Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

It doesn't necessarily make Mertex townie, but it doesn't do Grandma any favors.
Interesting though that you keep bitching that the invulnerability is not necessarily a 'town' ability because they are random all the while demanding that Mertex is a 'confirmed' town PR.

She isn't and nothing about her play seems town at all. Then you go around saying I should use my power on her for what? nothing. There is a better power out there for me to copy - one that gives us a town PR that STOPS a kill rather than simply puts another in its place.

Forget that you are asking me to use my PR to protect the one that I am voting for.
Am I the only one that noticed that the Game went to hell as soon as Mertex's wagon started loading?

When's the last time anyone saw TN so adamant about saving a "Townie."

And now here's another little tidbit - I'm in a neighborhood with 3 other players. Mertex is one of them. 3 of us outed our Abilities - Mertex did not. Why? What's the big deal about being able to steal from another player?

Anyway, my Ability is pretty weak and self-serving. The other 2 players' abilities aren't outstanding, but they can be useful to Town. So why was Mertex so confused about who to protect? Either one of those two would be reasonable candidates, also the stronger players clearly working for Town's benefit would be likely targets.

But Mertex wanted to throw the Shield that she stole from Shaitra away.

And TN considers that to be Town-like behavior.

Yeah, right.


Throwing a few reads out -

Mertex - town - I believe at least one person voting for her right now is scum.

Cafe - town

House - town

Wolf - confused town

TN - appears town, but with his charts popping up, has me thinking again that he may very well not be

Rosie - town

Grandma - came off as town at first, but now reconsidering that

In earlier games I used 'information instead of analysis' aka IIoA to make myself seem town as scum.
If you'll notice I included some analysis with this chart. I've also worked out some cool stuffs for the chart.

Is anyone else concerned about the fact that sgt's jail key ability is out there for us all. That makes him a huge target for the night kill unless he uses it.

FA's power would do the same.

that is assuming neither of them are scum.

I tend to think sgt should use the key and give it to someone who could use it to jail someone before the scum take him out and we lose it

@Wake does he need to specify who he is giving it to in the thread?


- Double Trouble : Sgt_Gath

Regards from Rosie

If the guy that can copy roles copies mine and does Fire Elementalism on Mertex, she becomes an unkillable meatshield with a one-shot protect. Worth considering.
Another thing to point out here is that I would not say that the meatshild ability would allow that anyway. this came un in conversation between me and wake in game one where there was a doc and bodyguard where the question is asked if the doc protects the bodyguard and the bodyguard protects the doc then they would both be invulnerable. That never made sense to me. It is the bodyguards ability that causes them to die - not the NK and by that logic the tow abilities can work well with each other WITHOUT being invulnerable (the doc only protects from the NK)

It would take wake to comment on the situation in order for it to matter. @Wake I think clarification on this would be healthy even though I am not taking this rout.
Interesting though that you keep bitching that the invulnerability is not necessarily a 'town' ability because they are random all the while demanding that Mertex is a 'confirmed' town PR.

She isn't and nothing about her play seems town at all. Then you go around saying I should use my power on her for what? nothing. There is a better power out there for me to copy - one that gives us a town PR that STOPS a kill rather than simply puts another in its place.

Forget that you are asking me to use my PR to protect the one that I am voting for.

Another thing to point out here is that I would not say that the meatshild ability would allow that anyway. this came un in conversation between me and wake in game one where there was a doc and bodyguard where the question is asked if the doc protects the bodyguard and the bodyguard protects the doc then they would both be invulnerable. That never made sense to me. It is the bodyguards ability that causes them to die - not the NK and by that logic the tow abilities can work well with each other WITHOUT being invulnerable (the doc only protects from the NK)

It would take wake to comment on the situation in order for it to matter. @Wake I think clarification on this would be healthy even though I am not taking this rout.

Fire mafia target zzzx, mertex protect zzzx.
zzzx and mertex swap positions
mertex cannot be killed by the fire because of MY ability
mertex prevents kill and doesn't die
- Recycle

- Jailer's Keys

Are we literally going to have 3 jailkeepers night one?
seems so. That I think is the best use of my ability.

Jailers have better chances of stopping a kill than Mertex does (particularly because I don't think she is going to last anyway) and if she lives she retains that ability to use it and has half a chance to stop a NK.
My vote stays on Mertex and HUGE FoS on TN.

Scum has DAYTALK and this screams scum ploy. When Mertex got caught, they hatched this little scheme and are now trying to call Mertex town PR when in NO WAY is there anything saying she is town. And then they try to call all of us scum who vote her.

They are a scum team I am almost positive.

If that is the case Fire Mafia will be all over them and two scum will be gone. Remember scum want scum, so their team can win. Again, I can't imagine they would be this blatant.

Cafe, I can't believe you are saying what you are saying. Go back and read your win condition, if you are Town. The Mafia teams are not working against each other. Ask yourself, how does Town win?

When you are able to answer that, you will understand why your statement is totally wrong.

Do you see the word IF at the front of my sentence to Wolfsister? None of this makes sense. TN's reaction does not make sense either. Not only was I doubting you and TN were scum here I was also doing the same in my original neighborhood, and In fact telling them I did not think TN was scummy and I also said I thought you may be telling the truth because you were being doubted. I did the same here on the forum, questioned if you were scum and also TN.

Let me tell you something that does not make sense. TN is rarely here when he plays.

All of a sudden you decide to use an ability which you stated earlier may be dangerous for you to use, you use it and, KABLAM! TN jumps out from no where and uses a protection ability on you. You don't find that strange? Can you see how it plays? It was 2 posts after you used your ability and as far as I can tell it looked like he was waiting for you to use your ability, standing by it seems. It seemed as if the two of you planned it.

Official USMB Mafia Game 5 A Game of Fire and Ice Page 31 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
What gets me is that some are suspicious of Rosie, saying her game play is different, but say nothing about Avatar's being different as well.

I know I've been different. Been pkating off my phone this week. Not to mention my wife has had me cleaning house since we are preparing for a move. I've been trying to keep up, but I go to sleep and wake up to ten new pages of content by morning with only a few minutes to check. I'll be more normal next week when my schedule allows me some sit down time.

I've also been trying to enjoy the drama I've been feeling is more distracting then helpful. I said I wouldn't have as much time at first when we started this game

Taking a few steps back to watch is an eye opener, isn't it! If past games are any tell at all, it would be that those throwing themselves into the mayhem are town while the enemies are sitting back and watching while eating pizza and drinking beer.

I meant avoid the drama. Stupid autocorrect

I hope those with protection roles are paying attention here. Doctors, or whatever you may be take note here.

Who are your top 3 scum picks?

My top Scum pick is


MY FOS: (And only because they are blindly going along with Grandma).
Sgt Gath

It could be that Grandma and Wolf are working together as one of the Mafia teams, but my previous experience is telling me that Grandma just latched on to Wolf and is using her to vote along with her, while her partner tries to remain incognito. The others are new and I think they haven't been around long enough to pick up on certain clues that are being dropped. I'm surprised at Cafe. I thought she had picked up on it, and then she went along with the inconsistencies that Wolf and Grandma have presented.

My vote has nothing to do with Grandma. She could call you scum till she was blue in face, I was defending you and in fact openly doubting you were scum on this forum, my neighborhood and in fact also stated I thought you were trying to tell us something, here and in my neighborhood.

My vote is the result of the strange play. TN ( who is never here) jumping out of nowhere to protect you from an ability you were worried may kill you and then TN attack on me, suggests to me the two of you are working as team. Not to mention he says he has a null read on you and he is not even sure you are town?
- Recycle

- Jailer's Keys

Are we literally going to have 3 jailkeepers night one?

Does this mean he had two abilities? o_O

FA never used his ability, his ability is able to recycle a role. House used his ability which showed us FA had the power to do what he just did.

With that said, I think this gives you three sets of jailer keys and if I am reading correctly, you need to make three decisions.

I'm sure Wake can clarity, I may be far off.

I do want to say you probably need to discuss this in PM with wake.

Vote Count 1.8

Mertex (5): Wolfsister77, Sgt_Gath, Grandma, House, CafeAuLait
Grandma (2): tn5421, Mertex
BobPlumb (1): BobPlumb
Shaitra (1): RosieS
tn5421 (1): Moonglow
RosieS (1): Avatar4321
FA_Q2 (1): Sameech

Not Voting (4): MeBelle60, Shaitra, AyeCantSeeYou, FA_Q2

With 16 alive, it takes 9 to lynch!
Deadline is 8/26/14, @1pm central.

[CafeAuLait] - Neighborize!
Select five other players. You and them will now be Neighbors, and have your very own Neighborhood. This effect lasts until the end of the game. This ability cannot be activated if less than six players are alive.

[Mertex] - Nimble Fingers
Select one player and steal his or her "
" ability. You may not target a player who has already used an "
" ability. You may only activate this ability during Day 1 or 2.

[Grandma] - Invulnerability
Shield yourself from all kill attempts the following Night. This ability may only be used during Day 1.

[House] - Revelation!
Target two players. The Mod publicly reveals their "" abilities for all to see.

[Shaitra] - Human Shield
Gain "1-Shot Meat Shield" status. You may guard one player during the Night, and if he or she would die, you will die instead.

[tn5421] - Elementalism
Select one player, and select either "Ice" or "Fire." That player will be protected from being killed by a Mafia team of that element the following Night. May only be activated during Day 1 or Day 2.

[Sgt_Gath] - Jailer's Keys
Select and give one player "1-Shot Jailkeeper" status. This means your target can jail one person once during the Night. A person that is jailed cannot be killed during that Night, but he or she also isn't able to use any abilities.

[RosieS] - Double Trouble
Target and give one player another chance to use his or her "" ability again. Cannot be used on players who haven't used an "" ability. May only be activated during Day 1 or 2.

[FA_Q2] - Recycle
Take one "" ability that has already been activated, and activate it as your own. You may only use this effect during Days 1 or 2.

1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 | 1.7 | 1.8 | 1.9


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