Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

Actually based on an earlier post when SR started calling House town, I think she recognized a fellow guard. She bought into his bogus deal on lynching me to lynch Mertex to save his own skin and started calling him town. She is not thinking like a logical townie like Josh said above. She excused House's name calling and hostility as something she would do as town when she has never done that before.

How could she recognize something that doesn't exist?

She didn't excuse my name calling. And she has absolutely been hostile.

House's deal would never come from a town mindset and either would SR's reaction to it. It's self preservation and hurts town's wincon by getting rid of another townie. SR knows this and supports it.

Bad logic is bad. SR is sold on you being scum. No amount of "No I'm not!" posts from you is going to change the mind of people who are convinced that you are and I have been protecting you.

Town you may be, but you fail to recognize some fairly basic truths.

House is good at blinding me to buddying also. I can't believe I missed the obvious signs.

Actually, you've been buddying me this entire game, but I've been overlooking it due to my read. If anybody doubts this, all they have to do is ISO my posts and notice who's rating 80% of them.

What a hypocrite.

They are both scum. House first, then SR, then FA, then Avi, then mathblade. My other scumreads are probably town then.

Vote: House

lol! People are so right about you OMGUSing anybody that votes for you, Wolf. How do you not see that? All game you've been shouting the fact I'm a rebel at the top of your lungs, and now you've fabricated a scum read on me since I'm voting for you.
So why is scum trying to get rid of me so badly anyway? I'm a scummy townie. They should keep me around, LOL.

They would have been glad to get rid of anyone they could. They just saw the perfect opportunity when I revealed House's scummy moves, which I'm sure were all well calculated, and they just happened to include you. And yes, I wanted to believe you were Town, but House's moves just wouldn't let me. When I left, after telling you that House was just voting for you hoping that no one would bite, and the focus would shift, then I started thinking, "what if Wolf is Town, and then they lynch me - what a clever idea that House has created." He was using you. I hope a few more Townies can see that, too.
So basically it's a russian roulette of my biggest pushers are scum. Mertex hestitates so you buddy her.

I wasn't hesitating. I was going for House. My whole wall of posts was to show that House was the one that was defending Wolf. Wolf made some scummy moves, but don't we all? House is a manipulator. He knew that he had a loyal friend in Wolf, and she is too hardheaded to realize that House doesn't care how he gets to a win condition as long as he gets there.

I'm changing my vote back to House. If he flips town, I'll agree that I suck at scum hunting and will gladly take the lynch. I can't be hurting town with my stupid choices.


Good,when I flip town I expect you to be joining me in the DZ the following day, scum.
So why is scum trying to get rid of me so badly anyway? I'm a scummy townie. They should keep me around, LOL.

They would have been glad to get rid of anyone they could. They just saw the perfect opportunity when I revealed House's scummy moves, which I'm sure were all well calculated, and they just happened to include you. And yes, I wanted to believe you were Town, but House's moves just wouldn't let me. When I left, after telling you that House was just voting for you hoping that no one would bite, and the focus would shift, then I started thinking, "what if Wolf is Town, and then they lynch me - what a clever idea that House has created." He was using you. I hope a few more Townies can see that, too.

Yeah :) I like how you are pointing out what I see Mertex. I'm working on shorter posts instead of long rambles I'm known for so yeah I'm suspected as scum. I don't care. I think I figured out the game and we will see if I am right.
Grandma replaces tso! effective immediately.

Please, for everything tasty and good in life, please don't replace out over hurt feelings and emotions. Try logging off for a day, and let the focus shift elsewhere (if you use it just right it can be really difficult to get lynched. The trick is using short bursts of high-quality posts, followed by more than enough time to rejuvenate your mental energy.)
So I think Mertex and Cafe are town because they are seeing what I am seeing with this vote deal and scum would not. So my reads list is wrong with those two as scum.

Scum is: House, ScarletRage, FA_Q2-for sure.

Possibly Avi and mathblade. Possibly tso if I'm wrong about Avi or mathblade.

The rest likely rebel. We lynch House first. If he's town, I'd be surprised and would have to completely re-read the whole game but I don't think so.

You think they're town for purely selfish reasons - they are now calling you town, so you call them town. If that ain't scummy, idk what is.
So I think Mertex and Cafe are town because they are seeing what I am seeing with this vote deal and scum would not. So my reads list is wrong with those two as scum.

Scum is: House, ScarletRage, FA_Q2-for sure.

Possibly Avi and mathblade. Possibly tso if I'm wrong about Avi or mathblade.

The rest likely rebel. We lynch House first. If he's town, I'd be surprised and would have to completely re-read the whole game but I don't think so.

What about TSO!? His quietness is bothering me, however it almost mimics his game 6 play. BUT he said he did not want to play Game 6. So, I have to wonder about him.

We may have to consider voting him out next, and hope he is Scum, but either way, if he doesn't participate, he's not helping us.

Nope, you need to go tomorrow, after mislynching me.
So I think Mertex and Cafe are town because they are seeing what I am seeing with this vote deal and scum would not. So my reads list is wrong with those two as scum.

Scum is: House, ScarletRage, FA_Q2-for sure.

Possibly Avi and mathblade. Possibly tso if I'm wrong about Avi or mathblade.

The rest likely rebel. We lynch House first. If he's town, I'd be surprised and would have to completely re-read the whole game but I don't think so.

What about TSO!? His quietness is bothering me, however it almost mimics his game 6 play. BUT he said he did not want to play Game 6. So, I have to wonder about him.

We may have to consider voting him out next, and hope he is Scum, but either way, if he doesn't participate, he's not helping us.

You admit to having hard scumreads but here you are advocating a PL.
Didn't you JUST criticize me for that TODAY?

So I think Mertex and Cafe are town because they are seeing what I am seeing with this vote deal and scum would not. So my reads list is wrong with those two as scum.

Scum is: House, ScarletRage, FA_Q2-for sure.

Possibly Avi and mathblade. Possibly tso if I'm wrong about Avi or mathblade.

The rest likely rebel. We lynch House first. If he's town, I'd be surprised and would have to completely re-read the whole game but I don't think so.

What about TSO!? His quietness is bothering me, however it almost mimics his game 6 play. BUT he said he did not want to play Game 6. So, I have to wonder about him.

Yep, I have tso as a suspect also, possibly usurper. He signed up for this game voluntarily so his active lurking is something to watch.

XXXY and TN both played this way and we ignored them game 3, (I think). Kept popping on threw up a few fake reads AND after reading the scum QT, one of them, I can't recall who, was asking for fake reads to put up from the other scum! ( I know there are no QTs this game) but I just recall they really had no interaction at all and just showed up when prodded.

Tell me about it. When Wolf was almost being lynched, I was the only scum left (besides those two) and I was sweating it because both of them were nowhere to give me guidance. Unfortunately or fortunately, the game ended abruptly and I didn't have to worry about what to do next. That was scary, I'm not ready to do Scum. I'm going to ask House for private tutoring, I'll even pay him....:uhoh3:

You reek of scum. There's my tutoring and it's 100% free.
Josh how did Cafe's post confirm House scum? You and House are my biggest townreads.

How's that? ....when you claimed that my wall of posts was so compelling? You were focusing on Wolf, my whole post was focusing on House.
I said your post was compelling for Wolf scum and House as dumb town.

No, House is no dummy. He claims to be a noob, but his last game and this one shows that he's no noob in my book. Wolf just trusted him and he took advantage of it.

Saying someone is town, then voting for her as some sort of 'deal' is scummy. If you believe someone is town, you don't vote for her lynch unless it's for a policy lynch.

When there are people telling me that someone I view as town is scum, I take my inexperience into account and like considering alternative views.

Glad I do, too. I'm seeing Wolf in a light I'd have never seen if I was as blinded by my own opinions as Mertex.
Josh how did Cafe's post confirm House scum? You and House are my biggest townreads.

How's that? ....when you claimed that my wall of posts was so compelling? You were focusing on Wolf, my whole post was focusing on House.
I said your post was compelling for Wolf scum and House as dumb town.

No, House is no dummy. He claims to be a noob, but his last game and this one shows that he's no noob in my book. Wolf just trusted him and he took advantage of it.
None of my arguments require House to be an expert or a noob. Dumb is dumb regardless of exp level.
So basically it's a russian roulette of my biggest pushers are scum. Mertex hestitates so you buddy her.

I wasn't hesitating. I was going for House. My whole wall of posts was to show that House was the one that was defending Wolf. Wolf made some scummy moves, but don't we all? House is a manipulator. He knew that he had a loyal friend in Wolf, and she is too hardheaded to realize that House doesn't care how he gets to a win condition as long as he gets there.

I'm changing my vote back to House. If he flips town, I'll agree that I suck at scum hunting and will gladly take the lynch. I can't be hurting town with my stupid choices.


Good,when I flip town I expect you to be joining me in the DZ the following day, scum.

I'll be happy to do so. If I misread your scummy moves, I do deserve to be lynched.
So why is scum trying to get rid of me so badly anyway? I'm a scummy townie. They should keep me around, LOL.

They would have been glad to get rid of anyone they could. They just saw the perfect opportunity when I revealed House's scummy moves, which I'm sure were all well calculated, and they just happened to include you. And yes, I wanted to believe you were Town, but House's moves just wouldn't let me. When I left, after telling you that House was just voting for you hoping that no one would bite, and the focus would shift, then I started thinking, "what if Wolf is Town, and then they lynch me - what a clever idea that House has created." He was using you. I hope a few more Townies can see that, too.

So this entire game you've been criticizing me as scum supporting the ruler, and now I'm scum defending a townie? You'll fabricate any story at all just to get me lynched for the simple fact I not only called you anti-town (boy did you correct me there!), but showed you just how anti-town you are.
So I think Mertex and Cafe are town because they are seeing what I am seeing with this vote deal and scum would not. So my reads list is wrong with those two as scum.

Scum is: House, ScarletRage, FA_Q2-for sure.

Possibly Avi and mathblade. Possibly tso if I'm wrong about Avi or mathblade.

The rest likely rebel. We lynch House first. If he's town, I'd be surprised and would have to completely re-read the whole game but I don't think so.

What about TSO!? His quietness is bothering me, however it almost mimics his game 6 play. BUT he said he did not want to play Game 6. So, I have to wonder about him.

Yep, I have tso as a suspect also, possibly usurper. He signed up for this game voluntarily so his active lurking is something to watch.

XXXY and TN both played this way and we ignored them game 3, (I think). Kept popping on threw up a few fake reads AND after reading the scum QT, one of them, I can't recall who, was asking for fake reads to put up from the other scum! ( I know there are no QTs this game) but I just recall they really had no interaction at all and just showed up when prodded.

Tell me about it. When Wolf was almost being lynched, I was the only scum left (besides those two) and I was sweating it because both of them were nowhere to give me guidance. Unfortunately or fortunately, the game ended abruptly and I didn't have to worry about what to do next. That was scary, I'm not ready to do Scum. I'm going to ask House for private tutoring, I'll even pay him....:uhoh3:

You reek of scum. There's my tutoring and it's 100% free.

If you flip town, I'll lynch myself, hows that. And, I'm serious, I need tips, my only one scum game sucked.
Josh how did Cafe's post confirm House scum? You and House are my biggest townreads.

How's that? ....when you claimed that my wall of posts was so compelling? You were focusing on Wolf, my whole post was focusing on House.
I said your post was compelling for Wolf scum and House as dumb town.

No, House is no dummy. He claims to be a noob, but his last game and this one shows that he's no noob in my book. Wolf just trusted him and he took advantage of it.

Taking advantage of someone's trust doesn't take experience. God your logic is infantile.

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