Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

So tired. Too much driving yesterday and too many bad dreams last night. I'll catch up this evening. What is the VC?

Rough guesstimate... you have enogh votes to be swinging from the gallows, but for our patience & caution against a possible mislynch.

The evidence seems pretty damning, though.

Vote Count 4.4

Sameech (2):
Sgt_Gath, ScarletRage
Sgt_Gath (1): T S O
Wolfsister77 (1): Sameech

Not Voting (6):
AyeCantSeeYou, House, CafeAuLait, Mathblade, Mertex, Wolfsister77

With 10 alive, it takes 6 to lynch!
Deadline is 9/14/14, @ 9AM central.
Wow, you guys are really active! Good play, everyone! This game has been awesome. :D
Never apologize for changing votes. It's my pleasure that you guys are active and having fun. :p

[CafeAuLait] - Neighborize!
Select five other players. You and them will now be Neighbors, and have your very own Neighborhood. This effect lasts until the end of the game. This ability cannot be activated if less than six players are alive.

[Mertex] - Nimble Fingers
Select one player and steal his or her "
" ability. You may not target a player who has already used an "
" ability. You may only activate this ability during Day 1 or 2.

[Grandma] - Invulnerability
Shield yourself from all kill attempts the following Night. This ability may only be used during Day 1.

[House] - Revelation!
Target two players. The Mod publicly reveals their "" abilities for all to see.

[Shaitra] - Human Shield
Gain "1-Shot Meat Shield" status. You may guard one player during the Night, and if he or she would die, you will die instead.

[tn5421] - Elementalism
Select one player, and select either "Ice" or "Fire." That player will be protected from being killed by a Mafia team of that element the following Night. May only be activated during Day 1 or Day 2.

[Sgt_Gath] - Jailer's Keys
Select and give one player "1-Shot Jailkeeper" status. This means your target can jail one person once during the Night. A person that is jailed cannot be killed during that Night, but he or she also isn't able to use any abilities.

[RosieS] - Double Trouble
Target and give one player another chance to use his or her "" ability again. Cannot be used on players who haven't used an "" ability. May only be activated during Day 1 or 2.

[FA_Q2] - Recycle
Take one "" ability that has already been activated, and activate it as your own. You may only use this effect during Days 1 or 2.

[Wolfsister77] - Blockade
Select one player with two or more votes on his or her wagon. Remove two of those votes, and the players who had cast those two votes may not vote for that player again during this Day. This ability may only be activated during Day 1 or 2.

[ScarletRage] - Swapper
Select two other players who haven't used their "" abilities. The Mod will swap them. This power may only be used once, during Days 1, 2, or 3.

[MeBelle60] - Forceful Swipe
Select and force one player to activate his or her "" ability.

[Moonglow] - Tough Decision
Select five other players. Those five must cast special votes to decide which one of them will be roleblocked the following Night. They will vote by posting "Roleblock: Player's Name." Failure to come to a majority vote that Day results in all five players being roleblocked the following Night. This ability may only be activated during Days 1 or 2.

[Sameech] - Inspection
Choose one player. The Mod will secretly tell you via PM what that player's "" ability is. To activate, post "Inspect: Player's Name."

[AyeCantSeeYou] - Revengeance
If you are lynched this Day, you may then select and kill one player. You may not activate this ability after you've been lynched. This ability may only be used during Day 1 or 2.

[Avatar4321] - Negation
Select one player. He or she will not be able to use his or her "" ability until the following Day.

I feel like a detective.

And the currently alive crop of players are a blast. :biggrin:

Activity definitely makes things more interesting. Like I said, I usually don't last this long so it has been nice, despite some doh errors on my part, that many of us have worked together to figure some of this out. A perfect example of how scary town working together can be for scum.

Of course, is isn't over yet. My current plan is to wait until Sat. and vote Sameech or Gath if something changes with anything Sameech says. Hopefully, the last jailer is out there and Mertex will be back and we can minimize any damage overnight.

The only other good discussion is maybe figuring out who the second ice scum is. Taking Gath and Sameech out of the picture, and the solid townies-the choices are Aye, TSO, mathblade. So hopefully this becomes more clear in the coming day. If I had to pick right now, I'd go with Aye out of those 3. Yep, I changed my mind on mathblade for now and TSO is not really that scummy. Aye on the other hand, has been flying under the radar.
Actually, it doesn't matter what Sameech says, he's my vote on Sat. For the record, my scum choices:

-Sgt_Gath: Fire Scum

-Sameech: Ice Scum

-AyeCan'tSeeYou: Ice Scum

This post is for town in case I'm not here at the end.
Some people really don't know when to stop thinking, do they?
If I were ICE, I would have already taken Mertex out of the game. DUH!!!! Try another theory.
Not necessarily, because Ice and Fire both shot at Mertex and missed, therefore they'd aim for someone else most likely.
Not necessarily, because Ice and Fire both shot at Mertex and missed, therefore they'd aim for someone else most likely.

And you know as a fact Mertex was targeted? Do tell! I don't know that since I'm town.

You are not a target Aye, just a suspect right now. No need to get upset.

I'm not anywhere near being upset. I just find it odd that you are so willing and ready to jump at anyone that hasn't been lynched or NK'd in this game. Your reasoning a few posts up was what?

....... TSO is not really that scummy. Aye on the other hand, has been flying under the radar.

Yeah, that really makes a whole lot of sense, huh?
It is logical deduction that Mertex was the target because she was the only outed PR at the time and who else would scum both shoot at?

I'm not going to get in a fight. I am only trying to get my info. out there for town to use, in case I am not around at the end.

mathblade seems genuinely upset that she was wrong about SR and TSO has made some fairly townie posts since replacing in.

Aye-Only two reasons-PoE and like I said, not doing anything to stand out. It's standard scum play what her and Gath are doing. Nothing personal.

The both do react when called out but that could be either town or scum defensiveness.

Anyway, My plan is in place for today and like I said, just putting this post out there for town to digest.
Also, Keep in mind town, deadline is 9AM Central on Sunday. So we need to all have our votes in BEFORE then. A NL isn't really acceptable.

Have a good one. :)
does anyone have a legitimate reason they're not voting Gath?

I'm still playing catchup and had like 52 Alerts in the day I was away. I usually forget Gath is in the game until somebody mentions him, but he is a newby I think. Did he faux pas something yesterday when I was away because you are the second person who has asked about him.

At the moment I am comfortable with my vote on Wolf especially since she seemed to be happy in the QT that she got a reaction out of Ayes. Emotional reactionary play is the last thing we need right now, let alone trying to be illiciting. That is fine on Day 1 or 2 to do some info teasing IMO, but not when we are at a make or break point in the game.
So now you think I'm scum?

PoE-You are the likeliest choice right now.

PoE points to House or Mathblade. Icescum would be threatened by an iceproof townie and try to lynch them as a) fire scum or b) town they cannot kill. House's recent doubting of Mertex out of nowhere causes me to elevate him up more.

@sameech You still have yet to explain how you knew FA was town based on your claim.

@tso! My good reason is Sameech is confirmed scum.

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