Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

Mertex-the deadline is the 14th so you have time.

Reading the scum QT from game 4 was interesting to be honest because I never paid a lot of attention to game 4 because I hadn't decided if I was ever going to come back to the games after game 3.

Anyway, Shaitra's scum game is game 1. That's another one I wasn't a part of. Wouldn't hurt to look I guess.

Okay....I was reading the deadline on Vote Count 3.2, but I guess that was the one for D2. But, I'm going to be gone on Friday through Monday, you all might have it all sewed up by the time I get back.

The only reason Town lost Game 4 was because MeBelle wasn't aware that we were at Lylo and without even bothering to discuss it with those of us who were still alive, she voted for me. All we needed was 3 votes, so of course Grandma/Aye jumped on it and that was the end of the game.
Mertex-the deadline is the 14th so you have time.

Reading the scum QT from game 4 was interesting to be honest because I never paid a lot of attention to game 4 because I hadn't decided if I was ever going to come back to the games after game 3.

Anyway, Shaitra's scum game is game 1. That's another one I wasn't a part of. Wouldn't hurt to look I guess.

Okay....I was reading the deadline on Vote Count 3.2, but I guess that was the one for D2. But, I'm going to be gone on Friday through Monday, you all might have it all sewed up by the time I get back.

The only reason Town lost Game 4 was because MeBelle wasn't aware that we were at Lylo and without even bothering to discuss it with those of us who were still alive, she voted for me. All we needed was 3 votes, so of course Grandma/Aye jumped on it and that was the end of the game.

I believe my flashlynch was also the reason why we lost Game 4. It had a lot to do with it, because it put us all at LYLO. And MeBelle, our Mason, was the hammer there too! Gah,
Mertex-the deadline is the 14th so you have time.

Reading the scum QT from game 4 was interesting to be honest because I never paid a lot of attention to game 4 because I hadn't decided if I was ever going to come back to the games after game 3.

Anyway, Shaitra's scum game is game 1. That's another one I wasn't a part of. Wouldn't hurt to look I guess.

I am going to read that later. And if you are reading SR town game or scum game, remember she said last game I think, she liked to create mayhem at scum IIRC.

As scum, not at scum.
The only reason Town lost Game 4 was because MeBelle wasn't aware that we were at Lylo and without even bothering to discuss it with those of us who were still alive, she voted for me. All we needed was 3 votes, so of course Grandma/Aye jumped on it and that was the end of the game.

Flashlynching Cafe in an hour and a half while I (Scum) was telling everyone to slow down and think about the vote didn't help.
No Cafe meeting :( You know I live with SR right? I would miss you too. :(

I think IMO the Shaitra vote is the right play.
CaféAuLait was reading your posts trying to figure out who your Scum reads have been. Right after you came in you gave a read and listed Shaitra as guard or usurper (Post #898). Post #1639 you also thought Shaitra was Scum. Post #1662 you questioned Shaitra's vote for Avi and her claiming she thought she had voted when she hadn't and you thought she might be King. Post #1667 you thought Shaitra might be protecting Avatar.

Are you reluctant to vote for Shaitra? Why?
LOL I disagree there too. He was the first to out his PR- all on his own. That was a risk and made me read him as scum for a very short time.

I don't think that was a risk. I think it was a mistake, he was trying too hard to look Townish.

I think we are speaking about two separate game here. I thought you were discussing game three when I was in a hood with him and he outed his PR. I did not think you were speaking about game 6. I think that is the game you were speaking of now. Sorry.
CaféAuLait was reading your posts trying to figure out who your Scum reads have been. Right after you came in you gave a read and listed Shaitra as guard or usurper (Post #898). Post #1639 you also thought Shaitra was Scum. Post #1662 you questioned Shaitra's vote for Avi and her claiming she thought she had voted when she hadn't and you thought she might be King. Post #1667 you thought Shaitra might be protecting Avatar.

Are you reluctant to vote for Shaitra? Why?

I already said several posts back I am waffling on my reads. I still have her as possible scum. As I said about 15 minutes ago I am reading again. I think you should know me by now, especially after the game you flash lynched me with 5 days left on FA, I said I thought he was scum and I wanted to be sure, I also said I would vote for him, not to mention I hoped he might give us clues as we discussed it, something you ignored as well.

I also think you know, I like to be sure of my reads, especially when we have over a week left to vote. AND I believe if I vote and I am wrong, scum may be able to lynch a possible townie. Shai's vote for Avatar tells me nothing, except, if Shai is scum then Avatar is not the ruler ( something I had started to think). She did not know FA was scum, she may have guessed it ( why not bus), but I also think Avatar is scum. So as I said I am reading and will get my town reads to you soon.

Why is it you are so gun ho about getting her lynched so quick, we have a week. Please stop and allow me to play the game I like to play, ensuring I have the right person before a lynch. TIA
No Cafe meeting :( You know I live with SR right? I would miss you too. :(

I think IMO the Shaitra vote is the right play.

I did not know you lived with SR until she mentioned it earlier! I am sorry I wanted to come and had PMed your sister when she first told me about this party a month or two ago, and thought I would be there due to work, but I can't. I am disappointed, you two sound like a blast and OMG House too? I will miss meeting my beloved Dr. Evil!! :(
I already said several posts back I am waffling on my reads. I still have her as possible scum. As I said about 15 minutes ago I am reading again. I think you should know me by now, especially after the game you flash lynched me with 5 days left on FA, I said I thought he was scum and I wanted to be sure, I also said I would vote for him, not to mention I hoped he might give us clues as we discussed it, something you ignored as well.

I also think you know, I like to be sure of my reads, especially when we have over a week left to vote. AND I believe if I vote and I am wrong, scum may be able to lynch a possible townie. Shai's vote for Avatar tells me nothing, except, if Shai is scum then Avatar is not the ruler ( something I had started to think). She did not know FA was scum, she may have guessed it ( why not bus), but I also think Avatar is scum. So as I said I am reading and will get my town reads to you soon.

Why is it you are so gun ho about getting her lynched so quick, we have a week. Please stop and allow me to play the game I like to play, ensuring I have the right person before a lynch. TIA

Sorry. I forgot, you do like to think things through and through. Nothing wrong with that.

As for myself wanting to lynch her so quick, I'm sure that the Ruler is in that list I posted. Having decided on Shaitra I'm anxious to see if it's her. (I'm the type that peeks at the end of mystery stories to see who did it. :) )
CaféAuLait was reading your posts trying to figure out who your Scum reads have been. Right after you came in you gave a read and listed Shaitra as guard or usurper (Post #898). Post #1639 you also thought Shaitra was Scum. Post #1662 you questioned Shaitra's vote for Avi and her claiming she thought she had voted when she hadn't and you thought she might be King. Post #1667 you thought Shaitra might be protecting Avatar.

Are you reluctant to vote for Shaitra? Why?

I already said several posts back I am waffling on my reads. I still have her as possible scum. As I said about 15 minutes ago I am reading again. I think you should know me by now, especially after the game you flash lynched me with 5 days left on FA, I said I thought he was scum and I wanted to be sure, I also said I would vote for him, not to mention I hoped he might give us clues as we discussed it, something you ignored as well.

I also think you know, I like to be sure of my reads, especially when we have over a week left to vote. AND I believe if I vote and I am wrong, scum may be able to lynch a possible townie. Shai's vote for Avatar tells me nothing, except, if Shai is scum then Avatar is not the ruler ( something I had started to think). She did not know FA was scum, she may have guessed it ( why not bus), but I also think Avatar is scum. So as I said I am reading and will get my town reads to you soon.

Why is it you are so gun ho about getting her lynched so quick, we have a week. Please stop and allow me to play the game I like to play, ensuring I have the right person before a lynch. TIA

It's not so much about getting her lynched as it is to see who is reluctant to cast their vote on her. Several of us have cast a vote for her (Grandma, Wolf and myself). Mathblade agreed that it was a good vote, but I don't know if she voted for her or not. If Shaitra is the ruler as some of us think, she's not going to get lynched that easily, and I thought we would be able to tell who was "reluctant" to vote for her or not vote for her and try to find out why and if we believe their reasons.

Since you have been reading her as Scum most of the game, I didn't think you would have a problem voting for her.

Casting your vote for who you think is Scum if the rest of us who are in agreement that we are Town are voting for someone else isn't going to do much for trying to get Scum.
math did vote for Shaitra so even if Cafe goes that way, someone else is going to have to budge because she will then have 5 out of 7 and it will be a test because Avi has 3 I believe.
Again, mertex I am reading. You can read whatever you like into that. The FA vote shook up a lot of my reads and I said prior to you pushing me to lynch Shai, I was waffling and re-reading a few people. You think she may be ruler, you may be 100 percent right. If we get the ruler we will only have one more to get. That would be amazing and help ensure we win for a second time in a row. I also pointed out I prefer not to mislych anyone and or give scum the opportunity to lynch Shai if we are incorrect. What is it, 6 for a lynch this time? So if I vote and Math voted, scum can come in and hammer if Shai is town and I am wrong about her being scum.
I wonder if I am wrong about SR. I wonder if I am holding the House lynch against her and her scumreading me and tunneling me against her and I really have to see if she's playing all that different than any other time as town. I think reviewing a scum game of hers is in order but not tonight. Tonight, sleep is in order. Good night all.
math did vote for Shaitra so even if Cafe goes that way, someone else is going to have to budge because she will then have 5 out of 7 and it will be a test because Avi has 3 I believe.

Avi is still on my scumdar, but there's no point in voting for him if others whom I think are Town are voting for someone else. Too many of us getting the same read can't be wrong (I hope)! I would think Avatar would jump on it, but let's see what happens. I'm not changing my vote unless another wagon forms on someone that I also have on my scumdar, like Avi or SR. Grandma voting for Shaitra has me rethinking she may be Town.
math did vote for Shaitra so even if Cafe goes that way, someone else is going to have to budge because she will then have 5 out of 7 and it will be a test because Avi has 3 I believe.

Is there a recent VC for both? Or do you know off the top of your head, you seem to keep track of these things better than I ever do.
Again, mertex I am reading. You can read whatever you like into that. The FA vote shook up a lot of my reads and I said prior to you pushing me to lynch Shai, I was waffling and re-reading a few people. You think she may be ruler, you may be 100 percent right. If we get the ruler we will only have one more to get. That would be amazing and help ensure we win for a second time in a row. I also pointed out I prefer not to mislych anyone and or give scum the opportunity to lynch Shai if we are incorrect. What is it, 6 for a lynch this time? So if I vote and Math voted, scum can come in and hammer if Shai is town and I am wrong about her being scum.

Take your time. Tuesday at 10 is the deadline. It's 7 to lynch still and you'd only be the 5th so no rush. I'm not sure why Mertex is so anxious right now.
I wonder if I am wrong about SR. I wonder if I am holding the House lynch against her and her scumreading me and tunneling me against her and I really have to see if she's playing all that different than any other time as town. I think reviewing a scum game of hers is in order but not tonight. Tonight, sleep is in order. Good night all.

I thought you last reads on SR were town? Or am I mixing that up with someone else?

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