Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)


Please state your case against MathBlade. Thanks.

-Someone town can come to a consensus on
-Did not vote for Gath or Sameech
-Has gone to pretty much active lurking since we zeroed in on Sameech ice scum
-Has not been talking to town recently
-Did not believe us about Sam lying about his PR
-Having an extremely weak case on me-scum have to make up scumreads on townies

Is this enough?
And a quick sidenote, I am back on a few meds as of today which screw with my head due to some medical issues which arose today, so if I don't seem to reply as soon as someone states something please feel free to @ me.
SR is intent on House and Aye

The last I remember, SR's picks were MathBlade and I.

When did she switch to Aye?

Sorry, that post was worded terribly. Did I mention I'm tired? LOL

SR-House or mathblade
Cafe-House or mathblade last I heard-still want to hear from her
Me-Aye or mathblade

Okay here is my take Wolf. Sam was going after you in Central, he was also stating Aye was scum in Central. She had to defend herself there. So this was either a ploy by Sam to bus one of his "partners" you or Aye or he was trying to throw the rest of us. I have been reading for sometime now and because of his trying to get the both of you lynched, I am leaning town for both of you.

On House. Sam never had a read on him really in central, called him a quirky player but his read on House was always null or newb playing pretty good but with an attitude. He moved him into the town category. House also strangely started to hair split when I was trying to get confirmation from the both of you regarding Sam's statements in your hood. Until this point House was almost on point with everything understood every aspect of this game. The only thing in his favor for me was the Avatar vote after Sam said he saw Avatar kill Rosie. House seemed to have no damn clue what it meant he also quoted a portion of Sam's post but did not get what Sam meant, until you prodded him to reread the post and then vote for Avatar. One last thing on House, after the two scum teams targeted the same person ( Which we learned through Gath was FA) House started to ask SR for her take on FA. Sam was pushing SR was scum at that time in central, so I thought this was a way for a scum team to get a read on someone they believed to be from the opposing scum team.

Thank you for providing your thoughts IRT me. Although some of it is definitely over my head (mainly towards the end), I can follow the flow and see why you arrived at your conclusions for the most part.

Your opinion of me, I can respect (although it is inaccurate). Scarlet's on the other hand just smacks of blind hatred and poor reading.

FWIW, when Wolf told me to reread that post and vote Avatar, I was actually annoyed at being told to do something so obvious but I didn't want to clutter the thread with more drama so I bit my tongue and took care of business. Think of that what you will.

My asking SR for reads was more about SR than anyone else. She was zeroed in on me over faulty logic and I was wondering what she thought of others. I don't know if I asked about more than one player or if the thread flowed another direction, though.

On the curiosity about Math's votes for Gath & Sam, she didn't vote for either lynch.

Official Usmb Mafia Game 5 A Game Of Fire And Ice day 6 Page 260 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
VC 5.1 - Sameech (LYNCH): AyeCantSeeYou, Mertex, House, CafeAuLait, Wolfsister77
VC 4.5 - Sgt_Gath (LYNCH): T S O, House, CafeAuLait, Wolfsister77, Mertex, ScarletRage
VC 3.2 - Grandma (LYNCH): Mertex, Mathblade, Sgt_Gath, Wolfsister77, FA_Q2, CafeAuLait, tn5421
VC 2.4 - Avatar4321 (LYNCH): Sameech,Grandma, Wolfsister77, House, Shaitra, Mathblade,AyeCantSeeYou, Sgt_Gath
VC 1.17 - Moonglow (LYNCH): AyeCantSeeYou, House, Wolfsister77, tn5421, Mathblade, Mertex, Sgt_Gath, Avatar4321, Sameech

@Wolfsister77 and @MathBlade , you've both voted to lynch town both times. Out of the 6 of us left, ya'll were the only ones to do so.

Explain your votes, please.

Wolf, you are the only one out of the last of us to have voted all 5 times. Have you realized this?

Do we really want to include scum votes considering all 3 confessed prior to their lynch?

Why are you trying to answer this, when it wasn't directed towards you? Also, I didn't ask either of them about the scum votes, now did I? I asked them to explain their votes on the 2 town lynches.

Because your question made no sense, Aye. The fact that all 3 scum confessed prior to their lynch means that votes for them are not indicative of alignment either way.

If the scum were voted out without spilling the beans prior to their hammer, I wouldn't have said a word.
VC 5.1 - Sameech (LYNCH): AyeCantSeeYou, Mertex, House, CafeAuLait, Wolfsister77
VC 4.5 - Sgt_Gath (LYNCH): T S O, House, CafeAuLait, Wolfsister77, Mertex, ScarletRage
VC 3.2 - Grandma (LYNCH): Mertex, Mathblade, Sgt_Gath, Wolfsister77, FA_Q2, CafeAuLait, tn5421
VC 2.4 - Avatar4321 (LYNCH): Sameech,Grandma, Wolfsister77, House, Shaitra, Mathblade,AyeCantSeeYou, Sgt_Gath
VC 1.17 - Moonglow (LYNCH): AyeCantSeeYou, House, Wolfsister77, tn5421, Mathblade, Mertex, Sgt_Gath, Avatar4321, Sameech

@Wolfsister77 and @MathBlade , you've both voted to lynch town both times. Out of the 6 of us left, ya'll were the only ones to do so.

Explain your votes, please.

Wolf, you are the only one out of the last of us to have voted all 5 times. Have you realized this?

What's your point? Three of those people I voted for are scum. Why should I have to explain that? The other two townies had a lot of other townies who suspected them and voted them so again, what is your point?

I always vote. I am rarely if ever in a no vote status in any of these games at any time ever.

I think no voting is terrible. It denies town info-doesn't let them know what you think. It doesn't apply pressure to your scumreads. It's worthless. If you are a townie, you need to always be voting unless special circumstances apply like a lylo situation.

I am always like this. I always vote.

The reality of voting is that with 1/2 the player base + 1 being required to lynch, not everyone is going to get to vote every time. It's just not possible or realistic considering some of us work and not everyone is awake at the same time over 24 hours. Don't think players are scum because they don't get to vote every time. I'd be wary if someone wasn't voting repeatedly.
SR is intent on House and Aye

The last I remember, SR's picks were MathBlade and I.

When did she switch to Aye?

Sorry, that post was worded terribly. Did I mention I'm tired? LOL

SR-House or mathblade
Cafe-House or mathblade last I heard-still want to hear from her
Me-Aye or mathblade

Okay here is my take Wolf. Sam was going after you in Central, he was also stating Aye was scum in Central. She had to defend herself there. So this was either a ploy by Sam to bus one of his "partners" you or Aye or he was trying to throw the rest of us. I have been reading for sometime now and because of his trying to get the both of you lynched, I am leaning town for both of you.

On House. Sam never had a read on him really in central, called him a quirky player but his read on House was always null or newb playing pretty good but with an attitude. He moved him into the town category. House also strangely started to hair split when I was trying to get confirmation from the both of you regarding Sam's statements in your hood. Until this point House was almost on point with everything understood every aspect of this game. The only thing in his favor for me was the Avatar vote after Sam said he saw Avatar kill Rosie. House seemed to have no damn clue what it meant he also quoted a portion of Sam's post but did not get what Sam meant, until you prodded him to reread the post and then vote for Avatar. One last thing on House, after the two scum teams targeted the same person ( Which we learned through Gath was FA) House started to ask SR for her take on FA. Sam was pushing SR was scum at that time in central, so I thought this was a way for a scum team to get a read on someone they believed to be from the opposing scum team.

Thank you for providing your thoughts IRT me. Although some of it is definitely over my head (mainly towards the end), I can follow the flow and see why you arrived at your conclusions for the most part.

Your opinion of me, I can respect (although it is inaccurate). Scarlet's on the other hand just smacks of blind hatred and poor reading.

FWIW, when Wolf told me to reread that post and vote Avatar, I was actually annoyed at being told to do something so obvious but I didn't want to clutter the thread with more drama so I bit my tongue and took care of business. Think of that what you will.

My asking SR for reads was more about SR than anyone else. She was zeroed in on me over faulty logic and I was wondering what she thought of others. I don't know if I asked about more than one player or if the thread flowed another direction, though.

On the curiosity about Math's votes for Gath & Sam, she didn't vote for either lynch.

Official Usmb Mafia Game 5 A Game Of Fire And Ice day 6 Page 260 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

FWIW, when I mentioned Sam's post about Avatar, that meant to me I was leaning more town for you.

Honestly, just about everyone 6 from Central and 4 from East all said there was no way this was your first game, to include Sam . LOL I thought it possible if this is your first game you were being coached by a possible scum partner. I also forgot to mention your removal of votes for players as they were about to be lynched read town to me as well. I don't see scum moving off a possible lynch that easily. You might have me fooled though. ;)
VC 5.1 - Sameech (LYNCH): AyeCantSeeYou, Mertex, House, CafeAuLait, Wolfsister77
VC 4.5 - Sgt_Gath (LYNCH): T S O, House, CafeAuLait, Wolfsister77, Mertex, ScarletRage
VC 3.2 - Grandma (LYNCH): Mertex, Mathblade, Sgt_Gath, Wolfsister77, FA_Q2, CafeAuLait, tn5421
VC 2.4 - Avatar4321 (LYNCH): Sameech,Grandma, Wolfsister77, House, Shaitra, Mathblade,AyeCantSeeYou, Sgt_Gath
VC 1.17 - Moonglow (LYNCH): AyeCantSeeYou, House, Wolfsister77, tn5421, Mathblade, Mertex, Sgt_Gath, Avatar4321, Sameech

@Wolfsister77 and @MathBlade , you've both voted to lynch town both times. Out of the 6 of us left, ya'll were the only ones to do so.

Explain your votes, please.

Wolf, you are the only one out of the last of us to have voted all 5 times. Have you realized this?

Do we really want to include scum votes considering all 3 confessed prior to their lynch?

Why are you trying to answer this, when it wasn't directed towards you? Also, I didn't ask either of them about the scum votes, now did I? I asked them to explain their votes on the 2 town lynches.

Because your question made no sense, Aye. The fact that all 3 scum confessed prior to their lynch means that votes for them are not indicative of alignment either way.

If the scum were voted out without spilling the beans prior to their hammer, I wouldn't have said a word.

Like I said before, I wasn't asking about the scum lynches. :)
Wolfsister77 (2): AyeCan'tseeYou, Mathblade
Mathblade (1): House
House (1): ScarletRage

Not Voting (2): CafeAuLait, Wolfsister77

With 6 alive, it takes 4 to lynch!
Deadline is 9/25/2014, @ 9AM central.
VC 5.1 - Sameech (LYNCH): AyeCantSeeYou, Mertex, House, CafeAuLait, Wolfsister77
VC 4.5 - Sgt_Gath (LYNCH): T S O, House, CafeAuLait, Wolfsister77, Mertex, ScarletRage
VC 3.2 - Grandma (LYNCH): Mertex, Mathblade, Sgt_Gath, Wolfsister77, FA_Q2, CafeAuLait, tn5421
VC 2.4 - Avatar4321 (LYNCH): Sameech,Grandma, Wolfsister77, House, Shaitra, Mathblade,AyeCantSeeYou, Sgt_Gath
VC 1.17 - Moonglow (LYNCH): AyeCantSeeYou, House, Wolfsister77, tn5421, Mathblade, Mertex, Sgt_Gath, Avatar4321, Sameech

@Wolfsister77 and @MathBlade , you've both voted to lynch town both times. Out of the 6 of us left, ya'll were the only ones to do so.

Explain your votes, please.

Wolf, you are the only one out of the last of us to have voted all 5 times. Have you realized this?

What's your point? Three of those people I voted for are scum. Why should I have to explain that? The other two townies had a lot of other townies who suspected them and voted them so again, what is your point?

I always vote. I am rarely if ever in a no vote status in any of these games at any time ever.

I think no voting is terrible. It denies town info-doesn't let them know what you think. It doesn't apply pressure to your scumreads. It's worthless. If you are a townie, you need to always be voting unless special circumstances apply like a lylo situation.

I am always like this. I always vote.

The reality of voting is that with 1/2 the player base + 1 being required to lynch, not everyone is going to get to vote every time. It's just not possible or realistic considering some of us work and not everyone is awake at the same time over 24 hours. Don't think players are scum because they don't get to vote every time. I'd be wary if someone wasn't voting repeatedly.

I don't think players are scum for not voting for the lynch every time. I think they are scum if they don't ever vote for the scum or if they stay in a non-vote status without voting. Or if they stick with a vote on a townie and don't want to vote elsewhere. Where they are on the wagon once the flip comes in. How hard they are pushing a townie. How strong is their case on said townie. And many, many other factors.

Please state your case against MathBlade. Thanks.

-Someone town can come to a consensus on
-Did not vote for Gath or Sameech
-Has gone to pretty much active lurking since we zeroed in on Sameech ice scum
-Has not been talking to town recently

-Did not believe us about Sam lying about his PR
-Having an extremely weak case on me-scum have to make up scumreads on townies

Is this enough?

Strikethrough = faulty logic
Italics = Skepticism is healthy

Someone town can come to a consensus on = promotes sheep mentality, which serves scum and is thus invalid in & of itself for lynch logic, IMHO.

Active lurking; lack of communication = Math has mentioned timing issues and R/L things, which I can definitely relate with.

Eliminating the premises I personally disagree with, that still leaves a fair amount against Math that should be considered, along with Cafe's point about Math making the claim about knowing why Sam lied, then coming up with a thin, ill-conceived response when questioned about it after Sam's lynch.
the search feature on this forum is shot to hell now. you can't get it to show more than 200 posts now, which is not good for this game at all.
the search feature on this forum is shot to hell now. you can't get it to show more than 200 posts now, which is not good for this game at all.

Hold on Aye, there is a way to do it. I figured it out the other night, let me check and I will tell you how I did it.
Sigh... I forgot quoted text is ALL italicized... kinda threw off my post a bit.

What SHOULD have been italicized was:

-Did not believe us about Sam lying about his PR

Click profile, then posts, the first 200 will come up, then at the bottom you will see this in small words:

Find older messages

That will take you to the rest, but it will be list as pages. it will show like 7 or 8 pages, you need to read those first then work your way back to the first set of result you got.

Click profile, then posts, the first 200 will come up, then at the bottom you will see this in small words:

Find older messages

That will take you to the rest, but it will be list as pages. it will show like 7 or 8 pages, you need to read those first then work your way back to the first set of result you got.

It's only showing 'search again' at the bottom of my screen.
Oh and as far as I count we can only make one mistake before we are screwed.

Lessee... (going in alphabetical order)


Let's shave off the top to keep it simple.

5 players. 1 lynched, 1 NK'ed.



So, we have 1 mistake & have to nail it if we miss. That said, I don't take that as a reason to be flippant with today's vote. Town is weakened with every passing night.
This may be WIFOM but the last issue for me for scum being either Wolf or House is this would have put the same scum team into the same hood AND three scum in one hood.

This is why I asked both House and Wolf to look at how each interacted with Sam, along with statements made in Central by Sam. There could be clues IF the second ice scum is in that hood. Additionally, I believe it was in that hood where Avatar made his slip about being scum to Sam. Although when rereading Central ( due to my absence for a week) there are several statements by Avatar which gave him away in a very subtle manner.

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