Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

So I think Mertex and Cafe are town because they are seeing what I am seeing with this vote deal and scum would not. So my reads list is wrong with those two as scum.

Scum is: House, ScarletRage, FA_Q2-for sure.

Possibly Avi and mathblade. Possibly tso if I'm wrong about Avi or mathblade.

The rest likely rebel. We lynch House first. If he's town, I'd be surprised and would have to completely re-read the whole game but I don't think so.

What about TSO!? His quietness is bothering me, however it almost mimics his game 6 play. BUT he said he did not want to play Game 6. So, I have to wonder about him.

We may have to consider voting him out next, and hope he is Scum, but either way, if he doesn't participate, he's not helping us.

You admit to having hard scumreads but here you are advocating a PL.
Didn't you JUST criticize me for that TODAY?


No, I didn't criticize you for advocating a PL, but for advocating a PL after Wolf had. You wanted Wolf to see that you agreed with her every move so she would be cemented on the fact that you were Town, when you were not.
My main interests at this point are Scarlet, Ika, Avi, Mertex, and Math. Doesn't mean they're carved-in-stone scum, but I want to look at them more.
Well, House better be scum then because if he's town, hammering himself was crappy.

What's the difference between self voting for a lynch or self hammering? I honestly don't see one.

Technically, there isn't. Both are wrong as town. But self voting, you can change your mind. Hammering you can't. Scum self-hammer all the time. Self-hammering as town can get you modkilled at the main site.
Well, House better be scum then because if he's town, hammering himself was crappy.

What's the difference between self voting for a lynch or self hammering? I honestly don't see one.

Technically, there isn't. Both are wrong as town. But self voting, you can change your mind. Hammering you can't. Scum self-hammer all the time. Self-hammering as town can get you modkilled at the main site.

Mod-killed? Aren't you already dead?
Well, House better be scum then because if he's town, hammering himself was crappy.

What's the difference between self voting for a lynch or self hammering? I honestly don't see one.

Technically, there isn't. Both are wrong as town. But self voting, you can change your mind. Hammering you can't. Scum self-hammer all the time. Self-hammering as town can get you modkilled at the main site.

Mod-killed? Aren't you already dead?

Yeah, it just means you can't win no matter what happens.
Holy crap House, did you just hammer yourself?

IDGAF, I straight up told you I'd do this if doing so meant getting rid of Mertex.

No you didn't. You said you'd vote for me to get rid of her which was scummy to me. There is a difference.

Lying Wolf is lying. How many times do I have to show people that I will call people out on their lies, especially when they're lying about me?

Wolf's town flip after you've been crowing that I've been protecting the ruler all this time will put to bed all your unfounded accusations about the both of us, because scum would not defend a townie the way I've posted in defense of Wolfie.


This only makes you look like you are looking out for yourself by helping lynch a townread of yours. I'd never do that.

It directly plays against town's wincon and helps scum's wincon.

So I disagree with ANY townie that helps scum lynch another townie, no matter what your reasoning.

As you've said.

We have different approaches to the game. If I was the one being harped upon as the ruler with you being labeled the guard, I'd be advocating you to do what I'm doing right now.

Lie your way out of that one.

"Well, shit, that didn't pay off," House mused as the rest of the pack circled around him, ready to dunk him in tar and feathers, and catapult him above the mountains and into Valhalla below.

House, complex Town Rebel, has perished.

*I understand exactly how frustrating the game can be at times, House. I've been there multiple times, too. It takes awhile to eventually overcome it.


It is now Day 3.

With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch!

Deadline expires 10/11/14, @10PM.
Holy crap House, did you just hammer yourself?

IDGAF, I straight up told you I'd do this if doing so meant getting rid of Mertex.

No you didn't. You said you'd vote for me to get rid of her which was scummy to me. There is a difference.

Lying Wolf is lying. How many times do I have to show people that I will call people out on their lies, especially when they're lying about me?

Wolf's town flip after you've been crowing that I've been protecting the ruler all this time will put to bed all your unfounded accusations about the both of us, because scum would not defend a townie the way I've posted in defense of Wolfie.


This only makes you look like you are looking out for yourself by helping lynch a townread of yours. I'd never do that.

It directly plays against town's wincon and helps scum's wincon.

So I disagree with ANY townie that helps scum lynch another townie, no matter what your reasoning.

As you've said.

We have different approaches to the game. If I was the one being harped upon as the ruler with you being labeled the guard, I'd be advocating you to do what I'm doing right now.

Lie your way out of that one.

You didn't say you'd self hammer there or vote yourself at all.
Well, I'll be damned......I guess I was dead wrong.....all that work for nothing. I don't blame any of you, if you want to lynch me, I understand.

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