Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

math did vote for Shaitra so even if Cafe goes that way, someone else is going to have to budge because she will then have 5 out of 7 and it will be a test because Avi has 3 I believe.

Is there a recent VC for both? Or do you know off the top of your head, you seem to keep track of these things better than I ever do.

Right now Avi has 3-Josh, SR, ika

Shaitra has-math, Grandma, Mertex, myself right now.

No one else has a vote.

Deadline Tues. 10 pm
I wonder if I am wrong about SR. I wonder if I am holding the House lynch against her and her scumreading me and tunneling me against her and I really have to see if she's playing all that different than any other time as town. I think reviewing a scum game of hers is in order but not tonight. Tonight, sleep is in order. Good night all.

I thought you last reads on SR were town? Or am I mixing that up with someone else?

I've had her as scum for quite some time due to her illogical, confusing, chaos causing playstyle this game so I just need to know if it's all that different from normal for her or if I'm letting my bias due to other issues get in the way. In other words, I have to be more reasonable and think it through and Shaitra's flip will help somewhat.
I wonder if I am wrong about SR. I wonder if I am holding the House lynch against her and her scumreading me and tunneling me against her and I really have to see if she's playing all that different than any other time as town. I think reviewing a scum game of hers is in order but not tonight. Tonight, sleep is in order. Good night all.

I thought you last reads on SR were town? Or am I mixing that up with someone else?

I've had her as scum for quite some time due to her illogical, confusing, chaos causing playstyle this game so I just need to know if it's all that different from normal for her or if I'm letting my bias due to other issues get in the way. In other words, I have to be more reasonable and think it through and Shaitra's flip will help somewhat.

Okay, right and you were going to read her scum game at the main site. I don't know if you saw it but she said as scum she likes to create havoc with people ( I read that as drama not switching reads, I could be far off though) last game or maybe it was the start of this game.
Again, mertex I am reading. You can read whatever you like into that. The FA vote shook up a lot of my reads and I said prior to you pushing me to lynch Shai, I was waffling and re-reading a few people. You think she may be ruler, you may be 100 percent right. If we get the ruler we will only have one more to get. That would be amazing and help ensure we win for a second time in a row. I also pointed out I prefer not to mislych anyone and or give scum the opportunity to lynch Shai if we are incorrect. What is it, 6 for a lynch this time? So if I vote and Math voted, scum can come in and hammer if Shai is town and I am wrong about her being scum.

Take your time. Tuesday at 10 is the deadline. It's 7 to lynch still and you'd only be the 5th so no rush. I'm not sure why Mertex is so anxious right now.

Damn, why are you all misinterpreting my actions. I laid it out for you in the posts what I was trying to do. Get those of us that we all agree are Town agree on one person, rather than everyone voting for someone and then changing and nobody is in agreement, nor do we know without having to check who's got how many votes. I'm not suggesting that we vote for someone that none of us think is Town, and from your scum reads and mine I thought we were in agreement that Shaitra may be Scum. That grandma also thinks that as well as Math, although neither one of them was on my Town list was interesting, and has me rethinking about their alignment. I was just trying to get us together, like a townblock (if that is the expression), but do whatever you all want. Take all the time you want.
Mertex, I was in total agreement with your plan, I just didn't see the rush right now is all but I agree with you 100%.

Cafe-I will check out a scum game of SR's when I get some time.

Now, I am going to bed. LOL Sleep and me need to form a better relationship.
Okay I am throwing up her last read ( unless I missed one)

My reads so far:


MeBelle replacement


Official USMB Mafia Game 6 The Rebels In The Palace Page 22 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

She read FA as scum and did not to vote for him. She had Avi as town and voted for him. What really caught my eye was her null read on "Mebelle Replacement" Mebelle had no posts and why not call "Mebelle Replacement- Mathblade? ( It was mathblade who replaced in right?) Secondly, she read Oldschool ( I replaced in later) as scum. He only had TWO posts. One was a OMGUS vote on SR the other he said he could not play the game anymore and apologized.

This looks like a BIG BS reads list IMO. What say everyone else?
Oh and that OMGUS vote was in RVS that Old School threw up on SR after she said "here Old School have your first vote".
@cafe i was refering to mathblade who is playing elsewhere.

its techancly OGC to pm her saying "hey why are you not playing" but its not OGC to state someone is posting elsewhere but not here. its a common thing in MS for players to do that

as for the SR thign, considering i have played wither her across 3 diffrent site (this being the 4th) and seen plenty of her town and scum game.i would argue that my idea of her being scum is not "we always want o lynch her"

in b4 she says that ido
ika - What is OGC?

I forget the abbreviation but think of it like bad manners.

Also explained and answered why I am posting less. I am trying a new strategy. Most sites I get told I am crazy so I am limiting my postings in order to make the words I say more important and easier to understand. I am well within the limits of the game, I am just not being hyper.
This is one of the things a mentor recommended as I am looking to further my play. So I am trying new things. So yeah it will seem scummy.
@cafe i was refering to mathblade who is playing elsewhere.

its techancly OGC to pm her saying "hey why are you not playing" but its not OGC to state someone is posting elsewhere but not here. its a common thing in MS for players to do that

as for the SR thign, considering i have played wither her across 3 diffrent site (this being the 4th) and seen plenty of her town and scum game.i would argue that my idea of her being scum is not "we always want o lynch her"

in b4 she says that ido

I suppose my comment came off as if you wanted to lynch her "just because" she is Titus. Sorry if it did. It is true many from the main site automatically says she is scum as soon as they start to play. So do you think she is the ruler usurper, or guard?

I got your post wrong about Math, I don't know why I thought it was Arden. Thank you.
upsuper or guard, i doubt shes king with her trying to stick her neck out constantly

OGC - outside game communcication
Who was it who figured out my identity? Ika? If it was he should know I've been inactive everywhere.

I'm skimming on my phone right now. On page 62 the argument comes up that you should look at a guard's town reads to find the ruler. Given how easy this scum was to catch, I'd say that if you keep thinking like that scum is always going to be two steps ahead. FA was scummy, but not an idiot.

Earlier I thought Avatar was scummy for the "oh darn I knew it!!! oh well" tone he seemed to adopt in his first posts of the day that I noticed- it sounded very fake. Right note however I'm leaning more toward the thought that Avatar's play isn't scummy, just very stodgy and incorrect.

"FA iffy if Aye is town or not Aye 100"

With the level of play I've seen, I think this is the right play today.

Vote Aye
I'm also ruling out Wolf as the ruler completely. There is absolutely no chance that her play so far is a product of receiving that role PM.
Wait, who is Shaitra? A replacement?

Wake, why is your first post not updated?... it makes a game of this size and speed horribly difficult to keep up and catch up with... ;/

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