Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

One thing for sure, this is my last game if you keep playing.

You don't like to be caught in a lie, do you? You also don't like that I pegged you as Scum in game 4 and you turned out to be Scum. Whether you play or you don't is your own business.

I'm going to bed, have a good night.
Oh, and that alone makes me Scum? Please elaborate. Wake must have forgotten to send me the PM that said I had to reveal to you immediately upon your demand.

I'll tell you who I plan to shield if you tell me who you plan to's that for a fair trade?

It was a yes or no question. If I wanted a name - and I don't, I would have asked directly.

And I don't plan on killing anyone. I have no kill power. I have Night 1 immunity and that's it.
Sorry, just got done driving and I'm way too bushed to think clearly.

Good night.

If it is imperative for you to live through night one, why didn't you steal Grandm's ability? You would have had guaranteed protection from scum night 1, you only needed to worry about us townies wondering why you stole an ability.

You said you were hoping Shaitra had a more powerful role, that's why you picked hers, then decided to throw it away. But you would have known Grandma's would have protected you from scum night 1. Seems a bit greedy for a townie, TBH, especially for one who should be lying low since it seems you are claiming a powerful protection.

You could have explained your circumstances there in your neighborhood, hoping your hood was scum free, instead of having all this board drama. Seems like you all trusted one another enough to reveal abilities. Grandma, if town, probably would not have minded you stealing her PR IMO if explained properly.
And after posting the above, and realizing everyone trusted one another enough to reveal abilities, it reminds me, although it is reminiscent of Ropey, the numbers for the neighborhoods as I have figured them (4) gives it a 'very good" chance each neighborhood contains one scum per. IIRC when we last played neighborhoods, there were 6 and 4 had one scum each.

So please be aware of the numbers as you chat and don't reveal if you have PR's etc or if you have abilities left, don't tell them.

Take that into consideration as you all chat and reveal things which may hurt us if you reveal too much to scum.

Neighbor - MafiaWiki

I was waiting until Mertex left.

I'm pulling my vote off her as a favor to TN.

In return, I want TN to put in an appearance in next week's 4F.

@Wake - How's the replacement for Bob Plumb coming along?

I'd like to avoid a Modkill if possible. I'll consider a PL on Bob if it comes to that.
Thanks for the tip.

I thought getting our abilities out there would be pro-town, as it was explained to me that only scum are secretive.
No. Getting peoples powers out in the open is very helpful for scum. They have to chose a target each night and if they blindly pick targets town has a good chance of getting a few nights out of traditional power roles such as doctor or cop while scum nab VT's that likely have no powers at all.

"Outing' those powers before the townie decides it is the proper time simply helps scum select their targets. Even if you out a poor power that is a bad target it helps scum because they can cross that name off their list as a potential target.

My power, for instance, was likely the absolute best power of that type this game and because of that I had to use it far earlier than I should have. It would have been better on day 2 when there was more powers to choose from and I had a chance to work with others as to the power copied. It looks like I got lucky though in that many people ended up using their powers and a very useful one for town was opened up.
One thing for sure, this is my last game if you keep playing.
That is the scummiest thing that you have ever posted Grandma. That is absolutely ridiculous to state. She has not attacked you, has not said anything personally against you and has done nothing that is contrary to simply playing the game.
That is the scummiest thing that you have ever posted Grandma. That is absolutely ridiculous to state. She has not attacked you, has not said anything personally against you and has done nothing that is contrary to simply playing the game.

It has nothing to do with my being Town. It has everything to do with her irritating playstyle. It creates too much noise, centered around her, and the game stops being fun for me.

Fuck it, vote me off, I don't give a shit anymore.
Client's wife accidentally poked hole in his feeding tube with pliers, which is connected inside client's body. Needs surgery to have it replaced immediately. Calling 911 per VA's order; going with client's family to hospital. Will take care of BP and VC and stuff as work allows. Scarlet has voiced interest in replacing in. Am grateful for your patience.

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