Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)


A single, titular blast echoed out through the breaking dawn.

Mertex, Town Doctor, has been frozen stiff! A Mertex-icle!

WHO IS THE LAST SCUM? Find this threat, brave Townies of Windgale!!!


It is now Day 6.

With 6 alive, it takes 4 to lynch!

Deadline expires 9/25/14, @ 9AM Central.

Not Voting (6): ScarletRage, House, Wolfsister77, Mathblade, CafeAuLait, AyeCantSeeYou
Right when I thought scum couldn't play any dumber, I'm proven wrong!
For those wondering, the last scum gave herself away very early on in the game. :itsok:
The choice is simple. Lynch mathblade or Aye. If we are wrong, lynch the other one the next day. The game is won. It won't have to get to lylo.

BTW-House is town, SR is town, Cafe is town, I have no doubts about these folks, so those two are the only options for me. I'll go along with whatever House, SR, Cafe want to do as far as the first one to go is.

And Aye, stop with the games, if you knew who the scum was since the beginning of the game, you would of told us. I know I would of. And stop calling yourself dumb. That's not nice.

RIP Mertex
Wolf, you are the last scum. You gave it away very early on in the game. Your replies and constant attempts at getting townies lynched is another tell. The only player left that isn't town is you. Bragging in the game thread is a giveaway as well. Really, who does that? Only someone that can't keep their mouth shut - that's who. Your partner gave it away very early on as well - you just didn't pick up on it. He was fed up with your controlling ways and not wanting to listen to what he had to say.

If town wants to lynch me to prove you are wrong, then I'm fine with that, cause I know once they see the flip, you're next, and then town wins!
Vote: House

I want House dead. Wolf is town. Aye is probably town. Scum have every incentive to have you both at each other's throats. Look who is encouraging you to fight. That's House and Mathblade.

I drew attention to myself in the early game drawing icescum to me most likely considering they couldn't kill me. Who voted for me? House and Mathblade.

You know who originally hard defended the doctor to lynch Grandma. House and Mathblade. There's more. Who refused to start a second wagon with me on known scum despite believing town was mislynching? House.

Who suddenly doubts the doctor yesterday? House. Who died after no town fell for it? Mertex.

House is playing a decent game, but he is the scum most likely.
Wolf, you are the last scum. You gave it away very early on in the game. Your replies and constant attempts at getting townies lynched is another tell. The only player left that isn't town is you. Bragging in the game thread is a giveaway as well. Really, who does that? Only someone that can't keep their mouth shut - that's who. Your partner gave it away very early on as well - you just didn't pick up on it. He was fed up with your controlling ways and not wanting to listen to what he had to say.

If town wants to lynch me to prove you are wrong, then I'm fine with that, cause I know once they see the flip, you're next, and then town wins!

If I needed any further proof you are the last, this pretty much seals it for me. You are pretty much following exactly what Sameech hinted to us in the neighborhood. Wait until today and then try to take me out. I have no idea why you two are set on me nor do I care. If you succeed in getting me lynched, you'll be next. You do know that don't you?

Please quote where I gave myself away, where I bragged in the game thread, where my so-called partner supposedly gave it away and hinted he was fed up with my controlling ways and me not wanting to listen to what he said. I would love to see this because it would be quite a trick considering I have no partner. Then you can explain why you decided to wait until now to tell everyone since saying so earlier would of been what a real townie would of done if there was indeed such damning evidence so early in the game.

LOL-if I wasn't so tired today, I'd be amused. As it is, you are far, far too predictable.

You better run over to Central now and try to convince Cafe.

Scum are funny when they are trapped. Their games are amusing. LOL
Vote: House

I want House dead. Wolf is town. Aye is probably town. Scum have every incentive to have you both at each other's throats. Look who is encouraging you to fight. That's House and Mathblade.

I drew attention to myself in the early game drawing icescum to me most likely considering they couldn't kill me. Who voted for me? House and Mathblade.

You know who originally hard defended the doctor to lynch Grandma. House and Mathblade. There's more. Who refused to start a second wagon with me on known scum despite believing town was mislynching? House.

Who suddenly doubts the doctor yesterday? House. Who died after no town fell for it? Mertex.

House is playing a decent game, but he is the scum most likely.

I have House as a neighbor. He's town.
Ugh Aye...........................could you not be so damn obvious?

Geez, this is no challenge at all.

I'm still going to wait for the rest of the townie to chime in before I vote.
You know who originally hard defended the doctor to lynch Grandma. House and Mathblade. There's more. Who refused to start a second wagon with me on known scum despite believing town was mislynching? House.

Who defended the town doctor claim when Grandma was campaigning for her mislynch? House. Who thought attempting to mislynch a PR claim was scummy as hell? House.

There's more. Who didn't believe anything out of your mouth after you tried to mislynch him? House.

Bad logic is Bad.

Who suddenly doubts the doctor yesterday? House. Who died after no town fell for it? Mertex.

Who didn't know there was no public signs of a doctor's role? House. Who thanked Mertex and dropped the matter when she said as much and wasn't contradicted? House.

Biased player is biased.
Wolf just because House is your neighbor does not make him town. I would rather trust Cafe to pick between the two of you/Math. I think if I die, House wins.

There normally should be an NL today or tomorrow but scum are just going to kill conftowns.
Oh and please tell us what your next step is Aye if you succeed in getting me lynched and it is shown I am town? How are you going to hide then?

Do you have a back-up plan? You are going to need one you know. Who's your next target after me?

Fact is, this game is won for town already and your desperation is showing.

Sad, really.
Ugh Aye...........................could you not be so damn obvious?

Geez, this is no challenge at all.

I'm still going to wait for the rest of the townie to chime in before I vote.

Whatcha waiting for, scum? Someone to come along and vote me first? No worries! I already asked Cafe to help lynch me in Central.
Wolf just because House is your neighbor does not make him town. I would rather trust Cafe to pick between the two of you/Math. I think if I die, House wins.

There normally should be an NL today or tomorrow but scum are just going to kill conftowns.

I'm not going to vote for House SR, sorry.
Ugh Aye...........................could you not be so damn obvious?

Geez, this is no challenge at all.

I'm still going to wait for the rest of the townie to chime in before I vote.

Whatcha waiting for, scum? Someone to come along and vote me first? No worries! I already asked Cafe to help lynch me in Central.

OK then. Whatever floats your boat. The rest of town will talk then while you play games.
@Wolfsister77 @AyeCantSeeYou

You both will be alive tomorrow most likely. Can you set aside your drama for one day? I am likely dead tonight if I am wrong.

I caught Gath bc his bad vote flip. I caught House with his bad position flip on Mertex.

Wolf, if you are clearing House bc hood, you should autoscumread Math.
Oh and please tell us what your next step is Aye if you succeed in getting me lynched and it is shown I am town? How are you going to hide then?

Do you have a back-up plan? You are going to need one you know. Who's your next target after me?

Fact is, this game is won for town already and your desperation is showing.

Sad, really.

I already said more than once I want town to lynch me today to prove you wrong. :thanks:

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