Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

Wolf just because House is your neighbor does not make him town. I would rather trust Cafe to pick between the two of you/Math. I think if I die, House wins.

There normally should be an NL today or tomorrow but scum are just going to kill conftowns.

SR, this is why she says House is town:

Bottom line, I'm not going to beg anybody for acceptance.

I've worked my ass off for town the entire game. Take it for what it's worth and use me however you see fit to continue on for the win.

Never mind!! This answer is as townie as they come. Thank You!!

Scumbody thinks her answer above is a win, along with the scummified question that preceded it.

You are making a fool of yourself. That is not the reason I am calling House town.

Then why did you make such a big dramatic scene over it in the game thread?
Scarlet, I'm not voting for someone I believe is town.
Aye, we are not using our mislynch on Wolf. Wolf is town. I will not vote there. Wolf is so town from my perspective that if you persist, you will be the mislynch. I can walk you through this or you can just save us the time.

Then tell us specifically why you believe it's House.
Wolf just because House is your neighbor does not make him town. I would rather trust Cafe to pick between the two of you/Math. I think if I die, House wins.

There normally should be an NL today or tomorrow but scum are just going to kill conftowns.

SR, this is why she says House is town:

Bottom line, I'm not going to beg anybody for acceptance.

I've worked my ass off for town the entire game. Take it for what it's worth and use me however you see fit to continue on for the win.

Never mind!! This answer is as townie as they come. Thank You!!

Scumbody thinks her answer above is a win, along with the scummified question that preceded it.

You are making a fool of yourself. That is not the reason I am calling House town.

Then why did you make such a big dramatic scene over it in the game thread?

Paranoia mostly. I'm over that now.
Setup spec is bad.

Hence the post I made immediately after the one you quoted.

As far as the first pay of your post, that's lolworthy coming from you.

Your gameplay has reeked of scum.

1) Faulty logic to tunnel Math & I after your anti-town self-vote.
2) Vote bargaining (vote so-and-so for 48 hours and I'll switch to whoever you want)
3) Dropping your campaign after you clearly had no support, going so far as to claim I was town, just to restart your campaign ON THE SAME PREMISES.
4) Claiming you had permanent immunity, then say your VEST got replaced with a fake.

I don't see why anybody would give a rat's ass about anything you have to say, your gameplay has been scummier than the 3 we've lynched.
House-You are making me very nervous. Going after town is a bad idea at this point in the game.

Wolf, you make too many assumptions.

1) I didn't say Scarlet was scum. I said her logic was shitty and her gameplay was worse than the 3 scum we've lynched. ie, bad player is bad.

2) As Scarlet herself pointed out, setup spec is bad, 'mkay?

3) How many times have we all been wrong? Does that mean we stop looking at every possibility? No.

More to say on this tomorrow (game day).
OK House.
I have told you why he's scum.

First, zero trajectory as to why his targets are scum.

Second, his positions taken almost always benefit scum.

Third, he is hyper defensive today instead of arguing Math is scum, he is arguing I am stupid. Look at you and Wolf. Both town both willing to be lynched to prove it. Both willing to scumhunt outside of your tunnel in case wrong.
I'm thinking that response is meant for Aye's post above 5083 rather than mine? I don't really see her willing to look outside her tunnel of me. She's been hinting at or outright calling me scum for a couple days now. I have not seen her prove what she's saying or any willingness to look at another suspect.

If she's town, she shouldn't be playing these games with trying to get Cafe to lynch her just to prove me wrong. If she's town, that's a waste of a mislynch. Then what? I get lynched next and town loses. That's a crap ploy. We've come too far and worked too hard to just throw it all away on games. There's more than just the two of us playing here.

I've been saying, mostly in the hood, that I was hoping the past 2 nights to be the NK just to stop this stupidity. I was provoking Sameech just to get him to do it. If it were not so critical that we don't recklessly mislynch, I'd be fine with going to the gallows just to get the crap to stop. It would show, beyond a doubt, that I'm a Vanilla Townie.

SR-House is town. I know it from the hood. I would like to get Cafe's input and hopefully hear something from mathblade just to see if she hasn't completely given up yet.

But then I'm voting for mathblade. If she's town, I'm voting for Aye next.

One of these two is scum. I'd bet money on it. If they are both town, then I don't know what to think.
I would be willing to vote for either mathblade or Aye. But I'd like to get Cafe's opinion and she's not on until later so I'll hold my vote until she weighs in. Once everyone has had their say, I will vote according to town's best interests and what 4 of us can agree on.

Aye is off the table if he plays ball and stops trying to vote you.

You were saying? What has she done since this day started? Voted me and called me scum over and over. That's all she has done. Tell me again why she is town?
One of these two is scum. I'd bet money on it. If they are both town, then I don't know what to think.

You're scum. There's nothing for you to think about on it.

Who is your second choice if you succeed in mislynching me? Who is your second choice right now? No one, except scum, is 100% on anyone no matter how many times you say it.

Same question goes for everyone else, SR has given 2 choices, I've given 2. House-who is your second choice if mathblade is town? Cafe-Who are your 2 choices? mathblade-I think you still said Aye or me. Has that changed?

We can afford one mislynch. So everyone should have a back up plan.
Avi and Rosie, Can you please not thank Aye's posts calling me scum and voting me? That is blatantly against the rules and you both know that. It also shows both of you trying to influence the game from the dz.

I really want to be lynched now because that is just wrong on so many levels I can't even believe it. You two are egging her on.

I would love to see all of your reactions when I flip town. If it didn't play directly against my wincon and that of so many other townies here, I'd vote myself right now and ask House to do so also.

I can't believe you guys would do such a thing. That's almost as bad as cheating. I am going to PM Wake about it and see what can be done because this game is compromised as far as I'm concerned.
I would be willing to vote for either mathblade or Aye. But I'd like to get Cafe's opinion and she's not on until later so I'll hold my vote until she weighs in. Once everyone has had their say, I will vote according to town's best interests and what 4 of us can agree on.

Aye is off the table if he plays ball and stops trying to vote you.

You were saying? What has she done since this day started? Voted me and called me scum over and over. That's all she has done. Tell me again why she is town?

De ja vu! Isn't that what you've done to me practically all game long?
Avi and Rosie, Can you please not thank Aye's posts calling me scum and voting me? That is blatantly against the rules and you both know that. It also shows both of you trying to influence the game from the dz.

I really want to be lynched now because that is just wrong on so many levels I can't even believe it. You two are egging her on.

I would love to see all of your reactions when I flip town. If it didn't play directly against my wincon and that of so many other townies here, I'd vote myself right now and ask House to do so also.

I can't believe you guys would do such a thing. That's almost as bad as cheating. I am going to PM Wake about it and see what can be done because this game is compromised as far as I'm concerned.

So now you're saying others can influence people, where not that long ago you said that couldn't happen? When I have a minute, I'll go dredge through your posts to find that one.
I don't really care Aye. Rosie and Avi thanking your posts calling me scum and voting me is compromised the game as far as I'm concerned.

I'm very disappointed and also done until Wake gets back to me. Please vote me out. I'd love to be lynched right now. The game is still very winnable for town regardless.

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