Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

does anyone have a legitimate reason they're not voting Gath?

I'm still playing catchup and had like 52 Alerts in the day I was away. I usually forget Gath is in the game until somebody mentions him, but he is a newby I think. Did he faux pas something yesterday when I was away because you are the second person who has asked about him.

At the moment I am comfortable with my vote on Wolf especially since she seemed to be happy in the QT that she got a reaction out of Ayes. Emotional reactionary play is the last thing we need right now, let alone trying to be illiciting. That is fine on Day 1 or 2 to do some info teasing IMO, but not when we are at a make or break point in the game.

LOL! Do tell us.
So now you think I'm scum?

PoE-You are the likeliest choice right now.

PoE points to House or Mathblade. Icescum would be threatened by an iceproof townie and try to lynch them as a) fire scum or b) town they cannot kill. House's recent doubting of Mertex out of nowhere causes me to elevate him up more.

@sameech You still have yet to explain how you knew FA was town based on your claim.

@tso! My good reason is Sameech is confirmed scum.

Why should I explain to scum anything? You and Wolf were the ones who were both focused on my night 3 choice being SR, I disclosed I would not be going there, now SR is dead so you and Wolf are on the same Ice Mafia Team, and you and Wolf are both sitting on me because the idea of mislynching someone they know is not scum gives them the twilight to coordinate shots on town with Fire Mafia and you are frothing at the bit. You both thought I was a tracker and not a night watchman, and Wolf even continued your group misconception into the game thread. I discussed it in Central and I am not discussing it further. If you want to kill me, kill me. It just means that town will be mathematically eliminated from being able to win if they do not precisely hit the fire scum on the lynch tomorrow. Personally, you both were foolish enough to fall into my gambit, and I would prefer to kill Wolf first so I would stop having to listen to her nonsense in two threads. As long as we kill one of your team today, we can survive by killing a person from either team tomorrow and avoid the chance of one of the Ice scum outing themselves at twilight to coordinate night targets. It is pretty simple. Wolf has dragged your team down.
So now you think I'm scum?

PoE-You are the likeliest choice right now.

PoE points to House or Mathblade. Icescum would be threatened by an iceproof townie and try to lynch them as a) fire scum or b) town they cannot kill. House's recent doubting of Mertex out of nowhere causes me to elevate him up more.

@sameech You still have yet to explain how you knew FA was town based on your claim.

@tso! My good reason is Sameech is confirmed scum.

Why should I explain to scum anything? You and Wolf were the ones who were both focused on my night 3 choice being SR, I disclosed I would not be going there, now SR is dead so you and Wolf are on the same Ice Mafia Team, and you and Wolf are both sitting on me because the idea of mislynching someone they know is not scum gives them the twilight to coordinate shots on town with Fire Mafia and you are frothing at the bit. You both thought I was a tracker and not a night watchman, and Wolf even continued your group misconception into the game thread. I discussed it in Central and I am not discussing it further. If you want to kill me, kill me. It just means that town will be mathematically eliminated from being able to win if they do not precisely hit the fire scum on the lynch tomorrow. Personally, you both were foolish enough to fall into my gambit, and I would prefer to kill Wolf first so I would stop having to listen to her nonsense in two threads. As long as we kill one of your team today, we can survive by killing a person from either team tomorrow and avoid the chance of one of the Ice scum outing themselves at twilight to coordinate night targets. It is pretty simple. Wolf has dragged your team down.

I got no defense. I didn't bother to read defense. Cool.
I would prefer to kill Wolf first so I would stop having to listen to her nonsense in two threads.

And here I thought all this friendly chatter in the QT when I didn't think you were scum was real. Now I know you want to kill me to shut me up.

That hurts. :(


You are here. Sam stated in Central that he purposely said FA was town as a gambit.

Can you please go to your QT and tell me the Dates he first mentioned FA was town due to his PR, and or prior when he may have hinted at it.

This is what I was trying to get to before. WHY did he say FA was town. Were you all trying to lynch FA or just discussing possibilities of scum candidates?
I would prefer to kill Wolf first so I would stop having to listen to her nonsense in two threads.

And here I thought all this friendly chatter in the QT when I didn't think you were scum was real. Now I know you want to kill me to shut me up.

That hurts. :(


You are here. Sam stated in Central that he purposely said FA was town as a gambit.

Can you please go to your QT and tell me the Dates he first mentioned FA was town due to his PR, and or prior when he may have hinted at it.

This is what I was trying to get to before. WHY did he say FA was town. Were you all trying to lynch FA or just discussing possibilities of scum candidates?

I'm here off and on. Kind of busy.

First discussion was post 640 on 9-4 around 10pm Central, I said maybe FA would be a good one to look at. I was talking about possible scum candidates because I thought FA was defensive when I said scum must be in Central or South by telling me they could be anywhere. So I was saying maybe he was scum.

Post 641-9-4 not long after that, Sameech said he knows FA is town from N1 but didn't reveal it in the thread because then he'd have to reveal he's a Night Watchman and not a tracker.

That's the first time FA was mentioned.
09-08 Sam is saying he suspects Wolf, that he told her in their neighborhood the night before that he knew FA was town, he wasn't worried, then FA dies, flips town, and she starts WIFOM'ing.

POST 827
09-09 Sam told you he did not specifically tell you who he'd be watching. Said SR mentioned in the game thread FA was her suspect. Wolf suggested he follow SR. He clarified to them he wasn't a tracker, but a night watchman.

Nothing in either of those says what you claim.

Where in Central did Sam say that? I've looked and don't see it.

POST 831
09-09 Sam is saying Wolf is acting odd in the neighborhood, all WIFOM'ing more so in there than in the game thread. Says he told his neighborhood what he did about FA as a gambit to see what would happen next. Goes on to say he only did that because of suspicions about Wolf.
And 4542 here on the game thread Aye. Hummmmm Aye, hummmmm. What gives?

Sounds to me like Sam is telling the truth more so than Wolf. Sam hasn't given me any reason to not believe him in Central or in the game thread.
Everything I have said here from the neighborhood has been backed up by another player and has been straight up truth. It is plainly obvious that Sameech has decided to set me up for a mislynch and that Aye is going to help him. She was the first one to bring this gambit business up in the thread yesterday before Sameech said a word about it. Now she won't go along with what Cafe is saying and says she believe Sameech over me.

It is plainly obvious these two are ice mafia and want to mislynch me today. I am even more certain that I want to lynch Sameech over Gath now.

I would not let them get to you Cafe. It is plainly obvious they are using Central as another base to attack from.

It'll be fine as long as we stick with our plan.
Sam is still being pretty remarkably silent.

Has he even offered a defense yet, or has he simply evaded?
Here's Aye's post yesterday around noon about the gambit before Sameech said a word about a gambit here in the thread and I'm assuming in Central also-Cafe you can check that out for sure.

Could be Sam said that about FA as a gambit to see who'd pick it up and run with it. It wouldn't be the first time someone in this game has tried one of those.

So really town. Remain calm. Do not let scum distract or cause mischief. And we will win this thing.
This is really hard to tell without being able to look at the neighborhood. My gut says he is truthful but this is a lot against him.

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