Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

Last word before I go to sleep: I'm town, and for those of you who have any delusions about my alignment, leave it for after I catch the scum. Because anyone who can even entertain the idea that I'm scum what with my mostly proven correct reads and actually positive and helpful game direction... well, let's just say that I know what I'm doing, so please get your half-baked scumreads out of my face.

(Sorry about the mislynch, House. I acknowledge I was wrong and likely driven by tonal discomfort there. I still don't regret your lynch though.)
Thanks, Gram-Gram.

Aye or Shaitra today, then. I want to lynch a read that FA waffled on- Shaitra being an unmemorable lurker who isn't blatantly town like I am is a huge potential bonus as well.
In response to the first link, I do not believe the ruler is in FA's town reads. That is a naïve assumption to make. The ruler is missy likely in his null reads, most importantly the reads in which he seems to switch around or hesitate/sound awkward about.

Frankly speaking, I also think Avatar is town due to active yet poor quality of play. I do not believe that Avatar as scum would make me want to call him scum this badly. For some reason, I have a higher faith in his scum play than that.

The second link is an emotional response. That's a null tell overall and perfectly reasonable for either alignment due to the pace of this game.
Oh and SR, your strategy of wagoning 2 people worked but it was because we wagoned FA and Avi and you wanted nothing to do with it.

Again, not logical, not town.
The strategy worked which was the right move. I wanted oyhers wagoned bc my reads were shit. Still the dual wagon was the right manuever.
I was just scrolling up to exit out, and this caught my eye.

Titus is probably scum. But it's not a priority as of yet. Next game day, when there's more time and I'm in a better mood to face the beast head on, expect me to want to lynch her. Violently.
In response to the first link, I do not believe the ruler is in FA's town reads. That is a naïve assumption to make. The ruler is missy likely in his null reads, most importantly the reads in which he seems to switch around or hesitate/sound awkward about.

Frankly speaking, I also think Avatar is town due to active yet poor quality of play. I do not believe that Avatar as scum would make me want to call him scum this badly. For some reason, I have a higher faith in his scum play than that.

The second link is an emotional response. That's a null tell overall and perfectly reasonable for either alignment due to the pace of this game.

No, the second link is a correction, I accidentally left some names off in post 1771.

FA is as noob as the rest of us USMB'ers. He's smart but he's not going to take any major risks.
so who is adrian? if its apparently a player i know that means i have to activly go hunt out who it is now when im not lazy
Who was it who figured out my identity? Ika? If it was he should know I've been inactive everywhere.

That was my mistake, I misremembered and thought he said you instead of mathblade being active elsewhere. But, given your choice of name: Arden, and your choice of avatar pic here, I might guess you use the name Cho elsewhere. Purely based on what I mentioned above. At least your avatar looks like her, that is what I thought when I first saw your pic.
This thought just came into my head, and I actually got out of bed to come and post it before I forget about it.

If Shaitra = King (only two people know it (the guards) and they are not going to come in and hammer her, you can take that to the bank.

If Shaitra = Guard (nobody knows it except her), not the other guard nor the usurper.

If Shaitra = Town (nobody knows it except her), not the usurper nor the guards. The usurper might not care and vote for her, but the usurper wants to get everyone he can, and we're not going to be able to preclude it.

The thing about it is that several of us think she is Scum. Right now she's the best bet. So, voting for Aye, Arden, is not going to cut it, that's just splitting the votes. Several of us think Aye is Town. Maybe after Shaitra flips we can narrow it down and Aye may become more of a suspect. Let's concentrate on one at a time because anyone else that we come up with, we have the same odds.
Again, mertex I am reading. You can read whatever you like into that. The FA vote shook up a lot of my reads and I said prior to you pushing me to lynch Shai, I was waffling and re-reading a few people. You think she may be ruler, you may be 100 percent right. If we get the ruler we will only have one more to get. That would be amazing and help ensure we win for a second time in a row. I also pointed out I prefer not to mislych anyone and or give scum the opportunity to lynch Shai if we are incorrect. What is it, 6 for a lynch this time? So if I vote and Math voted, scum can come in and hammer if Shai is town and I am wrong about her being scum.

Take your time. Tuesday at 10 is the deadline. It's 7 to lynch still and you'd only be the 5th so no rush. I'm not sure why Mertex is so anxious right now.

Damn, why are you all misinterpreting my actions. I laid it out for you in the posts what I was trying to do. Get those of us that we all agree are Town agree on one person, rather than everyone voting for someone and then changing and nobody is in agreement, nor do we know without having to check who's got how many votes. I'm not suggesting that we vote for someone that none of us think is Town, and from your scum reads and mine I thought we were in agreement that Shaitra may be Scum. That grandma also thinks that as well as Math, although neither one of them was on my Town list was interesting, and has me rethinking about their alignment. I was just trying to get us together, like a townblock (if that is the expression), but do whatever you all want. Take all the time you want.

The bolded above, I meant to say "Im not suggesting that we vote for someone that some of us think is Town"
Actually... fuck that. I can't support Scarlet being the first random vote.

Roll the dice or something and pick somebody else, ika. We shouldn't "randomly" kill off our experienced folk in the early game.

Vote: Mebelle60


House votes FA

Then, both Mertex and Arden vote House, Wolf then asks why FA is not voting SR, since that is his top scum read, then Avatar wonders why Wolf is defending House, implies she is scum.

Mathblade comes in calling House scum shortly after his vote for FA. Scarlet votes FA. Wolfsister states FA is being a hypocrite and Avatar defends FA (853)

FA may be King
Math (guard)
Mertex ??? possible guard
Avatar (guard) ( avatar is playing his scum question and answer game this time around, not his FOSing and normal town game with reasoning and wifom at times.

After looking through past votes. These two posts stand out to me. I also want to point out that SR had some issues with House voting Mabelle as he default vote at the beginning of the game. I'm wondering if FA read me as guard based on the idea that I wanted Mabelle to be replaced.
Cafe, wouldn't it be awesome if you nailed the whole scum team?

Serious though, Hey does everyone want to vote Shaitara? Yes? Ok then it seems like a bad idea.
VOTE: Mathblade
I'd be glad to change my vote to Arden, but I would rather vote for Shaitra than Arden because I think Arden's reason for not posting is loss of interest. So who are your 4 Top Scum Reads. I already gave mine. Avatar, Shaitra, SR and Grandma.

@Cafe, who are your 4 Top Scum reads? @Aye, who are your 4 Top Scum Reads?

My top 4 scum reads are Math, SR, Shaitra, and Avi.
Who was it who figured out my identity? Ika? If it was he should know I've been inactive everywhere.

I'm skimming on my phone right now. On page 62 the argument comes up that you should look at a guard's town reads to find the ruler. Given how easy this scum was to catch, I'd say that if you keep thinking like that scum is always going to be two steps ahead. FA was scummy, but not an idiot.

Earlier I thought Avatar was scummy for the "oh darn I knew it!!! oh well" tone he seemed to adopt in his first posts of the day that I noticed- it sounded very fake. Right note however I'm leaning more toward the thought that Avatar's play isn't scummy, just very stodgy and incorrect.

"FA iffy if Aye is town or not Aye 100"

With the level of play I've seen, I think this is the right play today.

Vote Aye

Sounds like an OMGUS vote to me, but whatever.

VOTE: Arden

I'd like to hear from Arden on anything game related.
Thank goodness Arden came back because I feel I can pretty much move her back towards the town category.

And I'm definitely going to listen to her and ika regarding SR since I've been suspecting her all along anyway.

So Shaitra and SR are likely scum then. I also still have math as a suspect. As for the 4th, if I take Arden off the list, I have to keep this spot open and see who I'm missing elsewhere.
I'm also ruling out Wolf as the ruler completely. There is absolutely no chance that her play so far is a product of receiving that role PM.

This is absolutely, positively 100% correct. It has been beyond frustrating this game to be accused of being the ruler so much. That is definitely an incorrect read. It really doesn't matter. There's enough unified town now that we will eventually get the rest of the scum. There's no need to know who every single one of them is at this point. After Shaitra, I will probably be going after SR unless something glaring comes out about someone else. And math, that's fine trying a new strategy but the reason I suspect you is not only very low activity and low content posting but also your self voting the other day and being so upset that a couple find you scummy but my read on you is not set in stone yet. It can change. I'm pretty set on Shaitra though and becoming more and more set on SR also. Then, I'll be looking for clues elsewhere. I need some more flips I think.
I'd be glad to change my vote to Arden, but I would rather vote for Shaitra than Arden because I think Arden's reason for not posting is loss of interest. So who are your 4 Top Scum Reads. I already gave mine. Avatar, Shaitra, SR and Grandma.

@Cafe, who are your 4 Top Scum reads? @Aye, who are your 4 Top Scum Reads?

My top 4 scum reads are Math, SR, Shaitra, and Avi.

Well, this begs the question, why the vote for Arden, and not one of your top 4?

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