Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

If Shai does flip ruler and Arden was a guard, VC 3.2 on the FA lynch and the votes for Avatar as opposed to FA, may tell us the last guard- as we wait and wonder. Are they all sitting in a pretty little row?

★Arden (0):
Avatar4321 (4):
★Arden, Grandma, FA_Q2, Shaitra
AyeCantSeeYou (0):
CafeAuLait (0):
CafeAuLait, Josh_B, Wolfsister77, Avatar4321, AyeCantSeeYou, Mertex, ika
Grandma (0):
ika (0):
Josh_B (0):
Mathblade (2):
ScarletRage, Mathblade
Mertex (0):
ScarletRage (0):
Shaitra (0):
Wolfsister77 (0):

Not Voting (0):

~ With 13 players, it takes 7 to lynch!
~ Deadline is 10/11/14, @10PM Central.

Official USMB Mafia Game 6 The Rebels In The Palace Page 85 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Hell, my above quotes don't even discuss this whole latest page of usurper discussion where SR is determined to keep the usurper alive, LOL.

Wrong. I'm determined not to HUNT for the usurper. If it claims, we lynch it if we have bodies to spare.

BS-You are trying to save the usurper life. You wouldn't care if we lynched the usurper first if you were town.

You are the usurper. Don't even try to lie your way out of it now.

If you look at the VC of the lynches, Rosie, House and Shai. it does not support SR being usurper IMO. IMO the usurper would want to vote everyone out. SR only voted Rosie. Unless she is a pro at hiding her tracks, I would suggest it is someone else. Like Aye perhaps, or someone on every lynch. Just my two cents.
Your first link worked, the second one didn't.

About the usurper, SR seems obsessed with keeping the usurper alive. ika knows her, he finds that suspicious for usurper also. I quoted several times where she seemed defensive of the usurper. She's trying to WIFOM her way out of it. I've had a bad feeling about her for awhile.

I will be listening to a case on anyone else for that role or guard or ruler, depending on Shaitra's flip, so this is not set in stone. I'll listen to other views. This is just my feeling on it.

That said, it's hubbies b-day tonight so we are going out and I likely won't be on much the rest of the day.
Your first link worked, the second one didn't.

About the usurper, SR seems obsessed with keeping the usurper alive. ika knows her, he finds that suspicious for usurper also. I quoted several times where she seemed defensive of the usurper. She's trying to WIFOM her way out of it. I've had a bad feeling about her for awhile.

I will be listening to a case on anyone else for that role or guard or ruler, depending on Shaitra's flip, so this is not set in stone. I'll listen to other views. This is just my feeling on it.

That said, it's hubbies b-day tonight so we are going out and I likely won't be on much the rest of the day.

Strange, second link takes me straight to post 1690. Wake's VC. Weird. I realize IKA knows her. I understand this assessment. BUT Math swore she was scum last game, and she knows her too, and another main site poster did the same and swore she was scum. Almost every main site player does the same here. I am not discounting the possibility, but going by the VCA and her outspokenness ( as she usually is) I don't peg her as usurper because of the VC's.
If Shai does flip ruler and Arden was a guard, VC 3.2 on the FA lynch and the votes for Avatar as opposed to FA, may tell us the last guard- as we wait and wonder. Are they all sitting in a pretty little row?

★Arden (0):
Avatar4321 (4):
★Arden, Grandma, FA_Q2, Shaitra
AyeCantSeeYou (0):
CafeAuLait (0):
CafeAuLait, Josh_B, Wolfsister77, Avatar4321, AyeCantSeeYou, Mertex, ika
Grandma (0):
ika (0):
Josh_B (0):
Mathblade (2):
ScarletRage, Mathblade
Mertex (0):
ScarletRage (0):
Shaitra (0):
Wolfsister77 (0):

Not Voting (0):

~ With 13 players, it takes 7 to lynch!
~ Deadline is 10/11/14, @10PM Central.

Official USMB Mafia Game 6 The Rebels In The Palace Page 85 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

if shiatra was the ruler the other guards are killed with her.
If Shai does flip ruler and Arden was a guard, VC 3.2 on the FA lynch and the votes for Avatar as opposed to FA, may tell us the last guard- as we wait and wonder. Are they all sitting in a pretty little row?

★Arden (0):
Avatar4321 (4):
★Arden, Grandma, FA_Q2, Shaitra
AyeCantSeeYou (0):
CafeAuLait (0):
CafeAuLait, Josh_B, Wolfsister77, Avatar4321, AyeCantSeeYou, Mertex, ika
Grandma (0):
ika (0):
Josh_B (0):
Mathblade (2):
ScarletRage, Mathblade
Mertex (0):
ScarletRage (0):
Shaitra (0):
Wolfsister77 (0):

Not Voting (0):

~ With 13 players, it takes 7 to lynch!
~ Deadline is 10/11/14, @10PM Central.

Official USMB Mafia Game 6 The Rebels In The Palace Page 85 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

if shiatra was the ruler the other guards are killed with her.

Yes, I know. I was just wondering if all of them were on your VC above when we lynched FA. In a pretty little row and even if she will be killed, if Grandma may be the unknown last guard possibly?

Avatar4321 (4): ★Arden, Grandma, FA_Q2, Shaitra

3 votes that caused a lynch in less than 5 minutes. For fuck's sake.

Whether I'm wrong or not about Shaitra being town, looking at SR as scum here, followed by Aye. I still think Avatar is town- like Wolf and ika, he seems to be putting himself out there too much to be scum.

Actually no. Avatar should be viewed as confscum at this point.
Wow. I need to catch up. Reading through now.
3 votes that caused a lynch in less than 5 minutes. For fuck's sake.

Whether I'm wrong or not about Shaitra being town, looking at SR as scum here, followed by Aye. I still think Avatar is town- like Wolf and ika, he seems to be putting himself out there too much to be scum.

Actually no. Avatar should be viewed as confscum at this point.

Why? Explain after flip please as Wake is here now.

Vote Count 4.1

★Arden (0):
Avatar4321 (1):
AyeCantSeeYou (0):
CafeAuLait (0):
Grandma (0):
ika (0):
Josh_B (0):
Mathblade (1):
Mertex (0):
ScarletRage (1):
Shaitra (LYNCH): Mathblade, Grandma, Wolfsister77, Mertex, ScarletRage, Avatar4321, AyeCantSeeYou
Wolfsister77 (0):

Not Voting (2): CafeAuLait, Shaitra

~ With 12 players alive, it takes 7 to lynch!
~ Deadline is 10/14/14, @9PM Central.
~ Note to Self: Never drink two pots of coffee the day before an important interview.


One of the more gentle and innocuous members of the Town, Shaitra found herself beset by the raging mob. Cornered, she feared the worst. Would she be catapulted, tarred, feathered, and screaming like House? Or would she get beat up by the more frightful members of the Town? OH NO, something FAR more sinister lurked in this unfortunate woman's future. She was put in charge of caretaking for Verena, the meanest, oldest, and craftiest senior in the village. No one else wants that job, and for good reason.

Shaitra, Loyal Guard, got a brand new job to grouse about and has subsequently left the game. :D


It is now Day 5.

With 11 alive, it takes 6 to lynch!

Deadline expires 10/16/14, @9PM.
i want the hammer on titus.

the thing compared to me vs mathblade is i have 3 sites as well as probally over a dozen games against titus and shes is alwyas ver self concous of her role
In a pretty little row and even if she will be killed, if Grandma may be the unknown last guard possibly?

Avatar4321 (4): ★Arden, Grandma, FA_Q2, Shaitra

Nope, I'm Town/Rebel. In fact the reason I pulled away from Avi as Scum is that vote count right there. It gave me a very bad vibe.

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