Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

avatar, why did you sheep me so fast if you yhought I was scum?

@Cafe, Plausible but a stretch. It would be an empty meaningless statements. The way I was taught to interpret, you give every sentence meaning unless impossible.

Yeah, well that gets me in trouble at times, because then I end up making too much out of nothing and start wifoming

Wifoming is where you get into trouble.

If a player uses words to say nothing, then you have to look at all of their posts in that light. That is draining.
avatar, why did you sheep me so fast if you yhought I was scum?

@Cafe, Plausible but a stretch. It would be an empty meaningless statements. The way I was taught to interpret, you give every sentence meaning unless impossible.

first, I didn't sheep you. When I voted your vote had not popped on my feed yet. I noticed it afterwards.

second, I still don't know if your scum. I said you are someone we should look at more closely. You could be the usurper for all I know.

while I found shaitra suspicious I didn't buy your reasoning. I think arden was making a good case for you and that we need to look at you.
titus dont even try to sugarcoat you not scum reading me now....

you claimed to be upsuper to me based of the sk game. so unless if your trying WIFOM shit to me its what i think
ika, I said I was doing my own Slayer's gambit so we'd hunt scum, what did you think I meant?

I haven't scumread you for the most part since oooh day 2 when you started trying. That's the big difference between your town and scum games. Scum you don't try at all.
@Cafe, I claimed I don't give a fuck if you think I'm the usurper as long as you hunt scum.
Why is this game so damn addicting? I usually don't act so damn obsessed over things like this except for my Caffeine addiction but this game........................................and not just game 6 but ALL mafia games I've played here. I even went over to the main site.

WTF? I've got a family, a FT job, and I don't have time for this yet here I am anyway. It's all Wake's fault. :p
ika, I said I was doing my own Slayer's gambit so we'd hunt scum, what did you think I meant?

I haven't scumread you for the most part since oooh day 2 when you started trying. That's the big difference between your town and scum games. Scum you don't try at all.

I've been reading a game the two of you are playing right now. He reads totally different there and people are reading him as town and you as town, saying you (SR) are stubborn. If you both are town there his game here looks nothing like the game I was reading last night.


I read a different game with a hydra in it. Sounds like a crazy game, but cool.
@Cafe, We cannot talk about ongoing games so I'm not going to enquire which of the 5 or 6 ish games you are referring to. I have a guess, but RITP games are very different.

We have plenty of finished games.together. That would be something we can actually discuss.
If Shaitra flips Rebel I'll be re-looking at a few people because right now I have that nagging feeling I had at the end of game 5 where I am missing something. Everyone will be back under the microscope as far as I'm concerned. Except for obvtown Wolf.

I demand you investigate mod error. [/joke]

I demand you investigate mod error. [/joke repeating with different context.]

Who was it who figured out my identity? Ika? If it was he should know I've been inactive everywhere.

I'm skimming on my phone right now. On page 62 the argument comes up that you should look at a guard's town reads to find the ruler. Given how easy this scum was to catch, I'd say that if you keep thinking like that scum is always going to be two steps ahead. FA was scummy, but not an idiot.

Earlier I thought Avatar was scummy for the "oh darn I knew it!!! oh well" tone he seemed to adopt in his first posts of the day that I noticed- it sounded very fake. Right note however I'm leaning more toward the thought that Avatar's play isn't scummy, just very stodgy and incorrect.

"FA iffy if Aye is town or not Aye 100"

With the level of play I've seen, I think this is the right play today.

Vote Aye

I guessed Fonti...Tell me was I right?
Well, it's always possible SR and Ika are both scum.

We have only drawn scum together once. :S It's on sc2mafia if you want to look at that. You'll need to register for an account. It had anonymous accounts. Everyone thought Mathblade was me. LOL

We would have won flawlessly if not for the damn serial killer.
Well, it's always possible SR and Ika are both scum.

SurE it is, and they have played so much together they both know it ( e.g., one guard, one usurper or guard and ruler. Hummm and may be playing us, that would be a hoot. :p All the while arguing about game play and whose played what more and when and how. Keeping us totally distracted. Anyway, I have not discounted anything. Shai flip will have me on one person if she flips ruler. I am pretty sure about that read too.
I think I know who you are talking about Cafe and I'll be interested to see your case when/if that occurs.

I still don't know why I have such a strong desire to lynch SR. I didn't feel that way about her in the last game, LOL.
I think I know who you are talking about Cafe and I'll be interested to see your case when/if that occurs.

I still don't know why I have such a strong desire to lynch SR. I didn't feel that way about her in the last game, LOL.

Out of curiosity who do you think it is?

Not 100% sure but I think you are talking about Mertex or maybe Aye. Close?
I think I know who you are talking about Cafe and I'll be interested to see your case when/if that occurs.

I still don't know why I have such a strong desire to lynch SR. I didn't feel that way about her in the last game, LOL.

If you'd knew what a Slayer's Gambit was, you'd see it differently.
@Cafe, We cannot talk about ongoing games so I'm not going to enquire which of the 5 or 6 ish games you are referring to. I have a guess, but RITP games are very different.

We have plenty of finished games.together. That would be something we can actually discuss.

Whoops my bad. I suppose I was not asking for your input but more so just pointing it out.

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