Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

@sameech Moonglow is desperately attacking me trying to get his/her 'mod-confirmed town' status back.

Trying that hard to seem town is scummy.

Sammech: You saying rabble rouser is making me think of the Fable games. "Chicken Chaser" "Rabble Rouser" and so on.

I think part of the issue is you stated he was mod confirmed town, I never saw Wake say anything like that when he came back to issue a warning about posting PMs. Althought I suppose I can understand your reasoning behind it given the PM situation. I made an assumption all PM samples were always put at the start of the game, as they have been for 4 games so far on this forum. That's what confused me.

It's also the most talkative I have ever seen Moonglow, he usually has one liners with no content for the most part. There seems to be a lot of protest.
Drama is not necessarily bad. The Wolf-Aye thing is probably unproductive--I mostly just try to identify those type posts from the first few words and bleach them from my brain without processing as best I can-- but when I left last night, I thought a lot of progress was being made around the Moonglow aftermath and by morning it seemed like we were where we always end up---so turned around we are rearending ourselves.

This is the second time you've mentioned a conflict between me and Wolf. Unless I'm missing something, there is none. She mentioned that I'd jump on a wagon if it's for her or TN. I told her she was wrong, that I had never said anything like that. I've never mentioned in this game that either her or TN is scum, so why would she assume I'd vote for her? You seem to be reading something that I'm not, so tell me why.

I have no idea why any other player would assume anything, and that you think I could answer for someone else's thought process is nothing but unproductive. whatever is going on between you two and all this "I dare you to vote for me" "I never said I would vote for you" type crap causes me to largely ignore any post in which one of you is speaking to or about the other one.
This is the second time you've mentioned a conflict between me and Wolf. Unless I'm missing something, there is none. She mentioned that I'd jump on a wagon if it's for her or TN. I told her she was wrong, that I had never said anything like that. I've never mentioned in this game that either her or TN is scum, so why would she assume I'd vote for her? You seem to be reading something that I'm not, so tell me why.

I have no idea why any other player would assume anything, and that you think I could answer for someone else's thought process is nothing but unproductive. whatever is going on between you two and all this "I dare you to vote for me" "I never said I would vote for you" type crap causes me to largely ignore any post in which one of you is speaking to or about the other one.

This is what you are talking about, which wasn't directed towards me:

Mertex-You blaming me for scum not being able to be hidden in game 3 is as bad as Aye saying town would of won if it wasn't cut short. This is the kind of thing that stirs up trouble in these games. That game is over.

The rest of your post is easily explained if you re-read while paying attention. It's not that hard to figure out what happened.

And my talking is an issue why? Should I lurk and say nothing? How would that help?

If you are scumreading myself and TN, why aren't you voting for one of us then?

Pick me. I dare you. Try to mislynch a townie and see what happens.

Wolf was talking to Mertex, not me.
Just throwing this out there, OFF TOPIC, but hiding the sigs makes it SO much easier to read the posts.

(Click on your name at the top of the page, click Preferences, scroll down & disable sigs, click Save. Heaven!)
OK, First there is no conflict between Aye and myself or between Mertex and myself. If we all sit around and politely say one or two words and don't do anything to get reactions or to get scum to show their hand, we will never get anywhere. Do you think I am acting like mislynch bait for fun? Voting for people, pointing fingers, asking questions, etc. is part of the game.

I have already identified TN and Mertex as probable town. And am suspicious of House now because when I was scum, and the first time SR scumread me, I went and hid. Scum won't press back when confronted for the most part or they will do so defensively.

I truly though we had several people who were shown to be scum last night. I may have wasted my time or it may have worked to get things going.

Now, if I was truly dramatic, that would be wrong of me, but I'm not. I have reasons for everything I do as town to try to flush out scum and I'm not always going to say what they are or why I am doing them.
Let me add, that NL will only allow scum to target townies. They can't kill each other. Unless there is a vig. we have to lynch them to get them. So even if it results in a mislynch, we have to lynch D1. The info. from the lynch will help also and the NK analysis plus VCA-vote count analysis.
Let me add, that NL will only allow scum to target townies. They can't kill each other. Unless there is a vig. we have to lynch them to get them. So even if it results in a mislynch, we have to lynch D1. The info. from the lynch will help also and the NK analysis plus VCA-vote count analysis.

We have a week before deadline, I don't believe a N/L is even on the table.
Let me add, that NL will only allow scum to target townies. They can't kill each other. Unless there is a vig. we have to lynch them to get them. So even if it results in a mislynch, we have to lynch D1. The info. from the lynch will help also and the NK analysis plus VCA-vote count analysis.

We have a week before deadline, I don't believe a N/L is even on the table.

I don't know what to make of Moonglow's play TBH. Part of it seems like he is trying to sacrifice himself by drawing a NK by dropping in he has a role, maybe drawing the shot from both scum teams to get a no kill; part of seems like maybe he just wants out; part of it feels like maybe he didn't like his role and was trying to force a do-over; and some of it feels like it could be just trying to confirm himself officially first because of the static he got leading into the start of Day 1. It just didn't feel like a scum play to me. I could probably hammer him to avoid a no lynch, but I am also pondering whether a No Lynch would be better now than later. This set up has me knowing we need to tread lightly, but I am not sure which way to tread when town has certain habits from game to game that I consider "bad" that are unalterable once unleashed.

Rabble Rouser satisfies the American addiction to alliteration requirements in any conversation.

The above quote is what I am referencing-see bold.
A few comments this evening.

Wolfie, I see you doing what Sameech did in his first game. He and you got so involved with process that the player gets lost. All process produces bad product.

Sam almost was PL'd over it, so please: more player, less assistant modding. Thanks! :scared1:

It is totally appropriate to play and vote based on meta. :rock:

Past is prologue, so that is fine, too.

No matter WHAT some biotchy women might claim! :argue:

You ain't gonna get Moonie to feel guilty. :dev3:

I do not have reads yet, nothing has happened to be particularly readable yet.

I trust this condition will begin to resolve into readability tomorrow, so everyone get your beauty sleep! :wink_2:

Regards from Rosie
Let me add, that NL will only allow scum to target townies. They can't kill each other. Unless there is a vig. we have to lynch them to get them. So even if it results in a mislynch, we have to lynch D1. The info. from the lynch will help also and the NK analysis plus VCA-vote count analysis.

We have a week before deadline, I don't believe a N/L is even on the table.

I don't know what to make of Moonglow's play TBH. Part of it seems like he is trying to sacrifice himself by drawing a NK by dropping in he has a role, maybe drawing the shot from both scum teams to get a no kill; part of seems like maybe he just wants out; part of it feels like maybe he didn't like his role and was trying to force a do-over; and some of it feels like it could be just trying to confirm himself officially first because of the static he got leading into the start of Day 1. It just didn't feel like a scum play to me. I could probably hammer him to avoid a no lynch, but I am also pondering whether a No Lynch would be better now than later. This set up has me knowing we need to tread lightly, but I am not sure which way to tread when town has certain habits from game to game that I consider "bad" that are unalterable once unleashed.

Rabble Rouser satisfies the American addiction to alliteration requirements in any conversation.

The above quote is what I am referencing-see bold.

I am wondering if he threw that out there given scum will get to night kill 2 and if we mislynch today, that is three town dead.
No one said anything about a deliberate mislynch. But we get nowhere with a NL except a couple dead townies killed overnight and no chance of scum getting lynched or killed. Unless we are lucky and someone is protected or scum targets the same person which with so many playing, is less likely at this point. Then we come back D2 with nothing to go on. It seriously bugs me that scum can't kill each other which is why I pointed this out.

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