Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)


Did House and Sam disagree in your hood at all? How was there relationship? Did either read each other as scum at any time? The same as above, relevant for things Sam said in Central.

We have a shit ton of posts in our hood and I don't have time to read them in detail but Sam and House did not interact all that much and when they did, they got along well with each other. No fighting. No calling each other scum. Sam never had House as a suspect.

That's why I got all paranoid with that promise me you are town stuff I pulled. But really after talking to him in the hood recently, I am confident he is town. Not as confident as I am that you and SR are town but pretty darn close.

It's either mathblade or Aye as far as I'm concerned
I also would like to give mathblade a chance to speak because she's pretty much gone silent which is somewhat suspicious looking. She's usually on at night so I will wait until she had a chance overnight to say something. I sure hope 4 of us can come to a consensus without too much arguing. If we play it right, town can't lose.
If and when did Wolf and Sam start arguing in your hood? Has there been continuous arguing between them since get go? I am asking because of things Sam said in Central- these questions may not seem to make sense to you but they are relevant to things Sam said there.

I don't have the time to look over the posts atm because I am at a rest stop for a quick break, but I can give you a rough idea now (going from memory) and firm it up later tonight

Things were cordial in the hood until after Avatar was lynched. Then Sam stated making weird statements and accusations against Wolf after she asked for details about how he watched 2 people in one night.

From that point on, things got sour between them.

As I said before, I'll be back tonight with more detail, but I hope I have at least given you a starting point while I finish my day.
Derp hey y'all I wrote 19 down on my calendar instead of 18. Sorry. I think Wolf is the last scum. Had RL earlier today so I have not read the thread yet. I am willing to be lynched to prove I am town just please go after wolf tomorrow.
Dead should not thank posts. I do notsee it mattering but I have no intent of voting Wolf today. It shouldn't matter in the game but yes I get why Wolf is pissed.

Can we vote House please? I am dead tomorrow if wrong. No one else is pushing house and zero reason to townread him.
Derp hey y'all I wrote 19 down on my calendar instead of 18. Sorry. I think Wolf is the last scum. Had RL earlier today so I have not read the thread yet. I am willing to be lynched to prove I am town just please go after wolf tomorrow.
Vote House with me. That can save you.

Did House and Sam disagree in your hood at all? How was there relationship? Did either read each other as scum at any time? The same as above, relevant for things Sam said in Central.

We have a shit ton of posts in our hood and I don't have time to read them in detail but Sam and House did not interact all that much and when they did, they got along well with each other. No fighting. No calling each other scum. Sam never had House as a suspect.

That's why I got all paranoid with that promise me you are town stuff I pulled. But really after talking to him in the hood recently, I am confident he is town. Not as confident as I am that you and SR are town but pretty darn close.

It's either mathblade or Aye as far as I'm concerned

Thank you Wolfsister. I know its a lot of posts, BUT I am looking for something else specific. Specifically, did House mention his work hours and or that he was a trucker in your hood- this would have been before Avatar was lynched . Things said in Central by Sam seem as if he has a lot of personal information about House, which I may have missed. I am in the process of checking the game thread now.

Did House and Sam disagree in your hood at all? How was there relationship? Did either read each other as scum at any time? The same as above, relevant for things Sam said in Central.

We have a shit ton of posts in our hood and I don't have time to read them in detail but Sam and House did not interact all that much and when they did, they got along well with each other. No fighting. No calling each other scum. Sam never had House as a suspect.

That's why I got all paranoid with that promise me you are town stuff I pulled. But really after talking to him in the hood recently, I am confident he is town. Not as confident as I am that you and SR are town but pretty darn close.

It's either mathblade or Aye as far as I'm concerned

Thank you Wolfsister. I know its a lot of posts, BUT I am looking for something else specific. Specifically, did House mention his work hours and or that he was a trucker in your hood- this would have been before Avatar was lynched . Things said in Central by Sam seem as if he has a lot of personal information about House, which I may have missed. I am in the process of checking the game thread now.

I'll go look for you Cafe but I know this about House so it is probably there or in GT but I'll look for this specifically and see if I can find something.

Did House and Sam disagree in your hood at all? How was there relationship? Did either read each other as scum at any time? The same as above, relevant for things Sam said in Central.

We have a shit ton of posts in our hood and I don't have time to read them in detail but Sam and House did not interact all that much and when they did, they got along well with each other. No fighting. No calling each other scum. Sam never had House as a suspect.

That's why I got all paranoid with that promise me you are town stuff I pulled. But really after talking to him in the hood recently, I am confident he is town. Not as confident as I am that you and SR are town but pretty darn close.

It's either mathblade or Aye as far as I'm concerned

Thank you Wolfsister. I know its a lot of posts, BUT I am looking for something else specific. Specifically, did House mention his work hours and or that he was a trucker in your hood- this would have been before Avatar was lynched . Things said in Central by Sam seem as if he has a lot of personal information about House, which I may have missed. I am in the process of checking the game thread now.
Having worked for a major retail company in the past I would find it odd if House mentioned trucker hours. For this company a trucker's schedule was dependent upon freight and order.

Did House and Sam disagree in your hood at all? How was there relationship? Did either read each other as scum at any time? The same as above, relevant for things Sam said in Central.

We have a shit ton of posts in our hood and I don't have time to read them in detail but Sam and House did not interact all that much and when they did, they got along well with each other. No fighting. No calling each other scum. Sam never had House as a suspect.

That's why I got all paranoid with that promise me you are town stuff I pulled. But really after talking to him in the hood recently, I am confident he is town. Not as confident as I am that you and SR are town but pretty darn close.

It's either mathblade or Aye as far as I'm concerned

Thank you Wolfsister. I know its a lot of posts, BUT I am looking for something else specific. Specifically, did House mention his work hours and or that he was a trucker in your hood- this would have been before Avatar was lynched . Things said in Central by Sam seem as if he has a lot of personal information about House, which I may have missed. I am in the process of checking the game thread now.

I'll go look for you Cafe but I know this about House so it is probably there or in GT but I'll look for this specifically and see if I can find something.

Yes, as the game progressed we all knew this later. However, this was stated by Sam in Central before Moon was even lynched. The posts I am referencing were giving excuses to House and town reading House due to hours worked and in some cases when it came up House's game was too fluent to be new, it was also mentioned by Sam he probably had time to read up on the game because of his work schedule. Sam was defending House IOW.
OK, that helps no that I know what to look for. I'll look early on and see what I can find. Give me a minute.
OK, that helps no that I know what to look for. I'll look early on and see what I can find. Give me a minute.

Thanks Wolf, he may have mentioned here on the GT before Moon was lynched, but right now I am looking at everything regarding my top picks as the last possible scum.

I would like to see the last lynch be the last and know we rolled a scum 'turkey' strikeout (three in a row) and not make a mislynch.

Did House and Sam disagree in your hood at all? How was there relationship? Did either read each other as scum at any time? The same as above, relevant for things Sam said in Central.

We have a shit ton of posts in our hood and I don't have time to read them in detail but Sam and House did not interact all that much and when they did, they got along well with each other. No fighting. No calling each other scum. Sam never had House as a suspect.

That's why I got all paranoid with that promise me you are town stuff I pulled. But really after talking to him in the hood recently, I am confident he is town. Not as confident as I am that you and SR are town but pretty darn close.

It's either mathblade or Aye as far as I'm concerned

Thank you Wolfsister. I know its a lot of posts, BUT I am looking for something else specific. Specifically, did House mention his work hours and or that he was a trucker in your hood- this would have been before Avatar was lynched . Things said in Central by Sam seem as if he has a lot of personal information about House, which I may have missed. I am in the process of checking the game thread now.

I'll go look for you Cafe but I know this about House so it is probably there or in GT but I'll look for this specifically and see if I can find something.

Yes, as the game progressed we all knew this later. However, this was stated by Sam in Central before Moon was even lynched. The posts I am referencing were giving excuses to House and town reading House due to hours worked and in some cases when it came up House's game was too fluent to be new, it was also mentioned by Sam he probably had time to read up on the game because of his work schedule. Sam was defending House IOW.

OK, There were 2 times that House talked about his job in the hood BEFORE Avatar was lynched. One was on 8-21 post 111-saying he needed to be driving in an hour. One was on 8-24 post 259 saying he was going to be driving in 1/2 hr. These were BEFORE Avi was lynched and I have not checked for all the times after. I can if necessary.
It is fine by me either way

Did House and Sam disagree in your hood at all? How was there relationship? Did either read each other as scum at any time? The same as above, relevant for things Sam said in Central.

We have a shit ton of posts in our hood and I don't have time to read them in detail but Sam and House did not interact all that much and when they did, they got along well with each other. No fighting. No calling each other scum. Sam never had House as a suspect.

That's why I got all paranoid with that promise me you are town stuff I pulled. But really after talking to him in the hood recently, I am confident he is town. Not as confident as I am that you and SR are town but pretty darn close.

It's either mathblade or Aye as far as I'm concerned

Thank you Wolfsister. I know its a lot of posts, BUT I am looking for something else specific. Specifically, did House mention his work hours and or that he was a trucker in your hood- this would have been before Avatar was lynched . Things said in Central by Sam seem as if he has a lot of personal information about House, which I may have missed. I am in the process of checking the game thread now.

I'll go look for you Cafe but I know this about House so it is probably there or in GT but I'll look for this specifically and see if I can find something.

Yes, as the game progressed we all knew this later. However, this was stated by Sam in Central before Moon was even lynched. The posts I am referencing were giving excuses to House and town reading House due to hours worked and in some cases when it came up House's game was too fluent to be new, it was also mentioned by Sam he probably had time to read up on the game because of his work schedule. Sam was defending House IOW.

OK, There were 2 times that House talked about his job in the hood BEFORE Avatar was lynched. One was on 8-21 post 111-saying he needed to be driving in an hour. One was on 8-24 post 259 saying he was going to be driving in 1/2 hr. These were BEFORE Avi was lynched and I have not checked for all the times after. I can if necessary.
. The way phrased in the quote makes sense. I thought maybe he was posting monthly or weekly schedules were played.
It is fine by me either way
We have a shit ton of posts in our hood and I don't have time to read them in detail but Sam and House did not interact all that much and when they did, they got along well with each other. No fighting. No calling each other scum. Sam never had House as a suspect.

That's why I got all paranoid with that promise me you are town stuff I pulled. But really after talking to him in the hood recently, I am confident he is town. Not as confident as I am that you and SR are town but pretty darn close.

It's either mathblade or Aye as far as I'm concerned

Thank you Wolfsister. I know its a lot of posts, BUT I am looking for something else specific. Specifically, did House mention his work hours and or that he was a trucker in your hood- this would have been before Avatar was lynched . Things said in Central by Sam seem as if he has a lot of personal information about House, which I may have missed. I am in the process of checking the game thread now.

I'll go look for you Cafe but I know this about House so it is probably there or in GT but I'll look for this specifically and see if I can find something.

Yes, as the game progressed we all knew this later. However, this was stated by Sam in Central before Moon was even lynched. The posts I am referencing were giving excuses to House and town reading House due to hours worked and in some cases when it came up House's game was too fluent to be new, it was also mentioned by Sam he probably had time to read up on the game because of his work schedule. Sam was defending House IOW.

OK, There were 2 times that House talked about his job in the hood BEFORE Avatar was lynched. One was on 8-21 post 111-saying he needed to be driving in an hour. One was on 8-24 post 259 saying he was going to be driving in 1/2 hr. These were BEFORE Avi was lynched and I have not checked for all the times after. I can if necessary.
. The way phrased in the quote makes sense. I thought maybe he was posting monthly or weekly schedules were played.

No, I did not think that at all. I just wondered how Sam knew some of the things he was saying about House, his irregular hours and his having time to read up on the game due to being a trucker, so he knew how to play, thusly according to Sam this is the reason House sounded experienced on the game when many of us thought he sounded far too experienced for this to be his first game, as House says. That is why I asked.


after we pegged Sam as scum here on the GT but before we voted for him, you said YOU THOUGHT you knew why Sam would have lied but did not want to say why. Since Sam is gone now, can you please give us your reasoning as to why you thought Sam lied about being a night watchmen. TIA.

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