Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

I'm resistant to a Shaitra lynch right now because it feels like the town is suddenly getting into the same groupthink mentality as it did with the near-universal ika scumreads and other policy lynch options on Days 1 and 2. Simply put, I don't have enough faith in this town to believe that we could all just be right.

I'm also resistant because as I said before, it's starting to feel like a policy lynch, and I don't want to waste the vote. I'd rather vote out someone like SR who will actually provide interactions with her scum flip.

On the topic of SR, I first noticed this last night.

Oh and SR, your strategy of wagoning 2 people worked but it was because we wagoned FA and Avi and you wanted nothing to do with it.

Again, not logical, not town.
The strategy worked which was the right move. I wanted oyhers wagoned bc my reads were shit. Still the dual wagon was the right manuever.
I was just scrolling up to exit out, and this caught my eye.

Titus is probably scum. But it's not a priority as of yet. Next game day, when there's more time and I'm in a better mood to face the beast head on, expect me to want to lynch her. Violently.

Clarification/explanation: the above post reads as scum trying to both save face to retain towncred, and simultaneously concede a point to appease the town.

And then today, this is what happened:

> Shaitra makes a logical post, part of it being that she thinks ika is one of ruler/usurper. She deliberates and decides of the two, ika is more likely usurper because of eager hammer-lust (I don't agree, but it's a logical thought to have if you're coming off of an ika scumread, and that reasoning does point more to usurper than ruler)
> 1969: SR calls that post out as focused only on usurper. This is total BS because Shaitra clearly considered the possibility of each one, and only chose usurper in the end, which is by no means only-usurper-hunting.
> 1972: SR then makes a longer post about how neutral hunting is scummy. Which I would normally agree with, but it is still both unnecessary and irrelevant because that's not what Shaitra was doing at all, and thus the only purpose this serves is to try and make other people think Shaitra said something that was worse than it actually was.
> 1974: SR then questions how someone previously not scumreading Shaitra sees her now, as if she just made a clean-cut case. It wasn't. This looks like SR is too concerned about support for a Shaitra wagon, when she shouldn't need to be given both how most people are okay with it and how SR herself said that she wants an AV lynch most and wasn't going to move her vote. She's just trying to build up this mislynch with fake logic.

Wolfsister77, You said you wanted some games of mine. I will raise you and provide you a neutral, scum and towngame. I have zero rebel in the palace games but I can put forth a resistance game. Hmm I may host that next.

Neutral games are the most rare and I only have one. I drew a double voting serial killer with dayvigging abilities. The game had a gold mechanic where each ability used cost gold.

I have plenty of scum games but no RITP scum games. My most referenced scum game is UDesign. In that game, I was outed scum for the most part to some. They tunnelled in illogical ways and I policy lynched them.

My towngames you have seen. The closest game I have to my current spot as IC here is another game. A newbie was trying to get overly smart and state he is always right. I tend to be more deadly as late game town. I can provide games where my analysis cracked the game at the end. My early game is the weakest.


As for Shaitra, got zero qualms voting her after that discussion but I think AV is more likely the ruler. With the plurality lynching rules and the ability to force everyone to comment, Iam not going to move right now.

I'm not totally caught up but I wanted to address something that I see everyone repeating. You all think I proposed jumping on Avi when FA was at L-1 to preserve FA. I had no idea he was a guard. As I posted before, I wanted to put a second player at L-1 to see what Ika would do with that choice? The way Ika has been playing makes me think he is either the usurper or the ruler. I'm leaning more usurper though because all he cares about is hammering people.

Why all the focus on the usurper?

> Keep in mind that this is all coming right after SR had to start defending herself against scumreads. 1 minute passed between 1968 and 1969.
>> In 1968, SR basically says "AV is ruler, I have no problems with a Shaitra lynch, but it's okay, I'm not changing my vote".
>> In 1969, SR immediately jumps on Shaitra with an attack that implies Shaitra is the ruler herself for scum.

With SR as scum, 1969 serves two purposes:

1) To immediately redirect the sudden attention SR got as possible scum back at Shaitra- sort of like saying "hey guys I know you're thinking I'm scum BUT OH HEY LOOK AT THIS SHINY SCUMMY THING RIGHT HERE WOW IT'S LIKE A SCUMSLIP OR SOMETHING".
2) To provide the basis for a transition to a Shaitra vote if she needs to make it. She needs to create in-thread justification beforehand in case she needs to jump on the Shaitra wagon suddenly.
Holy shit, you guys lynched her already?

What the hell?

This is why we can't have nice things.
3 votes that caused a lynch in less than 5 minutes. For fuck's sake.

Whether I'm wrong or not about Shaitra being town, looking at SR as scum here, followed by Aye. I still think Avatar is town- like Wolf and ika, he seems to be putting himself out there too much to be scum.
Arden-Your case on SR is good. If Shaitra is rebel, I'll help you get her next. If she's scum, then we'll have to look elsewhere. Let's just see what happens.
There was no resistance to a Shaitra lynch except me backtracking from page 65 to 66.

If you can still say there was resistance after what just happened right now, I strongly suggest you reconsider nearly everything you're seeing.
3 votes that caused a lynch in less than 5 minutes. For fuck's sake.

Whether I'm wrong or not about Shaitra being town, looking at SR as scum here, followed by Aye. I still think Avatar is town- like Wolf and ika, he seems to be putting himself out there too much to be scum.

I'm thinking Avi is town also.
Arden, what do you think SR's next move will be? Or better yet, who do you think she'll try to hide behind?
Don't know, don't care because quite frankly I'm pissed off by this quicklynch.

See you all on the flip side.
Titus you knwo that is facutalyinccorect about your neutral, you had another game where you were jester and you thought i was the ohter.

your fixation on upsuper is intresting though, how come you seem so focused on it?
and i go to sleep to find anout we blitz a hammer.......

Titus you knwo that is facutalyinccorect about your neutral, you had another game where you were jester and you thought i was the ohter.

your fixation on upsuper is intresting though, how come you seem so focused on it?
I am not. I eany us focused on scum. If ppl thonk I am usurper, I can run with that.
not where you played it? its still consider 3rd party? its not irrelevent. you have more then one 3rd party scum game. i have many

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