Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

We have six. My suggestion is to lynch me a vanilla townie not confirmed or no lynch.
This will bring us to 5/4.
No lynch again.
This brings us to 4/3.
No lynch on the first. On the second the additional discussion should make it clear. I am recommending we lynch me because I am the least active of the not confirms and it IMO is best for the game. Just please promise me to look at Wolf if you lynch me.

Vote MathBlade

1) Admirable post.
2) Makes me wonder about my own vote. I'm not a fan of knowingly voting townies.

I think you should just unvote her and let's go for a No Lynch. This could come from town or scum. I

I try to think and/or talk things out before I commit to an action to make sure I have it straight.

I am really glad you put that early post up with the numbers. I think we should No Lynch because we can get that 3 person lylo and an extra shot at this if we mess up a lynch. And math's post above with the numbers with a No Lynch also makes sense.
Voting me forces a House/Aye/Wolf end game.

The two NKs will have to be Titus and Cafe. No one will go into final three with a conf townie. That is not smart play.

Aye said they already have a town read on House. Lynching me assures town victory. Please lynch me or no lynch or just lynch Wolf(but that I don't have enough trust for).

Okay, say Aye and SR are killed over the next two nights. You make a good point.

We can now reason that out without the need for a No Lynch.

I'm just spitballing here, I don't mean to be promoting any particular plan. Just exploring options and letting the more experienced folks have their say.
Voting me forces a House/Aye/Wolf end game.

The two NKs will have to be Titus and Cafe. No one will go into final three with a conf townie. That is not smart play.

Aye said they already have a town read on House. Lynching me assures town victory. Please lynch me or no lynch or just lynch Wolf(but that I don't have enough trust for).

I don't see how voting you out right now helps anything. A No Lynch is the best option. I'm not sure why we didn't think of this sooner. If you are town, voting yourself is very bad play.
A No lynch doesn't gain us anything. Cafe or I will be shot. Our suspect pool does not narrow.

Wolf is town.
House is probably scum.
Math could be scum... but I'm liking that less after today.
Aye is unlikely scum.

We are not no lynching. We are lynching scum. We are lynching House.

Y'all ignored me and lynched Moonglow. Y'all ignored me and quicklynched Grandma. It's my turn.
A No lynch doesn't gain us anything. Cafe or I will be shot. Our suspect pool does not narrow.

Wolf is town.
House is probably scum.
Math could be scum... but I'm liking that less after today.
Aye is unlikely scum.

We are not no lynching. We are lynching scum. We are lynching House.

Y'all ignored me and lynched Moonglow. Y'all ignored me and quicklynched Grandma. It's my turn.

If we mislynch House, we only have one lynch left, do I have the numbers correct?
A No lynch doesn't gain us anything. Cafe or I will be shot. Our suspect pool does not narrow.

Wolf is town.
House is probably scum.
Math could be scum... but I'm liking that less after today.
Aye is unlikely scum.

We are not no lynching. We are lynching scum. We are lynching House.

Y'all ignored me and lynched Moonglow. Y'all ignored me and quicklynched Grandma. It's my turn.

If we mislynch House, we only have one lynch left, do I have the numbers correct?

I'm not sure of this but this might be our last if we do not NL. Because if we lynch, we get down to 4. Then if we do it again, that's a loss if we are wrong. If we NL, we get another shot at a 3 person lylo.

I think at least? I'm no math whiz.
Exactly why I am volunteering to be it. With me gone most people realize who scum is. If I fall on my sword people will have their top pick. I am useless because I am having way too little time with my posts and people call me scum for it.

We have one lynch after me or whoever yes. We have two lynches to catch scum in. However we know it is in House/Aye/Wolf as I am not scum but this is how I know to conf myself and to make sure everyone is in the right area.
A No lynch doesn't gain us anything. Cafe or I will be shot. Our suspect pool does not narrow.

Wolf is town.
House is probably scum.
Math could be scum... but I'm liking that less after today.
Aye is unlikely scum.

We are not no lynching. We are lynching scum. We are lynching House.

Y'all ignored me and lynched Moonglow. Y'all ignored me and quicklynched Grandma. It's my turn.

If we mislynch House, we only have one lynch left, do I have the numbers correct?

I'm not sure of this but this might be our last if we do not NL. Because if we lynch, we get down to 4. Then if we do it again, that's a loss if we are wrong. If we NL, we get another shot at a 3 person lylo.

I think at least? I'm no math whiz.
No lynch is also an option at 4 players to go to three. We have two lynches and a no lynch. We have to use the NL today or tomorrow game time.
Exactly why I am volunteering to be it. With me gone most people realize who scum is. If I fall on my sword people will have their top pick. I am useless because I am having way too little time with my posts and people call me scum for it.

We have one lynch after me or whoever yes. We have two lynches to catch scum in. However we know it is in House/Aye/Wolf as I am not scum but this is how I know to conf myself and to make sure everyone is in the right area.

It really does not matter if you are not as active as the rest of us. I thought the timing of it was off because it was right around the time Sameech was lynched. If you are town, you should NOT want to sacrifice yourself. Not at this point in the game.
A No lynch doesn't gain us anything. Cafe or I will be shot. Our suspect pool does not narrow.

Wolf is town.
House is probably scum.
Math could be scum... but I'm liking that less after today.
Aye is unlikely scum.

We are not no lynching. We are lynching scum. We are lynching House.

Y'all ignored me and lynched Moonglow. Y'all ignored me and quicklynched Grandma. It's my turn.

If we mislynch House, we only have one lynch left, do I have the numbers correct?

I'm not sure of this but this might be our last if we do not NL. Because if we lynch, we get down to 4. Then if we do it again, that's a loss if we are wrong. If we NL, we get another shot at a 3 person lylo.

I think at least? I'm no math whiz.
No lynch is also an option at 4 players to go to three. We have two lynches and a no lynch. We have to use the NL today or tomorrow game time.

Thank You. This makes sense so why not do it now since we are all kind of undecided? This question goes to everyone BTW.
A No lynch doesn't gain us anything. Cafe or I will be shot. Our suspect pool does not narrow.

Wolf is town.
House is probably scum.
Math could be scum... but I'm liking that less after today.
Aye is unlikely scum.

We are not no lynching. We are lynching scum. We are lynching House.

Y'all ignored me and lynched Moonglow. Y'all ignored me and quicklynched Grandma. It's my turn.

If we mislynch House, we only have one lynch left, do I have the numbers correct?

I'm not sure of this but this might be our last if we do not NL. Because if we lynch, we get down to 4. Then if we do it again, that's a loss if we are wrong. If we NL, we get another shot at a 3 person lylo.

I think at least? I'm no math whiz.
No lynch is also an option at 4 players to go to three. We have two lynches and a no lynch. We have to use the NL today or tomorrow game time.

Thank You. This makes sense so why not do it now since we are all kind of undecided? This question goes to everyone BTW.

MathBlade made a good point about who scum is likely to kill, so there isn't any reason to expect anyone else to die other than SR or Cafe.

In retrospect, no lynching doesn't help us because we already have the answers that giving scum a free kill would provide.
It's somebody else's turn to kick the can down the road. I'm sleepy and have a load to pick up tomorrow.

Later gators.
Exactly why I am volunteering to be it. With me gone most people realize who scum is. If I fall on my sword people will have their top pick. I am useless because I am having way too little time with my posts and people call me scum for it.

We have one lynch after me or whoever yes. We have two lynches to catch scum in. However we know it is in House/Aye/Wolf as I am not scum but this is how I know to conf myself and to make sure everyone is in the right area.

It really does not matter if you are not as active as the rest of us. I thought the timing of it was off because it was right around the time Sameech was lynched. If you are town, you should NOT want to sacrifice yourself. Not at this point in the game.
This is where I disagree. The best townies for endgame should go. I want myself to not be in the final three because people will suspect me incorrectly. I literally cannot draw the NK.

We should not no lynch now because the kill won't gain us anything except WIFOM. We learn nothing of who the scum is based on which conf townie they take out. We do learn by who wants a scummy looking townie at end game. Let's step back and take a look at who of the four non confs should be there. No one can say it is be because I was on everyone's first or second choice scum.

So I should not be at end game. This will give a conf townie like Cafe a last will.

Scarlet Rage says House.
Who will Cafe say is scum?

This will leave one player a conf townie, namely whoever cafe doesn't name. (Unless Cafe says House is scum then end game goes real fast.)That player votes last after the other two cross vote. Boom! Town victory.

Anywho sleep is good for me.
A No lynch doesn't gain us anything. Cafe or I will be shot. Our suspect pool does not narrow.

Wolf is town.
House is probably scum.
Math could be scum... but I'm liking that less after today.
Aye is unlikely scum.

We are not no lynching. We are lynching scum. We are lynching House.

Y'all ignored me and lynched Moonglow. Y'all ignored me and quicklynched Grandma. It's my turn.

If we mislynch House, we only have one lynch left, do I have the numbers correct?

I'm not sure of this but this might be our last if we do not NL. Because if we lynch, we get down to 4. Then if we do it again, that's a loss if we are wrong. If we NL, we get another shot at a 3 person lylo.

I think at least? I'm no math whiz.
No lynch is also an option at 4 players to go to three. We have two lynches and a no lynch. We have to use the NL today or tomorrow game time.

Thank You. This makes sense so why not do it now since we are all kind of undecided? This question goes to everyone BTW.

MathBlade made a good point about who scum is likely to kill, so there isn't any reason to expect anyone else to die other than SR or Cafe.

In retrospect, no lynching doesn't help us because we already have the answers that giving scum a free kill would provide.

Yeah good point but then we'll just have to do it tomorrow to get the 3 person lylo regardless. Because do we even have scum to lynch right now?
A No lynch doesn't gain us anything. Cafe or I will be shot. Our suspect pool does not narrow.

Wolf is town.
House is probably scum.
Math could be scum... but I'm liking that less after today.
Aye is unlikely scum.

We are not no lynching. We are lynching scum. We are lynching House.

Y'all ignored me and lynched Moonglow. Y'all ignored me and quicklynched Grandma. It's my turn.

If we mislynch House, we only have one lynch left, do I have the numbers correct?

I'm not sure of this but this might be our last if we do not NL. Because if we lynch, we get down to 4. Then if we do it again, that's a loss if we are wrong. If we NL, we get another shot at a 3 person lylo.

I think at least? I'm no math whiz.
No lynch is also an option at 4 players to go to three. We have two lynches and a no lynch. We have to use the NL today or tomorrow game time.

Thank You. This makes sense so why not do it now since we are all kind of undecided? This question goes to everyone BTW.

MathBlade made a good point about who scum is likely to kill, so there isn't any reason to expect anyone else to die other than SR or Cafe.

In retrospect, no lynching doesn't help us because we already have the answers that giving scum a free kill would provide.

Your head is so far up Mathblade's ass that I can your head popping out of her mouth.
Exactly why I am volunteering to be it. With me gone most people realize who scum is. If I fall on my sword people will have their top pick. I am useless because I am having way too little time with my posts and people call me scum for it.

We have one lynch after me or whoever yes. We have two lynches to catch scum in. However we know it is in House/Aye/Wolf as I am not scum but this is how I know to conf myself and to make sure everyone is in the right area.

It really does not matter if you are not as active as the rest of us. I thought the timing of it was off because it was right around the time Sameech was lynched. If you are town, you should NOT want to sacrifice yourself. Not at this point in the game.
This is where I disagree. The best townies for endgame should go. I want myself to not be in the final three because people will suspect me incorrectly. I literally cannot draw the NK.

We should not no lynch now because the kill won't gain us anything except WIFOM. We learn nothing of who the scum is based on which conf townie they take out. We do learn by who wants a scummy looking townie at end game. Let's step back and take a look at who of the four non confs should be there. No one can say it is be because I was on everyone's first or second choice scum.

So I should not be at end game. This will give a conf townie like Cafe a last will.

Scarlet Rage says House.
Who will Cafe say is scum?

This will leave one player a conf townie, namely whoever cafe doesn't name. (Unless Cafe says House is scum then end game goes real fast.)That player votes last after the other two cross vote. Boom! Town victory.

Anywho sleep is good for me.

Sorry but this is going over my head or I'm too tired to make sense of it.
Exactly why I am volunteering to be it. With me gone most people realize who scum is. If I fall on my sword people will have their top pick. I am useless because I am having way too little time with my posts and people call me scum for it.

We have one lynch after me or whoever yes. We have two lynches to catch scum in. However we know it is in House/Aye/Wolf as I am not scum but this is how I know to conf myself and to make sure everyone is in the right area.

It really does not matter if you are not as active as the rest of us. I thought the timing of it was off because it was right around the time Sameech was lynched. If you are town, you should NOT want to sacrifice yourself. Not at this point in the game.

(Emphasis added)

Yet, you wanted to do the same to save House a few pages back...
Exactly why I am volunteering to be it. With me gone most people realize who scum is. If I fall on my sword people will have their top pick. I am useless because I am having way too little time with my posts and people call me scum for it.

We have one lynch after me or whoever yes. We have two lynches to catch scum in. However we know it is in House/Aye/Wolf as I am not scum but this is how I know to conf myself and to make sure everyone is in the right area.

It really does not matter if you are not as active as the rest of us. I thought the timing of it was off because it was right around the time Sameech was lynched. If you are town, you should NOT want to sacrifice yourself. Not at this point in the game.

(Emphasis added)

Yet, you wanted to do the same to save House a few pages back...

Yes, I still would if it came to that. He'd be a better choice for endgame than me. This is what I think math's thinking is. She wants to be lynched so she's not at endgame. She thinks town will lose then because she'll be picked wrong. I'd rather lynch scum today but if we mislynch, we have to NL to get to the last 3. We have to keep this is mind. This decision just became a lot tougher.

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