Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

It is fine by me either way
Thank you Wolfsister. I know its a lot of posts, BUT I am looking for something else specific. Specifically, did House mention his work hours and or that he was a trucker in your hood- this would have been before Avatar was lynched . Things said in Central by Sam seem as if he has a lot of personal information about House, which I may have missed. I am in the process of checking the game thread now.

I'll go look for you Cafe but I know this about House so it is probably there or in GT but I'll look for this specifically and see if I can find something.

Yes, as the game progressed we all knew this later. However, this was stated by Sam in Central before Moon was even lynched. The posts I am referencing were giving excuses to House and town reading House due to hours worked and in some cases when it came up House's game was too fluent to be new, it was also mentioned by Sam he probably had time to read up on the game because of his work schedule. Sam was defending House IOW.

OK, There were 2 times that House talked about his job in the hood BEFORE Avatar was lynched. One was on 8-21 post 111-saying he needed to be driving in an hour. One was on 8-24 post 259 saying he was going to be driving in 1/2 hr. These were BEFORE Avi was lynched and I have not checked for all the times after. I can if necessary.
. The way phrased in the quote makes sense. I thought maybe he was posting monthly or weekly schedules were played.

No, I did not think that at all. I just wondered how Sam knew some of the things he was saying about House, his irregular hours and his having time to read up on the game due to being a trucker, so he knew how to play, thusly according to Sam this is the reason House sounded experienced on the game when many of us thought he sounded far too experienced for this to be his first game, as House says. That is why I asked.


after we pegged Sam as scum here on the GT but before we voted for him, you said YOU THOUGHT you knew why Sam would have lied but did not want to say why. Since Sam is gone now, can you please give us your reasoning as to why you thought Sam lied about being a night watchmen. TIA.
TIA = ?

I thought people were making up things Sameech said. I could not find the posts that were quoted etc.
It is fine by me either way
I'll go look for you Cafe but I know this about House so it is probably there or in GT but I'll look for this specifically and see if I can find something.

Yes, as the game progressed we all knew this later. However, this was stated by Sam in Central before Moon was even lynched. The posts I am referencing were giving excuses to House and town reading House due to hours worked and in some cases when it came up House's game was too fluent to be new, it was also mentioned by Sam he probably had time to read up on the game because of his work schedule. Sam was defending House IOW.

OK, There were 2 times that House talked about his job in the hood BEFORE Avatar was lynched. One was on 8-21 post 111-saying he needed to be driving in an hour. One was on 8-24 post 259 saying he was going to be driving in 1/2 hr. These were BEFORE Avi was lynched and I have not checked for all the times after. I can if necessary.
. The way phrased in the quote makes sense. I thought maybe he was posting monthly or weekly schedules were played.

No, I did not think that at all. I just wondered how Sam knew some of the things he was saying about House, his irregular hours and his having time to read up on the game due to being a trucker, so he knew how to play, thusly according to Sam this is the reason House sounded experienced on the game when many of us thought he sounded far too experienced for this to be his first game, as House says. That is why I asked.


after we pegged Sam as scum here on the GT but before we voted for him, you said YOU THOUGHT you knew why Sam would have lied but did not want to say why. Since Sam is gone now, can you please give us your reasoning as to why you thought Sam lied about being a night watchmen. TIA.
TIA = ?

I thought people were making up things Sameech said. I could not find the posts that were quoted etc.

TIA= Thanks in Advance.

You specifically said you thought you knew why Sam did what he had done but you did not want to say here on the thread, just in case you accidently may give him an excuse.

I did not realize you thought we were lying.
Here is the post I was speaking of Math:

You said:

If I do explain what I think happened and I am wrong it gives Sameech an out. Dodging this question for the interests to the investigation.

Official Usmb Mafia Game 5 A Game Of Fire And Ice day 6 Page 142 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And as SR points out in post 4265, you really had no problem defending Gath when you stated he was firmtown, but when questioned on your reasons to believe Sam and or refuse to state why you thought he may have lied to us, you refused. That is what I meant Math.

Official Usmb Mafia Game 5 A Game Of Fire And Ice day 6 Page 143 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

What was the reasoning your referred to or what you think happened with Sam you might be 'wrong" and did not want to mention in case it gave Sam an out and stating you believed him to be town.

Official Usmb Mafia Game 5 A Game Of Fire And Ice day 6 Page 142 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
mathblade-You said you did not want to make up excuses for Sameech so you didn't give him any reason to use your excuses as his excuses. You never voted for him or made an appearance on the thread while we were voting for him and talking to him. Many times during the game you said he was town. You also said Sgt Gath was town many times. There is nothing wrong with being wrong. It happens to all of us. But once Sameech explained himself, which he didn't really, you should of told us your thoughts on him. The fact that you didn't tell us your thoughts on him or vote him, means you are trying to deny town info. to read you on this and that doesn't look good for you.

Insinuating a bunch of townies were lying about him looks even worse. Especially when it was shown we were telling the truth. I'm not sure how quickly he would of been lynched if the 3 of us that brought neighborhood convos out here wouldn't of done so.

I see anyone who is hiding from town now as scummy and I would like to know your thoughts on the game and the players. You think I'm the last scum. Why are you not proving your case or reaching out to your town reads and asking them questions about the game? Why are you not trying to help us?

Right now, I can't decide between you or Aye because all Aye has done is tunnel me and contribute nothing else to anything. She's trying to start a fight and that's it.

The only reason I haven't voted is because you both look like scum to me and only one of you can be.
If and when did Wolf and Sam start arguing in your hood? Has there been continuous arguing between them since get go? I am asking because of things Sam said in Central- these questions may not seem to make sense to you but they are relevant to things Sam said there.

Alrighty then...

Wolf questioned Sam about two targets in the same night 9/9 (posts 689/690).

No answer by Sameech.

Sam makes an unrelated comment about scum hunting (needing people figuring stuff out instead of reaction farming) 9/11 (post 708)

Wolf posts her first retaliatory response towards Sameech (content of the post appears to be related to game thread chat) 9/11 (post 709)

How detailed do you want me to get?

Did House and Sam disagree in your hood at all? How was there relationship? Did either read each other as scum at any time? The same as above, relevant for things Sam said in Central.

We have a shit ton of posts in our hood and I don't have time to read them in detail but Sam and House did not interact all that much and when they did, they got along well with each other. No fighting. No calling each other scum. Sam never had House as a suspect.

That's why I got all paranoid with that promise me you are town stuff I pulled. But really after talking to him in the hood recently, I am confident he is town. Not as confident as I am that you and SR are town but pretty darn close.

It's either mathblade or Aye as far as I'm concerned

Thank you Wolfsister. I know its a lot of posts, BUT I am looking for something else specific. Specifically, did House mention his work hours and or that he was a trucker in your hood- this would have been before Avatar was lynched . Things said in Central by Sam seem as if he has a lot of personal information about House, which I may have missed. I am in the process of checking the game thread now.

I've posted about my job numerous times inside and outside of the game, including before I knew the game existed.

If it matters, I'm sure I can dig up some posts.
Ugh.... House is scum.

Mathblade is my backup.

For the love of Goodness please sheep me for once.

Did House and Sam disagree in your hood at all? How was there relationship? Did either read each other as scum at any time? The same as above, relevant for things Sam said in Central.

We have a shit ton of posts in our hood and I don't have time to read them in detail but Sam and House did not interact all that much and when they did, they got along well with each other. No fighting. No calling each other scum. Sam never had House as a suspect.

That's why I got all paranoid with that promise me you are town stuff I pulled. But really after talking to him in the hood recently, I am confident he is town. Not as confident as I am that you and SR are town but pretty darn close.

It's either mathblade or Aye as far as I'm concerned

Thank you Wolfsister. I know its a lot of posts, BUT I am looking for something else specific. Specifically, did House mention his work hours and or that he was a trucker in your hood- this would have been before Avatar was lynched . Things said in Central by Sam seem as if he has a lot of personal information about House, which I may have missed. I am in the process of checking the game thread now.

I've posted about my job numerous times inside and outside of the game, including before I knew the game existed.

If it matters, I'm sure I can dig up some posts.

No need, I just found it. Post 446 here on GT.
It is fine by me either way
Yes, as the game progressed we all knew this later. However, this was stated by Sam in Central before Moon was even lynched. The posts I am referencing were giving excuses to House and town reading House due to hours worked and in some cases when it came up House's game was too fluent to be new, it was also mentioned by Sam he probably had time to read up on the game because of his work schedule. Sam was defending House IOW.

OK, There were 2 times that House talked about his job in the hood BEFORE Avatar was lynched. One was on 8-21 post 111-saying he needed to be driving in an hour. One was on 8-24 post 259 saying he was going to be driving in 1/2 hr. These were BEFORE Avi was lynched and I have not checked for all the times after. I can if necessary.
. The way phrased in the quote makes sense. I thought maybe he was posting monthly or weekly schedules were played.

No, I did not think that at all. I just wondered how Sam knew some of the things he was saying about House, his irregular hours and his having time to read up on the game due to being a trucker, so he knew how to play, thusly according to Sam this is the reason House sounded experienced on the game when many of us thought he sounded far too experienced for this to be his first game, as House says. That is why I asked.


after we pegged Sam as scum here on the GT but before we voted for him, you said YOU THOUGHT you knew why Sam would have lied but did not want to say why. Since Sam is gone now, can you please give us your reasoning as to why you thought Sam lied about being a night watchmen. TIA.
TIA = ?

I thought people were making up things Sameech said. I could not find the posts that were quoted etc.

TIA= Thanks in Advance.

You specifically said you thought you knew why Sam did what he had done but you did not want to say here on the thread, just in case you accidently may give him an excuse.

I did not realize you thought we were lying.

Right. Me accusing players of lying and being wrong would have created a big fuck ton of drama and should only be reserved for instances when absolutely provable to be true. I was wrong so I am glad I didn't. SR can confirm I posted about this in the hood.
Here is the post I was speaking of Math:

You said:

If I do explain what I think happened and I am wrong it gives Sameech an out. Dodging this question for the interests to the investigation.

Official Usmb Mafia Game 5 A Game Of Fire And Ice day 6 Page 142 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And as SR points out in post 4265, you really had no problem defending Gath when you stated he was firmtown, but when questioned on your reasons to believe Sam and or refuse to state why you thought he may have lied to us, you refused. That is what I meant Math.

Official Usmb Mafia Game 5 A Game Of Fire And Ice day 6 Page 143 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

What was the reasoning your referred to or what you think happened with Sam you might be 'wrong" and did not want to mention in case it gave Sam an out and stating you believed him to be town.

Official Usmb Mafia Game 5 A Game Of Fire And Ice day 6 Page 142 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I defended Gath because I believed it 100% mechanical. I thought they were town. If I was scum why the hell would I pass up an opportunity to lynch someone I believed to be town...Pretty much anyone besides me if scum is okay.

Yeah I did not defend Sam in the same manner because it is poor form based on my reason unless pretty damn sure. Notice most of my posts on Sameech are I think. I was incorrect. My mentality is to never lynch someone who gave us scum from prior games. It felt really off to me.
mathblade-You said you did not want to make up excuses for Sameech so you didn't give him any reason to use your excuses as his excuses. You never voted for him or made an appearance on the thread while we were voting for him and talking to him. Many times during the game you said he was town. You also said Sgt Gath was town many times. There is nothing wrong with being wrong. It happens to all of us. But once Sameech explained himself, which he didn't really, you should of told us your thoughts on him. The fact that you didn't tell us your thoughts on him or vote him, means you are trying to deny town info. to read you on this and that doesn't look good for you.

Insinuating a bunch of townies were lying about him looks even worse. Especially when it was shown we were telling the truth. I'm not sure how quickly he would of been lynched if the 3 of us that brought neighborhood convos out here wouldn't of done so.

I see anyone who is hiding from town now as scummy and I would like to know your thoughts on the game and the players. You think I'm the last scum. Why are you not proving your case or reaching out to your town reads and asking them questions about the game? Why are you not trying to help us?

Right now, I can't decide between you or Aye because all Aye has done is tunnel me and contribute nothing else to anything. She's trying to start a fight and that's it.

The only reason I haven't voted is because you both look like scum to me and only one of you can be.
I have not been reaching out to town or voting because my RL schedule has been shit recently. If I would have had time to give big long walls that had you as scum I would have.

Personally I think the only reason you haven't voted is because you want to hammer a mislynch. In reality a townie would use their vote as pressure and that is what I am doing with you.

I don't have to "justify" me being town. I know I am and if people don't believe me okay but my last request would be to lynch Wolf.
Any who tis 3 am and most of this was posted because I can't sleep. I will explain Wolf scum when more coherent.
Here is the post I was speaking of Math:

You said:

If I do explain what I think happened and I am wrong it gives Sameech an out. Dodging this question for the interests to the investigation.

Official Usmb Mafia Game 5 A Game Of Fire And Ice day 6 Page 142 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And as SR points out in post 4265, you really had no problem defending Gath when you stated he was firmtown, but when questioned on your reasons to believe Sam and or refuse to state why you thought he may have lied to us, you refused. That is what I meant Math.

Official Usmb Mafia Game 5 A Game Of Fire And Ice day 6 Page 143 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

What was the reasoning your referred to or what you think happened with Sam you might be 'wrong" and did not want to mention in case it gave Sam an out and stating you believed him to be town.

Official Usmb Mafia Game 5 A Game Of Fire And Ice day 6 Page 142 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I defended Gath because I believed it 100% mechanical. I thought they were town. If I was scum why the hell would I pass up an opportunity to lynch someone I believed to be town...Pretty much anyone besides me if scum is okay.

Yeah I did not defend Sam in the same manner because it is poor form based on my reason unless pretty damn sure. Notice most of my posts on Sameech are I think. I was incorrect. My mentality is to never lynch someone who gave us scum from prior games. It felt really off to me.

I think the issue I had was all the confirmation coming in from several places, to include this thread where he scum-slipped. Then of course the same being verified by 4 separate players from two different hoods. I just find it strange you would ignore the post he made here PLUS me, wolf, house and aye were all stating he said the same in different hoods. It seemed as if you were defending him or looking for any reason not to vote him.

It matters not now, I believe I have found several posts which point to House. As I said I am finishing up my reading tomorrow. Have a good night.
math-use your vote then if it's so important to you-I want to see a case from both you and Aye on me, I think you are both mad because I think either one of you can be scum-I want to hammer a townie but the other's that aren't voting? I'm quite certain I can easily dismantle any case you two come up with.

I won't vote for House.
Yeah I did not defend Sam in the same manner because it is poor form based on my reason unless pretty damn sure. Notice most of my posts on Sameech are I think. I was incorrect. My mentality is to never lynch someone who gave us scum from prior games. It felt really off to me.

Problem is, he gave us scum because there are two scum teams here and that helps his wincon. So to not lynch him for it is ridiculous when so many already had put forth some pretty convincing arguments as to why he could be scum and you and Aye were the only two people who didn't believe it. Which is just another reason I can't decide which of you two is the scum.
Yeah I did not defend Sam in the same manner because it is poor form based on my reason unless pretty damn sure. Notice most of my posts on Sameech are I think. I was incorrect. My mentality is to never lynch someone who gave us scum from prior games. It felt really off to me.

Problem is, he gave us scum because there are two scum teams here and that helps his wincon. So to not lynch him for it is ridiculous when so many already had put forth some pretty convincing arguments as to why he could be scum and you and Aye were the only two people who didn't believe it. Which is just another reason I can't decide which of you two is the scum.

If a buddy is boned, scum are more likely to be found in the bussers.
Yeah I did not defend Sam in the same manner because it is poor form based on my reason unless pretty damn sure. Notice most of my posts on Sameech are I think. I was incorrect. My mentality is to never lynch someone who gave us scum from prior games. It felt really off to me.

Problem is, he gave us scum because there are two scum teams here and that helps his wincon. So to not lynch him for it is ridiculous when so many already had put forth some pretty convincing arguments as to why he could be scum and you and Aye were the only two people who didn't believe it. Which is just another reason I can't decide which of you two is the scum.

If a buddy is boned, scum are more likely to be found in the bussers.

That's why Gath hammered Avi.

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