Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

House-Sameech never said a word about you as a suspect or anything. Promise me you are town.


If you have to be told, you won't believe me anyway because scum would say the same thing.

Make up your own mind.

Yes, But I don't believe I've ever made you promise me outright. I did it in the hood too while promising I am town.

You have to tell me if you are not town House. Here or there.
OK, in the hood, way earlier he mentioned having issues with Aye's play saying she was a vig when she wasn't. He had her as #2 on his top 3 which were Cafe, Aye, TN. He basically was after Cafe and TN the most in the hood. Other than that post, he didn't say much about Aye.

Mathblade he mentioned later when he said her and SR are his top picks for the last remaining fire scum.

He also had her in his list of 3 as TN, Cafe, mathblade.

But all these posts were back when TN was still with us.

He really didn't say much once I started suspecting him except calling me scum.

I understand his statements about Aye's ability. Reading her in central one would have believed she was a VIG period, in fact this is what had Aye on my list for sometime given her statements in Central and the basic outing of Rosie as a PR ( again we were discussing Rosie as poss scum, so this may have been the reason) . BUT Sam had no clue how her VIG ability worked...

TN just died though Wolf,, how far back was he calling Math a suspect? Like weeks ago? Or just a few days ago?

Cafe, you're not thinking that Math replaced TN are you? I believe Math replaced MeBelle.
House-Sameech never said a word about you as a suspect or anything. Promise me you are town.


If you have to be told, you won't believe me anyway because scum would say the same thing.

Make up your own mind.

Yes, But I don't believe I've ever made you promise me outright. I did it in the hood too while promising I am town.

You have to tell me if you are not town House. Here or there.

I've already said I'm Town. Multiple times. Promising is appeasing behavior and would simply paint me as scum.

If your reads of me rely on a single statement, then... I don't trust your reads of others.

I've read your games, Wolf. You know all this. Why are you baiting me?

Can you please confirm post 882 in Central made by Sam states about seeding the other neighborhood and having an ace in the hole.

Central, Post 882 - 9/13/2014
Sam says he seeded the other neighborhood based on what he knew which will be good for town, that he couldn't tell me and you about it, to just let things happen, and that the next game day it would be clear what happened.
OK, in the hood, way earlier he mentioned having issues with Aye's play saying she was a vig when she wasn't. He had her as #2 on his top 3 which were Cafe, Aye, TN. He basically was after Cafe and TN the most in the hood. Other than that post, he didn't say much about Aye.

Mathblade he mentioned later when he said her and SR are his top picks for the last remaining fire scum.

He also had her in his list of 3 as TN, Cafe, mathblade.

But all these posts were back when TN was still with us.

He really didn't say much once I started suspecting him except calling me scum.

I understand his statements about Aye's ability. Reading her in central one would have believed she was a VIG period, in fact this is what had Aye on my list for sometime given her statements in Central and the basic outing of Rosie as a PR ( again we were discussing Rosie as poss scum, so this may have been the reason) . BUT Sam had no clue how her VIG ability worked...

TN just died though Wolf,, how far back was he calling Math a suspect? Like weeks ago? Or just a few days ago?

Cafe, you're not thinking that Math replaced TN are you? I believe Math replaced MeBelle.

tso! replaced tn. tso! died last night.
OK, in the hood, way earlier he mentioned having issues with Aye's play saying she was a vig when she wasn't. He had her as #2 on his top 3 which were Cafe, Aye, TN. He basically was after Cafe and TN the most in the hood. Other than that post, he didn't say much about Aye.

Mathblade he mentioned later when he said her and SR are his top picks for the last remaining fire scum.

He also had her in his list of 3 as TN, Cafe, mathblade.

But all these posts were back when TN was still with us.

He really didn't say much once I started suspecting him except calling me scum.

I understand his statements about Aye's ability. Reading her in central one would have believed she was a VIG period, in fact this is what had Aye on my list for sometime given her statements in Central and the basic outing of Rosie as a PR ( again we were discussing Rosie as poss scum, so this may have been the reason) . BUT Sam had no clue how her VIG ability worked...

TN just died though Wolf,, how far back was he calling Math a suspect? Like weeks ago? Or just a few days ago?

Cafe, you're not thinking that Math replaced TN are you? I believe Math replaced MeBelle.

Yes, I know but I realize my question read a bit confused, I was a bit confused when Wolf said Sam had not mentioned Math since TN "was still with us", but just realized she meant BEFORE he was replaced not before he died as TSO.
House-Sameech never said a word about you as a suspect or anything. Promise me you are town.


If you have to be told, you won't believe me anyway because scum would say the same thing.

Make up your own mind.

Yes, But I don't believe I've ever made you promise me outright. I did it in the hood too while promising I am town.

You have to tell me if you are not town House. Here or there.

I've already said I'm Town. Multiple times. Promising is appeasing behavior and would simply paint me as scum.

If your reads of me rely on a single statement, then... I don't trust your reads of others.

I've read your games, Wolf. You know all this. Why are you baiting me?

Simple thing to do House. Shouldn't be that hard. We've been working together the whole game.
OK, in the hood, way earlier he mentioned having issues with Aye's play saying she was a vig when she wasn't. He had her as #2 on his top 3 which were Cafe, Aye, TN. He basically was after Cafe and TN the most in the hood. Other than that post, he didn't say much about Aye.

Mathblade he mentioned later when he said her and SR are his top picks for the last remaining fire scum.

He also had her in his list of 3 as TN, Cafe, mathblade.

But all these posts were back when TN was still with us.

He really didn't say much once I started suspecting him except calling me scum.

I understand his statements about Aye's ability. Reading her in central one would have believed she was a VIG period, in fact this is what had Aye on my list for sometime given her statements in Central and the basic outing of Rosie as a PR ( again we were discussing Rosie as poss scum, so this may have been the reason) . BUT Sam had no clue how her VIG ability worked...

TN just died though Wolf,, how far back was he calling Math a suspect? Like weeks ago? Or just a few days ago?

Cafe, you're not thinking that Math replaced TN are you? I believe Math replaced MeBelle.

Yes, I know but I realize my question read a bit confused, I was a bit confused when Wolf said Sam had not mentioned Math since TN "was still with us", but just realized she meant BEFORE he was replaced not before he died as TSO.

Sorry!! I worded that poorly. Got confused myself. I forget who replaces who sometimes.
tso!? Idontgetit... o_O

Well, that shoots my theory all to hell.

Wait... why didn't scum take out the doctor? She's a sitting duck, amirite? How is she still alive after the opposing scum team has been eliminated?

Last night's kill choice is just all kinds of weird.

Because Ice wants you all to think that I'm the partner. It's so damn obvious. I wish they had taken me out, so everyone can see that I'm not lying, but too bad for them, unless you all lynch me, I get to protect another person tonight and they don't know good luck to the remaining ice. I'm going to go check the remaining player's posts for clues or slips.

While I can see the logic behind that, it also stands to reason that killing you last night would have been a null info NK because you're the logical choice, meaning there's nothing to deduce from killing the doctor because that would likely happen regardless of who drew scum.

tso! drawing the NK is just... off.

Chasing my tail, here.

Well, Scum for sure wants to see Town lynch me, would save them one NK, and killing TSO was a safe choice because she/he was not one that was being suspected by Town. She replaced tn and it wouldn't make sense for tn to have gone to all the trouble he went to to protect me N1 if he had been scum. They are banking on us getting so confused and mislynching someone.
House-Sameech never said a word about you as a suspect or anything. Promise me you are town.


If you have to be told, you won't believe me anyway because scum would say the same thing.

Make up your own mind.

Yes, But I don't believe I've ever made you promise me outright. I did it in the hood too while promising I am town.

You have to tell me if you are not town House. Here or there.

I've already said I'm Town. Multiple times. Promising is appeasing behavior and would simply paint me as scum.

If your reads of me rely on a single statement, then... I don't trust your reads of others.

I've read your games, Wolf. You know all this. Why are you baiting me?

Simple thing to do House. Shouldn't be that hard. We've been working together the whole game.

Look past your own request Wolf, and see how it affects the game.

If your read of me relies on me posting a statement that scum would not hesitate to post in order to appease you, everybody else in town would instantly suspect me - and rightly so!

Just like I don't see why you are demanding such a promise unless it is a gambit to bait such appeasement.
Bottom line, I'm not going to beg anybody for acceptance.

I've worked my ass off for town the entire game. Take it for what it's worth and use me however you see fit to continue on for the win.
You have to tell me if you are not town House. Here or there.[/QUOTE]

I've already said I'm Town. Multiple times. Promising is appeasing behavior and would simply paint me as scum.

If your reads of me rely on a single statement, then... I don't trust your reads of others.

I've read your games, Wolf. You know all this. Why are you baiting me?[/QUOTE]

Simple thing to do House. Shouldn't be that hard. We've been working together the whole game.[/QUOTE]

Look past your own request Wolf, and see how it affects the game.

If your read of me relies on me posting a statement that scum would not hesitate to post in order to appease you, everybody else in town would instantly suspect me - and rightly so!

Just like I don't see why you are demanding such a promise unless it is a gambit to bait such appeasement.[/QUOTE]

I'm not trying to set you up. You can do it in the hood. And no, my read of you does not depend on this single statement.
Bottom line, I'm not going to beg anybody for acceptance.

I've worked my ass off for town the entire game. Take it for what it's worth and use me however you see fit to continue on for the win.

Never mind!! This answer is as townie as they come. Thank You!!
I know who the last scum is. You think you've fooled everyone, but you haven't. :biggrin:

Can you please confirm post 882 in Central made by Sam states about seeding the other neighborhood and having an ace in the hole.

Central, Post 882 - 9/13/2014
Sam says he seeded the other neighborhood based on what he knew which will be good for town, that he couldn't tell me and you about it, to just let things happen, and that the next game day it would be clear what happened.

Yeah, he pretty much said the same thing to me in ours. That he set everything up in Central.

Oh, and that I have been outplayed.

@House can you please verify what Sam was saying in your hood about having a plan and seeding Central? Want to ensure that we have a consensus before I hammer. Thanks.

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