Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

(emphasis added)

Ok, I'll assume this is the post. Interesting logic. Not conclusive, but suggestive (the bolded bit).

I asked her many times to quote specific quotes where I said all this. Her saying I did it, does not make it true.

I may have misunderstood, but I took the "bragging" bit as your frequent "I'm so town it hurts" type posts.

I know this is not addressing me, but those posts Houses mentions, come off the EXACT opposite as you intend them Wolf. Just an FYI for future games.

What posts are those? Being honest about being town? Sorry, that's how I play.

I'm not attacking you, Wolf. I'm just saying that scum would make the same statements... it'd be in their best interests to play up being town.

But it would be damn stupid of them to SAY they are town over and over. I say what I think. That's just how I play.

Anyone else want a go at me?
(emphasis added)

Ok, I'll assume this is the post. Interesting logic. Not conclusive, but suggestive (the bolded bit).

I asked her many times to quote specific quotes where I said all this. Her saying I did it, does not make it true.

I may have misunderstood, but I took the "bragging" bit as your frequent "I'm so town it hurts" type posts.

I know this is not addressing me, but those posts Houses mentions, come off the EXACT opposite as you intend them Wolf. Just an FYI for future games.

What posts are those? Being honest about being town? Sorry, that's how I play.

I'm not attacking you, Wolf. I'm just saying that scum would make the same statements... it'd be in their best interests to play up being town.

And how do you know what scum would say? This is your first game right? Like I said to Cafe, you wouldn't like it much if you were being attacked by scum and then another either scum/townie for days on end and then have townies come in and start criticizing your posts. I don't think anyone would like this.
I want to see an actual quote where I said someone was going to be NK'd N1.

For crying out loud, if I said that, why haven't you guys lynched me yet?

Seriously, I say a lot of scummy shit as town. But if you quote it and ask me about it, that would be the best way for me to explain it.

Chill. She is looking for it. I read it last night, It was not meant to damn you. Count to ten, you have said numerous times this is the game Wolf, you need to realize everyone is looking for scum and we all need to be sure about this last vote. So let her look to put her mind at ease. Try not to take it personally. :)

Oh yes it is meant to damn me. I don't mind mathblade's comments but if you look at all the shit Sameech and Aye have been throwing at me for days here and in the hood and what I've had to put up with, you'd be sick of it too. Add in the dead people thanking posts and the only reason I am even still here is because I want a town win after all this work.

Sam threw the same at Aye in Central at least. The problem is you seem as if you can say anyone is scum, e.g., Aye, but if someone returns the same gesture to you, you take it personally. Like you said early in the game, as I read last night -- THIS IS THE GAME. People are here to question you, to push you, to get you going, I am pretty sure you game that advice to House, it may have been Bob. But you gave it. This is the game Wolf. It is not personal.

Each time you make one of the posts like you have a few pages back where you say you can't be scum because of your hard work, and then say you may lose patience like the last one you made, has me moving you from town to scum. Those posts are not reading the way you may think they are. They come off as condescending, braggish, and somewhat as if you are in charge of the game. I don't know how else to describe it. This IS NOT meant as an attack on you Wolf, but information you can use for future games. Okay? :)

As far as dead people liking posts, it happened to me too. I scrolled on by and did not say anything because I thought Avatar was trying to set me up as being his scum partner by liking my posts. I would not have even noted who liked Aye's post ( vote for you) if you had not said something about it here. As I said in central and here, I found it is quite easy to like posts by accident from an iphone, ipad or tablet.
I asked her many times to quote specific quotes where I said all this. Her saying I did it, does not make it true.

I may have misunderstood, but I took the "bragging" bit as your frequent "I'm so town it hurts" type posts.

I know this is not addressing me, but those posts Houses mentions, come off the EXACT opposite as you intend them Wolf. Just an FYI for future games.

What posts are those? Being honest about being town? Sorry, that's how I play.

I'm not attacking you, Wolf. I'm just saying that scum would make the same statements... it'd be in their best interests to play up being town.

And how do you know what scum would say? This is your first game right? Like I said to Cafe, you wouldn't like it much if you were being attacked by scum and then another either scum/townie for days on end and then have townies come in and start criticizing your posts. I don't think anyone would like this.

Deductive reasoning, Wolf.

This is my first game, yes. However, it's not my first time using my brain.

Also, you should be more active in the hood. Your lack of activity there is noted, woman!
I asked her many times to quote specific quotes where I said all this. Her saying I did it, does not make it true.

I may have misunderstood, but I took the "bragging" bit as your frequent "I'm so town it hurts" type posts.

I know this is not addressing me, but those posts Houses mentions, come off the EXACT opposite as you intend them Wolf. Just an FYI for future games.

What posts are those? Being honest about being town? Sorry, that's how I play.

I'm not attacking you, Wolf. I'm just saying that scum would make the same statements... it'd be in their best interests to play up being town.

And how do you know what scum would say? This is your first game right? Like I said to Cafe, you wouldn't like it much if you were being attacked by scum and then another either scum/townie for days on end and then have townies come in and start criticizing your posts. I don't think anyone would like this.

Do you recall how you labeled me as scum the first few pages of this game? Do you know who pushed that in Central and most likely in your hood, or at least I kinda got the feeling he may have since House was convinced I was scum and said it was silly someone read me as town sometime back here on the GT. I may be wrong but that is what I thought he was pushing in your hood. Sam kept it up about me, I was his top scum suspect because I said Moon's role was town and my supposedly not knowing town's wincon. He mentioned it several times in Central. Heck Sam mentioned it yet again before he was lynched. It's the game Wolf.
Sam threw the same at Aye in Central at least.

Why would you give any credence to posts made by confirmed scum? Their game relies on misleading town. That Sam demonized Wolf only makes me trust her more.

He was saying she was scum BEFORE he was confirmed scum. I am not giving any credence to his accusations. I am merely telling Wolf, many have been accused of being scum by scum.
And if you look at my post where I addressed you and what my reads were on you I mention exactly what you say above. The fact Sam was after Aye and Wolf made me move them to town.
I want to see an actual quote where I said someone was going to be NK'd N1.

For crying out loud, if I said that, why haven't you guys lynched me yet?

Seriously, I say a lot of scummy shit as town. But if you quote it and ask me about it, that would be the best way for me to explain it.

Chill. She is looking for it. I read it last night, It was not meant to damn you. Count to ten, you have said numerous times this is the game Wolf, you need to realize everyone is looking for scum and we all need to be sure about this last vote. So let her look to put her mind at ease. Try not to take it personally. :)

Oh yes it is meant to damn me. I don't mind mathblade's comments but if you look at all the shit Sameech and Aye have been throwing at me for days here and in the hood and what I've had to put up with, you'd be sick of it too. Add in the dead people thanking posts and the only reason I am even still here is because I want a town win after all this work.

Sam threw the same at Aye in Central at least. The problem is you seem as if you can say anyone is scum, e.g., Aye, but if someone returns the same gesture to you, you take it personally. Like you said early in the game, as I read last night -- THIS IS THE GAME. People are here to question you, to push you, to get you going, I am pretty sure you game that advice to House, it may have been Bob. But you gave it. This is the game Wolf. It is not personal.

Each time you make one of the posts like you have a few pages back where you say you can't be scum because of your hard work, and then say you may lose patience like the last one you made, has me moving you from town to scum. Those posts are not reading the way you may think they are. They come off as condescending, braggish, and somewhat as if you are in charge of the game. I don't know how else to describe it. This IS NOT meant as an attack on you Wolf, but information you can use for future games. Okay? :)

As far as dead people liking posts, it happened to me too. I scrolled on by and did not say anything because I thought Avatar was trying to set me up as being his scum partner by liking my posts. I would not have even noted who liked Aye's post ( vote for you) if you had not said something about it here. As I said in central and here, I found it is quite easy to like posts by accident from an iphone, ipad or tablet.

Whatever Cafe. Go ahead and move me from town to scum. I don't give a shit. How about that?
I want to see an actual quote where I said someone was going to be NK'd N1.

For crying out loud, if I said that, why haven't you guys lynched me yet?

Seriously, I say a lot of scummy shit as town. But if you quote it and ask me about it, that would be the best way for me to explain it.

Chill. She is looking for it. I read it last night, It was not meant to damn you. Count to ten, you have said numerous times this is the game Wolf, you need to realize everyone is looking for scum and we all need to be sure about this last vote. So let her look to put her mind at ease. Try not to take it personally. :)

Oh yes it is meant to damn me. I don't mind mathblade's comments but if you look at all the shit Sameech and Aye have been throwing at me for days here and in the hood and what I've had to put up with, you'd be sick of it too. Add in the dead people thanking posts and the only reason I am even still here is because I want a town win after all this work.

Sam threw the same at Aye in Central at least. The problem is you seem as if you can say anyone is scum, e.g., Aye, but if someone returns the same gesture to you, you take it personally. Like you said early in the game, as I read last night -- THIS IS THE GAME. People are here to question you, to push you, to get you going, I am pretty sure you game that advice to House, it may have been Bob. But you gave it. This is the game Wolf. It is not personal.

Each time you make one of the posts like you have a few pages back where you say you can't be scum because of your hard work, and then say you may lose patience like the last one you made, has me moving you from town to scum. Those posts are not reading the way you may think they are. They come off as condescending, braggish, and somewhat as if you are in charge of the game. I don't know how else to describe it. This IS NOT meant as an attack on you Wolf, but information you can use for future games. Okay? :)

As far as dead people liking posts, it happened to me too. I scrolled on by and did not say anything because I thought Avatar was trying to set me up as being his scum partner by liking my posts. I would not have even noted who liked Aye's post ( vote for you) if you had not said something about it here. As I said in central and here, I found it is quite easy to like posts by accident from an iphone, ipad or tablet.

Whatever Cafe. Go ahead and move me from town to scum. I don't give a shit. How about that?


Sometimes it might be good to just sit back and allow something to sink it before you react to it. I was trying to tell you those types of post have the OPPOSITE effect of what you think you are projecting. IOW I was trying to help you see what others see. That is all. Try not to take offense, as it was not intended to be offensive at all.

Has my gameplay diminished since Sam's lynch?
@CaféAuLait (ICYMI)

Not that I noted. But why do you ask?

Because if I started playing sloppier/noobish after Sam was lynched, it would be an obvious tell that I no longer had my coach.

It'd be an obvious scum tell.

This is my first game, but I love books & movies that engage my mind, so I jumped into this game head first and did some homework to avoid looking like a total fool.

Has my gameplay diminished since Sam's lynch?
@CaféAuLait (ICYMI)

Not that I noted. But why do you ask?

Because if I started playing sloppier/noobish after Sam was lynched, it would be an obvious tell that I no longer had my coach.

It'd be an obvious scum tell.

This is my first game, but I love books & movies that engage my mind, so I jumped into this game head first and did some homework to avoid looking like a total fool.

Ahhhhh okay. I get the question now. The one other thing I noted and forgot to mention earlier, was my conversation with you about TSO being lynched and how it was a stupid scum move since he was still a suspect on a few peoples lists. Then Mertex died. That was something that came to mind when I was considering my argument for you as scum,

if you are scum you are very good House. Mentally I don't see your avatar when I picture you now as scum. You have gone from my beloved TV star, Dr. House, to Dr. Evil ( wearing a cruddy baseball cap sitting in some off the road diner) wringing your hands as you ogle the cute waitresses, while waiting on your 50 cent shower then you plan your next NK while singing "I touch Myself" and grab a smoke as soon as you dry off. (you fed your cat to the sharks with laser beams for fun BTW) You scare me. :p
Ahhhhh okay. I get the question now. The one other thing I noted and forgot to mention earlier, was my conversation with you about TSO being lynched and how it was a stupid scum move since he was still a suspect on a few peoples lists. Then Mertex died. That was something that came to mind when I was considering my argument for you as scum,

if you are scum you are very good House. Mentally I don't see your avatar when I picture you now as scum. You have gone from my beloved TV star, Dr. House, to Dr. Evil ( wearing a cruddy baseball cap sitting in some off the road diner) wringing your hands as you ogle the cute waitresses, while waiting on your 50 cent shower then you plan your next NK while singing "I touch Myself" and grab a smoke as soon as you dry off. (you fed your cat to the sharks with laser beams for fun BTW) You scare me. :p

I don't know whether I should be offended or flattered. o_O
Ahhhhh okay. I get the question now. The one other thing I noted and forgot to mention earlier, was my conversation with you about TSO being lynched and how it was a stupid scum move since he was still a suspect on a few peoples lists. Then Mertex died. That was something that came to mind when I was considering my argument for you as scum,

if you are scum you are very good House. Mentally I don't see your avatar when I picture you now as scum. You have gone from my beloved TV star, Dr. House, to Dr. Evil ( wearing a cruddy baseball cap sitting in some off the road diner) wringing your hands as you ogle the cute waitresses, while waiting on your 50 cent shower then you plan your next NK while singing "I touch Myself" and grab a smoke as soon as you dry off. (you fed your cat to the sharks with laser beams for fun BTW) You scare me. :p

I don't know whether I should be offended or flattered. o_O

Oh, Gosh I hope I did not offend you. I was playing!

Has my gameplay diminished since Sam's lynch?
@CaféAuLait (ICYMI)

Not that I noted. But why do you ask?

Because if I started playing sloppier/noobish after Sam was lynched, it would be an obvious tell that I no longer had my coach.

It'd be an obvious scum tell.

This is my first game, but I love books & movies that engage my mind, so I jumped into this game head first and did some homework to avoid looking like a total fool.

if you are scum you are very good House. Mentally I don't see your avatar when I picture you now as scum. You have gone from my beloved TV star, Dr. House, to Dr. Evil ( wearing a cruddy baseball cap sitting in some off the road diner) wringing your hands as you ogle the cute waitresses, while waiting on your 50 cent shower then you plan your next NK while singing "I touch Myself" and grab a smoke as soon as you dry off. (you fed your cat to the sharks with laser beams for fun BTW) You scare me. :p

What kind of drugs do they have you on anyway? :p

Has my gameplay diminished since Sam's lynch?
@CaféAuLait (ICYMI)

Not that I noted. But why do you ask?

Because if I started playing sloppier/noobish after Sam was lynched, it would be an obvious tell that I no longer had my coach.

It'd be an obvious scum tell.

This is my first game, but I love books & movies that engage my mind, so I jumped into this game head first and did some homework to avoid looking like a total fool.

if you are scum you are very good House. Mentally I don't see your avatar when I picture you now as scum. You have gone from my beloved TV star, Dr. House, to Dr. Evil ( wearing a cruddy baseball cap sitting in some off the road diner) wringing your hands as you ogle the cute waitresses, while waiting on your 50 cent shower then you plan your next NK while singing "I touch Myself" and grab a smoke as soon as you dry off. (you fed your cat to the sharks with laser beams for fun BTW) You scare me. :p

What kind of drugs do they have you on anyway? :p

LOL too freaking many to count or list.

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