Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

Yeah I did not defend Sam in the same manner because it is poor form based on my reason unless pretty damn sure. Notice most of my posts on Sameech are I think. I was incorrect. My mentality is to never lynch someone who gave us scum from prior games. It felt really off to me.

Problem is, he gave us scum because there are two scum teams here and that helps his wincon. So to not lynch him for it is ridiculous when so many already had put forth some pretty convincing arguments as to why he could be scum and you and Aye were the only two people who didn't believe it. Which is just another reason I can't decide which of you two is the scum.

That's what you THINK, and not KNOW. I don't put everything I think or believe out here on the thread. To do so would be stupid. I voted for Sam first and didn't remove my vote. You waffled on voting for him.
Yeah I did not defend Sam in the same manner because it is poor form based on my reason unless pretty damn sure. Notice most of my posts on Sameech are I think. I was incorrect. My mentality is to never lynch someone who gave us scum from prior games. It felt really off to me.

Problem is, he gave us scum because there are two scum teams here and that helps his wincon. So to not lynch him for it is ridiculous when so many already had put forth some pretty convincing arguments as to why he could be scum and you and Aye were the only two people who didn't believe it. Which is just another reason I can't decide which of you two is the scum.

That's what you THINK, and not KNOW. I don't put everything I think or believe out here on the thread. To do so would be stupid. I voted for Sam first and didn't remove my vote. You waffled on voting for him.

You should check the discussion thread where we just talked about this. Putting everything you think out there in a straightforward and honest manner is nearly impossible for scum to do successfully. I don't hide anything from town as town unless there is a damn good reason to do so. I was always sure about voting for Sam. I unvoted when SR asked me to. Your immediate vote very well could of been something the two of you planned so you can use it to defend yourself with.
You should check the discussion thread where we just talked about this. Putting everything you think out there in a straightforward and honest manner is nearly impossible for scum to do successfully. I don't hide anything from town as town unless there is a damn good reason to do so. I was always sure about voting for Sam. I unvoted when SR asked me to. Your immediate vote very well could of been something the two of you planned so you can use it to defend yourself with.

Keep trying. If you were confident he was scum, you wouldn't have removed your vote.
If I would have had time to give big long walls that had you as scum I would have.

Who's asking for a wall or a lot of time spent? How about this: I think wolf is scum because:

-........................this is scummy because...............................
-other points you want to make
-a vote for me

I bet that'll take you 5 minutes, maybe 10 if you go look for posts.
You should check the discussion thread where we just talked about this. Putting everything you think out there in a straightforward and honest manner is nearly impossible for scum to do successfully. I don't hide anything from town as town unless there is a damn good reason to do so. I was always sure about voting for Sam. I unvoted when SR asked me to. Your immediate vote very well could of been something the two of you planned so you can use it to defend yourself with.

Keep trying. If you were confident he was scum, you wouldn't have removed your vote.

LOL. If anybody thinks I did not want to vote for Sam, then they clearly are not paying attention to the game. SR asked someone to unvote and you know this. I kind of figured you'd go this route with the way you voted so I'm not surprised but it's BS.

Try again please.
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You know guys I'm simply not going to spend a lot more of my time here. I've put a lot of energy into scumhunting this game and if anyone can't see that who is town then I seriously do not know what to tell you at this point. The only ones who should want to call someone like me scum are scum themselves. I would feel the same way about anyone wanting to call SR or Cafe scum even not knowing they are PR's. I believe the combination of us 3 and House have been deadly to scum this game. Except for Avi, they have all been caught at the end here when it was the 4 of us working the hardest to bring them down.

It is so freaking obvious how town can win here it isn't even funny. And it is not voting for House or myself. And anyone who tries to cast doubt on SR or Cafe are claiming scum at this point.

I'll take the heat instead of House, SR, or Cafe no problem but I only have so much patience for nonsense. So do what needs to be done. After today, I'm voting for someone. I'd like to win today please. It is long overdue.

Have a good day.
My, but haven't you ladies been chatty?

Aye, Wolf is town. I have looked all over her posts here and in the hood, and there is just no way I can see her being scum.

If you have something substantial on her, this would be an excellent time to share it.
House, then who do you think it is?
It is fine by me either way
Yes, as the game progressed we all knew this later. However, this was stated by Sam in Central before Moon was even lynched. The posts I am referencing were giving excuses to House and town reading House due to hours worked and in some cases when it came up House's game was too fluent to be new, it was also mentioned by Sam he probably had time to read up on the game because of his work schedule. Sam was defending House IOW.

OK, There were 2 times that House talked about his job in the hood BEFORE Avatar was lynched. One was on 8-21 post 111-saying he needed to be driving in an hour. One was on 8-24 post 259 saying he was going to be driving in 1/2 hr. These were BEFORE Avi was lynched and I have not checked for all the times after. I can if necessary.
. The way phrased in the quote makes sense. I thought maybe he was posting monthly or weekly schedules were played.

No, I did not think that at all. I just wondered how Sam knew some of the things he was saying about House, his irregular hours and his having time to read up on the game due to being a trucker, so he knew how to play, thusly according to Sam this is the reason House sounded experienced on the game when many of us thought he sounded far too experienced for this to be his first game, as House says. That is why I asked.

TIA= Thanks in Advance.

You specifically said you thought you knew why Sam did what he had done but you did not want to say here on the thread, just in case you accidently may give him an excuse.

I did not realize you thought we were lying.

Seriously? You buy that?

Vote: MathBlade

I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt, but she hasn't done herself any favors.

Her replies reek of desperation.
My, but haven't you ladies been chatty?

I'm just a little burnt out and suffering game fatigue. Kind of like those dogs who pull and pull on a leash and just won't slow down for anything and then when you are almost home, they keep laying in the grass because they wore themselves out? Well, I have one dog that does that all the time anyway. He does not know how to check himself. I feel like laying in the grass right now. LOL

Plus, I really am already set on what I want to do. Aye or mathblade are the lynch today and if wrong, the other one tomorrow in my opinion.

I know I sound scummy as hell lining up lynches like that and whoever is town out of the two of them have every right to be annoyed with me, but the reason I have been doing this and want others to is so the info. is here in the GT for the rest of the townies to know who anyone who dies and flips town was suspicious of. I'm sure some of my play has been scummy this game but all I can say is a hell of a lot of it has been town and I just would not bother to put so much effort in as scum. I would not go so far as to pull a wolfscum game 3 lurk but I wouldn't be like this. Playing hardcore town for 6 game days is not an easy thing to do.

I am waiting for the rest of town to make up their mind so I can go with the consensus as long as it isn't SR, Cafe, or House. I will not go there with these 3.

I'd rather be the mislynch instead of them. I am totally serious here.

So let's pick someone else o.k? Even if it's me. Town can't lose if you choose wisely.
It is fine by me either way
OK, There were 2 times that House talked about his job in the hood BEFORE Avatar was lynched. One was on 8-21 post 111-saying he needed to be driving in an hour. One was on 8-24 post 259 saying he was going to be driving in 1/2 hr. These were BEFORE Avi was lynched and I have not checked for all the times after. I can if necessary.
. The way phrased in the quote makes sense. I thought maybe he was posting monthly or weekly schedules were played.

No, I did not think that at all. I just wondered how Sam knew some of the things he was saying about House, his irregular hours and his having time to read up on the game due to being a trucker, so he knew how to play, thusly according to Sam this is the reason House sounded experienced on the game when many of us thought he sounded far too experienced for this to be his first game, as House says. That is why I asked.

TIA= Thanks in Advance.

You specifically said you thought you knew why Sam did what he had done but you did not want to say here on the thread, just in case you accidently may give him an excuse.

I did not realize you thought we were lying.

Seriously? You buy that?

Vote: MathBlade

I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt, but she hasn't done herself any favors.

Her replies reek of desperation.

I am seriously missing some posts. I did not see anyone vote for mathblade and she says she voted for me too. Are there posts missing or have I totally lost my freaking mind?

I realize the answer can be yes to both, LOL.
You should check the discussion thread where we just talked about this. Putting everything you think out there in a straightforward and honest manner is nearly impossible for scum to do successfully. I don't hide anything from town as town unless there is a damn good reason to do so. I was always sure about voting for Sam. I unvoted when SR asked me to. Your immediate vote very well could of been something the two of you planned so you can use it to defend yourself with.

Keep trying. If you were confident he was scum, you wouldn't have removed your vote.

Wolf was shotgunning for Sam after Avatar died.

She removed her vote at Scarlet's request to avoid another quick hammer.
Another question for you, @House

What is your take on SR trying to get you lynched?

Also, if you were the lynchee this round, what would you want town to know?
Sorry again for lack of posts. Had issues to take care of. This post is quick because I need to get back to

Wolf is scum because they are continually attempting to lynch incorrect players. Wolf was on Mertex (Memory don't fail me.) They only switched to Grandma when she was weird. In contrast none of the other players attempted to say Mertex was scum. Anyone suggesting House is scum need to explain why both Sameech and their partner didn't take the chance. IMO I think it is because scum was towards the beginning/middle meaning Wolf.

A lot of the wolf indicative posts are at the beginning of the game more so than later.

@ScarletRage It would help to have a conf townie voice here to demonstrate I have been saying Wolf is scum.

@Wolfsister77 My vote has been on you but for insurance I will call it out in my next post.

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