Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

I'd be glad to change my vote to Arden, but I would rather vote for Shaitra than Arden because I think Arden's reason for not posting is loss of interest. So who are your 4 Top Scum Reads. I already gave mine. Avatar, Shaitra, SR and Grandma.

@Cafe, who are your 4 Top Scum reads? @Aye, who are your 4 Top Scum Reads?

My top 4 scum reads are Math, SR, Shaitra, and Avi.

Well, this begs the question, why the vote for Arden, and not one of your top 4?

Who was it who figured out my identity? Ika? If it was he should know I've been inactive everywhere.

I'm skimming on my phone right now. On page 62 the argument comes up that you should look at a guard's town reads to find the ruler. Given how easy this scum was to catch, I'd say that if you keep thinking like that scum is always going to be two steps ahead. FA was scummy, but not an idiot.

Earlier I thought Avatar was scummy for the "oh darn I knew it!!! oh well" tone he seemed to adopt in his first posts of the day that I noticed- it sounded very fake. Right note however I'm leaning more toward the thought that Avatar's play isn't scummy, just very stodgy and incorrect.

"FA iffy if Aye is town or not Aye 100"

With the level of play I've seen, I think this is the right play today.

Vote Aye

Thanks, Gram-Gram.

Aye or Shaitra today, then. I want to lynch a read that FA waffled on- Shaitra being an unmemorable lurker who isn't blatantly town like I am is a huge potential bonus as well.

Is there something that makes Aye stand out to you more as scum?
I'm not totally caught up but I wanted to address something that I see everyone repeating. You all think I proposed jumping on Avi when FA was at L-1 to preserve FA. I had no idea he was a guard. As I posted before, I wanted to put a second player at L-1 to see what Ika would do with that choice? The way Ika has been playing makes me think he is either the usurper or the ruler. I'm leaning more usurper though because all he cares about is hammering people.
Earlier in the game, SR suggested that the usurper might be the person who put FA at L-1. According to the vote count, that would be Mertex. Right now she is posting like she is town and appears to be buddying up with Wolf and Cafe. I think she deserves some attention as the usurper as well as Ika.
Wolfsister77, You said you wanted some games of mine. I will raise you and provide you a neutral, scum and towngame. I have zero rebel in the palace games but I can put forth a resistance game. Hmm I may host that next.

Neutral games are the most rare and I only have one. I drew a double voting serial killer with dayvigging abilities. The game had a gold mechanic where each ability used cost gold.

I have plenty of scum games but no RITP scum games. My most referenced scum game is UDesign. In that game, I was outed scum for the most part to some. They tunnelled in illogical ways and I policy lynched them.

My towngames you have seen. The closest game I have to my current spot as IC here is another game. A newbie was trying to get overly smart and state he is always right. I tend to be more deadly as late game town. I can provide games where my analysis cracked the game at the end. My early game is the weakest.


As for Shaitra, got zero qualms voting her after that discussion but I think AV is more likely the ruler. With the plurality lynching rules and the ability to force everyone to comment, Iam not going to move right now.
I'm not totally caught up but I wanted to address something that I see everyone repeating. You all think I proposed jumping on Avi when FA was at L-1 to preserve FA. I had no idea he was a guard. As I posted before, I wanted to put a second player at L-1 to see what Ika would do with that choice? The way Ika has been playing makes me think he is either the usurper or the ruler. I'm leaning more usurper though because all he cares about is hammering people.

Why all the focus on the usurper?
I'm not totally caught up but I wanted to address something that I see everyone repeating. You all think I proposed jumping on Avi when FA was at L-1 to preserve FA. I had no idea he was a guard. As I posted before, I wanted to put a second player at L-1 to see what Ika would do with that choice? The way Ika has been playing makes me think he is either the usurper or the ruler. I'm leaning more usurper though because all he cares about is hammering people.

Why all the focus on the usurper?
Scum is scum, usurper, guard, or ruler.
I'd be glad to change my vote to Arden, but I would rather vote for Shaitra than Arden because I think Arden's reason for not posting is loss of interest. So who are your 4 Top Scum Reads. I already gave mine. Avatar, Shaitra, SR and Grandma.

@Cafe, who are your 4 Top Scum reads? @Aye, who are your 4 Top Scum Reads?

My top 4 scum reads are Math, SR, Shaitra, and Avi.

Well, this begs the question, why the vote for Arden, and not one of your top 4?

Did you not read the thread and see when I voted for Arden? It was well before anyone voted for Shaitra. My vote went up yesterday morning at 8:09 am. Official USMB Mafia Game 6 The Rebels In The Palace Page 89 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I'm not totally caught up but I wanted to address something that I see everyone repeating. You all think I proposed jumping on Avi when FA was at L-1 to preserve FA. I had no idea he was a guard. As I posted before, I wanted to put a second player at L-1 to see what Ika would do with that choice? The way Ika has been playing makes me think he is either the usurper or the ruler. I'm leaning more usurper though because all he cares about is hammering people.

Why all the focus on the usurper?
Scum is scum, usurper, guard, or ruler.
Inthis game, they are all anti-town but the usurper is a secondary threat. After the ruler dies (or all his guards do), they are even.

A player that neutral hunts near exclusively is a large scum indicator. Doubly so when the neutral cannot kill and has to townside early.

[To be clear, Wolf falling for my Slayer's gambit and continuing to scumhunt does not fall into this category].
math did vote for Shaitra so even if Cafe goes that way, someone else is going to have to budge because she will then have 5 out of 7 and it will be a test because Avi has 3 I believe.

Is there a recent VC for both? Or do you know off the top of your head, you seem to keep track of these things better than I ever do.

Right now Avi has 3-Josh, SR, ika

Shaitra has-math, Grandma, Mertex, myself right now.

No one else has a vote.

Deadline Tues. 10 pm

you mean other than Arden who I am voting for. I can support a shaitra lunch though. Let me finish reading and then I'll see if I still can
I have townreads on both Wolf and ika; I read both as being much too open and self-sacrificial to be scum. (They're willingly putting themselves out there and willingly attracting negative attention.)

Aye, I didn't even know you voted me. Must have gotten caught up in all the other BS bandwagon votes I saw while skimming.

I no longer want to lynch Shaitra today, actually. There's too much universal agreement there that makes me uncomfortable about the prospects of a mislynch.

And SR's recent interaction with her (1969) comes off as much worse- in the post quoted in 1969, I see no specific focus on the usurper that should be a cause for alarm. Shaitra's post was completely logical and followed a clear train of thought. SR however took that post and misrepresented it, as if she was trying to set up Shaitra for a "you must be guard/ruler because you're focusing too much on the usurper" attack, when Shaitra clearly presented both options. Basically, 1969 just feels like a faked accusation over something that didn't even happen.
How did I fall for your Slayer's Gambit?

That would require ruining it fir everyone else wolf and taking your attentionoff scum.

This is a gambit similar to one I have pulled and part of the reason I am not upset you believe incorrectly my role. Given we have good chances to get scum on Avatar or Shaitra, best to explain later.
I'm not totally caught up but I wanted to address something that I see everyone repeating. You all think I proposed jumping on Avi when FA was at L-1 to preserve FA. I had no idea he was a guard. As I posted before, I wanted to put a second player at L-1 to see what Ika would do with that choice? The way Ika has been playing makes me think he is either the usurper or the ruler. I'm leaning more usurper though because all he cares about is hammering people.

Why all the focus on the usurper?

I'm not totally caught up but I wanted to address something that I see everyone repeating. You all think I proposed jumping on Avi when FA was at L-1 to preserve FA. I had no idea he was a guard. As I posted before, I wanted to put a second player at L-1 to see what Ika would do with that choice? The way Ika has been playing makes me think he is either the usurper or the ruler. I'm leaning more usurper though because all he cares about is hammering people.

Why all the focus on the usurper?
Scum is scum, usurper, guard, or ruler.
Inthis game, they are all anti-town but the usurper is a secondary threat. After the ruler dies (or all his guards do), they are even.

A player that neutral hunts near exclusively is a large scum indicator. Doubly so when the neutral cannot kill and has to townside early.

[To be clear, Wolf falling for my Slayer's gambit and continuing to scumhunt does not fall into this category].

Aye, what do you think of Shaitra now?

Haha! Exactly like I said. First call a player who multiple people scumread already out for something that doesn't even exist, make it into a big deal, and then try to manipulate people who were previously townreading that player with that BS accusation.

Vote ScarletRage

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