Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

Vote: Mathblade

SR, your read on IKA is town?

I find this strange dynamic between the two of you, he accuses you and you read him as town. I am wondering if this is not some ploy to confuse us, and lynch you, all the while you seem to keep firm towning IKA? Just a thought here.
First, good luck on the retirement home, Shaitra, and happy b-day to your hubs, Wolf.

Now. I was hoping Shaitra was the Ruler.I'm still looking at Josh and Aye, and Arden as well.

vote: Josh
considering ive had at least two guards trying to lynch me, are you guys convinced that im not the ruler?
Avi-I don't think you are scum.

I think SR is the usurper.

I think Arden is suspect for objecting to the Shaitra lynch and so is Josh.

So here we go as of right now-Arden, Josh, SR for the remaining 3 scum.
im going to think this one over before i make a vote. No need to rush things.
considering ive had at least two guards trying to lynch me, are you guys convinced that im not the ruler?

I don't know Avi. Shai's vote was weird. She read you as town and FA as scum, then gave some BS explanation as to why she was voting you- to split the vote to see if IKA would hammer?!?! She also jumped on your wlate and in a reserved manner
considering ive had at least two guards trying to lynch me, are you guys convinced that im not the ruler?

I don't know Avi. Given mathblade wanting to split the vote by self voting as you were being wagoned and then Shai's reluctance to vote and then voting you late stating she wanted to split the vote to see if IKA would hammer -is just confusing as all get out to me. I wondered if it may not been a ploy to make you seem town and not leader. Please feel free to tell me my mistakes in any logic you may see.
Hmmm I think I am getting good at this finding scum thing. I vote Shaitra >> Scum.

Vote Scarlet Rage

SR is scum IMO. She should be lynched.
I really hate this forum and the saved posts which disappeared on me and then I retyped it and the half written response it there and my retyped post.
Hmmm I think I am getting good at this finding scum thing. I vote Shaitra >> Scum.

Vote Scarlet Rage

SR is scum IMO. She should be lynched.

Can you give reasons Math? Your first reads on SR was the towniest town that ever towned.
Vote: ScarletRage

For being obvusurper.

I'll look at Shaitra's posts for clues. If I find someone I think is guard or ruler, I'll switch.

FA and Shaitra were very scummy this game. With only 2 rebels down and 2 guards dead already, I'd say we are doing well. 8 against 3-scum better be running scared now. Especially since town has been so deadly to them once all the BS was out of the way this game and they can't kill us. Too bad for them.
Vote: ScarletRage

For being obvusurper.

I'll look at Shaitra's posts for clues. If I find someone I think is guard or ruler, I'll switch.

FA and Shaitra were very scummy this game. With only 2 rebels down and 2 guards dead already, I'd say we are doing well. 8 against 3-scum better be running scared now. Especially since town has been so deadly to them once all the BS was out of the way this game and they can't kill us. Too bad for them.

Look at the VCs, I don't think she is usurper. And I don't think she would sit there over and over saying hey we don't need to usurper hunt and draw even more attention to herself. I will go back and read again, but what does concern me is her townfirming IKS constantly while they bicker about game play, which is a bit distracting- not sure if this is some ploy or not.
shaitra was trying to point the finger at mertex before we lynched her. Was that because mertex was pushing to lynch her or because mertex is the ruler and she was trying to throw us off?

should we expect the ruler to be on the guards wagons or off them?
My read on ika is town.

The one thing people are usurper reading me for is my duty as an IC. Look at the results of my advice. Wagon two people and permit no usurper hunting.

Look at my wagon votes. I pushed plenty of things and I have been completely off some wagons. My strategies have been leading us to success. That would be wagon two people and no usurper hunting.

Yet some of you have zero interest in looking through flipped scum because you are convinced that the best town strategy is a lie.
shaitra was trying to point the finger at mertex before we lynched her. Was that because mertex was pushing to lynch her or because mertex is the ruler and she was trying to throw us off?

should we expect the ruler to be on the guards wagons or off them?

The other thing too was Arden not wanting to lynch IKA either, I am going back to see who was on his wagon. However, she did want to lynch FA. So I am going back to see Shai's votes as well. I have read her, but there is not much to go on.
shaitra was trying to point the finger at mertex before we lynched her. Was that because mertex was pushing to lynch her or because mertex is the ruler and she was trying to throw us off?

should we expect the ruler to be on the guards wagons or off them?
Mod: Is the ruler notified of who the guards are?

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