Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

We went out of our way to play that Game as batshit crazy as possible to confuse the hell out of Town. It worked. Barely, but our team did win at LyLo.

There is no way in hell FA would go so crazy this game, he's pretty middle-of-the-road. He would never risk his Ruler.

The Ruler is among his Null/Town reads, someone he would either defend or avoid mentioning at all. He certainly would not vote for the Ruler if there was a chance the wagon would take off.

So I'm excluding Avi as Ruler. (He could still be Guard or Usurper.)

Our choices are: Arden, Aye, Cafe, Josh, and Shaitra.

Out of that list I'll vote Arden or Shaitra.


I'll give Wake time to prod Arden.

vote: Shaitra
Mathblade is the one playing elsewhere and 2 posts out of 26 looking extremely town does not a townie make. Scum are capable of making townie posts also. She was also one of FA's townreads along with Aye. So that is something else as damning because she hadn't even said much at the time for him to call her town. She may have stopped posting. Wake hasn't said anything even though I asked him to prod her at least a day or 2 ago.

As far as who FA's scumreads are-that just means myself and SR aren't the ruler. I know I'm not the ruler and I don't suspect her of being the ruler either but I do suspect a townread of FA's who hadn't said much to be given that kind of read. Especially when he had so many nulls.

I'd also be willing to lynch mathblade or Shaitra and possibly SR.

Avi would be someone I would hammer to break a NL type situation.

I'm not really considering anyone else right now

But didn't you change your vote to Arden? It's hard to tell who's voting who when some keeps changing. I'm keeping my vote on Avatar unless I see a wagon forming on someone else, then I'll be glad to vote for that person unless it's one of my Town reads, but if there is enough compelling evidence against that person by the ones I consider Town, I'll be glad to change my vote.

I was talking about Arden in my above post and yes, I'm voting for her along with Avi and Aye.

Avi has 4 votes-you, ika, SR, and Josh.

mathblade is voting Shaitra

I'd be glad to change my vote to Arden, but I would rather vote for Shaitra than Arden because I think Arden's reason for not posting is loss of interest. So who are your 4 Top Scum Reads. I already gave mine. Avatar, Shaitra, SR and Grandma.

@Cafe, who are your 4 Top Scum reads? @Aye, who are your 4 Top Scum Reads?

My top 4 are Arden, Shaitra, Mathblade, and SR.

You know I have been thinking about this. Math and SR thing ( the Avi/FA vote) Lets pretend they are both scum. Why would both refuse to bus FA, if Avatar is ruler? The fact they did not makes me wonder if I have got this wrong. I can see one of them not voting, but not both. So we say SR is ruler, she would not want to draw attention to her self in this manner, she is a smart player, she would bus the shit out of FA if she though he was a guard or even usurper, if she was a guard she would have picked one IMO so as not to draw suspicion to herself.

Math's self-vote is still confusing to me especially the timing. I propose we temporarly remove SR and maybe even math as scum for the moment. Who are your top scumreads with out them in the mix?
My top 4 are Arden, Shaitra, Mathblade, and SR.
Okay, we both agree on Shaitra and SR. I would be willing to vote for either one.

Who are your 4 Top Town reads including yourself. Let's see how many we are both agreeing on, then we can ask the ones that we both agree on to name their 4 Top Scum reads. We then can decide which of the ones we all agree on we will vote on and see who joins.

My top 4 Town reads (I had already listed) are you, Cafe, Aye and myself.

Me, you, Josh_B, and either Cafe or ika.

Okay, so there are at least three of us. Me, you and Cafe. Let's see who Cafe's top 4 Scum are and top 4 Town. Those of us who appear on more than one of our lists can choose one from our top scum and start a wagon on that person, and see where it goes. The way we are doing it now, we're just guessing, at least this way there will be some agreement. Then we can see who is willing to jump on that wagon and who doesn't. Whichever way our lynch flips, might give us a better clue where to go from there.

@Cafe WS and I would like for you to tell us your Top 4 Scum and your Top 4 Town.

Gimmie a bit, I am waffling on my reads, I am going back to find my initial reads list, my first has usually be somewhat accurate in the beginning of the game. Coming in late may have messed me up, because I firmly believe reading a game as opposed to actively participating gives one a different perspective.
I'm going to wait on Cafe, to see if she also has Shaitra on her top 4 Scum..... if she does, I'll quickly cast my vote for Shaitra hoping Cafe will go along, too. We need to make a decision that at least some of us that feel confident that we are all Town agree on.
Mathblade is the one playing elsewhere and 2 posts out of 26 looking extremely town does not a townie make. Scum are capable of making townie posts also. She was also one of FA's townreads along with Aye. So that is something else as damning because she hadn't even said much at the time for him to call her town. She may have stopped posting. Wake hasn't said anything even though I asked him to prod her at least a day or 2 ago.

As far as who FA's scumreads are-that just means myself and SR aren't the ruler. I know I'm not the ruler and I don't suspect her of being the ruler either but I do suspect a townread of FA's who hadn't said much to be given that kind of read. Especially when he had so many nulls.

I'd also be willing to lynch mathblade or Shaitra and possibly SR.

Avi would be someone I would hammer to break a NL type situation.

I'm not really considering anyone else right now

But didn't you change your vote to Arden? It's hard to tell who's voting who when some keeps changing. I'm keeping my vote on Avatar unless I see a wagon forming on someone else, then I'll be glad to vote for that person unless it's one of my Town reads, but if there is enough compelling evidence against that person by the ones I consider Town, I'll be glad to change my vote.

I was talking about Arden in my above post and yes, I'm voting for her along with Avi and Aye.

Avi has 4 votes-you, ika, SR, and Josh.

mathblade is voting Shaitra

I'd be glad to change my vote to Arden, but I would rather vote for Shaitra than Arden because I think Arden's reason for not posting is loss of interest. So who are your 4 Top Scum Reads. I already gave mine. Avatar, Shaitra, SR and Grandma.

@Cafe, who are your 4 Top Scum reads? @Aye, who are your 4 Top Scum Reads?

My top 4 are Arden, Shaitra, Mathblade, and SR.

You know I have been thinking about this. Math and SR thing ( the Avi/FA vote) Lets pretend they are both scum. Why would both refuse to bus FA, if Avatar is ruler? The fact they did not makes me wonder if I have got this wrong. I can see one of them not voting, but not both. So we say SR is ruler, she would not want to draw attention to her self in this manner, she is a smart player, she would bus the shit out of FA if she though he was a guard or even usurper, if she was a guard she would have picked one IMO so as not to draw suspicion to herself.

Math's self-vote is still confusing to me especially the timing. I propose we temporarly remove SR and maybe even math as scum for the moment. Who are your top scumreads with out them in the mix?

The other 2 Shaitra and Arden and it sounds logical to give Wake a chance to prod Arden for now so I voted for Shaitra.

She seem to be suspect by many and her need to protect FA by trying to get us to vote Avi when they were both wagoned and FA was at L-1 was pretty damning. And her crabbiness and defensiveness with me over comments about her lack of posting, is not the norm for her.

And yes, it is likely I am missing something if she's not scum.
But didn't you change your vote to Arden? It's hard to tell who's voting who when some keeps changing. I'm keeping my vote on Avatar unless I see a wagon forming on someone else, then I'll be glad to vote for that person unless it's one of my Town reads, but if there is enough compelling evidence against that person by the ones I consider Town, I'll be glad to change my vote.

I was talking about Arden in my above post and yes, I'm voting for her along with Avi and Aye.

Avi has 4 votes-you, ika, SR, and Josh.

mathblade is voting Shaitra

I'd be glad to change my vote to Arden, but I would rather vote for Shaitra than Arden because I think Arden's reason for not posting is loss of interest. So who are your 4 Top Scum Reads. I already gave mine. Avatar, Shaitra, SR and Grandma.

@Cafe, who are your 4 Top Scum reads? @Aye, who are your 4 Top Scum Reads?

My top 4 are Arden, Shaitra, Mathblade, and SR.

You know I have been thinking about this. Math and SR thing ( the Avi/FA vote) Lets pretend they are both scum. Why would both refuse to bus FA, if Avatar is ruler? The fact they did not makes me wonder if I have got this wrong. I can see one of them not voting, but not both. So we say SR is ruler, she would not want to draw attention to her self in this manner, she is a smart player, she would bus the shit out of FA if she though he was a guard or even usurper, if she was a guard she would have picked one IMO so as not to draw suspicion to herself.

Math's self-vote is still confusing to me especially the timing. I propose we temporarly remove SR and maybe even math as scum for the moment. Who are your top scumreads with out them in the mix?

The other 2 Shaitra and Arden and it sounds logical to give Wake a chance to prod Arden for now so I voted for Shaitra.

She seem to be suspect by many and her need to protect FA by trying to get us to vote Avi when they were both wagoned and FA was at L-1 was pretty damning. And her crabbiness and defensiveness with me over comments about her lack of posting, is not the norm for her.

And yes, it is likely I am missing something if she's not scum.

I agree they are not the norm. FAR from the norm. I am going to read her scum game, it was game 2 yes? But she voted Avatar, yes? This is what is so confusing about this game they are guessing just as much as we are on who scum- so Shai not wanting to bus FA seems weird too. UNLESS she felt he was scum and wanted to keep him in the game to protect her. But it brought suspicion on her. Gahhhhhhhh I am going nuts. Maybe I am WIFOMING?
Well, you are sounding more and more like town Cafe and the way to win this is to figure out who is town and townblock against the rest until we win.
Cafe, read post 1877.

Well. to be quite honest I got the exact opposite out of reading your scum QT. You all cursed your mistakes and called them for exactly what they were. Not to mention Aye was warning how careful everyone needed to be.

USMB 4 Scum QT - QuickTopic free message board hosting

True dat, we did indeed curse our mistakes. And we were also hoping to take out the Masons. But we did play nuttier than Scum usually do, and that was a crazy game.

Also, you know from ye olde neighborhood with you, Rosie, and FA, he's not a huge risk-taker.
I was talking about Arden in my above post and yes, I'm voting for her along with Avi and Aye.

Avi has 4 votes-you, ika, SR, and Josh.

mathblade is voting Shaitra

I'd be glad to change my vote to Arden, but I would rather vote for Shaitra than Arden because I think Arden's reason for not posting is loss of interest. So who are your 4 Top Scum Reads. I already gave mine. Avatar, Shaitra, SR and Grandma.

@Cafe, who are your 4 Top Scum reads? @Aye, who are your 4 Top Scum Reads?

My top 4 are Arden, Shaitra, Mathblade, and SR.

You know I have been thinking about this. Math and SR thing ( the Avi/FA vote) Lets pretend they are both scum. Why would both refuse to bus FA, if Avatar is ruler? The fact they did not makes me wonder if I have got this wrong. I can see one of them not voting, but not both. So we say SR is ruler, she would not want to draw attention to her self in this manner, she is a smart player, she would bus the shit out of FA if she though he was a guard or even usurper, if she was a guard she would have picked one IMO so as not to draw suspicion to herself.

Math's self-vote is still confusing to me especially the timing. I propose we temporarly remove SR and maybe even math as scum for the moment. Who are your top scumreads with out them in the mix?

The other 2 Shaitra and Arden and it sounds logical to give Wake a chance to prod Arden for now so I voted for Shaitra.

She seem to be suspect by many and her need to protect FA by trying to get us to vote Avi when they were both wagoned and FA was at L-1 was pretty damning. And her crabbiness and defensiveness with me over comments about her lack of posting, is not the norm for her.

And yes, it is likely I am missing something if she's not scum.

I agree they are not the norm. FAR from the norm. I am going to read her scum game, it was game 2 yes? But she voted Avatar, yes? This is what is so confusing about this game they are guessing just as much as we are on who scum- so Shai not wanting to bus FA seems weird too. UNLESS she felt he was scum and wanted to keep him in the game to protect her. But it brought suspicion on her. Gahhhhhhhh I am going nuts. Maybe I am WIFOMING?

If you have any feeling at all that Shaitra is Scum, let's go ahead and vote for her. If she is the ruler, I'm sure the guards will come out of the woodwork to try and keep her alive..just my thoughts. Others who are Town that we may not feel confident about being Town, will either vote for her, or make some excuse or claim they don't think she is scum. Then we can analyze what they say. It's worth a shot.

You and I are both going to be gone this weekend, me, beginning on Friday morning and you on Saturday, and our deadline is Saturday, I believe. If she flips town we can re think our reads.
Well, you are sounding more and more like town Cafe and the way to win this is to figure out who is town and townblock against the rest until we win.

I just started back to work ( from home) due to my illness/surgery, dropped many of the meds, and also have full time classes for school, so I honestly cant (or should I say shouldn't :p) devote as much time as I already have to this damn game that has sucked me in like a black hole does a star! I never thought I would like it as much as I do!

Oh and ScarletRage I am grounded ( due to lingering issue with condition) till January and will not be making it down your way like I thought I would be next week. :(
Cafe, read post 1877.

Well. to be quite honest I got the exact opposite out of reading your scum QT. You all cursed your mistakes and called them for exactly what they were. Not to mention Aye was warning how careful everyone needed to be.

USMB 4 Scum QT - QuickTopic free message board hosting

True dat, we did indeed curse our mistakes. And we were also hoping to take out the Masons. But we did play nuttier than Scum usually do, and that was a crazy game.

Also, you know from ye olde neighborhood with you, Rosie, and FA, he's not a huge risk-taker.

LOL I disagree there too. He was the first to out his PR- all on his own. That was a risk and made me read him as scum for a very short time.
Mertex-the deadline is the 14th so you have time.

Reading the scum QT from game 4 was interesting to be honest because I never paid a lot of attention to game 4 because I hadn't decided if I was ever going to come back to the games after game 3.

Anyway, Shaitra's scum game is game 1. That's another one I wasn't a part of. Wouldn't hurt to look I guess.
I'd be glad to change my vote to Arden, but I would rather vote for Shaitra than Arden because I think Arden's reason for not posting is loss of interest. So who are your 4 Top Scum Reads. I already gave mine. Avatar, Shaitra, SR and Grandma.

@Cafe, who are your 4 Top Scum reads? @Aye, who are your 4 Top Scum Reads?

My top 4 are Arden, Shaitra, Mathblade, and SR.

You know I have been thinking about this. Math and SR thing ( the Avi/FA vote) Lets pretend they are both scum. Why would both refuse to bus FA, if Avatar is ruler? The fact they did not makes me wonder if I have got this wrong. I can see one of them not voting, but not both. So we say SR is ruler, she would not want to draw attention to her self in this manner, she is a smart player, she would bus the shit out of FA if she though he was a guard or even usurper, if she was a guard she would have picked one IMO so as not to draw suspicion to herself.

Math's self-vote is still confusing to me especially the timing. I propose we temporarly remove SR and maybe even math as scum for the moment. Who are your top scumreads with out them in the mix?

The other 2 Shaitra and Arden and it sounds logical to give Wake a chance to prod Arden for now so I voted for Shaitra.

She seem to be suspect by many and her need to protect FA by trying to get us to vote Avi when they were both wagoned and FA was at L-1 was pretty damning. And her crabbiness and defensiveness with me over comments about her lack of posting, is not the norm for her.

And yes, it is likely I am missing something if she's not scum.

I agree they are not the norm. FAR from the norm. I am going to read her scum game, it was game 2 yes? But she voted Avatar, yes? This is what is so confusing about this game they are guessing just as much as we are on who scum- so Shai not wanting to bus FA seems weird too. UNLESS she felt he was scum and wanted to keep him in the game to protect her. But it brought suspicion on her. Gahhhhhhhh I am going nuts. Maybe I am WIFOMING?

If you have any feeling at all that Shaitra is Scum, let's go ahead and vote for her. If she is the ruler, I'm sure the guards will come out of the woodwork to try and keep her alive..just my thoughts. Others who are Town that we may not feel confident about being Town, will either vote for her, or make some excuse or claim they don't think she is scum. Then we can analyze what they say. It's worth a shot.

You and I are both going to be gone this weekend, me, beginning on Friday morning and you on Saturday, and our deadline is Saturday, I believe. If she flips town we can re think our reads.

Oh shit I did not even think about being gone for deadline. I will have a vote soon.
Well, it looks like Cafe isn't going to give us her reads.....:( So, I'll go along with you and Grandma.

Oh and SR, that's way too far away for me to drive. I live in MN. Hope you guys all have fun though. Sounds like House might make it. Enjoy!!
Mertex-the deadline is the 14th so you have time.

Reading the scum QT from game 4 was interesting to be honest because I never paid a lot of attention to game 4 because I hadn't decided if I was ever going to come back to the games after game 3.

Anyway, Shaitra's scum game is game 1. That's another one I wasn't a part of. Wouldn't hurt to look I guess.

I am going to read that later. And if you are reading SR town game or scum game, remember she said last game I think, she liked to create mayhem at scum IIRC.

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