Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

Aye, your statements sound very similar to what Sameech was saying. So similar in fact, that I have a hard time believing you are not his partner. He especially was talking about how it would be clear at the end of the day when he's gone. Yeah, you are the other one all right. I just hope others see it too before it is too late.

I would not withhold this info. if I knew who it was. I would be shouting it from the rooftops. Right now.
How are they similar? Context is everything.

Math and I sound similar but we are siblings.

It has to do with the 2 posts I mentioned from the neighborhood QT. What he said to me there and what she's saying now are just too similar not to be planned.

I don't have access to any of your neighborhood QT posts. The only 2 I'm in are South and Central. To take your word at face value would be a huge mistake.

You have access to Sameech. I'm almost certain of it now.

Of course I do, along with Cafe. He's in Central. Did you forget that?
Aye, your statements sound very similar to what Sameech was saying. So similar in fact, that I have a hard time believing you are not his partner. He especially was talking about how it would be clear at the end of the day when he's gone. Yeah, you are the other one all right. I just hope others see it too before it is too late.

I would not withhold this info. if I knew who it was. I would be shouting it from the rooftops. Right now.
How are they similar? Context is everything.

Math and I sound similar but we are siblings.

It has to do with the 2 posts I mentioned from the neighborhood QT. What he said to me there and what she's saying now are just too similar not to be planned.

I don't have access to any of your neighborhood QT posts. The only 2 I'm in are South and Central. To take your word at face value would be a huge mistake.

I'm still alive to confirm post content.
I do not trust you.
Aye, your statements sound very similar to what Sameech was saying. So similar in fact, that I have a hard time believing you are not his partner. He especially was talking about how it would be clear at the end of the day when he's gone. Yeah, you are the other one all right. I just hope others see it too before it is too late.

I would not withhold this info. if I knew who it was. I would be shouting it from the rooftops. Right now.
How are they similar? Context is everything.

Math and I sound similar but we are siblings.

It has to do with the 2 posts I mentioned from the neighborhood QT. What he said to me there and what she's saying now are just too similar not to be planned.

I don't have access to any of your neighborhood QT posts. The only 2 I'm in are South and Central. To take your word at face value would be a huge mistake.

Also, you forget that House can confirm what I say.
Aye, your statements sound very similar to what Sameech was saying. So similar in fact, that I have a hard time believing you are not his partner. He especially was talking about how it would be clear at the end of the day when he's gone. Yeah, you are the other one all right. I just hope others see it too before it is too late.

I would not withhold this info. if I knew who it was. I would be shouting it from the rooftops. Right now.
How are they similar? Context is everything.

Math and I sound similar but we are siblings.

It has to do with the 2 posts I mentioned from the neighborhood QT. What he said to me there and what she's saying now are just too similar not to be planned.

I don't have access to any of your neighborhood QT posts. The only 2 I'm in are South and Central. To take your word at face value would be a huge mistake.

You have access to Sameech. I'm almost certain of it now.

Of course I do, along with Cafe. He's in Central. Did you forget that?

He's also in my neighborhood and like House said, he can confirm also. And I already know Sameech is pitting the two neighborhoods against me because he already said so. Thank You for repeating it. Add that to the fact that you believed him over me about his fake PR claim and parroted his gambit talk and yeah, you wouldn't be pulling this crap unless you are the other one. Again, nice try Aye.
Aye, your statements sound very similar to what Sameech was saying. So similar in fact, that I have a hard time believing you are not his partner. He especially was talking about how it would be clear at the end of the day when he's gone. Yeah, you are the other one all right. I just hope others see it too before it is too late.

I would not withhold this info. if I knew who it was. I would be shouting it from the rooftops. Right now.
How are they similar? Context is everything.

Math and I sound similar but we are siblings.

It has to do with the 2 posts I mentioned from the neighborhood QT. What he said to me there and what she's saying now are just too similar not to be planned.

I don't have access to any of your neighborhood QT posts. The only 2 I'm in are South and Central. To take your word at face value would be a huge mistake.

I'm still alive to confirm post content.

Explain Post 741 from your neighborhood QT in YOUR words then.

@House can you please verify what Sam was saying in your hood about having a plan and seeding Central? Want to ensure that we have a consensus before I hammer. Thanks.

737: Sam implied Wolf had elsewhere to converse, to use his terminology. He also claimed SR fake claimed ice immunity.

Told me to remember this post because it would be important.

741: Eh, can I just say Wolf's statement of the post is accurate and that I would word it that way myself?
He's also in my neighborhood and like House said, he can confirm also. And I already know Sameech is pitting the two neighborhoods against me because he already said so. Thank You for repeating it. Add that to the fact that you believed him over me about his fake PR claim and parroted his gambit talk and yeah, you wouldn't be pulling this crap unless you are the other one. Again, nice try Aye.

Wash, Rinse, Repeat. Keep trying. When you come up with something on me, I'm sure you'll be able to get a lynch. Til then, keep trying.
Wolf explain please. I cannot see shit.

I have to paraphrase since I can't copy QT's but Sameech has been saying that I am going down at daybreak and that Aye and Cafe have already said in Central they are going to kill me next because of:

-if he flips town I'll be quickhammered OR
-if he flips scum, they'll kill me because he will backhand town confirm me in Central which is what Cafe said he tried to do-say I'm town now when he's been calling me scum all along
-And said, either way, I'm not going to survive and then called me scum again

So now, Aye saying she knows who the other one is and that she'd not saying anything until the day is over, etc. is just way too similar to what Sameech told me about going down the next day.

They are partners. I am not afraid of being lynched. But no townie I know, would not shout it from the rooftops right here and now if they knew who the other scum was.

It's a game.

I have no idea why Sameech wants me gone so bad but he does. I'm guessing he has to protect his partner by setting me up instead.

In any case, it's all scum BS and games and Sameech would of been better off not saying his crap in both hoods.
Aye, your statements sound very similar to what Sameech was saying. So similar in fact, that I have a hard time believing you are not his partner. He especially was talking about how it would be clear at the end of the day when he's gone. Yeah, you are the other one all right. I just hope others see it too before it is too late.

I would not withhold this info. if I knew who it was. I would be shouting it from the rooftops. Right now.
How are they similar? Context is everything.

Math and I sound similar but we are siblings.

It has to do with the 2 posts I mentioned from the neighborhood QT. What he said to me there and what she's saying now are just too similar not to be planned.

I don't have access to any of your neighborhood QT posts. The only 2 I'm in are South and Central. To take your word at face value would be a huge mistake.

I'm still alive to confirm post content.
I do not trust you.

The only way your statement makes a lick of sense is if Wolf and I were both scum, which just goes to show just how irrational your reasoning is.
Wolf explain please. I cannot see shit.

I have to paraphrase since I can't copy QT's but Sameech has been saying that I am going down at daybreak and that Aye and Cafe have already said in Central they are going to kill me next because of:

-if he flips town I'll be quickhammered OR
-if he flips scum, they'll kill me because he will backhand town confirm me in Central which is what Cafe said he tried to do-say I'm town now when he's been calling me scum all along
-And said, either way, I'm not going to survive and then called me scum again

So now, Aye saying she knows who the other one is and that she'd not saying anything until the day is over, etc. is just way too similar to what Sameech told me about going down the next day.

They are partners. I am not afraid of being lynched. But no townie I know, would not shout it from the rooftops right here and now if they knew who the other scum was.

It's a game.

I have no idea why Sameech wants me gone so bad but he does. I'm guessing he has to protect his partner by setting me up instead.

In any case, it's all scum BS and games and Sameech would of been better off not saying his crap in both hoods.

Again, you are wrong about me. But, whatever floats your boat seems to sink others, and you could care less as long as you are still in yours, right? Why is it you can accuse a person of being scum, yet no one can do that to you without you throwing a hissy? Any person that dares try and defend herself against your false accusations is immediately called scum by you. When the tables are turned, you don't like it and act out, usually repeating yourself from previous posts. Who's to say I have to believe any word from you, considering I haven't seen your Role PM, nor would I want to. To me, you are acting more scummy than anyone else right now. You have been telling people since early in the game that I'm scum, so state your case, other than the crap above, or shut the hell up and move on to the REAL scum.
All I said was I did not trust you. Wolf is tunnelling. You could say anything to get that to continue. It would benefit your wincon.
Aye, your statements sound very similar to what Sameech was saying. So similar in fact, that I have a hard time believing you are not his partner. He especially was talking about how it would be clear at the end of the day when he's gone. Yeah, you are the other one all right. I just hope others see it too before it is too late.

I would not withhold this info. if I knew who it was. I would be shouting it from the rooftops. Right now.
How are they similar? Context is everything.

Math and I sound similar but we are siblings.

It has to do with the 2 posts I mentioned from the neighborhood QT. What he said to me there and what she's saying now are just too similar not to be planned.

I don't have access to any of your neighborhood QT posts. The only 2 I'm in are South and Central. To take your word at face value would be a huge mistake.

I'm still alive to confirm post content.

Explain Post 741 from your neighborhood QT in YOUR words then.

Fair enough. I was on my phone earlier, and flipping tabs is a hassle on it.

741: Sam said he didn't need to set Wolf up, and Cafe & Aye are going to lynch him regardless of his flip. Sam also stated that he backhanded town confirmed Wolf.

He went on to say that Aye/Cafe already stated as much in Central. That Wolf will be lynched because Sam flips town, but Wolf can keep dreaming that she's lynched because he flips scum & that she isn't going to survive under either circumstance (scumzilla).

That is the closest I could word it to the actual post without Wake threatening a mod kill (I hope, anyway).
Wolf explain please. I cannot see shit.

I have to paraphrase since I can't copy QT's but Sameech has been saying that I am going down at daybreak and that Aye and Cafe have already said in Central they are going to kill me next because of:

-if he flips town I'll be quickhammered OR
-if he flips scum, they'll kill me because he will backhand town confirm me in Central which is what Cafe said he tried to do-say I'm town now when he's been calling me scum all along
-And said, either way, I'm not going to survive and then called me scum again

So now, Aye saying she knows who the other one is and that she'd not saying anything until the day is over, etc. is just way too similar to what Sameech told me about going down the next day.

They are partners. I am not afraid of being lynched. But no townie I know, would not shout it from the rooftops right here and now if they knew who the other scum was.

It's a game.

I have no idea why Sameech wants me gone so bad but he does. I'm guessing he has to protect his partner by setting me up instead.

In any case, it's all scum BS and games and Sameech would of been better off not saying his crap in both hoods.

Again, you are wrong about me. But, whatever floats your boat seems to sink others, and you could care less as long as you are still in yours, right? Why is it you can accuse a person of being scum, yet no one can do that to you without you throwing a hissy? Any person that dares try and defend herself against your false accusations is immediately called scum by you. When the tables are turned, you don't like it and act out, usually repeating yourself from previous posts. Who's to say I have to believe any word from you, considering I haven't seen your Role PM, nor would I want to. To me, you are acting more scummy than anyone else right now. You have been telling people since early in the game that I'm scum, so state your case, other than the crap above, or shut the hell up and move on to the REAL scum.

He's also in my neighborhood and like House said, he can confirm also. And I already know Sameech is pitting the two neighborhoods against me because he already said so. Thank You for repeating it. Add that to the fact that you believed him over me about his fake PR claim and parroted his gambit talk and yeah, you wouldn't be pulling this crap unless you are the other one. Again, nice try Aye.

For all the talk of people professing to know my meta, Ayes was in a QT with me and dblack in Game 3 in which she saw me play very rational in the QT and out there in the game thread all over the place rustling up info and understood the reasons for me doing it and sometime me doing it to get information she wanted. You might want to consider that she has a different worldview on me from the past than you do and one that is more well-grounded than any other player in this game right now as far as my meta, the limited amount of it you have seen. That was the same game in which Wake noted that we made the best use of the QT's. What the means to this particular game is nothing, just an honest straight-forward assessment that should remind you to challenge your own assumptions as a player instead of expecting other people to do it for you or expecting other people to accept your worldview.

Beyond that, kind of sad that this thread is still open. So much wasted noise on assumptions instead of knowledge that could be easily gotten and so many alleged facts that aren't even in the same ballpark as truth that there is no point addressing them.
How are they similar? Context is everything.

Math and I sound similar but we are siblings.

It has to do with the 2 posts I mentioned from the neighborhood QT. What he said to me there and what she's saying now are just too similar not to be planned.

I don't have access to any of your neighborhood QT posts. The only 2 I'm in are South and Central. To take your word at face value would be a huge mistake.

I'm still alive to confirm post content.

Explain Post 741 from your neighborhood QT in YOUR words then.

Fair enough. I was on my phone earlier, and flipping tabs is a hassle on it.

741: Sam said he didn't need to set Wolf up, and Cafe & Aye are going to lynch him regardless of his flip. Sam also stated that he backhanded town confirmed Wolf.

He went on to say that Aye/Cafe already stated as much in Central. That Wolf will be lynched because Sam flips town, but Wolf can keep dreaming that she's lynched because he flips scum & that she isn't going to survive under either circumstance (scumzilla).

That is the closest I could word it to the actual post without Wake threatening a mod kill (I hope, anyway).

Doesn't sound anything near like what Wolf claimed below when I confirmed for Cafe what was said by Sam in Central, now does it?


Can you please confirm post 882 in Central made by Sam states about seeding the other neighborhood and having an ace in the hole.

Central, Post 882 - 9/13/2014
Sam says he seeded the other neighborhood based on what he knew which will be good for town, that he couldn't tell me and you about it, to just let things happen, and that the next game day it would be clear what happened.

Yeah, he pretty much said the same thing to me in ours. That he set everything up in Central.

Oh, and that I have been outplayed.

He's also in my neighborhood and like House said, he can confirm also. And I already know Sameech is pitting the two neighborhoods against me because he already said so. Thank You for repeating it. Add that to the fact that you believed him over me about his fake PR claim and parroted his gambit talk and yeah, you wouldn't be pulling this crap unless you are the other one. Again, nice try Aye.

For all the talk of people professing to know my meta, Ayes was in a QT with me and dblack in Game 3 in which she saw me play very rational in the QT and out there in the game thread all over the place rustling up info and understood the reasons for me doing it and sometime me doing it to get information she wanted. You might want to consider that she has a different worldview on me from the past than you do and one that is more well-grounded than any other player in this game right now as far as my meta, the limited amount of it you have seen. That was the same game in which Wake noted that we made the best use of the QT's. What the means to this particular game is nothing, just an honest straight-forward assessment that should remind you to challenge your own assumptions as a player instead of expecting other people to do it for you or expecting other people to accept your worldview.

Beyond that, kind of sad that this thread is still open. So much wasted noise on assumptions instead of knowledge that could be easily gotten and so many alleged facts that aren't even in the same ballpark as truth that there is no point addressing them.

Protect your partner more please.
It has to do with the 2 posts I mentioned from the neighborhood QT. What he said to me there and what she's saying now are just too similar not to be planned.

I don't have access to any of your neighborhood QT posts. The only 2 I'm in are South and Central. To take your word at face value would be a huge mistake.

I'm still alive to confirm post content.

Explain Post 741 from your neighborhood QT in YOUR words then.

Fair enough. I was on my phone earlier, and flipping tabs is a hassle on it.

741: Sam said he didn't need to set Wolf up, and Cafe & Aye are going to lynch him regardless of his flip. Sam also stated that he backhanded town confirmed Wolf.

He went on to say that Aye/Cafe already stated as much in Central. That Wolf will be lynched because Sam flips town, but Wolf can keep dreaming that she's lynched because he flips scum & that she isn't going to survive under either circumstance (scumzilla).

That is the closest I could word it to the actual post without Wake threatening a mod kill (I hope, anyway).

Doesn't sound anything near like what Wolf claimed below when I confirmed for Cafe what was said by Sam in Central, now does it?

You have a point. I can see similarities, but there are indisputable differences and I was wrong for not giving my own perspective.

My apologies.
It has to do with the 2 posts I mentioned from the neighborhood QT. What he said to me there and what she's saying now are just too similar not to be planned.

I don't have access to any of your neighborhood QT posts. The only 2 I'm in are South and Central. To take your word at face value would be a huge mistake.

I'm still alive to confirm post content.

Explain Post 741 from your neighborhood QT in YOUR words then.

Fair enough. I was on my phone earlier, and flipping tabs is a hassle on it.

741: Sam said he didn't need to set Wolf up, and Cafe & Aye are going to lynch him regardless of his flip. Sam also stated that he backhanded town confirmed Wolf.

He went on to say that Aye/Cafe already stated as much in Central. That Wolf will be lynched because Sam flips town, but Wolf can keep dreaming that she's lynched because he flips scum & that she isn't going to survive under either circumstance (scumzilla).

That is the closest I could word it to the actual post without Wake threatening a mod kill (I hope, anyway).

Doesn't sound anything near like what Wolf claimed below when I confirmed for Cafe what was said by Sam in Central, now does it?


Can you please confirm post 882 in Central made by Sam states about seeding the other neighborhood and having an ace in the hole.

Central, Post 882 - 9/13/2014
Sam says he seeded the other neighborhood based on what he knew which will be good for town, that he couldn't tell me and you about it, to just let things happen, and that the next game day it would be clear what happened.

Yeah, he pretty much said the same thing to me in ours. That he set everything up in Central.

Oh, and that I have been outplayed.


How do you know what number I was even talking about when I made that statement?

It was in 716 where he said I have been outplayed. Not 741.

Geez, if you are going to try to call me a liar about my own neighborhood convos, make sure you set up the right post numbers.
Scarlet, I owe you an apology, too. I was wrong, and I'm sorry for being defensive.

I shouldn't have allowed my laziness to take precedence over accuracy.

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