Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

(emphasis added)

Ok, I'll assume this is the post. Interesting logic. Not conclusive, but suggestive (the bolded bit).

I asked her many times to quote specific quotes where I said all this. Her saying I did it, does not make it true.

I may have misunderstood, but I took the "bragging" bit as your frequent "I'm so town it hurts" type posts.

I know this is not addressing me, but those posts Houses mentions, come off the EXACT opposite as you intend them Wolf. Just an FYI for future games.

I have to say, I agree. It sounded like a sales pitch and made me keep my distance for quite a while.

Good thing I did, in the long run. Trust SHOULD be hard-earned.

Really, Wolf?

Do you read this as true buddying? We need all thoughts on everyone out in the open, this may be very telling information.

WTF are you talking about? You've been buddying me the whole game. Especially in the hood. I'm not trying to sell anything to anyone.
(emphasis added)

Ok, I'll assume this is the post. Interesting logic. Not conclusive, but suggestive (the bolded bit).

I asked her many times to quote specific quotes where I said all this. Her saying I did it, does not make it true.

I may have misunderstood, but I took the "bragging" bit as your frequent "I'm so town it hurts" type posts.

I know this is not addressing me, but those posts Houses mentions, come off the EXACT opposite as you intend them Wolf. Just an FYI for future games.

I have to say, I agree. It sounded like a sales pitch and made me keep my distance for quite a while.

Good thing I did, in the long run. Trust SHOULD be hard-earned.

WTF are you talking about? You've been buddying me the whole game. Especially in the hood. I'm not trying to sell anything to anyone.

Trying again.

Really, Wolf?
Do you read this as true buddying? We need all thoughts on everyone out in the open, this may be very telling information.
Wolf, when you were pushing me to out my PR, was that YOUR idea or a neighborhood idea. I sure got the impression you kinda disappeared while asking and I thought you were chatting in a QT. Just wondering if someone else may have suggested we all out our PRs. For instance, Sam suggested FA recycle House's ability to out the rest of everyone's abilities in Central. Additionally, Sam stated he did not tell House to use that ability. Do you recall if Sam may have suggested it. or perhaps the first question would be, did House out his ability to your hood. That may end that line of questioning if he did not.
I asked her many times to quote specific quotes where I said all this. Her saying I did it, does not make it true.

I may have misunderstood, but I took the "bragging" bit as your frequent "I'm so town it hurts" type posts.

I know this is not addressing me, but those posts Houses mentions, come off the EXACT opposite as you intend them Wolf. Just an FYI for future games.

I have to say, I agree. It sounded like a sales pitch and made me keep my distance for quite a while.

Good thing I did, in the long run. Trust SHOULD be hard-earned.

WTF are you talking about? You've been buddying me the whole game. Especially in the hood. I'm not trying to sell anything to anyone.

Trying again.

Really, Wolf?
Do you read this as true buddying? We need all thoughts on everyone out in the open, this may be very telling information.

No Cafe, It was just a misunderstanding and I didn't put some pieces together because I missed a post here from him telling me to go there and didn't read there and before I reacted here.

Clear as mud? And sorry to do that to you when you are on meds.
Wolf, when you were pushing me to out my PR, was that YOUR idea or a neighborhood idea. I sure got the impression you kinda disappeared while asking and I thought you were chatting in a QT. Just wondering if someone else may have suggested we all out our PRs. For instance, Sam suggested FA recycle House's ability to out the rest of everyone's abilities in Central. Additionally, Sam stated he did not tell House to use that ability. Do you recall if Sam may have suggested it. or perhaps the first question would be, did House out his ability to your hood. That may end that line of questioning if he did not.

If you could see our neighborhood, you'd see I talk in there a lot. Others did too quite a bit-it's about 825+ posts now so if I disappear, I'm either busy with something else or maybe there. I usually do several other things while posting here.

I will recheck about the abilities part in the hood and see what I can find.
........ If you and TN and Aye are around D2, you can vote him to your hearts content. So why not me now? No one is voting me. I wonder why if I'm protecting scum? Could it be because I wanted to save the life of a townie in a game where we can lose 3 in a night? Or maybe it's because I wanted to catch scum on the wagon. I don't know but I should really be hung for this mistake. Yet no one will do it. Even when I asked for it.

This was the reference I had mentioned earlier, where it's implied I would be NK'd at the end of Day 1.
........ If you and TN and Aye are around D2, you can vote him to your hearts content. So why not me now? No one is voting me. I wonder why if I'm protecting scum? Could it be because I wanted to save the life of a townie in a game where we can lose 3 in a night? Or maybe it's because I wanted to catch scum on the wagon. I don't know but I should really be hung for this mistake. Yet no one will do it. Even when I asked for it.

This was the reference I had mentioned earlier, where it's implied I would be NK'd at the end of Day 1.

What post number is this so I can see it in context? Hitting the arrow by my name didn't take me to the right spot.
........ If you and TN and Aye are around D2, you can vote him to your hearts content. So why not me now? No one is voting me. I wonder why if I'm protecting scum? Could it be because I wanted to save the life of a townie in a game where we can lose 3 in a night? Or maybe it's because I wanted to catch scum on the wagon. I don't know but I should really be hung for this mistake. Yet no one will do it. Even when I asked for it.

This was the reference I had mentioned earlier, where it's implied I would be NK'd at the end of Day 1.

What post number is this so I can see it in context? Hitting the arrow by my name didn't take me to the right spot.

It takes me to the exact post. It is not at the start of your paragraph Wolf, Aye quoted mid paragraph, thus the ellipsis.
........ If you and TN and Aye are around D2, you can vote him to your hearts content. So why not me now? No one is voting me. I wonder why if I'm protecting scum? Could it be because I wanted to save the life of a townie in a game where we can lose 3 in a night? Or maybe it's because I wanted to catch scum on the wagon. I don't know but I should really be hung for this mistake. Yet no one will do it. Even when I asked for it.

This was the reference I had mentioned earlier, where it's implied I would be NK'd at the end of Day 1.

What post number is this so I can see it in context? Hitting the arrow by my name didn't take me to the right spot.

1661. It took me to it. I wish they'd stop messing with the forum software!!!
An FA swears I'm scum now for some reason...

He's not the only one scum-reading you.

I am sure, but we see who you are protecting, the scum with the highest vote tally...

Moon, who else do you suspect as scum?

I can't vote for TN, like you, because our votes were 'removed' for this game day. There must be another that you have picked up something on.

it will be someone that is trying fictionalization of our relationship...or a lurker...

Yeah, you make no sense again. You have a relationship with Aye? You've been calling me scum the whole game and I'm not so sure I understand why you aren't voting me and saying why. You and Sameech both think I'm protecting TN and he's scum with the highest vote count. Well, shit, you should both be able to lynch him or me pretty easily then even without you or Aye being able to vote TN. If I am saving scum, that is quite damning evidence to see me lynched. We have an extension of the deadline which pretty much means the threat of rush lynching or NL is diminished. If you and TN and Aye are around D2, you can vote him to your hearts content. So why not me now? No one is voting me. I wonder why if I'm protecting scum? Could it be because I wanted to save the life of a townie in a game where we can lose 3 in a night? Or maybe it's because I wanted to catch scum on the wagon. I don't know but I should really be hung for this mistake. Yet no one will do it. Even when I asked for it.

He's not the only one scum-reading you.

I am sure, but we see who you are protecting, the scum with the highest vote tally...

Moon, who else do you suspect as scum?

I can't vote for TN, like you, because our votes were 'removed' for this game day. There must be another that you have picked up something on.

it will be someone that is trying fictionalization of our relationship...or a lurker...

Yeah, you make no sense again. You have a relationship with Aye? You've been calling me scum the whole game and I'm not so sure I understand why you aren't voting me and saying why. You and Sameech both think I'm protecting TN and he's scum with the highest vote count. Well, shit, you should both be able to lynch him or me pretty easily then even without you or Aye being able to vote TN. If I am saving scum, that is quite damning evidence to see me lynched. We have an extension of the deadline which pretty much means the threat of rush lynching or NL is diminished. If you and TN and Aye are around D2, you can vote him to your hearts content. So why not me now? No one is voting me. I wonder why if I'm protecting scum? Could it be because I wanted to save the life of a townie in a game where we can lose 3 in a night? Or maybe it's because I wanted to catch scum on the wagon. I don't know but I should really be hung for this mistake. Yet no one will do it. Even when I asked for it.

I hope that wasn't a threat against another townie, because that's exactly what scum would love to see. If you really are town, you're playing into scums hands by posting things like that.

I am sure, but we see who you are protecting, the scum with the highest vote tally...

Moon, who else do you suspect as scum?

I can't vote for TN, like you, because our votes were 'removed' for this game day. There must be another that you have picked up something on.

it will be someone that is trying fictionalization of our relationship...or a lurker...

Yeah, you make no sense again. You have a relationship with Aye? You've been calling me scum the whole game and I'm not so sure I understand why you aren't voting me and saying why. You and Sameech both think I'm protecting TN and he's scum with the highest vote count. Well, shit, you should both be able to lynch him or me pretty easily then even without you or Aye being able to vote TN. If I am saving scum, that is quite damning evidence to see me lynched. We have an extension of the deadline which pretty much means the threat of rush lynching or NL is diminished. If you and TN and Aye are around D2, you can vote him to your hearts content. So why not me now? No one is voting me. I wonder why if I'm protecting scum? Could it be because I wanted to save the life of a townie in a game where we can lose 3 in a night? Or maybe it's because I wanted to catch scum on the wagon. I don't know but I should really be hung for this mistake. Yet no one will do it. Even when I asked for it.

I hope that wasn't a threat against another townie, because that's exactly what scum would love to see. If you really are town, you're playing into scums hands by posting things like that.

Only scum would threaten to NK someone subtly like that in their posts. Town would say they don't know who is going to be around D2. Which mindset do you think I was in when I made that statement?

Here is the whole thing in context. Like I said in my last post here, I have no way of knowing who will be around the next day so that's why I made that statement. I was not threatening to NK townies.
Wolf, when you were pushing me to out my PR, was that YOUR idea or a neighborhood idea. I sure got the impression you kinda disappeared while asking and I thought you were chatting in a QT. Just wondering if someone else may have suggested we all out our PRs. For instance, Sam suggested FA recycle House's ability to out the rest of everyone's abilities in Central. Additionally, Sam stated he did not tell House to use that ability. Do you recall if Sam may have suggested it. or perhaps the first question would be, did House out his ability to your hood. That may end that line of questioning if he did not.

OK, The first time abilities were discussed was when House used his in the game. Then shortly after that Sam said his, then me, then Avi. Mine was a very hot topic of discussion for quite some time. Avi asked about abilities a lot like who used what and what was left. House and I helped keep track, etc. So yeah, a hot topic in our hood for sure.

No one asked for a massclaim. I said I was going to bring it up in the game. So that one was me.

Has my gameplay diminished since Sam's lynch?
@CaféAuLait (ICYMI)

Not that I noted. But why do you ask?

Because if I started playing sloppier/noobish after Sam was lynched, it would be an obvious tell that I no longer had my coach.

It'd be an obvious scum tell.

This is my first game, but I love books & movies that engage my mind, so I jumped into this game head first and did some homework to avoid looking like a total fool.
This is logical but you are still scum.

You can pester Wolf all you want. You have been lurking and stirring fires.. You have no trajectories.

Since I am a dead townie walking if we do not lynch you. I am staying right here.
Wolf, when you were pushing me to out my PR, was that YOUR idea or a neighborhood idea. I sure got the impression you kinda disappeared while asking and I thought you were chatting in a QT. Just wondering if someone else may have suggested we all out our PRs. For instance, Sam suggested FA recycle House's ability to out the rest of everyone's abilities in Central. Additionally, Sam stated he did not tell House to use that ability. Do you recall if Sam may have suggested it. or perhaps the first question would be, did House out his ability to your hood. That may end that line of questioning if he did not.

Nobody can speculate as to why I used Revelation! because I didn't announce that I was going to use it.

The game was kinda stalled and people were murmuring about getting things moving, so I popped my ability just to get the wheels rolling so we'd have some sort of starting point.

The first time Revelation is mentioned in QT is Post 167 (Aug 22, 11:02pm)

Wolfie, it's easiest to click "All Messages", use Ctrl+F & type Revelation to find it.
Wolf, when you were pushing me to out my PR, was that YOUR idea or a neighborhood idea. I sure got the impression you kinda disappeared while asking and I thought you were chatting in a QT. Just wondering if someone else may have suggested we all out our PRs. For instance, Sam suggested FA recycle House's ability to out the rest of everyone's abilities in Central. Additionally, Sam stated he did not tell House to use that ability. Do you recall if Sam may have suggested it. or perhaps the first question would be, did House out his ability to your hood. That may end that line of questioning if he did not.

Nobody can speculate as to why I used Revelation! because I didn't announce that I was going to use it.

The game was kinda stalled and people were murmuring about getting things moving, so I popped my ability just to get the wheels rolling so we'd have some sort of starting point.

The first time Revelation is mentioned in QT is Post 167 (Aug 22, 11:02pm)

Wolfie, it's easiest to click "All Messages", use Ctrl+F & type Revelation to find it.

Sweet!! That's a nice trick.
This is logical but you are still scum.

You can pester Wolf all you want. You have been lurking and stirring fires.. You have no trajectories.

Since I am a dead townie walking if we do not lynch you. I am staying right here.

Thank you for gracing us with your presence. :)

You can pester Wolf all you want.

I obviously pester you, too! :p

You have been lurking

Sorry, I'm not a housewife that can sit at home all day to babysit a keyboard.

stirring fires

What fires? Like the one where I defended Mertex (our town doc) and prevented her lynch?

The fire where I backed off Grandma and asked others NOT to hammer her? That fire?

Lemme see, how about the Math/Aye/Wolf fire? You know, where I asked for all to lay out sound reasoning for their beliefs? That fire? Whew, what a scorcher, there eh?

You have no trajectories.

Trajectories? Sounds kinda scheme-ish. A trajectory is a path of travel. Since I don't know how people will respond to questions and how their rationale works, that makes it impossible to have a "trajectory".

My only goal is to find the last remaining scum. Any other goal is anti-town.
Wolf, when you were pushing me to out my PR, was that YOUR idea or a neighborhood idea. I sure got the impression you kinda disappeared while asking and I thought you were chatting in a QT. Just wondering if someone else may have suggested we all out our PRs. For instance, Sam suggested FA recycle House's ability to out the rest of everyone's abilities in Central. Additionally, Sam stated he did not tell House to use that ability. Do you recall if Sam may have suggested it. or perhaps the first question would be, did House out his ability to your hood. That may end that line of questioning if he did not.

OK, The first time abilities were discussed was when House used his in the game. Then shortly after that Sam said his, then me, then Avi. Mine was a very hot topic of discussion for quite some time. Avi asked about abilities a lot like who used what and what was left. House and I helped keep track, etc. So yeah, a hot topic in our hood for sure.

No one asked for a massclaim. I said I was going to bring it up in the game. So that one was me.

Welll TSO asked for the massclaim before you did, that really was not my point, I was not sure if Sam was trying to play puppet master with such and abilities in your hood. . I just wanted to check if things were matching up with what Sam claimed. Sam bitched about your using your ability in Central. Did he do the same in your hood?

Has my gameplay diminished since Sam's lynch?
@CaféAuLait (ICYMI)

Not that I noted. But why do you ask?

Because if I started playing sloppier/noobish after Sam was lynched, it would be an obvious tell that I no longer had my coach.

It'd be an obvious scum tell.

This is my first game, but I love books & movies that engage my mind, so I jumped into this game head first and did some homework to avoid looking like a total fool.
This is logical but you are still scum.

You can pester Wolf all you want. You have been lurking and stirring fires.. You have no trajectories.

Since I am a dead townie walking if we do not lynch you. I am staying right here.

SR, I am not sure if you caught my post before but why did you move house over Math? I think Math first... but I was just wondering your reasons. I want to be right on the first go, and get the scum trifecta, all in a row. :)

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