Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

Yep, Scum or not I actually agree with you there SR. This is the most resistance I have seen to a lynch yet which is a good indication we are on the right track with Shaitra.

Something is weird with that.
I'm not totally caught up but I wanted to address something that I see everyone repeating. You all think I proposed jumping on Avi when FA was at L-1 to preserve FA. I had no idea he was a guard. As I posted before, I wanted to put a second player at L-1 to see what Ika would do with that choice? The way Ika has been playing makes me think he is either the usurper or the ruler. I'm leaning more usurper though because all he cares about is hammering people.

Why all the focus on the usurper?

I'm not totally caught up but I wanted to address something that I see everyone repeating. You all think I proposed jumping on Avi when FA was at L-1 to preserve FA. I had no idea he was a guard. As I posted before, I wanted to put a second player at L-1 to see what Ika would do with that choice? The way Ika has been playing makes me think he is either the usurper or the ruler. I'm leaning more usurper though because all he cares about is hammering people.

Why all the focus on the usurper?
Scum is scum, usurper, guard, or ruler.
Inthis game, they are all anti-town but the usurper is a secondary threat. After the ruler dies (or all his guards do), they are even.

A player that neutral hunts near exclusively is a large scum indicator. Doubly so when the neutral cannot kill and has to townside early.

[To be clear, Wolf falling for my Slayer's gambit and continuing to scumhunt does not fall into this category].

Aye, what do you think of Shaitra now?

Haha! Exactly like I said. First call a player who multiple people scumread already out for something that doesn't even exist, make it into a big deal, and then try to manipulate people who were previously townreading that player with that BS accusation.

Vote ScarletRage

You seem very resistant to a Shaitra lynch. I don't disagree about SR necessarily but you are doing all kinds of distracting here.

Why is SR scum to you?
Arden-do you think SR is scum then?
I bet she does. Problem is her sudden appearance when Shaitra is wagoned. I don't buy thatas a coincidence.

I do think SR is scum.

Now she's trying to throw doubt on me. Sorry dear, I just woke up. Or do you know my schedule intimately?

Regardless of that, I'm fairly sure that I was pushing for a Shaitra lynch last page until I saw her responses on this one. I don't exactly think she's town yet, but there are a lot of better options to go for, SR and Aye in particular. And I want to lynch SR right now.
I love the misrep. Shaitra was neutral hunting in that post. There's zero reason to do so. Time spent neutral hunting is mislynching as far as the ruler is concerned.

I don't know where Aye stands but the general premise solely neutral hunting is a scum indicator is a good one.

Arden, if you are Fonti, you know my approach rests more on hiding infothan outright lies. Sounds desperate from you.
I have townreads on both Wolf and ika; I read both as being much too open and self-sacrificial to be scum. (They're willingly putting themselves out there and willingly attracting negative attention.)

Aye, I didn't even know you voted me. Must have gotten caught up in all the other BS bandwagon votes I saw while skimming.

I no longer want to lynch Shaitra today, actually. There's too much universal agreement there that makes me uncomfortable about the prospects of a mislynch.

And SR's recent interaction with her (1969) comes off as much worse- in the post quoted in 1969, I see no specific focus on the usurper that should be a cause for alarm. Shaitra's post was completely logical and followed a clear train of thought. SR however took that post and misrepresented it, as if she was trying to set up Shaitra for a "you must be guard/ruler because you're focusing too much on the usurper" attack, when Shaitra clearly presented both options. Basically, 1969 just feels like a faked accusation over something that didn't even happen.

did I miss where you were for lynching shaitra? I thought you were voting aye
Arden-do you think SR is scum then?
I bet she does. Problem is her sudden appearance when Shaitra is wagoned. I don't buy thatas a coincidence.

I do think SR is scum.

Now she's trying to throw doubt on me. Sorry dear, I just woke up. Or do you know my schedule intimately?

Regardless of that, I'm fairly sure that I was pushing for a Shaitra lynch last page until I saw her responses on this one. I don't exactly think she's town yet, but there are a lot of better options to go for, SR and Aye in particular. And I want to lynch SR right now.
So you were asleep Days 1 2 and 3?
Something isn't right here. Way to much resistance and interference here for Shaitra to be town. I'm taking note of those doing it too. I have to go to a meeting for several hours but this might be the break we are looking for.
Aye, what do you think of Shaitra now?

Give me a few minutes on this. I'm at work and want to go back through all her posts to make sure I haven't missed something.

Going back to Day 1 to the present, something is off on Shaitra's posts. She had more input and questions in the beginning of the game compared to now. Why the change? One of the things I look for in town is consistency in the way someone posts. It just isn't there right now.
With that being said:

VOTE: Shaitra
So you were asleep Days 1 2 and 3?

Seems to me Arden isn't keeping up or paying much attention to the game. SR, if you've played with her before, is this normal for her?
and aye threw the hammer down.

I may not be on as much today. I'm a bit sick and just had one of the top five worst nights of my life. So I'm sleeping. Later

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