Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

I don't have access to any of your neighborhood QT posts. The only 2 I'm in are South and Central. To take your word at face value would be a huge mistake.

I'm still alive to confirm post content.

Explain Post 741 from your neighborhood QT in YOUR words then.

Fair enough. I was on my phone earlier, and flipping tabs is a hassle on it.

741: Sam said he didn't need to set Wolf up, and Cafe & Aye are going to lynch him regardless of his flip. Sam also stated that he backhanded town confirmed Wolf.

He went on to say that Aye/Cafe already stated as much in Central. That Wolf will be lynched because Sam flips town, but Wolf can keep dreaming that she's lynched because he flips scum & that she isn't going to survive under either circumstance (scumzilla).

That is the closest I could word it to the actual post without Wake threatening a mod kill (I hope, anyway).

Doesn't sound anything near like what Wolf claimed below when I confirmed for Cafe what was said by Sam in Central, now does it?

You have a point. I can see similarities, but there are indisputable differences and I was wrong for not giving my own perspective.

My apologies.

No, she's saying I was talking about 741 there when I was talking about 716. I'd love to just put the link here for all to see because this arguing over neighborhood convos is stupid.
How do you know what number I was even talking about when I made that statement?

It was in 716 where he said I have been outplayed. Not 741.

Geez, if you are going to try to call me a liar about my own neighborhood convos, make sure you set up the right post numbers.

Then why did you tell House to check post 741 below?

@House can you please verify what Sam was saying in your hood about having a plan and seeding Central? Want to ensure that we have a consensus before I hammer. Thanks.

Check posts 737 and 741.
No, she's saying I was talking about 741 there when I was talking about 716. I'd love to just put the link here for all to see because this arguing over neighborhood convos is stupid.

716: Sam: Wolf outed herself as scum. Sam was lying as part of a gambit. Lynch all liars is not part of Sam's code of play, but lying is. Once Gath flips goon, Wolf is toast. GF's make no sense in fire/ice (paraphrased to avoid modkill) Wolf is tryingto perpetuate the lie as a cover for mislynches she is trying to line up. When Sam flips town, Wolf will be quickhammered. Town is finally going to win, and Wolf has been outplayed.
How do you know what number I was even talking about when I made that statement?

It was in 716 where he said I have been outplayed. Not 741.

Geez, if you are going to try to call me a liar about my own neighborhood convos, make sure you set up the right post numbers.

Then why did you tell House to check post 741 below?

@House can you please verify what Sam was saying in your hood about having a plan and seeding Central? Want to ensure that we have a consensus before I hammer. Thanks.

Check posts 737 and 741.

That was in response to something Cafe asked him about seeding the neighborhoods and had nothing to do with what I said to you. If you wanted to know what I said to you, you could of asked me if it was the same posts.

But you didn't. You strung two unrelated posts together to make me look like a liar.

I am tired of this shit Aye. I am tired of scum trying to pin me as scum.
No, she's saying I was talking about 741 there when I was talking about 716. I'd love to just put the link here for all to see because this arguing over neighborhood convos is stupid.

716: Sam: Wolf outed herself as scum. Sam was lying as part of a gambit. Lynch all liars is not part of Sam's code of play, but lying is. Once Gath flips goon, Wolf is toast. GF's make no sense in fire/ice (paraphrased to avoid modkill) Wolf is tryingto perpetuate the lie as a cover for mislynches she is trying to line up. When Sam flips town, Wolf will be quickhammered. Town is finally going to win, and Wolf has been outplayed.

This is what I was talking about when I told Aye Sam said I was outplayed that she tried to put with an unrelated post to make me look like a liar.

I've had enough of this. I'm not falling for scum's games any more.

Sameech will be lynched this day and that's final.

This crap does nothing but help scum.

Protect your partner more please.

I backhanded confirmed you as town just like you told me to in the scum QT when we were hatching this whole bussing me so Rosie couldn't claim to be the only person to have suffered that fate discussion. You truly are as satisfied as often as you are right--seldom. Having to be in 2 QT's and a game thread with you is reason enough for a player to kill themselves. Heck Gath committed suicide and was only in 1 thread with you. That alone should be a testament to my resolve.
I wonder if anyone else is getting as much crap from scum as I am. I doubt it.

It makes very little sense and probably won't until the game is over and I can see the QT's.

Anyway, good night all.
Protect your partner more please.

I backhanded confirmed you as town just like you told me to in the scum QT when we were hatching this whole bussing me so Rosie couldn't claim to be the only person to have suffered that fate discussion. You truly are as satisfied as often as you are right--seldom. Having to be in 2 QT's and a game thread with you is reason enough for a player to kill themselves. Heck Gath committed suicide and was only in 1 thread with you. That alone should be a testament to my resolve.

Protect your partner more please.

I backhanded confirmed you as town just like you told me to in the scum QT when we were hatching this whole bussing me so Rosie couldn't claim to be the only person to have suffered that fate discussion. You truly are as satisfied as often as you are right--seldom. Having to be in 2 QT's and a game thread with you is reason enough for a player to kill themselves. Heck Gath committed suicide and was only in 1 thread with you. That alone should be a testament to my resolve.

Well if I had any doubts about my vote for Sam, they went by the wayside with his last post a la Gath style.
Thank You for that laugh Sameech. Please, tell us more about what you and I planned in the scum QT.

I can't wait to hear it. You have to call me scumzilla again like you did in the neighborhood because that gem is just too good to save for only myself and House.



Hammer Time!

Forgot to say I hope you are feeling better and recovering nicely since we won't be speaking for awhile ;) Sometimes we should take a break from the drama to remember civility.

Thank you I really appreciate that. I saw your prayers for me in Central and they meant a lot Sam. I hope you move goes well and you are feeling better soon too!

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