Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

does anyone have a legitimate reason they're not voting Gath?


I've been riding the fence mainly to see how the Sam thing plays out, but I still believe taking out fire is more beneficial to town.

I have no beef with voting Sam tomorrow, but for today I Vote: SGT_Gath
Here's Aye's post yesterday around noon about the gambit before Sameech said a word about a gambit here in the thread and I'm assuming in Central also-Cafe you can check that out for sure.

Could be Sam said that about FA as a gambit to see who'd pick it up and run with it. It wouldn't be the first time someone in this game has tried one of those.

So really town. Remain calm. Do not let scum distract or cause mischief. And we will win this thing.

Post 4553 says that on 09-09 Sam had mentioned the gambit in Central. That was BEFORE my post yesterday.
He could of mentioned in Central. I don't have access to that. Cafe can verify if she chooses. Most of what you have paraphrased has been Sam's suspicions of me and much of what he said about me in my neighborhood is not entirely correct. Regardless, I am not interested in arguing this based on what is said in areas everyone does not have access to. It is quite sad that he chose to defend himself in Central rather than here where all can see. If he was town he would be here defending himself vigorously. Anyway, my decision is made. I'm not going to spend hours talking about the same thing over and over.

I will vote for Sgt_Gath if it prevents a NL situation which I think would hurt town. But otherwise, my decision is made on how I am going to vote this day and my notes are here for ALL to see on who I think scum is.

Done, unless a townie has another question for me.
He could of mentioned in Central. I don't have access to that. Cafe can verify if she chooses. Most of what you have paraphrased has been Sam's suspicions of me and much of what he said about me in my neighborhood is not entirely correct. Regardless, I am not interested in arguing this based on what is said in areas everyone does not have access to. It is quite sad that he chose to defend himself in Central rather than here where all can see. If he was town he would be here defending himself vigorously. Anyway, my decision is made. I'm not going to spend hours talking about the same thing over and over.

I will vote for Sgt_Gath if it prevents a NL situation which I think would hurt town. But otherwise, my decision is made on how I am going to vote this day and my notes are here for ALL to see on who I think scum is.

Done, unless a townie has another question for me.
Can someone summarize the arguments "briefly"? They seem to be all over the place.
Summary of case against Sameech which SR and Cafe are free to add to:

-Says he knew Rosie killed Avi-Avi was lynched was fire
-Says he knew FA was town on the same night-N1-that he said he knew Avi killed Rosie
-He can't know if FA who is a VT is town or not-the result makes no sense with his watcher claim
-His knowing about Avi killing Rosie is a tracker type claim
-He can't have gotten both results on the same night
-Ice missed N1-scum know when they hit a member of the other team that they hit the other team so it is likely he hit Avi and knew Avi was fire and made up this PR to get Avi killed
-Refuses to explain how he got the results of N1 or explain his PR
-His PR is not likely in a setup that is balanced with a macho cop, Dr, fireproof townie, iceproof townie
-Refuses to defend himself and instead makes up some gambit story about knowing FA was town and SR and I being ice because we fell for it and he's dead-considering he thinks we are ice mafia and FA was killed by fire, doesn't make sense
-He is playing scum in hiding and only talking in Central except to come here and call me scum, trying to get a mislynch
-Is lying about his claims, reasons for them, and what was said in the neighborhood
-Aye, who is also playing like scum trying to fly under the radar, basically is helping Sameech by saying Cafe isn't being honest about what was said in Central, putting all of Sam's suspicions of me here, and saying she believes him over me
-Is trying to get me mislynched, does not believe SR is town despite the evidence to the contrary now

If I'm missing anything, others can add. This is the best case against anyone I have seen.

I"m 95% sure Sameech is ice scum (you can never be 100% unless you are scum) and I'm about 90% sure Gath is fire scum. Like I said, I'll vote Gath also, especially if it breaks a NL and would help town eliminate fire completely, but I would prefer to get nearly confirmed scum in Sameech so we don't, however unlikely, mislynch.

-Gath is mostly based on his bad votes, appeasy behavior, quick hammer on Avi when it was certain Avi was going down, and basically not saying much else, and also PoE since Aye can't be fire since she was jailed when fire shot, Mertex isn't, SR isn't, Cafe isn't, Sameech isn't, and others are far less likely.

Hope this helps. I won't be on much more tonight. Got lots else I have to do.
.-Gath is mostly based on his bad votes, appeasy behavior, quick hammer on Avi when it was certain Avi was going down, and basically not saying much else, and also PoE since Aye can't be fire since she was jailed when fire shot, Mertex isn't, SR isn't, Cafe isn't, Sameech isn't, and others are far less likely.

First off, I voted for all the same people you did, and I have justified my reasons for doing so.

Also, why on Earth wouldn't I have hammered Avi? He straight up admitted to being scum.

These are some pretty lame arguments, Wolfie.

In any case, my reads are pretty much the same as they have ever been. Sam is scum. I strongly suspect that Aye is his partner, though an argument could also be made for House.

Some of Mertex's behavior still strikes me as being a bit suspect, but I'm beginning to suspect him less and less as time goes by.
.-Gath is mostly based on his bad votes, appeasy behavior, quick hammer on Avi when it was certain Avi was going down, and basically not saying much else, and also PoE since Aye can't be fire since she was jailed when fire shot, Mertex isn't, SR isn't, Cafe isn't, Sameech isn't, and others are far less likely.

First off, I voted for all the same people you did, and I have justified my reasons for doing so.

Also, why on Earth wouldn't I have hammered Avi? He straight up admitted to being scum.

These are some pretty lame arguments, Wolfie.

In any case, my reads are pretty much the same as they have ever been. Sam is scum. I strongly suspect that Aye is his partner, though an argument could also be made for House.

lol @ OMGUS. The only reason you even mentioned me was because I voted you. Hell you can't blame me dude... the only way to get you to talk at all is to start running you up. That's scummy as shit.

Some of Mertex's behavior still strikes me as being a bit suspect, but I'm beginning to suspect him less and less as time goes by.

Right. We should put a lot of stock in the opinion of a player that doesn't even pay enough attention to know that Mertex is a chick.

Of course, you don't have to pay much attention as scum, because you already know what we're out here trying to figure out!
lol @ OMGUS. The only reason you even mentioned me was because I voted you. Hell you can't blame me dude... the only way to get you to talk at all is to start running you up. That's scummy as shit.

And you're any different?

You're MIA just as often as I am, and usually only contribute when something is going on.

Right. We should put a lot of stock in the opinion of a player that doesn't even pay enough attention to know that Mertex is a chick.

Of course, you don't have to pay much attention as scum, because you already know what we're out here trying to figure out!

Hmm... I just checked again, annnnd... You're right.

My mistake.

Somehow, I got the impression that she was a male poster with a female avatar.

Who really cares about gender in something like this anyway?
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lol @ OMGUS. The only reason you even mentioned me was because I voted you. Hell you can't blame me dude... the only way to get you to talk at all is to start running you up. That's scummy as shit.

And you're any different?

You're MIA just as often as I am, and usually only contribute when something is going on.

Hey Gath, I let people know when I'm going to be away for a while, and even when I'm away I'm frequently checking in. Anybody that actually pays attention to the game can confirm that.

Of course you can't, because you're seldom here, period.

Hmm... I just checked again, annnnd... You're right.

Of course I'm right. I posted, didn't I?!

Somehow, I got the impression that she was a male poster with a female avatar.

Who really cares about gender in something like this anyway?

Apparently it's a notable trait in this game, since Wake goes to the trouble of copy/pasting the goofy symbols to denote who is what gender (and not only that, but there is a custom profile field on mafiascum for members to specify, which is displayed next to their posts).

If you were any kind of player at all, you'd realize that details matter.
Hey Gath, I let people know when I'm going to be away for a while, and even when I'm away I'm frequently checking in. Anybody that actually pays attention to the game can confirm that.

Of course you can't, because you're seldom here, period.

Uh huh.

I told you all that I was going to scarce for the next couple of days on freaking Tuesday. Nice try.

Besides, I'll bet that you don't have a higher post count in this entire game than I do.

Apparently it's a notable trait in this game, since Wake goes to the trouble of copy/pasting the goofy symbols to denote who is what gender (and not only that, but there is a custom profile field on mafiascum for members to specify, which is displayed next to their posts).

If you were any kind of player at all, you'd realize that details matter.

Explain to me how it "matters" to know what kind of fun parts a person is packing behind their computer screen.
And you're any different?

You're MIA just as often as I am, and usually only contribute when something is going on.

Hmm... I just checked again, annnnd... You're right.

My mistake.

Somehow, I got the impression that she was a male poster with a female avatar.

Who really cares about gender in something like this anyway?

@Wake SGT_Gath edited this post.
I told you all that I was going to scarce for the next couple of days on freaking Tuesday. Nice try.

That's a couple days. What about the other three weeks?

Besides, I'll bet that you don't have a higher post count in this entire game than I do.

How much do you want to bet? (Hint: I already did the foot work and know I'll win)
Explain to me how it "matters" to know what kind of fun parts a person is packing behind their computer screen.

For one thing, it outs lazy asses that can't be bothered to pay attention to the game (because they don't have to since there's nothing they need to figure out except how to stay alive).
That's a couple days. What about the other three weeks?

I've contributed plenty.

How much do you want to bet? (Hint: I already did the foot work and know I'll win)

Wow me.

For one thing, it outs lazy asses that can't be bothered to pay attention to the game (because they don't have to since there's nothing they need to figure out except how to stay alive).

Which contributes to actually finding scum.... How, exactly?
I've contributed plenty.

Wow me.

You: 141
Me: 200
AyeCantSeeYou: 200 (to show my activity is on par with other "regular" players)

Hell, even Sameech posted more than you and he's hardly ever here... 148.

Which contributes to actually finding scum.... How, exactly?

Why should I bother trying to explain anything to you? You don't pay attention to anything.
You: 141
Me: 200
AyeCantSeeYou: 200 (to show my activity is on par with other "regular" players)

Hell, even Sameech posted more than you and he's hardly ever here... 148.

And these numbers are based upon?

Why should I bother trying to explain anything to you? You don't pay attention to anything.

Not seeing an actual argument here...

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