Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

What I would do, is what happened in game 3 and that is I would let Aye and Rosie say the number of the post in the neighborhood and let Grandma read it and see what happens.

I'm going to the neighborhood QT as soon as I read the last couple posts here and re-read it.

If I'm wrong I'll be more than happy to post an apology.
What I would do, is what happened in game 3 and that is I would let Aye and Rosie say the number of the post in the neighborhood and let Grandma read it and see what happens.

Post #74, dated 8-22-2014, 9:18am - tells us what it is

Post #63, dated 8-21-2014, 8:02pm - tells us she PM'd Wake to clarify her ability because she was confused about it
Neighborhood QT timestamp 8/22, 8:06am (et) Mertex reveals her ability. (She makes no more posts in the QT until after 6pm)

USMB game 5, timestamp 8/22, 9:37 am (et) Mertex activates her ability in her first post that morning. Post 642

So, she revealed her ability just before she used it. The rest of us revealed the day before and repeatedly asked her about hers.

I'm not apologizing, it's clear that she didn't reveal until she was going to use it.
The accusation goes from not sharing the ability ( which no one has to do in any case) to not sharing it fast enuff to suit Grandma.

Not fair play in the least.

Regards from Rosie
We all shared and she held out. At no point during the holdout did she say anything like "I don't trust yous guys," or "I'm not ready to reveal yet." She changed the subject, left the thread, or replied to other comments.

Okay, fine, if that doesn't seem off to you then it doesn't I'm not your Thought Police here.

Just don't blame me when Town loses. Again.
You were addressing me when you made the comment about Wake, if you meant something about Moonglow, then you should have made it clear. It sure as hell looked like you were addressing me and my comment.

Yes the one shot deals are messed up and IMO at the moment they favor scum, not to mention it seems like many must be used within the first day or two and a few are terribly anti-town.

Finally, you were not posting on the game as Mertex was waffling about making her decision, then all of a sudden you were there. IIRC you had not been on for many hours until that time and you just happened to be there for that. Your history is clear when it comes to your not being fully engaged or present while playing on this forum. Period.

Uhm, no I wasn't.
I didn't suddenly appear out of the mist and cut down a bunch of thugs before offering Mertex a rose.
Please stop deliberately misunderstanding me.

tn, you seem out of character for how you normally post. you're more aggressive/angry this time around. what's causing it?

The fact that I'm angry?

She did not tell us what her ability was, that's why.

She gave no hints, nothing. Even though we asked. Even though we other 3 revealed.


I disagree.

No, I'm definitely not Scum this game.

What is it that you blatantly mentioned? I sure as hell didn't see it.

What does your dentist have to do with the game?

I outed that you're in my neighborhood because of your failure to find a good use for the Shield, and also because we others revealed our roles and you did not. Even after you got back from the dentist..

Yes, you asked for an explanation, but you were totally bummed out about how useless the Shield is to you. You were "confused" AFTER you stole the Shield.

So you're saying that all 3 of your neighbors are Scum? I was not the first to reveal, nor was I the first to ask the others.

You said you would throw it away.

TN came in out of nowhere defending you like a White Knight on meth. He didn't defend his own masons like that in the last game. Something's not right with that.

...Why are you bringing neighborhood drama into the main game?

Step 1. Burn down their home village.
Step 2. Kill one of their parents, perferably in front of the person, traumatizing them for life.
Step 3. Send them on a silly revenge kick
Step 4. ????
Step 5. Profit !!

The accusation goes from not sharing the ability ( which no one has to do in any case) to not sharing it fast enuff to suit Grandma.

Not fair play in the least.

Regards from Rosie
Okay, I've been thinking on the whole ability thing. Everyone states they outed their abilities in your neighborhood Grandma. So, Mertex knew she could get one night of immunity, ( like you had grandma) Rosie's ability and whatever Aye's ability is. Instead, she targeted Shai and she said to Shai she thought Shai's ability may have been better or a more powerful ability.

Sure, the ability Mertex had is scummy in itself but this means nothing given they were randomized. What I find weird is Mertex states she might be better off alive to town, implying her she has a PR and it is a protective PR and then does not wish to use the ability because it might kill her and why mention she was not going to use it.

Why not go after the ability which ensured she could not be night killed to ensure her survival if important to town. e.g., Grandma's? If she is so important to town, why even use an ability which screams scum in the first place? She must have know it was going to bring attention to herself.

Okay I said I was trying to stop with too many posts and or WIFOM but this really made me think.
Mertex isn't as smart as she thinks. If she has a PR she'll almost certainly waste it.

Also, she's playing more like Scum Game 3 than PR Game 2.

TN - read post 1110.
Mertex isn't as smart as she thinks. If she has a PR she'll almost certainly waste it.

Also, she's playing more like Scum Game 3 than PR Game 2.

TN - read post 1110.

It doesn't matter, if she "wastes" her PR, it matters if she has one. Of course, I hope she does not waste her PR.

I find this post interesting.
I am not deliberately misunderstand you TN. When I said ' you were addressing me' your comment was right under MY quote and another comment you had just made to me. Post 984 for reference.

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