Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

House, I wasn't searching yours yet.

I was searching Wolf's. I wanted to find the one near the beginning of the game where she mentioned I might get NK'd at the end of Day 1. I was going to ask her why she'd say something like that if she was town.

I read that post last night. Try around the 400-570's. I may be wrong though.
House, I wasn't searching yours yet.

I was searching Wolf's. I wanted to find the one near the beginning of the game where she mentioned I might get NK'd at the end of Day 1. I was going to ask her why she'd say something like that if she was town.

Why are you responding to a post that was not addressed to you? I was talking to Cafe because she mentioned not being able to access my profile. :)

You didn't specify her name, and it was directly after Cafe's response to me dealing with the same issue on the searches.

I was quoting her post, so yeah I kinda specified her name.

This is getting into semantics, however. Hot cocoa?
After you hit the tenth page, which should be 200 posts then you get the prompt "find older messages".

At the end of the 10th page, I get 'Search Again.' With the stupid thing only going to Sept. 12.

Are you searching the thread, or going through their profile? Which I know brings up all posts, but that is the only way to see them all, searching the thread only, brings up the 200 post limit, unless there is something I missed. And as I said if someone profile is locked then you can't see past the 200 point if searching the thread only. Unless there is another way.


How did you search the thread before when you and Gath were speaking and you knew the number of posts? Am I doing this wrong?

Wow, awesome!! I was doing the search forums thing but if we can use profiles to get them all, that would work. Mine is open to everyone so there shouldn't be an issue finding mine.

And to add to this, there is a button for bringing up older posts so all of them can be found. Mine is easy since 95% of my posts in this forum are this darn game, LOL.

How did you search the thread before when you and Gath were speaking and you knew the number of posts? Am I doing this wrong?

To answer your question: Click Search, type in the member's name, click "Search this Thread", and submit.

Yup, got that. It only goes to 200 and stops. BUT when you do the same on a person's profile it will give you all their posts. Unless I am doing something wrong. That is why I asked, I wanted to know if you knew how to get it past 200.
@CaféAuLait The question about Gath was I thought he was conf town because of the key situation. By the time he outed himself no real opportunity to vote him.

I have been thinking Wolf was scum due to word choice. A lot of the choices in the game in the beginning seemed "off". And yeah I thought SR was scum because I caught them in a lie about their role. It is clear now it was a gambit. If I said my role name was mathematician (which it isn't) I would probably be lynched as a liar. I don't regret tunneling SR because I could tell it was a lie.
Wolf, you are the last scum. You gave it away very early on in the game. Your replies and constant attempts at getting townies lynched is another tell. The only player left that isn't town is you. Bragging in the game thread is a giveaway as well. Really, who does that? Only someone that can't keep their mouth shut - that's who. Your partner gave it away very early on as well - you just didn't pick up on it. He was fed up with your controlling ways and not wanting to listen to what he had to say.

If town wants to lynch me to prove you are wrong, then I'm fine with that, cause I know once they see the flip, you're next, and then town wins!

(emphasis added)

Ok, I'll assume this is the post. Interesting logic. Not conclusive, but suggestive (the bolded bit).

How did you search the thread before when you and Gath were speaking and you knew the number of posts? Am I doing this wrong?

To answer your question: Click Search, type in the member's name, click "Search this Thread", and submit.

Yup, got that. It only goes to 200 and stops. BUT when you do the same on a person's profile it will give you all their posts. Unless I am doing something wrong. That is why I asked, I wanted to know if you knew how to get it past 200.

I just keep clicking "Load older posts" at the 10th page.

Know what's weird, though...? The posts aren't really in chronological order. Pay attention to the dates. They're all over the place.
Wolf, you are the last scum. You gave it away very early on in the game. Your replies and constant attempts at getting townies lynched is another tell. The only player left that isn't town is you. Bragging in the game thread is a giveaway as well. Really, who does that? Only someone that can't keep their mouth shut - that's who. Your partner gave it away very early on as well - you just didn't pick up on it. He was fed up with your controlling ways and not wanting to listen to what he had to say.

If town wants to lynch me to prove you are wrong, then I'm fine with that, cause I know once they see the flip, you're next, and then town wins!

(emphasis added)

Ok, I'll assume this is the post. Interesting logic. Not conclusive, but suggestive (the bolded bit).

I asked her many times to quote specific quotes where I said all this. Her saying I did it, does not make it true.
I want to see an actual quote where I said someone was going to be NK'd N1.

For crying out loud, if I said that, why haven't you guys lynched me yet?

Seriously, I say a lot of scummy shit as town. But if you quote it and ask me about it, that would be the best way for me to explain it.
@CaféAuLait The question about Gath was I thought he was conf town because of the key situation. By the time he outed himself no real opportunity to vote him.

I have been thinking Wolf was scum due to word choice. A lot of the choices in the game in the beginning seemed "off". And yeah I thought SR was scum because I caught them in a lie about their role. It is clear now it was a gambit. If I said my role name was mathematician (which it isn't) I would probably be lynched as a liar. I don't regret tunneling SR because I could tell it was a lie.

But we had confirmation Sam lied through his teeth. Me. Wolf, House and Aye all confirmed such. Not to mention he said he saw what 2 people were doing night 1 here in the GT- impossible.

I know you did not understand SRs lie, but I understood it as soon as she wrote it about her ice shield. That is when I removed my vote for her I knew she was trying to draw the ice shot and make them believe she was no longer immune when she was.
Wolf, you are the last scum. You gave it away very early on in the game. Your replies and constant attempts at getting townies lynched is another tell. The only player left that isn't town is you. Bragging in the game thread is a giveaway as well. Really, who does that? Only someone that can't keep their mouth shut - that's who. Your partner gave it away very early on as well - you just didn't pick up on it. He was fed up with your controlling ways and not wanting to listen to what he had to say.

If town wants to lynch me to prove you are wrong, then I'm fine with that, cause I know once they see the flip, you're next, and then town wins!

(emphasis added)

Ok, I'll assume this is the post. Interesting logic. Not conclusive, but suggestive (the bolded bit).

I asked her many times to quote specific quotes where I said all this. Her saying I did it, does not make it true.

I may have misunderstood, but I took the "bragging" bit as your frequent "I'm so town it hurts" type posts.
I want to see an actual quote where I said someone was going to be NK'd N1.

For crying out loud, if I said that, why haven't you guys lynched me yet?

Seriously, I say a lot of scummy shit as town. But if you quote it and ask me about it, that would be the best way for me to explain it.

Chill. She is looking for it. I read it last night, It was not meant to damn you. Count to ten, you have said numerous times this is the game Wolf, you need to realize everyone is looking for scum and we all need to be sure about this last vote. So let her look to put her mind at ease. Try not to take it personally. :)
Wolf, you are the last scum. You gave it away very early on in the game. Your replies and constant attempts at getting townies lynched is another tell. The only player left that isn't town is you. Bragging in the game thread is a giveaway as well. Really, who does that? Only someone that can't keep their mouth shut - that's who. Your partner gave it away very early on as well - you just didn't pick up on it. He was fed up with your controlling ways and not wanting to listen to what he had to say.

If town wants to lynch me to prove you are wrong, then I'm fine with that, cause I know once they see the flip, you're next, and then town wins!

(emphasis added)

Ok, I'll assume this is the post. Interesting logic. Not conclusive, but suggestive (the bolded bit).

I asked her many times to quote specific quotes where I said all this. Her saying I did it, does not make it true.

I may have misunderstood, but I took the "bragging" bit as your frequent "I'm so town it hurts" type posts.

That's not what it looks like to me. She's practically saying I am talking about scum shit here.
Wolf, you are the last scum. You gave it away very early on in the game. Your replies and constant attempts at getting townies lynched is another tell. The only player left that isn't town is you. Bragging in the game thread is a giveaway as well. Really, who does that? Only someone that can't keep their mouth shut - that's who. Your partner gave it away very early on as well - you just didn't pick up on it. He was fed up with your controlling ways and not wanting to listen to what he had to say.

If town wants to lynch me to prove you are wrong, then I'm fine with that, cause I know once they see the flip, you're next, and then town wins!

(emphasis added)

Ok, I'll assume this is the post. Interesting logic. Not conclusive, but suggestive (the bolded bit).

I asked her many times to quote specific quotes where I said all this. Her saying I did it, does not make it true.

I may have misunderstood, but I took the "bragging" bit as your frequent "I'm so town it hurts" type posts.

I know this is not addressing me, but those posts Houses mentions, come off the EXACT opposite as you intend them Wolf. Just an FYI for future games.
Wolf, you are the last scum. You gave it away very early on in the game. Your replies and constant attempts at getting townies lynched is another tell. The only player left that isn't town is you. Bragging in the game thread is a giveaway as well. Really, who does that? Only someone that can't keep their mouth shut - that's who. Your partner gave it away very early on as well - you just didn't pick up on it. He was fed up with your controlling ways and not wanting to listen to what he had to say.

If town wants to lynch me to prove you are wrong, then I'm fine with that, cause I know once they see the flip, you're next, and then town wins!

(emphasis added)

Ok, I'll assume this is the post. Interesting logic. Not conclusive, but suggestive (the bolded bit).

I asked her many times to quote specific quotes where I said all this. Her saying I did it, does not make it true.

I may have misunderstood, but I took the "bragging" bit as your frequent "I'm so town it hurts" type posts.

I know this is not addressing me, but those posts Houses mentions, come off the EXACT opposite as you intend them Wolf. Just an FYI for future games.

I have to say, I agree. It sounded like a sales pitch and made me keep my distance for quite a while.

Good thing I did, in the long run. Trust SHOULD be hard-earned.
I want to see an actual quote where I said someone was going to be NK'd N1.

For crying out loud, if I said that, why haven't you guys lynched me yet?

Seriously, I say a lot of scummy shit as town. But if you quote it and ask me about it, that would be the best way for me to explain it.

Chill. She is looking for it. I read it last night, It was not meant to damn you. Count to ten, you have said numerous times this is the game Wolf, you need to realize everyone is looking for scum and we all need to be sure about this last vote. So let her look to put her mind at ease. Try not to take it personally. :)

Oh yes it is meant to damn me. I don't mind mathblade's comments but if you look at all the shit Sameech and Aye have been throwing at me for days here and in the hood and what I've had to put up with, you'd be sick of it too. Add in the dead people thanking posts and the only reason I am even still here is because I want a town win after all this work.
Wolf, you are the last scum. You gave it away very early on in the game. Your replies and constant attempts at getting townies lynched is another tell. The only player left that isn't town is you. Bragging in the game thread is a giveaway as well. Really, who does that? Only someone that can't keep their mouth shut - that's who. Your partner gave it away very early on as well - you just didn't pick up on it. He was fed up with your controlling ways and not wanting to listen to what he had to say.

If town wants to lynch me to prove you are wrong, then I'm fine with that, cause I know once they see the flip, you're next, and then town wins!

(emphasis added)

Ok, I'll assume this is the post. Interesting logic. Not conclusive, but suggestive (the bolded bit).

I asked her many times to quote specific quotes where I said all this. Her saying I did it, does not make it true.

I may have misunderstood, but I took the "bragging" bit as your frequent "I'm so town it hurts" type posts.

I know this is not addressing me, but those posts Houses mentions, come off the EXACT opposite as you intend them Wolf. Just an FYI for future games.

What posts are those? Being honest about being town? Sorry, that's how I play.
Wolf, you are the last scum. You gave it away very early on in the game. Your replies and constant attempts at getting townies lynched is another tell. The only player left that isn't town is you. Bragging in the game thread is a giveaway as well. Really, who does that? Only someone that can't keep their mouth shut - that's who. Your partner gave it away very early on as well - you just didn't pick up on it. He was fed up with your controlling ways and not wanting to listen to what he had to say.

If town wants to lynch me to prove you are wrong, then I'm fine with that, cause I know once they see the flip, you're next, and then town wins!

(emphasis added)

Ok, I'll assume this is the post. Interesting logic. Not conclusive, but suggestive (the bolded bit).

I asked her many times to quote specific quotes where I said all this. Her saying I did it, does not make it true.

I may have misunderstood, but I took the "bragging" bit as your frequent "I'm so town it hurts" type posts.

I know this is not addressing me, but those posts Houses mentions, come off the EXACT opposite as you intend them Wolf. Just an FYI for future games.

What posts are those? Being honest about being town? Sorry, that's how I play.

I'm not attacking you, Wolf. I'm just saying that scum would make the same statements... it'd be in their best interests to play up being town.
Wolf, you are the last scum. You gave it away very early on in the game. Your replies and constant attempts at getting townies lynched is another tell. The only player left that isn't town is you. Bragging in the game thread is a giveaway as well. Really, who does that? Only someone that can't keep their mouth shut - that's who. Your partner gave it away very early on as well - you just didn't pick up on it. He was fed up with your controlling ways and not wanting to listen to what he had to say.

If town wants to lynch me to prove you are wrong, then I'm fine with that, cause I know once they see the flip, you're next, and then town wins!

(emphasis added)

Ok, I'll assume this is the post. Interesting logic. Not conclusive, but suggestive (the bolded bit).

I asked her many times to quote specific quotes where I said all this. Her saying I did it, does not make it true.

I may have misunderstood, but I took the "bragging" bit as your frequent "I'm so town it hurts" type posts.

I know this is not addressing me, but those posts Houses mentions, come off the EXACT opposite as you intend them Wolf. Just an FYI for future games.

I have to say, I agree. It sounded like a sales pitch and made me keep my distance for quite a while.

Good thing I did, in the long run. Trust SHOULD be hard-earned.

WTF are you talking about? You've been buddying me the whole game. Especially in the hood. I'm not trying to sell anything to anyone.

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