Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

Boy, everything looks really different. Have we officially started yet, or still waiting for confirmed?
Looks like there are 13 now but we should wait for the o.k. from Wake before doing anything like voting or playing for real. I think idle chit chat is fine.
If the last 3 haven't confirmed by tomorrow I'm guess we can @ mention them which works really nice with this new software BTW
I have no clue how we'll ISO anyone, we'll just have to learn as we go and share knowledge as we figure things out while also playing a complicated game. What could go wrong?;)
13 players confirmed, still waiting on confirms from our noobs, BobPlumb and Sgt_Gath, and from FA_Q2, and waiting for @Wake to start the game.
To search by users, go to SEARCH FORUMS/SEARCH THREADS AND POSTS/POSTED BY MEMBER (username goes here)/NEWER THAN (pick a date)/SEARCH IN FORUMS (pick whatever you want)/ORDER BY (most recent will show posts from newest to oldest).

I was all charged earlier today when I got the notification and then as soon as I clicked it the site went down.

As a side note - I work 11pm to 8am so I will be sleeping mid day (why confirming at 4pm central when the site was supposed to be coming back online simply was untenable).
To search by users, go to SEARCH FORUMS/SEARCH THREADS AND POSTS/POSTED BY MEMBER (username goes here)/NEWER THAN (pick a date)/SEARCH IN FORUMS (pick whatever you want)/ORDER BY (most recent will show posts from newest to oldest).

It would be cool if it were like the last forum where we could get all the players posts just by clicking on # of posts, then each user name shows for that thread. Unless someone else has figured out how to IOS this forum for specific threads only.
I'm willing to wait for Wake to make it official. The poor guy needs his sleep. I don't really like the smiley choices so I won't pick one.

So take that new format!!

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