Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

I did not lie TN. You are not here during our games, you are often disengaged and it always seems as if you are catching up because you disappear for days at a time sometimes. As far as my comment, unless I missed it, you had not been posting, then you appeared out of no where after Mertex used her ability.

You keep saying this she has an ability and or she is confirm town but in the next breath You state you are not even sure she is town and your read is null.

In post 970 you said it does not make her necessarily town.
Official USMB Mafia Game 5 A Game of Fire and Ice Page 33 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And you said your read on her was Null.

Official USMB Mafia Game 5 A Game of Fire and Ice Page 33 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

But you keep insisting she has this power. Can you see how that is as confusing as shit??

As far as your third paragraph, you did attack me, and the funny part about it was I was doubting you and Mertex were scum.

You're amusing, please keep trying.

I told you to run the fucking numbers and you didn't, so I'm dismissing this as the garbage it is.

This isn't how meta works.

This is the post I am referring to TN

Official USMB Mafia Game 5 A Game of Fire and Ice Page 50 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I said:

(emphasis added)

you said:

I was stating I did not think the two of you would be so blatant and were not scum. The you said my comment was "A bigger, blacker pile of wifom than in previous games."

And "You blame Wake"

That comment right there, read to me as if Wake should not allow me to play the game. What other reason would you blame Wake for thing I say in the game?

I'm new to this, I have tried to edit myself from posting all of my thoughts and am trying to focus better.

You're fucking right i blame wake, have you seen these one-shot abilities?
I love how you assume I blame wake for allowing you to play when I was clearly trying to WotC MOONGLOW, for one.
Please keep assigning motives to me, it makes your argument easier for others to detect as bogus.

You were addressing me when you made the comment about Wake, if you meant something about Moonglow, then you should have made it clear. It sure as hell looked like you were addressing me and my comment.

Yes the one shot deals are messed up and IMO at the moment they favor scum, not to mention it seems like many must be used within the first day or two and a few are terribly anti-town.

Finally, you were not posting on the game as Mertex was waffling about making her decision, then all of a sudden you were there. IIRC you had not been on for many hours until that time and you just happened to be there for that. Your history is clear when it comes to your not being fully engaged or present while playing on this forum. Period.
Oh and one more thing, your cussing seems so far out of place for you. I don't understand the "anger" which is coming from your post as well.
Until Grandma comes in to give some answers to what I asked earlier:

VOTE: Grandma
tn, you seem out of character for how you normally post. you're more aggressive/angry this time around. what's causing it?
I just got here, I'm going to read through today's posts and answer as I get to them.

Why did you say Mertex didn't tell us what her ability was?

Are you trying to get her lynched on purpose?

She did not tell us what her ability was, that's why.

She gave no hints, nothing. Even though we asked. Even though we other 3 revealed.


Yes she did. She told us about it before she used it.

Why did you say Mertex didn't tell us what her ability was?

Are you trying to get her lynched on purpose?

She did not tell us what her ability was, that's why.

She gave no hints, nothing. Even though we asked. Even though we other 3 revealed.


Yes she did. She told us about it before she used it.


Since this has been brought up in the game thread, is it ok to post a screen shot of the text where Mertex told what her was ability was?

Why did you say Mertex didn't tell us what her ability was?

Are you trying to get her lynched on purpose?

She did not tell us what her ability was, that's why.

She gave no hints, nothing. Even though we asked. Even though we other 3 revealed.


Yes she did. She told us about it before she used it.


Since this has been brought up in the game thread, is it ok to post a screen shot of the text where Mertex told what her was ability was?

I think this was addressed with the whole Ropey thing. You can only paraphrase QT convo.
Maybe because he's the only one to pick up on something that I so blatantly have mentioned that you, who should have picked up on it are totally ignoring. And why might that be? The only reason that would be is because you happened to be Scum again this game.

No, I'm definitely not Scum this game.

What is it that you blatantly mentioned? I sure as hell didn't see it.

I explained in the neighborhood that I had been at the dentist all morning. You were trying to define me as Scummy for having mentioned that I was in a neighborhood, and now you come out and tell everyone that we are in the same neighborhood and that makes you "Town"?

What does your dentist have to do with the game?

I outed that you're in my neighborhood because of your failure to find a good use for the Shield, and also because we others revealed our roles and you did not. Even after you got back from the dentist..

My ability wasn't about protecting anyone. It was about being able to steal other's ability. I didn't understand exactly how it worked and had asked Wake to explain it. I was waiting for his explanation. You are trying to muddy the waters by saying that I was confused about who to protect when I didn't even know whose ability I would be stealing and what that ability would be. Another scummy move, Grandma.

Yes, you asked for an explanation, but you were totally bummed out about how useless the Shield is to you. You were "confused" AFTER you stole the Shield.

And, you asked me what my PR was, nobody but Scum asks another player to reveal their role. Why should I have revealed my "role" to you when I didn't know whether you were Town or Scum. Just because we were in the same neighborhood didn't mean that I should trust that you were all Town. Another neighbor did reveal their role, and I'd be willing to bet that they will be NK by Grandma's team.

So you're saying that all 3 of your neighbors are Scum? I was not the first to reveal, nor was I the first to ask the others.

Another of Grandma's WIFOM - at that time I didn't even understand exactly what my ability did, I didn't know what anyone else's ability was, so how would I have known that Shaitra's ability was to shield anyone so that I should steal it and throw it away. And, I didn't throw it away, explain why you keep saying that?

You said you would throw it away.

Right, because he is the only one that is willing to pick up on what I have been saying. You are pretending you don't pick up on it, but you know exactly what I am saying, and are hoping that the newbies, and even Cafe, don't pick up on it.

TN came in out of nowhere defending you like a White Knight on meth. He didn't defend his own masons like that in the last game. Something's not right with that.
I'm not going to post much today. One observation. I think TN and Mertex are scum. One thing I have to be aware of is that the other scum team will help town lynch also and anyone helping me could be town or scum. That doesn't mean we shouldn't help each other. Town needs to work together. But I am a little worried about Grandma trying to reveal neighborhood and PR's and blatant buddying me. I don't think she's scum at the moment but I am not so sure I'm comfortable with this relationship we have. I might have to start seeing other people. :biggrin:

I'm not blatantly buddying you, I just happen to agree with much that you've said.

I'm not trying to reveal neighborhood PRs, either, I outed some incriminating information against Mertex. It's called working with Town. Being transparent.

Breaking up is hard to do. :crybaby:
Well, Grandma, based on all that you said before, that would make you rather Scummy. Before, if I didn't use it I was Scum, but now that I have used it, I'm not Town. Whoa, that ought to raise some red flags to the other Townies.
You used it to try and wiggle out of the fact that you look like scum. That is not something that is going to matter in changing my vote for you.

Thanks for the tip.

I thought getting our abilities out there would be pro-town, as it was explained to me that only scum are secretive.
My top Scum pick is


MY FOS: (And only because they are blindly going along with Grandma).
Sgt Gath

It could be that Grandma and Wolf are working together as one of the Mafia teams, but my previous experience is telling me that Grandma just latched on to Wolf and is using her to vote along with her, while her partner tries to remain incognito. The others are new and I think they haven't been around long enough to pick up on certain clues that are being dropped. I'm surprised at Cafe. I thought she had picked up on it, and then she went along with the inconsistencies that Wolf and Grandma have presented.

I don't buddy up. I run solo.

Interesting that Mertex accuses everyone that votes for her as Scum.

That meta is nothing to be proud of.
If you had the opportunity to shield someone and possibly die, or shield someone and not die, you would choose to choose the one where you die? I seriously doubt it.

It's your job. You don't get to choose. If I had the Shield, damn straight I'd use it.
I'm in the neighborhood with Grandma and Mertex. Mertex DID tell us what her ability is. I don't understand why Grandma would say she didn't, unless she's trying to get a townie lynched. Get one person lynched and narrow the field a little, right? Come Day 2, there's a big chance we'll have 3 townies out of the game.

She didn't tell us until AFTER she used it.
What I would do, is what happened in game 3 and that is I would let Aye and Rosie say the number of the post in the neighborhood and let Grandma read it and see what happens.

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