Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

Actually based on an earlier post when SR started calling House town, I think she recognized a fellow guard. She bought into his bogus deal on lynching me to lynch Mertex to save his own skin and started calling him town. She is not thinking like a logical townie like Josh said above. She excused House's name calling and hostility as something she would do as town when she has never done that before. House's deal would never come from a town mindset and either would SR's reaction to it. It's self preservation and hurts town's wincon by getting rid of another townie. SR knows this and supports it. House is good at blinding me to buddying also. I can't believe I missed the obvious signs. They are both scum. House first, then SR, then FA, then Avi, then mathblade. My other scumreads are probably town then.

Vote: House

You will notice that I listed SR as a guard or usurper. She wanted to round up a group of people to vote for someone/anyone. That didn't seem Town to me. I didn't understand her sudden jump to agree to have me lynched when you flipped town. Maybe you are town, and I am right, that House thought he could manipulate you again. If he flips town, I don't care if they lynch me next, if I misread all his scummy moves, I probably deserve to be lynched.
I don't think her reasoning is fabricated. I just think it's misdirected. I'm pretty sure that everything that she said happened in the game did. I still haven't had a reread yet, but I'm pretty sure there's an underlying cause that Mertex is overlooking.
Yes, it could very well be that House is using/manipulating Wolf. But she is too focused on House being Town that she can't even see that he is totally manipulating her. Either she is the ruler (she has done some scummy moves) and he has been protecting her without realizing that it would be obvious when you reviewed the thread in total, or he is Scum and totally manipulating her into thinking he's town knowing her loyalty and that she will defend him even if he screws her over. He was Scum in Game 5 and told her some cockamamy story about having some power that he could only use at the very end, and she was believing him and arguing that he was Town and she would never vote against him. It took some of the other Townies telling her that if she didn't force him to reveal his power (which they knew was BS) they would vote her off. She finally realized he was a Scumbag and agreed to vote for him. He's pretty clever, to a point.

This is not exactly true but rehashing game 5 isn't going to get us anywhere. I am currently voting House and I think you should read the posts after my reads list as to the reason why I think he is scum buddying me because he was willing to make a deal to vote me out, despite firmly believing I am town. I am now suspecting SR for agreeing to it and calling House town. Read my posts. I laid it out. It is also why I changed my read on you because you saw this as him defending me rather than scum buddying. And I fell for it as town defending a townread.
Wolf, clear your mind for a few minutes and think about who you believe is scum that's voting for you right now. You've already mentioned FA and Mertex in previous posts, but I'm asking you to think about others as well. Tell us who and reasons why. I said earlier in the game you've been playing your typical town game, so if you happen to be lynched, a clear post telling us who you believe is scum will help a great deal. With that said, the only way I'll put a vote on Wolf is if it's to keep us from going into a NL. I believe she's a rebel and do not like lynching our own.

I've already said who I think is scum and who is town, given multiple reads, and argued why what is happening is a frame up by scum or an anti-town townie and scum are taking full advantage of it with the help of another townie who is only looking out for himself. There is nothing else left for me to say but because I think you are a rebel and you asked, I'll tell you again. I'm not going to spend hours of my life pulling up posts out of context and making up shit to justify a scumread like Mertex did to me. These people's actions speak for themselves.

Mertex is either scum or anti-town like usual-she's fabricating a scumread because she's upset about my perceived taking sides when her and House were arguing, because he defended me, because she's pulling things out of thin air to label me as scum that are either non-alignment indicative, things I always do, things others are doing but she's ignoring, etc. She is using tunnel vision because the only person she's talked about all game is me. It seems anything I do is scummy even though she knows how I act as town. She's spent a lot of this game wrapped up in drama also.

House is town screwing over another townie to save his skin but he's town.

SR is scum
because she is playing a different game than her town game and is buying into scummy reasons to vote me and is trying to rush my lynch every time a wagon forms. She wants me dead and has done nothing to really help the game in any way otherwise.

FA-Q2 is scum for bringing up drama again, taking quotes of mine out of context as an excuse to vote me, hoping on my wagon at the first opportunity while contributing nothing else, has not given a read or done any scumhunting all game. Lurking more than his town game.

Avi is scum for lurking like he does as scum and being too careful, he even said in his scum QT that he doesn't like getting involved in the games too much as scum because it could backfire on him. Several things he's done show he's not paying attention and he insists on voting ika with poor reasoning.

tso! is scum or anti-town or a flake-he is active lurking and doing little else

You Aye are a rebel, ika is a rebel, josh is a rebel, Arden is a rebel-all of you are using logical reasoning for your statements and comments, not getting wrapped up in drama, actively scumhunting, and showing curiosity for the game and an interest in solving it.

mathblade is scum-her entire game has been complaining about the hostility and fluff posting, with an occasional comment about who she thinks is who but with no detail

Shaitra- while she's usually quiet as either alignment and I am going back and forth with her, she's still at least trying to game solve and scum hunt when she does play, so leaning town here but need more

Cafe-less active than usual, did not answer my question about who her reads were, only contribution is to chew me out over drama, she could go either way depending on if she tries to play or keeps non-commmital, because of the change from her usual game, she bears watching and I'm leaning scum here

Also, I can't bitch House out for playing against town's wincon by also playing against town's wincon by voting myself. While others insist on voting out another rebel PL after already losing one I will not help them nor help scum by voting myself. I will play to my wincon and vote my top scumread until I am lynched.

Vote: FA_Q2

Wolfsister77 , I had just put up a reads list Wolf, what, a few hours prior to you asking? Thing is, I did not chew you out, what you seem to miss was my point. You seemed to be supporting (liking and or joking House's posts which were baiting Mertex and or outright mean) the same type of behavior you complained about from Rosie, although I believe you both contributed there. You also glossed over the point I was trying to make with your game three play where you purposely started a mess and ended up getting a townie voted out while you were scum. Something you pointed out after the game was compromised- something you seemed to be proud of. my point was, I can't tell if this is your emotional town game or a scum ploy. I though I was clear.

With that said, this whole "vote brokering" scheme to vote for you as opposed to House, has the scumdar hairs on the back of my neck bristling like a porcupine on crack.
So basically it's a russian roulette of my biggest pushers are scum. Mertex hestitates so you buddy her.

I wasn't hesitating. I was going for House. My whole wall of posts was to show that House was the one that was defending Wolf. Wolf made some scummy moves, but don't we all? House is a manipulator. He knew that he had a loyal friend in Wolf, and she is too hardheaded to realize that House doesn't care how he gets to a win condition as long as he gets there.

I'm changing my vote back to House. If he flips town, I'll agree that I suck at scum hunting and will gladly take the lynch. I can't be hurting town with my stupid choices.

So I think Mertex and Cafe are town because they are seeing what I am seeing with this vote deal and scum would not. So my reads list is wrong with those two as scum.

Scum is: House, ScarletRage, FA_Q2-for sure.

Possibly Avi and mathblade. Possibly tso if I'm wrong about Avi or mathblade.

The rest likely rebel. We lynch House first. If he's town, I'd be surprised and would have to completely re-read the whole game but I don't think so.
Cafe's most recent post pretty much confirms a House scum for me.

VOTE: House
So I think Mertex and Cafe are town because they are seeing what I am seeing with this vote deal and scum would not. So my reads list is wrong with those two as scum.

Scum is: House, ScarletRage, FA_Q2-for sure.

Possibly Avi and mathblade. Possibly tso if I'm wrong about Avi or mathblade.

The rest likely rebel. We lynch House first. If he's town, I'd be surprised and would have to completely re-read the whole game but I don't think so.

I agree on House and SR being scum.

My other scum reads were Shaitra, Avatar, not too definite on those two.

The next vote should reveal a little more.
So I think Mertex and Cafe are town because they are seeing what I am seeing with this vote deal and scum would not. So my reads list is wrong with those two as scum.

Scum is: House, ScarletRage, FA_Q2-for sure.

Possibly Avi and mathblade. Possibly tso if I'm wrong about Avi or mathblade.

The rest likely rebel. We lynch House first. If he's town, I'd be surprised and would have to completely re-read the whole game but I don't think so.

I agree on House and SR being scum.

My other scum reads were Shaitra, Avatar, not too definite on those two.

The next vote should reveal a little more.

Yep, House's flip will help a lot. If he's scum, then SR is a no brainer. After that, we'll have to see.
So I think Mertex and Cafe are town because they are seeing what I am seeing with this vote deal and scum would not. So my reads list is wrong with those two as scum.

Scum is: House, ScarletRage, FA_Q2-for sure.

Possibly Avi and mathblade. Possibly tso if I'm wrong about Avi or mathblade.

The rest likely rebel. We lynch House first. If he's town, I'd be surprised and would have to completely re-read the whole game but I don't think so.

What about TSO!? His quietness is bothering me, however it almost mimics his game 6 play. BUT he said he did not want to play Game 6. So, I have to wonder about him.
So I think Mertex and Cafe are town because they are seeing what I am seeing with this vote deal and scum would not. So my reads list is wrong with those two as scum.

Scum is: House, ScarletRage, FA_Q2-for sure.

Possibly Avi and mathblade. Possibly tso if I'm wrong about Avi or mathblade.

The rest likely rebel. We lynch House first. If he's town, I'd be surprised and would have to completely re-read the whole game but I don't think so.

What about TSO!? His quietness is bothering me, however it almost mimics his game 6 play. BUT he said he did not want to play Game 6. So, I have to wonder about him.

Yep, I have tso as a suspect also, possibly usurper. He signed up for this game voluntarily so his active lurking is something to watch.
So I think Mertex and Cafe are town because they are seeing what I am seeing with this vote deal and scum would not. So my reads list is wrong with those two as scum.

Scum is: House, ScarletRage, FA_Q2-for sure.

Possibly Avi and mathblade. Possibly tso if I'm wrong about Avi or mathblade.

The rest likely rebel. We lynch House first. If he's town, I'd be surprised and would have to completely re-read the whole game but I don't think so.

What about TSO!? His quietness is bothering me, however it almost mimics his game 6 play. BUT he said he did not want to play Game 6. So, I have to wonder about him.

We may have to consider voting him out next, and hope he is Scum, but either way, if he doesn't participate, he's not helping us.
So I think Mertex and Cafe are town because they are seeing what I am seeing with this vote deal and scum would not. So my reads list is wrong with those two as scum.

Scum is: House, ScarletRage, FA_Q2-for sure.

Possibly Avi and mathblade. Possibly tso if I'm wrong about Avi or mathblade.

The rest likely rebel. We lynch House first. If he's town, I'd be surprised and would have to completely re-read the whole game but I don't think so.

What about TSO!? His quietness is bothering me, however it almost mimics his game 6 play. BUT he said he did not want to play Game 6. So, I have to wonder about him.

Yep, I have tso as a suspect also, possibly usurper. He signed up for this game voluntarily so his active lurking is something to watch.

XXXY and TN both played this way and we ignored them game 3, (I think). Kept popping on threw up a few fake reads AND after reading the scum QT, one of them, I can't recall who, was asking for fake reads to put up from the other scum! ( I know there are no QTs this game) but I just recall they really had no interaction at all and just showed up when prodded.
I'm on page 58, but the more Mertex posts, the more I want to lynch AYE.

I think her case is pretty solid, but I'm wondering if it is misdirected in some way. I'm going to do a reread myself. based on the the idea that Aye has been a peripheral supporter throughout the game.

LOL! Go ahead and lynch me. I really don't care. What's your reason for wanting to do that?

Me being unsure of everything. Originally you defended Rosie but lynched her on policy. Then said that you would vote anyone that brought up the drama from yesterday (which led to a WS, even though she was reactive to other people mentioning it) then you moved your vote to a policy vote on TSO. I'm starting to see a pattern here that you are attempting to lynch people for other reasons than "you think are scum."

Yes, I said I believed Rosie was playing her town game. The fighting between Rosie and Wolf continued, with you then asking me to help lynch Rosie while you defended Wolf. Official Usmb Mafia Game 6 The Rebels In The Palace Page 33 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

My vote earlier today on TSO was not a policy vote. This is where I voted for him: Official Usmb Mafia Game 6 The Rebels In The Palace Page 51 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Get your facts straight on what I say and not on what you think it means.
So I think Mertex and Cafe are town because they are seeing what I am seeing with this vote deal and scum would not. So my reads list is wrong with those two as scum.

Scum is: House, ScarletRage, FA_Q2-for sure.

Possibly Avi and mathblade. Possibly tso if I'm wrong about Avi or mathblade.

The rest likely rebel. We lynch House first. If he's town, I'd be surprised and would have to completely re-read the whole game but I don't think so.

What about TSO!? His quietness is bothering me, however it almost mimics his game 6 play. BUT he said he did not want to play Game 6. So, I have to wonder about him.

Yep, I have tso as a suspect also, possibly usurper. He signed up for this game voluntarily so his active lurking is something to watch.

XXXY and TN both played this way and we ignored them game 3, (I think). Kept popping on threw up a few fake reads AND after reading the scum QT, one of them, I can't recall who, was asking for fake reads to put up from the other scum! ( I know there are no QTs this game) but I just recall they really had no interaction at all and just showed up when prodded.

Tell me about it. When Wolf was almost being lynched, I was the only scum left (besides those two) and I was sweating it because both of them were nowhere to give me guidance. Unfortunately or fortunately, the game ended abruptly and I didn't have to worry about what to do next. That was scary, I'm not ready to do Scum. I'm going to ask House for private tutoring, I'll even pay him....:uhoh3:
Now that tso requested replacement, it might be better to not vote him at this time for those that are and see if he is going to be replaced or what happens with that.
So I think Mertex and Cafe are town because they are seeing what I am seeing with this vote deal and scum would not. So my reads list is wrong with those two as scum.

Scum is: House, ScarletRage, FA_Q2-for sure.

Possibly Avi and mathblade. Possibly tso if I'm wrong about Avi or mathblade.

The rest likely rebel. We lynch House first. If he's town, I'd be surprised and would have to completely re-read the whole game but I don't think so.

What about TSO!? His quietness is bothering me, however it almost mimics his game 6 play. BUT he said he did not want to play Game 6. So, I have to wonder about him.

Yep, I have tso as a suspect also, possibly usurper. He signed up for this game voluntarily so his active lurking is something to watch.

XXXY and TN both played this way and we ignored them game 3, (I think). Kept popping on threw up a few fake reads AND after reading the scum QT, one of them, I can't recall who, was asking for fake reads to put up from the other scum! ( I know there are no QTs this game) but I just recall they really had no interaction at all and just showed up when prodded.

ZZZX asked me for reads after I gave him grief in the QT for not participating. However, I think tso asked for replacement so who knows now?

Saying someone is town, then voting for her as some sort of 'deal' is scummy. If you believe someone is town, you don't vote for her lynch unless it's for a policy lynch.
I may not find a replacement. Will continue searching.

Scarlet, you wouldn't happen to have another smart sister interesting in playing, would you? :D :p

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