Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

A lot of the wolf indicative posts are at the beginning of the game more so than later.
This is very vague, can you clarify?

As far as Mertex, I flip-flopped on her as well, iirc. That was a confusing time and posts were flooding the thread.
Sorry again for lack of posts. Had issues to take care of. This post is quick because I need to get back to

Wolf is scum because they are continually attempting to lynch incorrect players. Wolf was on Mertex (Memory don't fail me.) They only switched to Grandma when she was weird. In contrast none of the other players attempted to say Mertex was scum. Anyone suggesting House is scum need to explain why both Sameech and their partner didn't take the chance. IMO I think it is because scum was towards the beginning/middle meaning Wolf.

A lot of the wolf indicative posts are at the beginning of the game more so than later.

@ScarletRage It would help to have a conf townie voice here to demonstrate I have been saying Wolf is scum.

@Wolfsister77 My vote has been on you but for insurance I will call it out in my next post.

Lot's of people were after Mertex. I was not the only one. This reasoning is bad. I want to know where all the posts are that I am missing because it appears you voted me and House voted you and I can't find those posts.
Another question for you, @House

What is your take on SR trying to get you lynched?

I'm numb to her blathering. She's still using the same tired b/s that didn't fly weeks ago.

Also, if you were the lynchee this round, what would you want town to know?

I would hope that justice would be served in my absence.

House, who is your scum pick?

I was hoping that MathBlade would come back and provide some reasoning I could follow IRT her actions, but I have been disappointed in her responses.

As for now, my vote is on her. I think I flubbed the post where I voted her and embedded it in a quote, though.

Vote: MathBlade

That said, I'm also disappointed in your tunneling of Wolf with no explanation. At this stage in the game, it's more important than ever to provide reasoning that others can identify with.
It is fine by me either way
. The way phrased in the quote makes sense. I thought maybe he was posting monthly or weekly schedules were played.

No, I did not think that at all. I just wondered how Sam knew some of the things he was saying about House, his irregular hours and his having time to read up on the game due to being a trucker, so he knew how to play, thusly according to Sam this is the reason House sounded experienced on the game when many of us thought he sounded far too experienced for this to be his first game, as House says. That is why I asked.

TIA= Thanks in Advance.

You specifically said you thought you knew why Sam did what he had done but you did not want to say here on the thread, just in case you accidently may give him an excuse.

I did not realize you thought we were lying.

Seriously? You buy that?

Vote: MathBlade

I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt, but she hasn't done herself any favors.

Her replies reek of desperation.

I am seriously missing some posts. I did not see anyone vote for mathblade and she says she voted for me too. Are there posts missing or have I totally lost my freaking mind?

I realize the answer can be yes to both, LOL.

I messed up the post where I voted for her and it got embedded in a quote (and thus, minimized).

It's a couple posts up from the one I quoted.

I have since reposted my vote outside of a quote box.
I'd like to know how Cafe is going to vote but it looks like we are going to split regardless. *sigh* I think the best chance of everyone coming together is mathblade but I'm not sure since she suggested House yesterday and SR is intent on House and Aye and mathblade voted me and House voted mathblade. I can vote mathblade but then we are all split here. We need 4.

Any ideas town?
Above I meant Cafe suggested House.

I really was hoping for a better case for me than what either Aye or mathblade has provided.
Sorry again for lack of posts. Had issues to take care of. This post is quick because I need to get back to

Wolf is scum because they are continually attempting to lynch incorrect players. Wolf was on Mertex (Memory don't fail me.) They only switched to Grandma when she was weird. In contrast none of the other players attempted to say Mertex was scum. Anyone suggesting House is scum need to explain why both Sameech and their partner didn't take the chance. IMO I think it is because scum was towards the beginning/middle meaning Wolf.

A lot of the wolf indicative posts are at the beginning of the game more so than later.

@ScarletRage It would help to have a conf townie voice here to demonstrate I have been saying Wolf is scum.

@Wolfsister77 My vote has been on you but for insurance I will call it out in my next post.

( emphasis added)

And when someone refuses to vote for near confirmed scum? What is that. I think I would rather see someone make an error as opposed to refusing to vote for someone who admitted to LYING about having a PR and getting caught in several lies on the board and in the hoods.
VC 5.1 - Sameech (LYNCH): AyeCantSeeYou, Mertex, House, CafeAuLait, Wolfsister77
VC 4.5 - Sgt_Gath (LYNCH): T S O, House, CafeAuLait, Wolfsister77, Mertex, ScarletRage
VC 3.2 - Grandma (LYNCH): Mertex, Mathblade, Sgt_Gath, Wolfsister77, FA_Q2, CafeAuLait, tn5421
VC 2.4 - Avatar4321 (LYNCH): Sameech,Grandma, Wolfsister77, House, Shaitra, Mathblade,AyeCantSeeYou, Sgt_Gath
VC 1.17 - Moonglow (LYNCH): AyeCantSeeYou, House, Wolfsister77, tn5421, Mathblade, Mertex, Sgt_Gath, Avatar4321, Sameech

@Wolfsister77 and @MathBlade , you've both voted to lynch town both times. Out of the 6 of us left, ya'll were the only ones to do so.

Explain your votes, please.

Wolf, you are the only one out of the last of us to have voted all 5 times. Have you realized this?
@AyeCantSeeYou & @MathBlade

Please state your case against @Wolfsister77 . Thanks.

@ScarletRage & @CaféAuLait

Please state your case against me. Thanks.

@Wolfsister77 & @ScarletRage

Please state your case against MathBlade. Thanks.

(Cafe & I have shared our thoughts IRT MathBlade, but the door is certainly open for more input from anyone regarding anyone)

We have too much assumed but unstated in the way of vote theory. It needs to be discussed in detail and with an open mind.
VC 5.1 - Sameech (LYNCH): AyeCantSeeYou, Mertex, House, CafeAuLait, Wolfsister77
VC 4.5 - Sgt_Gath (LYNCH): T S O, House, CafeAuLait, Wolfsister77, Mertex, ScarletRage
VC 3.2 - Grandma (LYNCH): Mertex, Mathblade, Sgt_Gath, Wolfsister77, FA_Q2, CafeAuLait, tn5421
VC 2.4 - Avatar4321 (LYNCH): Sameech,Grandma, Wolfsister77, House, Shaitra, Mathblade,AyeCantSeeYou, Sgt_Gath
VC 1.17 - Moonglow (LYNCH): AyeCantSeeYou, House, Wolfsister77, tn5421, Mathblade, Mertex, Sgt_Gath, Avatar4321, Sameech

@Wolfsister77 and @MathBlade , you've both voted to lynch town both times. Out of the 6 of us left, ya'll were the only ones to do so.

Explain your votes, please.

Wolf, you are the only one out of the last of us to have voted all 5 times. Have you realized this?

Do we really want to include scum votes considering all 3 confessed prior to their lynch?
VC 5.1 - Sameech (LYNCH): AyeCantSeeYou, Mertex, House, CafeAuLait, Wolfsister77
VC 4.5 - Sgt_Gath (LYNCH): T S O, House, CafeAuLait, Wolfsister77, Mertex, ScarletRage
VC 3.2 - Grandma (LYNCH): Mertex, Mathblade, Sgt_Gath, Wolfsister77, FA_Q2, CafeAuLait, tn5421
VC 2.4 - Avatar4321 (LYNCH): Sameech,Grandma, Wolfsister77, House, Shaitra, Mathblade,AyeCantSeeYou, Sgt_Gath
VC 1.17 - Moonglow (LYNCH): AyeCantSeeYou, House, Wolfsister77, tn5421, Mathblade, Mertex, Sgt_Gath, Avatar4321, Sameech

@Wolfsister77 and @MathBlade , you've both voted to lynch town both times. Out of the 6 of us left, ya'll were the only ones to do so.

Explain your votes, please.

Wolf, you are the only one out of the last of us to have voted all 5 times. Have you realized this?

What's your point? Three of those people I voted for are scum. Why should I have to explain that? The other two townies had a lot of other townies who suspected them and voted them so again, what is your point?

I always vote. I am rarely if ever in a no vote status in any of these games at any time ever.

I think no voting is terrible. It denies town info-doesn't let them know what you think. It doesn't apply pressure to your scumreads. It's worthless. If you are a townie, you need to always be voting unless special circumstances apply like a lylo situation.

I am always like this. I always vote.
If you are a townie, you need to always be voting unless special circumstances apply like a lylo situation.

If I understand correctly, Lylo means "Lynch OR Lose", so voting is more important than ever at that stage of the game.
SR is intent on House and Aye

The last I remember, SR's picks were MathBlade and I.

When did she switch to Aye?

Sorry, that post was worded terribly. Did I mention I'm tired? LOL

SR-House or mathblade
Cafe-House or mathblade last I heard-still want to hear from her
Me-Aye or mathblade

Okay here is my take Wolf. Sam was going after you in Central, he was also stating Aye was scum in Central. She had to defend herself there. So this was either a ploy by Sam to bus one of his "partners" you or Aye or he was trying to throw the rest of us. I have been reading for sometime now and because of his trying to get the both of you lynched, I am leaning town for both of you.

On House. Sam never had a read on him really in central, called him a quirky player but his read on House was always null or newb playing pretty good but with an attitude. He moved him into the town category. House also strangely started to hair split when I was trying to get confirmation from the both of you regarding Sam's statements in your hood. Until this point House was almost on point with everything understood every aspect of this game. The only thing in his favor for me was the Avatar vote after Sam said he saw Avatar kill Rosie. House seemed to have no damn clue what it meant he also quoted a portion of Sam's post but did not get what Sam meant, until you prodded him to reread the post and then vote for Avatar. One last thing on House, after the two scum teams targeted the same person ( Which we learned through Gath was FA) House started to ask SR for her take on FA. Sam was pushing SR was scum at that time in central, so I thought this was a way for a scum team to get a read on someone they believed to be from the opposing scum team.

On Math, it was the same for the most part, but he mentions her ONE time, that's it and it was in passing wondering if she might use her ability to out Aye's ability. I had a scumread on Mebelle before Math arrived BTW. Math also said she may know why Sam lied, then when questioned on it she refused to tell us all because she might give scum an excuse. The she refused to vote for Sam IIRC. She just about fell off the planet when it came to the game when we knew Gath and Sam were scum -before their lynches. Did she even bother to vote for Gath as well, I don't remember now. There are a few other things but I cant recall them right now.
VC 5.1 - Sameech (LYNCH): AyeCantSeeYou, Mertex, House, CafeAuLait, Wolfsister77
VC 4.5 - Sgt_Gath (LYNCH): T S O, House, CafeAuLait, Wolfsister77, Mertex, ScarletRage
VC 3.2 - Grandma (LYNCH): Mertex, Mathblade, Sgt_Gath, Wolfsister77, FA_Q2, CafeAuLait, tn5421
VC 2.4 - Avatar4321 (LYNCH): Sameech,Grandma, Wolfsister77, House, Shaitra, Mathblade,AyeCantSeeYou, Sgt_Gath
VC 1.17 - Moonglow (LYNCH): AyeCantSeeYou, House, Wolfsister77, tn5421, Mathblade, Mertex, Sgt_Gath, Avatar4321, Sameech

@Wolfsister77 and @MathBlade , you've both voted to lynch town both times. Out of the 6 of us left, ya'll were the only ones to do so.

Explain your votes, please.

Wolf, you are the only one out of the last of us to have voted all 5 times. Have you realized this?

Do we really want to include scum votes considering all 3 confessed prior to their lynch?

Why are you trying to answer this, when it wasn't directed towards you? Also, I didn't ask either of them about the scum votes, now did I? I asked them to explain their votes on the 2 town lynches.
If you are a townie, you need to always be voting unless special circumstances apply like a lylo situation.

If I understand correctly, Lylo means "Lynch OR Lose", so voting is more important than ever at that stage of the game.

Well, not right away. If there are 3 townies and 2 scum for example and one of the townies votes for another townie, then boom the 2 scum quickhammer and win the game. That is what happened in game 4. So if we get into a 3 person lylo here, NO ONE VOTES until both townies agree so that scum can't quickhammer and win.

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