Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)


Is it possible to have a copy of scum's Win condition or be told what Scum's win condition is? I am asking since they know what ours is, I would like to know if their win condition is killing town then the other scum team, or is it killing everyone to win, without any conditions on killing town first, leaving their team intact.
I would like to consider that someone in Central might also have targeted Rosie and not just her own neighborhood. Our neighborhood had no clue Rosie was a PR and definitely did not know she was a cop. If Avi knew, he didn't tell us. I'm doubting East or West knew unless someone from Central mentioned it there. Is it possible to exlude these two neighborhoods by someone letting us know from each if Rosie's PR or being an investigative was mentioned? It looks like both South and Central knew.

From South, if Mertex is doc-that leaves Grandma and Rosie.

Central-Cafe-who is in another hood with TN at least, FA who is in West with SR, mathblade-which means both these neighborhoods could know and I'd like to exclude them. Grandma again, Aye again, Avi who's gone and if he knew didn't say anything, Sameech who if he knew didn't say anything.

So West and East-did anyone there know about Rosie?

Also, can Aye or Grandma explain why you felt it necessary to talk about Rosie to Central?

I still can't believe Rosie said she was a cop to a neighborhood where you don't know if there's scum there or not.

People were talking about Rosie being scum. Knowing what I knew about Rosie's role, I knew we needed her to be kept in the game. I could have stayed quiet and let her be the next lynch, or I could have spoken out and said I believe she's town and that she needs to stay in the game for at least 2 nights.

Rosie believed we were all town because she couldn't see me and Grandma pulling Scum again when we had those roles in the previous game. Post 45 in the QT.

Posts 58 and 60, she tells us her role and that she can't be protected because of the type it is. Post 84, she tells Mertex to NOT use the shield on her, since she can't be protected. Post 82, Mertex tells us her ability and explains it will kill her if her target is hit by scum.

I think Wake would know how it works. Its been said in the thread Rosie said she could not be protected by Aye, IIRC, I just wish she had verified that, more so, I wish she had never outed her PR.
Gath obvscum switches trains and here we go ignoring that to lynch Grandma.

What else have you noticed about Gath?

He's been on my FOS list since we were well into Day 1. Something that really got my attention Day 2 was when I activated my ability and he went apeshit over it. He wasn't posting/contributing a whole lot up to that point, then as soon as I put that one post up, he pops up posting, seemingly more worried about how 'convenient' it was I posted it at that point. That raised a red flag to me, moreso than anything else he's said to that point.

Because it was a scummy move. We had Mertex, still one of the single most suspicious players in the game, at L1, and all of the sudden someone rode up and dropped an ability to distract attention away from her.

It might as well have been one of those smoke bomb capsules you always see in cartoons. lol

Why do you claim I was the most suspicious? I cleared myself against the accusations every one had made against me. You're either not reading the posts (which is a scumtell) or you are Scum.

The thing that made me suspicious was that I stole Shiatra's ability. I explained that.
Then it was that you all wanted me to use it, I explained role as Doctor did the same thing without putting me in danger.
The lie that Grandma made about me not revealing has been explained over and over.

I claimed to be the Town Doctor, and anyone with any Mafia Game sense knows that you have to be pretty bold to make such a claim. No one has counterclaimed, and now the only chance Mafia had to take me out was at night and they made the mistake of both targeting me.

Now is your turn to explain why I'm suspicious, and who Mafia targeted that made them cancel each other.
Not reading posts is not a scumtell.
I would like to consider that someone in Central might also have targeted Rosie and not just her own neighborhood. Our neighborhood had no clue Rosie was a PR and definitely did not know she was a cop. If Avi knew, he didn't tell us. I'm doubting East or West knew unless someone from Central mentioned it there. Is it possible to exlude these two neighborhoods by someone letting us know from each if Rosie's PR or being an investigative was mentioned? It looks like both South and Central knew.

From South, if Mertex is doc-that leaves Grandma and Rosie.

Central-Cafe-who is in another hood with TN at least, FA who is in West with SR, mathblade-which means both these neighborhoods could know and I'd like to exclude them. Grandma again, Aye again, Avi who's gone and if he knew didn't say anything, Sameech who if he knew didn't say anything.

So West and East-did anyone there know about Rosie?

Also, can Aye or Grandma explain why you felt it necessary to talk about Rosie to Central?

I still can't believe Rosie said she was a cop to a neighborhood where you don't know if there's scum there or not.

Any PR or even a possible PR was not discussed in my neighborhood. The only thing mentioned was her ability AFTER she used it and her meta change, which seemed off and possibly scummy. Of course you will want to confirm this with my neighbors I'm, sure.

If Avatar was in the neighborhood called Central (that you created with your ability), he posted that Aye and Grandma requested that Rosie be protected. If that doesn't shout out that she's had a PR, I don't know what else does. And Aye has been cleared from I can see. Avi pointed to her as Scum (and since he flipped Scum, I doubt that he would be incriminating his partner), and Shaitra jailed Aye at night so it's unlikely that she would have been able to kill anyone.
I would like to consider that someone in Central might also have targeted Rosie and not just her own neighborhood. Our neighborhood had no clue Rosie was a PR and definitely did not know she was a cop. If Avi knew, he didn't tell us. I'm doubting East or West knew unless someone from Central mentioned it there. Is it possible to exlude these two neighborhoods by someone letting us know from each if Rosie's PR or being an investigative was mentioned? It looks like both South and Central knew.

From South, if Mertex is doc-that leaves Grandma and Rosie.

Central-Cafe-who is in another hood with TN at least, FA who is in West with SR, mathblade-which means both these neighborhoods could know and I'd like to exclude them. Grandma again, Aye again, Avi who's gone and if he knew didn't say anything, Sameech who if he knew didn't say anything.

So West and East-did anyone there know about Rosie?

Also, can Aye or Grandma explain why you felt it necessary to talk about Rosie to Central?

I still can't believe Rosie said she was a cop to a neighborhood where you don't know if there's scum there or not.

I would have to go through The Western thread again Wolf. Nothing really stood out from them but that was right when I started the game so I would want to reread it before being saying 100% no to your question.
I utterly hate the wagon on Grandma. We have the so called doctor who won't confirm who she shielded (oops she changed to healed n1), House and Mathblade who both fell for my vote for me gambit, and lastly Mr. I will vote anything Gath.

*sigh* One confirmed dead scum and another likely scum FoS'ing as many people as possible. All four people you pointed out can't be scum.

And you likely aren't a townie. You haven't acted townie all game. The pissed is a misrepresentation. Others have also noticed your off meta. I am just rationally pointing out my argument.
Lol. Runs a gambit to take additional nks...

Not acting townie

*smacks you upside the head*
Post 148 in the QT, Rosie said she has to trust us in order to help town since she gets taken out so early in nearly every game.
I would like to consider that someone in Central might also have targeted Rosie and not just her own neighborhood. Our neighborhood had no clue Rosie was a PR and definitely did not know she was a cop. If Avi knew, he didn't tell us. I'm doubting East or West knew unless someone from Central mentioned it there. Is it possible to exlude these two neighborhoods by someone letting us know from each if Rosie's PR or being an investigative was mentioned? It looks like both South and Central knew.

From South, if Mertex is doc-that leaves Grandma and Rosie.

Central-Cafe-who is in another hood with TN at least, FA who is in West with SR, mathblade-which means both these neighborhoods could know and I'd like to exclude them. Grandma again, Aye again, Avi who's gone and if he knew didn't say anything, Sameech who if he knew didn't say anything.

So West and East-did anyone there know about Rosie?

Also, can Aye or Grandma explain why you felt it necessary to talk about Rosie to Central?

I still can't believe Rosie said she was a cop to a neighborhood where you don't know if there's scum there or not.

Any PR or even a possible PR was not discussed in my neighborhood. The only thing mentioned was her ability AFTER she used it and her meta change, which seemed off and possibly scummy. Of course you will want to confirm this with my neighbors I'm, sure.

If Avatar was in the neighborhood called Central (that you created with your ability), he posted that Aye and Grandma requested that Rosie be protected. If that doesn't shout out that she's had a PR, I don't know what else does. And Aye has been cleared from I can see. Avi pointed to her as Scum (and since he flipped Scum, I doubt that he would be incriminating his partner), and Shaitra jailed Aye at night so it's unlikely that she would have been able to kill anyone.

I know that, I am discussing my other neighborhood, like Wolf asked. We already know it was discussed in Central, in fact I just spoke to you about it in a at least one posts within the last hour.
Gath obvscum switches trains and here we go ignoring that to lynch Grandma.

What else have you noticed about Gath?

He's been on my FOS list since we were well into Day 1. Something that really got my attention Day 2 was when I activated my ability and he went apeshit over it. He wasn't posting/contributing a whole lot up to that point, then as soon as I put that one post up, he pops up posting, seemingly more worried about how 'convenient' it was I posted it at that point. That raised a red flag to me, moreso than anything else he's said to that point.

Because it was a scummy move. We had Mertex, still one of the single most suspicious players in the game, at L1, and all of the sudden someone rode up and dropped an ability to distract attention away from her.

It might as well have been one of those smoke bomb capsules you always see in cartoons. lol

Why do you claim I was the most suspicious? I cleared myself against the accusations every one had made against me. You're either not reading the posts (which is a scumtell) or you are Scum.

The thing that made me suspicious was that I stole Shiatra's ability. I explained that.
Then it was that you all wanted me to use it, I explained role as Doctor did the same thing without putting me in danger.
The lie that Grandma made about me not revealing has been explained over and over.

I claimed to be the Town Doctor, and anyone with any Mafia Game sense knows that you have to be pretty bold to make such a claim. No one has counterclaimed, and now the only chance Mafia had to take me out was at night and they made the mistake of both targeting me.

Now is your turn to explain why I'm suspicious, and who Mafia targeted that made them cancel each other.
Not reading posts is not a scumtell.
?? why does anyone believe SR is town at this point ??
Not reading posts is not a scumtell.

I'm just repeating what I've heard other experienced players say. Scum knows who they are, their main interest is to get Townies killed, but in this game it may be different since they have to figure out who the other Mafia team is.
In order for a Scum team to win, it must kill the enemy Scum team and have its own numbers equal or exceed that of Town's numbers. This is typical of Multiball.
I would like to consider that someone in Central might also have targeted Rosie and not just her own neighborhood. Our neighborhood had no clue Rosie was a PR and definitely did not know she was a cop. If Avi knew, he didn't tell us. I'm doubting East or West knew unless someone from Central mentioned it there. Is it possible to exlude these two neighborhoods by someone letting us know from each if Rosie's PR or being an investigative was mentioned? It looks like both South and Central knew.

From South, if Mertex is doc-that leaves Grandma and Rosie.

Central-Cafe-who is in another hood with TN at least, FA who is in West with SR, mathblade-which means both these neighborhoods could know and I'd like to exclude them. Grandma again, Aye again, Avi who's gone and if he knew didn't say anything, Sameech who if he knew didn't say anything.

So West and East-did anyone there know about Rosie?

Also, can Aye or Grandma explain why you felt it necessary to talk about Rosie to Central?

I still can't believe Rosie said she was a cop to a neighborhood where you don't know if there's scum there or not.

Any PR or even a possible PR was not discussed in my neighborhood. The only thing mentioned was her ability AFTER she used it and her meta change, which seemed off and possibly scummy. Of course you will want to confirm this with my neighbors I'm, sure.

If Avatar was in the neighborhood called Central (that you created with your ability), he posted that Aye and Grandma requested that Rosie be protected. If that doesn't shout out that she's had a PR, I don't know what else does. And Aye has been cleared from I can see. Avi pointed to her as Scum (and since he flipped Scum, I doubt that he would be incriminating his partner), and Shaitra jailed Aye at night so it's unlikely that she would have been able to kill anyone.

I know that, I am discussing my other neighborhood, like Wolf asked. We already know it was discussed in Central, in fact I just spoke to you about it in a at least one posts within the last hour.

This software is messing me up. I go by my earlier "alerts" and read what I think is the end of the thread only to find out there are other posts. I'm sorry if I missed one of your posts.....the only thing I can do sometimes is go back two or three pages to make sure I didn't miss anything, but sometimes this thread moves way too fast.
In order for a Scum team to win, it must kill the enemy Scum team and have its own numbers equal or exceed that of Town's numbers. This is typical of Multiball.

Thank you Wake.

Vote: Sameech

This vote is based Avatar's statements prior to his lynch and statements made in Central before his lynch. I can't help but wonder if he was not leveling the playing field for his partner.

I know you said it would be WIFOM Sam, but this is my vote for now.
I would like to consider that someone in Central might also have targeted Rosie and not just her own neighborhood. Our neighborhood had no clue Rosie was a PR and definitely did not know she was a cop. If Avi knew, he didn't tell us. I'm doubting East or West knew unless someone from Central mentioned it there. Is it possible to exlude these two neighborhoods by someone letting us know from each if Rosie's PR or being an investigative was mentioned? It looks like both South and Central knew.

From South, if Mertex is doc-that leaves Grandma and Rosie.

Central-Cafe-who is in another hood with TN at least, FA who is in West with SR, mathblade-which means both these neighborhoods could know and I'd like to exclude them. Grandma again, Aye again, Avi who's gone and if he knew didn't say anything, Sameech who if he knew didn't say anything.

So West and East-did anyone there know about Rosie?

Also, can Aye or Grandma explain why you felt it necessary to talk about Rosie to Central?

I still can't believe Rosie said she was a cop to a neighborhood where you don't know if there's scum there or not.

Any PR or even a possible PR was not discussed in my neighborhood. The only thing mentioned was her ability AFTER she used it and her meta change, which seemed off and possibly scummy. Of course you will want to confirm this with my neighbors I'm, sure.

If Avatar was in the neighborhood called Central (that you created with your ability), he posted that Aye and Grandma requested that Rosie be protected. If that doesn't shout out that she's had a PR, I don't know what else does. And Aye has been cleared from I can see. Avi pointed to her as Scum (and since he flipped Scum, I doubt that he would be incriminating his partner), and Shaitra jailed Aye at night so it's unlikely that she would have been able to kill anyone.

I know that, I am discussing my other neighborhood, like Wolf asked. We already know it was discussed in Central, in fact I just spoke to you about it in a at least one posts within the last hour.

This software is messing me up. I go by my earlier "alerts" and read what I think is the end of the thread only to find out there are other posts. I'm sorry if I missed one of your posts.....the only thing I can do sometimes is go back two or three pages to make sure I didn't miss anything, but sometimes this thread moves way too fast.

It's not a problem, I just did not want you to think I was discussing Central and not my initial neighborhood in the post your quoted.
Of note here is that avatar argued extensively that there can't be two of the same scum in one hood. Grandma is in the same hood.

Things that make you go hmmm.

Grandma was not in Avatar's hood.

I'm pretty sure that Avatar was in the hood that Cafe started, if that's called Central. @CaféAuLait can you clarify if Avatar was in your ability-created neighborhood? I know for a fact that Grandma was because both Grandma and Aye were in my neighborhood when they were asked to be part of the Cafe one.

reread the neighborhood thread. Cafe is right. They didn't outrigrht say investigative. One of she's posts stated Rosie was looking for targets for her pr. It seemed implied there was investigation. Atleast I read it that way. It's why I stopped pushing for Rosie on day one.

needless to say it was obvious Rosie had a pr role so I think central people should be looked at as well

Well I think I am stating the obvious. She only was outed as a cop to her neighbors. Fire killed Rosie, thus my speculation fire is in her neighborhood. She was outed as a possible PR to central, not as a cop. This is why I believe one of her neighbors to be fire mafia. Ice may or may not have learned she was a possible cop but a possible PR. Therefore they would not have know her importance to us in the game, but fire would have. Given both ice and fire did not target Rosie ( if both had she would be alive) it makes me think this may even be a bigger reason to believe such as well. I maybe far off, but it just seemed to make sense to me.
Post 3185.
Gath obvscum switches trains and here we go ignoring that to lynch Grandma.

What else have you noticed about Gath?

He's been on my FOS list since we were well into Day 1. Something that really got my attention Day 2 was when I activated my ability and he went apeshit over it. He wasn't posting/contributing a whole lot up to that point, then as soon as I put that one post up, he pops up posting, seemingly more worried about how 'convenient' it was I posted it at that point. That raised a red flag to me, moreso than anything else he's said to that point.

Because it was a scummy move. We had Mertex, still one of the single most suspicious players in the game, at L1, and all of the sudden someone rode up and dropped an ability to distract attention away from her.

It might as well have been one of those smoke bomb capsules you always see in cartoons. lol

Why do you claim I was the most suspicious? I cleared myself against the accusations every one had made against me. You're either not reading the posts (which is a scumtell) or you are Scum.

The thing that made me suspicious was that I stole Shiatra's ability. I explained that.
Then it was that you all wanted me to use it, I explained role as Doctor did the same thing without putting me in danger.
The lie that Grandma made about me not revealing has been explained over and over.

I claimed to be the Town Doctor, and anyone with any Mafia Game sense knows that you have to be pretty bold to make such a claim. No one has counterclaimed, and now the only chance Mafia had to take me out was at night and they made the mistake of both targeting me.

Now is your turn to explain why I'm suspicious, and who Mafia targeted that made them cancel each other.
Not reading posts is not a scumtell.
?? why does anyone believe SR is town at this point ??

I don't. I stated earlier that I thought she was Ice.

I also mentioned she would be my next target if I make it to another day. Scum Team Fire don't know who Scum Team Ice is going to vote for.....they'll either both vote for me or both vote for someone else. I'm sure they want me out, why I'm voting for Grandma this day.

If we get rid of Fire, then we only have to worry about one Mafia Team, Ice, which will be easier and we won't risk losing two Townies in one whack.
?? why does anyone believe SR is town at this point ??

She's awfully suspicious, isn't she! Her posts this game are more erratic than in any other game here. Trust me, I've noticed it. I've mentioned it in both QT's I'm part of. I'm not sure if she's trying to draw attention to herself in an effort to take it away from another player or if she's actually believing the stuff she's posting.
OK-So North and West didn't know about Rosie. Did East? Or did I miss it? This software is hard to keep track of things.

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