Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

I agree with wolfie that this is the most town that SR has appeared to me. Aye, Avi, and Wolfie appear to be rebels.

While I don't like his idea that we should just random vote, Ika is striking me as rebel.

Everyone else I'm still working on to get a read on.

adding scarlet and ika to shaitras town list. Scarlet is the most town shaitra has seen her?

Yes, and Math segued off of that post ( to say SR was the towniest of townies) or was it Shai echoing Math's assessment? I have to go back and read, this is from memory.
SR is scum because she is trying to control the game in a different manner.

In her town game she says X is scum and tunnels them.

Here she has been picking a group of people that has 1 scum 1 town IMO consistency. Showing a knowledge.

Between that and her weird play she is scum.

I might consider this argument if it were the same type of Mafia games we had been playing prior.

Tell me Math, why did you self-vote on the FA lynch? I know other have asked you but you did not answer. Additionally, you did read your sister as town - When I think she was pushing this game play before you entered the game. I may have to double check that fact.

SR read a town game of IKA's and it is off from his usual active scum hunting, you are off some too. I can't figure if it is setup though. But IKA is really off from his town game.

I voted me because I was tired of people suggesting I was scum. Look at WHO was suggesting it. The guards we have lynched. I did it to hold off a flash lynch. It worked as the lynch did not switch.

Hold off on a flashlynch of FA? No, that is not what you said, you said "fuck this" or some such thing, and then self voted because people said you were scum and you did so in a rather theatrical manner. You also declared this was a new play style for you since people call you "crazy" and you are "hyper"? You don't seem like a quitter at all. People are called scum all the time.

Last game your reasoning for self-lynching came off a true and town when you offered to up yourself for lynch. This time, not at all. You looked like you were trying to split the vote even further. ( this leaves doubt for me as Avatar as scum BTW)

I explained it. It was defensive to box scum in a corner. Either tunnel me or drop it. We have a mislynch go after SR once I am dead or drop it. Hint second option better.
I agree with wolfie that this is the most town that SR has appeared to me. Aye, Avi, and Wolfie appear to be rebels.

While I don't like his idea that we should just random vote, Ika is striking me as rebel.

Everyone else I'm still working on to get a read on.

adding scarlet and ika to shaitras town list. Scarlet is the most town shaitra has seen her?

Yes, and Math segued off of that post ( to say SR was the towniest of townies) or was it Shai echoing Math's assessment? I have to go back and read, this is from memory.
Yes start of game I was thinking SR was town. Changed my mind during Shaitra's twilight and posted such.
considering ive had at least two guards trying to lynch me, are you guys convinced that im not the ruler?

Not really.....they jumped on your wagon when FA's was well under way, but I'll have to re-check to see what I may have missed as soon as I have more time.
shaitra was trying to point the finger at mertex before we lynched her. Was that because mertex was pushing to lynch her or because mertex is the ruler and she was trying to throw us off?

should we expect the ruler to be on the guards wagons or off them?

Yep, I still think you are the Ruler, Avatar. Now you are trying to point the finger at me because I have always thought you were the Ruler, and now with your accusation, it is even more telling. Shaitra was just upset because I was so determined that we vote for her, even if she flipped town, because she had by far the scummiest comments that several of us had picked up on.

I'm not giving up on you as Ruler just yet.

And your comment about the ruler being on the guards wagons or off them, is not a good clue either way because the ruler doesn't know who the guards are. Well, now the ruler knows who two of them are, and they are both dead.
first read shaitra gave was me, wolf, and aye as town.

this was after she voted for Arden

Certainly you didn't expect Shaitra to read you as Scum, did you? Especially if you are the ruler. FA also voted for you, so that is no indication that you are town, just that they both wanted to throw us off.
I could see Avatar as ruler. Given the inaccurate perceprtion of me as usurper, I am surprised Shaitra was quicklynched. This suggests at least one of Aye/Avatar is scum. Wagoning against Avatar twice has got us two scum lynvhes. Plus we saw a lot of attempts to divert onto me when Shaitra and avatar were the choices.

What do you think of Mathblade Avatar team Mertex?
I agree with wolfie that this is the most town that SR has appeared to me. Aye, Avi, and Wolfie appear to be rebels.

While I don't like his idea that we should just random vote, Ika is striking me as rebel.

Everyone else I'm still working on to get a read on.

adding scarlet and ika to shaitras town list. Scarlet is the most town shaitra has seen her?

Yes, and Math segued off of that post ( to say SR was the towniest of townies) or was it Shai echoing Math's assessment? I have to go back and read, this is from memory.
Yes start of game I was thinking SR was town. Changed my mind during Shaitra's twilight and posted such.
So I helped scum get lynched and you scumread me for it for vague unclear reasons. Yeah that sounds rational...

What have you done lately....

Still looking
titus your no ic here. this is another game of mafia quit using that as a shit exucse
I agree with wolfie that this is the most town that SR has appeared to me. Aye, Avi, and Wolfie appear to be rebels.

While I don't like his idea that we should just random vote, Ika is striking me as rebel.

Everyone else I'm still working on to get a read on.

adding scarlet and ika to shaitras town list. Scarlet is the most town shaitra has seen her?

Yes, and Math segued off of that post ( to say SR was the towniest of townies) or was it Shai echoing Math's assessment? I have to go back and read, this is from memory.
Yes start of game I was thinking SR was town. Changed my mind during Shaitra's twilight and posted such.
So I helped scum get lynched and you scumread me for it for vague unclear reasons. Yeah that sounds rational...

What have you done lately....

Still looking

Name the two scum and remove mislynch options.
So what are you guys suggesting now? That mathblade, Aye, and Avatar are the remaining 3? Or that Josh is one of them instead? Or that Ika is one of them? When obvusurper SR is right in front of us?

Fine, I'm going to go look at Shaitra's posts and see what I can find. I suggest we take more time with this next lynch as it could actually catch us the ruler.

After doing such at awesome job (go town) of catching 2 guards in a row, we can afford to be picky or not. I'm going to also figure out who is not going to be in the list-people I think are town.

I guess we can let the usurper help us but I'll be watching her like a hawk. My vote is fine where it is for now.
Wow, Looking at Shaitra's posts and I'm amazed at how little she posted anything of substance.

Outside of the below reads list there is very little from her. She read Avi as both scum and town-could be a clue here. Suspicious of ika but did nothing with it-could be a clue or not. Townread-me, SR, Cafe, Math, Aye.
I believe Aye was strong townread by both Shaitra and FA-so this could be important.

I know it appears I’m lurking, but I have no intention of getting in the drama. And frankly, it makes it hard to read the game because there’s so many posts to skip. I hope it will settle down soon.

My reads so far:


MeBelle replacement



FA's reads again:

Reads -

RosieS Dead
AyeCantSeeYou Town
ScarletRage Scum – already explained

Mertex – to quiet, very unusual for her. Leaning scum but not there yet.
House – to vitriolic for scum. Town for now
Shaitra – null but shiatra is always hard as hell for me to read
TheOldSchool - ? where is he at @Wake
Arden – Town
Avatar4321 – Null but I tire of early lynches of avatar :D
Josh_B – null
Wolfsister77 – scum or at the least anti-town.
tso! - null
ika – impossible to read someone that is not willing to engage. The randomness leads me to speculate usurper – it just seems to fit the role

Mathblade – null she hasn’t posted much

OK, Well Aye was townread by both Shaitra and FA and I don't see anyone else they were both reading as town. It's more of a clue than anything else I can find so.........

Vote: AyeCan'tSeeYou
A couple other things bothering me:

FA said King-can't get this out of my mind. Would mean ruler is ika or Avi or Josh.

SR's blatant buddying of ika-what does that mean?

Also, I'm not set on Aye. I am missing something as the other scum, ruler is less obvious to me.

Still set on SR being usurper or possibly a guard buddying up to town ika if he's town. I'm not getting town vibes from SR at all.

Starting to wonder about outside the box choices as guard, ruler-like Ika and Josh.

Avi is not off the hook completely either.

I think I can take Cafe and Mertex off the table for now unless someone finds something I missed here.

Grandma is probably town too. I haven't seen anything suspicious yet but I'm not sure here either due to tso acting pretty scummy so I'll have to look at her again.

Everyone needs a new ISO when I have time.
Also, Avi is not the ruler because Shaitra voted him and was willing to put him at L-1 to see what Ika would do when FA only needed one more vote. She wouldn't gamble with the ruler like that. He could be the remaining guard or he's town.
Aye isn't scum because they both townread him. Aye is scum because of Shaitra's lax townread and FA's inability to come up with a stance on them before settling on a townread.
titus your no ic here. this is another game of mafia quit using that as a shit exucse
That is the role Wake asked me to fill here. As such, I am required to be honest about strategy even to my detriment. Look back at my first post.
I agree with wolfie that this is the most town that SR has appeared to me. Aye, Avi, and Wolfie appear to be rebels.

While I don't like his idea that we should just random vote, Ika is striking me as rebel.

Everyone else I'm still working on to get a read on.

adding scarlet and ika to shaitras town list. Scarlet is the most town shaitra has seen her?

Yes, and Math segued off of that post ( to say SR was the towniest of townies) or was it Shai echoing Math's assessment? I have to go back and read, this is from memory.
Yes start of game I was thinking SR was town. Changed my mind during Shaitra's twilight and posted such.
So I helped scum get lynched and you scumread me for it for vague unclear reasons. Yeah that sounds rational...

What have you done lately....

Still looking

Name the two scum and remove mislynch options.

I am discussing who I think is scum with Mertex. Thanks for saying I removed mislynch options.
shaitra was trying to point the finger at mertex before we lynched her. Was that because mertex was pushing to lynch her or because mertex is the ruler and she was trying to throw us off?

should we expect the ruler to be on the guards wagons or off them?

Yep, I still think you are the Ruler, Avatar. Now you are trying to point the finger at me because I have always thought you were the Ruler, and now with your accusation, it is even more telling. Shaitra was just upset because I was so determined that we vote for her, even if she flipped town, because she had by far the scummiest comments that several of us had picked up on.

I'm not giving up on you as Ruler just yet.

And your comment about the ruler being on the guards wagons or off them, is not a good clue either way because the ruler doesn't know who the guards are. Well, now the ruler knows who two of them are, and they are both dead.

I think this is retarded. two guards pushed Avatar closer to a lynch. Avatar can be a guard, but not the ruler.

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