Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

- Recycle

- Jailer's Keys

Are we literally going to have 3 jailkeepers night one?

Does this mean he had two abilities? o_O

FA never used his ability, his ability is able to recycle a role. House used his ability which showed us FA had the power to do what he just did.

With that said, I think this gives you three sets of jailer keys and if I am reading correctly, you need to make three decisions.

I'm sure Wake can clarity, I may be far off.

I do want to say you probably need to discuss this in PM with wake.
Your not. That gives him 2 and me one (to give out - we don't actually get the abilities from my reading). Recycle allows me to reuse another's ability as my own. I basically posted that I want to use my ability and that Jailers Keys was the target ability that I was reusing.

Sgt_Gath activated 'Jailer's Keys.' He must PM me the name of his target which will acquire that power. Rosie then activated 'Double Trouble,' and targeted Sgt_Gath. Now Gath must target yet another players and give him or her 1-Shot Jailkeeper status. FA_Q2 then activated 'Recycle,' selected 'Jailer's Keys,' and activated it as his own. FA_Q2 may now give someone else a 1-Shot Jailkeeper status. Ergo, 3 different players will become 1-Shot Jailkeepers.
I think it is worth noting that there is noting that I can see in the jailers abilities that states it must be used tonight. TN's last statement that we will have 3 jailers on night one is somewhat misleading then as they are not necessarily going to use those powers right away.
I think it is worth noting that there is noting that I can see in the jailers abilities that states it must be used tonight. TN's last statement that we will have 3 jailers on night one is somewhat misleading then as they are not necessarily going to use those powers right away.
seems so. That I think is the best use of my ability.

Jailers have better chances of stopping a kill than Mertex does (particularly because I don't think she is going to last anyway) and if she lives she retains that ability to use it and has half a chance to stop a NK.

I'm willing to bet it's because scum see mertex as a threat.
wifom harder on protector roles please

I hope those with protection roles are paying attention here. Doctors, or whatever you may be take note here.

You're worried about jailkeepers using their ability on doctors?

I think it is worth noting that there is noting that I can see in the jailers abilities that states it must be used tonight. TN's last statement that we will have 3 jailers on night one is somewhat misleading then as they are not necessarily going to use those powers right away.

The way I read it, the abilities HAVE to be allocated by tonight or you lose the grant power.
That has no bearing on whether or not the recipients actually use the one-shot jailkeeper.
3 jailkeepers is going to cause a lot of night-action wifom one way or another.
seems so. That I think is the best use of my ability.

Jailers have better chances of stopping a kill than Mertex does (particularly because I don't think she is going to last anyway) and if she lives she retains that ability to use it and has half a chance to stop a NK.

I'm willing to bet it's because scum see mertex as a threat.
wifom harder on protector roles please

I hope those with protection roles are paying attention here. Doctors, or whatever you may be take note here.

You're worried about jailkeepers using their ability on doctors?

I think it is worth noting that there is noting that I can see in the jailers abilities that states it must be used tonight. TN's last statement that we will have 3 jailers on night one is somewhat misleading then as they are not necessarily going to use those powers right away.

The way I read it, the abilities HAVE to be allocated by tonight or you lose the grant power.
That has no bearing on whether or not the recipients actually use the one-shot jailkeeper.
3 jailkeepers is going to cause a lot of night-action wifom one way or another.

No, I wanted someone with a protection role to ensure Sgt Gath stayed alive to ensure he could use his ability to pass on his jail keys. Unless I am wrong and he does it now and it does not occur during the night.
seems so. That I think is the best use of my ability.

Jailers have better chances of stopping a kill than Mertex does (particularly because I don't think she is going to last anyway) and if she lives she retains that ability to use it and has half a chance to stop a NK.

I'm willing to bet it's because scum see mertex as a threat.
wifom harder on protector roles please

I hope those with protection roles are paying attention here. Doctors, or whatever you may be take note here.

You're worried about jailkeepers using their ability on doctors?

I think it is worth noting that there is noting that I can see in the jailers abilities that states it must be used tonight. TN's last statement that we will have 3 jailers on night one is somewhat misleading then as they are not necessarily going to use those powers right away.

The way I read it, the abilities HAVE to be allocated by tonight or you lose the grant power.
That has no bearing on whether or not the recipients actually use the one-shot jailkeeper.
3 jailkeepers is going to cause a lot of night-action wifom one way or another.

No, I wanted someone with a protection role to ensure Sgt Gath stayed alive to ensure he could use his ability to pass on his jail keys. Unless I am wrong and he does it now and it does not occur during the night.
I believe you do it now.
My vote has nothing to do with Grandma. She could call you scum till she was blue in face, I was defending you and in fact openly doubting you were scum on this forum, my neighborhood and in fact also stated I thought you were trying to tell us something, here and in my neighborhood.

My vote is the result of the strange play. TN ( who is never here) jumping out of nowhere to protect you from an ability you were worried may kill you and then TN attack on me, suggests to me the two of you are working as team. Not to mention he says he has a null read on you and he is not even sure you are town?

I love it when people lie about things like this.

First of all, I'm here at least once a day, so your little note on activity is patently false. If you don't believe me run a postcount analysis on this game in comparison to other games.

I gave mertex limited nightkill protection because gamebreaking abilities ahoy and you guys are trying to remove that from the game. Once again, only scum should be afraid of an invulnerable protector.

Third, you're the one attacking me with near-ad-hominem attacks, since you would rather make a note on my general activity than comment too much on my play this game.
the jail keepers don't have use their one shot abilities tonight. They just have to be assigned by tonight.

hopefully only one person would use theirs tonight. And hopefully the scum don't get one of the three.

I am suspicious of mertex but I think with her in a pr role right now we should give her the benefit of the doubt.

I was leaning town on grandma but I'm not sure what to make of the lying claim. I'll have to review the thread when I have more time. However my internet is being very inconsistent at the moment. I'll be surprised if this actually posts
the jail keepers don't have use their one shot abilities tonight. They just have to be assigned by tonight.

hopefully only one person would use theirs tonight. And hopefully the scum don't get one of the three.

I am suspicious of mertex but I think with her in a pr role right now we should give her the benefit of the doubt.

I was leaning town on grandma but I'm not sure what to make of the lying claim. I'll have to review the thread when I have more time. However my internet is being very inconsistent at the moment. I'll be surprised if this actually posts
My vote has nothing to do with Grandma. She could call you scum till she was blue in face, I was defending you and in fact openly doubting you were scum on this forum, my neighborhood and in fact also stated I thought you were trying to tell us something, here and in my neighborhood.

My vote is the result of the strange play. TN ( who is never here) jumping out of nowhere to protect you from an ability you were worried may kill you and then TN attack on me, suggests to me the two of you are working as team. Not to mention he says he has a null read on you and he is not even sure you are town?

I love it when people lie about things like this.

First of all, I'm here at least once a day, so your little note on activity is patently false. If you don't believe me run a postcount analysis on this game in comparison to other games.

I gave mertex limited nightkill protection because gamebreaking abilities ahoy and you guys are trying to remove that from the game. Once again, only scum should be afraid of an invulnerable protector.

Third, you're the one attacking me with near-ad-hominem attacks, since you would rather make a note on my general activity than comment too much on my play this game.

I did not lie TN. You are not here during our games, you are often disengaged and it always seems as if you are catching up because you disappear for days at a time sometimes. As far as my comment, unless I missed it, you had not been posting, then you appeared out of no where after Mertex used her ability.

You keep saying this she has an ability and or she is confirm town but in the next breath You state you are not even sure she is town and your read is null.

In post 970 you said it does not make her necessarily town.
Official USMB Mafia Game 5 A Game of Fire and Ice Page 33 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And you said your read on her was Null.

Official USMB Mafia Game 5 A Game of Fire and Ice Page 33 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

But you keep insisting she has this power. Can you see how that is as confusing as shit??

As far as your third paragraph, you did attack me, and the funny part about it was I was doubting you and Mertex were scum.
This is the post I am referring to TN

Official USMB Mafia Game 5 A Game of Fire and Ice Page 50 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I said:

The thing is if Mertex is scum and TN just protected her, this means not only have they outed themselves we also know they are Fire Mafia, since TN picked "frost" to protect her.
I am said before I was not sure if Mertex is scum, this play is a big one. Not to mention it is drawing attention from Ice Mafia as well. I don't think they would be this blatant in their play if they both are scum. It seems illogical. That may be WIFOM, but I suppose we can see what happens.

(emphasis added)

you said:

A bigger, blacker pile of wifom than in previous games.
I blame wake.

I was stating I did not think the two of you would be so blatant and were not scum. The you said my comment was "A bigger, blacker pile of wifom than in previous games."

And "You blame Wake"

That comment right there, read to me as if Wake should not allow me to play the game. What other reason would you blame Wake for thing I say in the game?

I'm new to this, I have tried to edit myself from posting all of my thoughts and am trying to focus better.
If you had the opportunity to shield someone and possibly die, or shield someone and not die, you would choose to choose the one where you die? I seriously doubt it.

Well, I have been known to make bizarre choices before. That said, even I would not be crazy enough to allow myself to be recruited to be the scum team's PR minion in their much needed to win town clique.

VOTE: tn5421
Alright. I've got my targets picked out for the keys.

I'll tell Wake over PM so we can keep it hush, hush.
I did not lie TN. You are not here during our games, you are often disengaged and it always seems as if you are catching up because you disappear for days at a time sometimes. As far as my comment, unless I missed it, you had not been posting, then you appeared out of no where after Mertex used her ability.

You keep saying this she has an ability and or she is confirm town but in the next breath You state you are not even sure she is town and your read is null.

In post 970 you said it does not make her necessarily town.
Official USMB Mafia Game 5 A Game of Fire and Ice Page 33 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And you said your read on her was Null.

Official USMB Mafia Game 5 A Game of Fire and Ice Page 33 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

But you keep insisting she has this power. Can you see how that is as confusing as shit??

As far as your third paragraph, you did attack me, and the funny part about it was I was doubting you and Mertex were scum.

You're amusing, please keep trying.

I told you to run the fucking numbers and you didn't, so I'm dismissing this as the garbage it is.

This isn't how meta works.

This is the post I am referring to TN

Official USMB Mafia Game 5 A Game of Fire and Ice Page 50 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I said:

(emphasis added)

you said:

I was stating I did not think the two of you would be so blatant and were not scum. The you said my comment was "A bigger, blacker pile of wifom than in previous games."

And "You blame Wake"

That comment right there, read to me as if Wake should not allow me to play the game. What other reason would you blame Wake for thing I say in the game?

I'm new to this, I have tried to edit myself from posting all of my thoughts and am trying to focus better.

You're fucking right i blame wake, have you seen these one-shot abilities?
I love how you assume I blame wake for allowing you to play when I was clearly trying to WotC MOONGLOW, for one.
Please keep assigning motives to me, it makes your argument easier for others to detect as bogus.

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