.

FA did speak in Central. I will go back and check to see what he was saying about you and SR. My point is, if there are scumslips, as you believed in your hood with SR, you seem to argue that is not WIfOM, but this seeming scumslip on Sammech's part is WIFOM? It did seem as if you rested a lot of your case on SR based on neighborhood chatter though to be honest.

Moving onto Sam now.

Like I said, it has nothing to do with Avatar's statement, throw that in the trash. That would be WiFOM to me.

Sam can't know the status of both Avatar and FA on the same night, his PR won't allow it. The other thing I find of note is his saying watcher and tracker. why not just settle on one? He already outed his PR, does it matter which? Know what I mean?
House said it was over his head.

I am in agreement. That sounds like a slip. A night watchman should not see a VT much less have knowledge they are clear. This sounds like icescum hit Avatar and not me.

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