Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

I am not deliberately misunderstand you TN. When I said ' you were addressing me' your comment was right under MY quote and another comment you had just made to me. Post 984 for reference.

They are on different lines.
You never had a problem with this before.
How come you have a problem now?



Actually that sounds fairly reasonable. I'll think on it.

That's all I ask.
I am not deliberately misunderstand you TN. When I said ' you were addressing me' your comment was right under MY quote and another comment you had just made to me. Post 984 for reference.

They are on different lines.
You never had a problem with this before.
How come you have a problem now?



Actually that sounds fairly reasonable. I'll think on it.

That's all I ask.

Look, I am not purposefully misunderstanding you. You can insist I am, I would not have said a thing, if I understood what you meant. As far as my not having an issue with it prior, look at the working TN. I am actually stating I don't think the two of you are scum and then you tell me my post 'is a big stinking pile of WiFOM worse than previous games'. And then it reads as if you continue to attack the way I post by saying you blame Wake.

I don't know if the way you post is customary on other forums, but when you quote someone here and reply, you are directing it at the person you quote. It's further emphasized by the fact you post someone else and then make more comments within the same post.
The vote count has changed a bit since Wake posted VC1.7, here's the unofficial update:

Mertex (3): Sgt_Gath, Grandma, House
Grandma (3): tn5421, Mertex, AyeCantSeeYou
BobPlumb (1): BobPlumb
Shaitra (1): RosieS
tn5421 (2): Moonglow, Sameech
RosieS (1): Avatar4321
FA_Q2 (0):

Not Voting (4): MeBelle60, Shaitra, FA_Q2, CafeAuLait, Wolfsister77,

With 16 alive, it takes 9 to lynch!
Well, every time I get ready to cast a vote or make a comment, the freaking WIFOM shit gets in the way and I can't take it any more!!

So I'm not jumping out of the gate and instead going to let things develop on their own for awhile. I have my thoughts but for now, screw it. Time to think things through for awhile.
This is how I write.
How come you haven't had a problem until now?

-Because I'm very fucking frustrated!! Every single time I come out of the gate with a theory, thinking I have scum, it doesn't pan out and I no longer trust my ability to play this game well with this set-up which is a WIFOM mess.

-I have to step back and watch things for awhile or I will lose my mind and I don't really have that far to go.

-I've lost confidence.

-I have many ideas and a couple vote prospects but I really need time to think it through and let the game stew for now.

-I don't like playing on this new software. Adds to the frustration.

-A break will help me think clearer.
This is how I write.
How come you haven't had a problem until now?

I don't believe I have even noted it before, or felt as if you were addressing me in the manner which came off. Regarding other posts you have made, I believed you were addressing the person you quoted, until the next quote box and so on. If it's under the person quoted, then the reply is addressed to them IMO, it may be different in other forums, but your post did not read as if you were making a side comment IMO, given how your first sentence came off.
So I answered TN and he wasn't talking to me, he was talking to Cafe. That sucks TN. Quote the person you are talking to please. If you post right after me, I think you are talking to me.
-Because I'm very fucking frustrated!! Every single time I come out of the gate with a theory, thinking I have scum, it doesn't pan out and I no longer trust my ability to play this game well with this set-up which is a WIFOM mess.

-I have to step back and watch things for awhile or I will lose my mind and I don't really have that far to go.

-I've lost confidence.

-I have many ideas and a couple vote prospects but I really need time to think it through and let the game stew for now.

-I don't like playing on this new software. Adds to the frustration.

-A break will help me think clearer.

Despite the fact that I wasn't talking to you, I know the feeling.

I don't believe I have even noted it before, or felt as if you were addressing me in the manner which came off. Regarding other posts you have made, I believed you were addressing the person you quoted, until the next quote box and so on. If it's under the person quoted, then the reply is addressed to them IMO, it may be different in other forums, but your post did not read as if you were making a side comment IMO, given how your first sentence came off.

Someone told me to stop using the quote method?

So I answered TN and he wasn't talking to me, he was talking to Cafe. That sucks TN. Quote the person you are talking to please. If you post right after me, I think you are talking to me.

Someone asked me to stop at some point....................................fuck em. will do
@Wolfsister - It's a game. And it's only Day 1.

Of course we want to lynch Scum, but our chances are about 25%. In practice we're 0 for 4 so far.

You aren't in this alone, you've got all theTownies behind you, plus at this point the two Scum teams would like to off each other.

In other words, calm down.

Keep throwing your theories out there. We won't be able to lynch anyone if nobody makes any guesses.

Why did you say Mertex didn't tell us what her ability was?

Are you trying to get her lynched on purpose?

She did not tell us what her ability was, that's why.

She gave no hints, nothing. Even though we asked. Even though we other 3 revealed.


In my limited Mafia experienced, it has always been noted that Townies don't lie, only Scum lies.

You have been caught in a lie, Grandma. I did reveal what my ability was, and I did it before I activated it.

I believe you are Scum and you have now proven it. I believe we should "lynch all liars".
You did it exactly one post before you used it.

Have you thought about who you're going to Shield tonight, or are you going to take the coward's way out?
This is how I write.
How come you haven't had a problem until now?

-Because I'm very fucking frustrated!! Every single time I come out of the gate with a theory, thinking I have scum, it doesn't pan out and I no longer trust my ability to play this game well with this set-up which is a WIFOM mess.

-I have to step back and watch things for awhile or I will lose my mind and I don't really have that far to go.

-I've lost confidence.

-I have many ideas and a couple vote prospects but I really need time to think it through and let the game stew for now.

-I don't like playing on this new software. Adds to the frustration.

-A break will help me think clearer.

We all get sidetracked because we want to believe what everyone says. Sometimes it seems that what someone does is Scummy, and we want to jump on it because we are so sure we are right. We all have done that. I came hard on you because you were jumping to conclusions on me early on, based on my simple questioning as to whether or not Moonglow had confirmed himself as town by posting what appeared as his role pm, and as it turned out, Wake cleared it all up and Moonglow's post ended up being considered non-confirming either way. The fact that you came after me for such a minor thing made me react and think that maybe you were Scum, when you were probably just reacting to what you perceived as Scummy based on your own interpretation of what happened. It angered me and I reacted poorly, and I apologize for my behavior.

Now we have Grandma, who is agreeing with you in your assessment of me, in the hopes that together you can rouse enough interest in others to lynch me, a Townie. Her accusations have proven to be false, and we all know that Townies have no reason to lie, only Scum lies. She claims that I didn't reveal my ability in the neighborhood, that I didn't even give a hint of it, but other Townies in my neighborhood have denounced her lie. I did reveal (even though I had no obligation to do so) and so now she has changed her story to "I didn't reveal immediately when she asked me" - I guess I waited too long to suit her demands. No one with a clear conscience would make up a lie like that and use it against another Townie unless they were Scum. There is no way that Grandma can explain away that lie, so think on that.
BTW, @ Mertex, should it happen that I'm lynched you'll be next, then TN.

I promise that I'll flip Town.

@Grandma we already know that you lie. If you flip Town I'll be happy to admit I was wrong, but I probably will not live to see another Day....I'm sure you'll make sure of that.
And you're trying to make your accuser look like Scum. Mertex, you don't want to die Night 1, will you be lynched Day 2?

I am Town.
You did it exactly one post before you used it.

Have you thought about who you're going to Shield tonight, or are you going to take the coward's way out?

Oh, and that alone makes me Scum? Please elaborate. Wake must have forgotten to send me the PM that said I had to reveal to you immediately upon your demand.

I'll tell you who I plan to shield if you tell me who you plan to's that for a fair trade?
Lynch all liars is a stupid dictate perpetuated by parasitic town players who sit back and analyze in secret and offer up the least to the group when said parasites are not routinely willing to jump in the ring and throw punches or be seen as ever wrong in a game that requires town to be involved in the often messy back and forth to be successful over the long haul.

That said, not a single person in this she said-she said from the neighborhood discussion we cannot see and they cannot post carries much weight with me precisely because there is no meta history of being especially participatory there when it is not in their own self-interest to help deal with the WIFOM of the current back and forth.

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