Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

I'm definitely a VT this game. Before Gath was lynched, you had your plan laid out for all to see. You wanted Sam out next, then me. You have repeatedly said I have to be the last scum, so go for it. Get it over with. I want this to go the way you had planned, so every player can see for themselves how wrong you are about me. For the record, I believe you are wrong about Math as well. You trying to steer votes to the people of your choice is scummy. Have fun explaining yourself after I'm lynched. I know I'll enjoy watching the reactions.

This post is scummy beyond belief. I am not going to let you distract things. Either help town or don't.

That's where you keep confusing yourself, Wolf. I have been helping town. I'm not the one trying to control the game, control other players, or control votes.

Asking for other's input and giving my own is not trying to control town, players, or votes. Do you really think any of these people playing can be controlled by anyone? But we have to work together to win. And the only way we do it is if we are smart and know all possible options and outcomes which is what I am trying to do here.

Found out! Gotta love the 'search' feature.
I don't really care Aye. Rosie and Avi thanking your posts calling me scum and voting me is compromised the game as far as I'm concerned.

I'm very disappointed and also done until Wake gets back to me. Please vote me out. I'd love to be lynched right now. The game is still very winnable for town regardless.

How is the game compromised? You're really stretching here! I could care less who is thanking posts anywhere on this forum. Why do you put so much stock in it? Is it because you drew the short stick this game and your gig is up?
And what does that prove exactly Aye? Please convince the other townies to vote me out. This game is ruined for me now and I am completely disgusted and disappointed.

That is all.
I don't really care Aye. Rosie and Avi thanking your posts calling me scum and voting me is compromised the game as far as I'm concerned.

I'm very disappointed and also done until Wake gets back to me. Please vote me out. I'd love to be lynched right now. The game is still very winnable for town regardless.

How is the game compromised? You're really stretching here! I could care less who is thanking posts anywhere on this forum. Why do you put so much stock in it? Is it because you drew the short stick this game and your gig is up?

You know your constant harassment of me really makes you look like scum. No one from the dz is allowed to thank posts here. It is against the rules. They broke the rules. I am not arguing this with you. They are directly trying to influence the game.

I'd rather be lynched. It will teach you all a lesson not to every do anything like this again.

Have a nice day.
I don't really care Aye. Rosie and Avi thanking your posts calling me scum and voting me is compromised the game as far as I'm concerned.

I'm very disappointed and also done until Wake gets back to me. Please vote me out. I'd love to be lynched right now. The game is still very winnable for town regardless.

How is the game compromised? You're really stretching here! I could care less who is thanking posts anywhere on this forum. Why do you put so much stock in it? Is it because you drew the short stick this game and your gig is up?

You know your constant harassment of me really makes you look like scum. No one from the dz is allowed to thank posts here. It is against the rules. They broke the rules. I am not arguing this with you. They are directly trying to influence the game.

I'd rather be lynched. It will teach you all a lesson not to every do anything like this again.

Have a nice day.

And what do you think it makes you look like when you've done the same to me pretty much all game long? What's the difference now? Is it becauase the table flipped and I'm now giving back what you were giving me?
The thanking of posts was unintentional. All is well.
I don't really care Aye. Rosie and Avi thanking your posts calling me scum and voting me is compromised the game as far as I'm concerned.

I'm very disappointed and also done until Wake gets back to me. Please vote me out. I'd love to be lynched right now. The game is still very winnable for town regardless.

How is the game compromised? You're really stretching here! I could care less who is thanking posts anywhere on this forum. Why do you put so much stock in it? Is it because you drew the short stick this game and your gig is up?

You know your constant harassment of me really makes you look like scum. No one from the dz is allowed to thank posts here. It is against the rules. They broke the rules. I am not arguing this with you. They are directly trying to influence the game.

I'd rather be lynched. It will teach you all a lesson not to every do anything like this again.

Have a nice day.

And what do you think it makes you look like when you've done the same to me pretty much all game long? What's the difference now? Is it becauase the table flipped and I'm now giving back what you were giving me?

Keep talking. You sound scummier with every post and your scummy tunnel is duly noted.

I could care less what people playing the game say. Active players can say what they want.

But dead players can't and you know this as well as anyone playing how wrong that is.

Like I said, it is up to Wake to deal with this now. I will not waste my time arguing with likely scum which is what you are.

The fact that you are continuing this fights proves it.
Rosie was using a Kindle, and accidentally bumped a part of the screen causing it to happen. Avatar hasn't logged on yet.

Everyone, please disregard the thanking of posts. Please don't do it, and please don't use it while playing this game.
Unsure about Avi. Will work to resolve this.

OK House.
I have told you why he's scum.

First, zero trajectory as to why his targets are scum.

Second, his positions taken almost always benefit scum.

Third, he is hyper defensive today instead of arguing Math is scum, he is arguing I am stupid. Look at you and Wolf. Both town both willing to be lynched to prove it. Both willing to scumhunt outside of your tunnel in case wrong.

I've already said my finger is on Math, and I've already explained why I'm not 100% it's her.

Proactively advocating lynches without certainty is stupid.

As far as everything I do benefiting scum, I'll just let the rest of town make up their own minds on that.
Which post was 'thanked' by Avatar, please? He mentions he didn't 'thank' any post while dead.
One of these two is scum. I'd bet money on it. If they are both town, then I don't know what to think.

You're scum. There's nothing for you to think about on it.

Who is your second choice if you succeed in mislynching me? Who is your second choice right now? No one, except scum, is 100% on anyone no matter how many times you say it.

Same question goes for everyone else, SR has given 2 choices, I've given 2. House-who is your second choice if mathblade is town? Cafe-Who are your 2 choices? mathblade-I think you still said Aye or me. Has that changed?

We can afford one mislynch. So everyone should have a back up plan.

Aye's tunneling isn't doing her any favors, but I wouldn't say it's enough for me to lynch her... not when the stakes are this high.

I'll know more about my next vote depending on what happens overnight (if there is one). Hence the "more to say tomorrow".
VOTE: Wolfsister77

I have House as a neighbor. He's town.

Of course he is! You're scum, so he has to be town.

To all living players: Please disregard the 'thanks' on these posts. I would advise each and every one of you to not factor this into your gameplay. It's not serious-enough to scrap our game, but it is very serious in general. We've worked too hard to have it all be for nothing. I will be forced to punish players the next time it happens (please don't make me do this). Let's move on.

*USMB's quote function is on the fritz.
I have House as a neighbor. He's town.

Of course he is! You're scum, so he has to be town.
I have House as a neighbor. He's town.

Of course he is! You're scum, so he has to be town.

To all living players: Please disregard the 'thanks' on these posts. I would advise each and every one of you to not factor this into your gameplay. It's not serious-enough to scrap our game, but it is very serious in general.

Actually Wake, that is only one of them. The other is where Aye voted for me in huge black letters-you can't miss it.
If and when did Wolf and Sam start arguing in your hood? Has there been continuous arguing between them since get go? I am asking because of things Sam said in Central- these questions may not seem to make sense to you but they are relevant to things Sam said there.


Did House and Sam disagree in your hood at all? How was there relationship? Did either read each other as scum at any time? The same as above, relevant for things Sam said in Central.


You have gone extremely quiet after we pegged Sam as scum and then you tried to offer up excuses you did not wish to share with us, in case it gave Sam "excuses". @ScarletRage, is this normal meta for your sister and her play?

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