Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

I'll make you folks a deal.

I'll help you lynch Wolfsister77 if we lynch Mertex after Wolf flips town.

I'm still solid on Avatar as obvscum, but I'm flexible.

Why are you helping them lynch a fellow rebel? You do realize that you are throwing a townie under the bus and there is no guarantee that Mertex will be lynched when I'm gone.

But whatever. If it gets the game back to scumhunting instead of obsessing over me, I'm all for it. Here, I'll help.

Vote: Wolfsister77

If I get lynched for voting myself and am kept from the next game or modkilled in this one, that's fine. I could use a break anyway.

I know you're a rebel, but sometimes people have to learn things the hard way. These folks won't accept that you are town until you flip, and it's going to keep us both mired down in accusations until one or the other of us is gone.

Since Mertex thinks/thought (who the fuck knows anymore?) that you are the ruler, your lynch will shut her mouth and demolish any credibility she thinks she has.

Lynching real scum is actually better than lynching a town if you're trying to prove that someone is town. Mr. Flippity Floppity.

Scarlet Rage, did you say logical errors? How about-
Wolfsister is town, let's lynch her to prove it.

or let's lynch wolfsister, if she's town, then we can lynch someone else that didn't think she was town.

I don't think a town you would ever follow such a ridiculous plan. Seeing as it's fallacies are surface deep.
Wolf, clear your mind for a few minutes and think about who you believe is scum that's voting for you right now. You've already mentioned FA and Mertex in previous posts, but I'm asking you to think about others as well. Tell us who and reasons why. I said earlier in the game you've been playing your typical town game, so if you happen to be lynched, a clear post telling us who you believe is scum will help a great deal. With that said, the only way I'll put a vote on Wolf is if it's to keep us from going into a NL. I believe she's a rebel and do not like lynching our own.

I've already said who I think is scum and who is town, given multiple reads, and argued why what is happening is a frame up by scum or an anti-town townie and scum are taking full advantage of it with the help of another townie who is only looking out for himself. There is nothing else left for me to say but because I think you are a rebel and you asked, I'll tell you again. I'm not going to spend hours of my life pulling up posts out of context and making up shit to justify a scumread like Mertex did to me. These people's actions speak for themselves.

Mertex is either scum or anti-town like usual-she's fabricating a scumread because she's upset about my perceived taking sides when her and House were arguing, because he defended me, because she's pulling things out of thin air to label me as scum that are either non-alignment indicative, things I always do, things others are doing but she's ignoring, etc. She is using tunnel vision because the only person she's talked about all game is me. It seems anything I do is scummy even though she knows how I act as town. She's spent a lot of this game wrapped up in drama also.

House is town screwing over another townie to save his skin but he's town.

SR is scum
because she is playing a different game than her town game and is buying into scummy reasons to vote me and is trying to rush my lynch every time a wagon forms. She wants me dead and has done nothing to really help the game in any way otherwise.

FA-Q2 is scum for bringing up drama again, taking quotes of mine out of context as an excuse to vote me, hoping on my wagon at the first opportunity while contributing nothing else, has not given a read or done any scumhunting all game. Lurking more than his town game.

Avi is scum for lurking like he does as scum and being too careful, he even said in his scum QT that he doesn't like getting involved in the games too much as scum because it could backfire on him. Several things he's done show he's not paying attention and he insists on voting ika with poor reasoning.

tso! is scum or anti-town or a flake-he is active lurking and doing little else

You Aye are a rebel, ika is a rebel, josh is a rebel, Arden is a rebel-all of you are using logical reasoning for your statements and comments, not getting wrapped up in drama, actively scumhunting, and showing curiosity for the game and an interest in solving it.

mathblade is scum-her entire game has been complaining about the hostility and fluff posting, with an occasional comment about who she thinks is who but with no detail

Shaitra- while she's usually quiet as either alignment and I am going back and forth with her, she's still at least trying to game solve and scum hunt when she does play, so leaning town here but need more

Cafe-less active than usual, did not answer my question about who her reads were, only contribution is to chew me out over drama, she could go either way depending on if she tries to play or keeps non-commmital, because of the change from her usual game, she bears watching and I'm leaning scum here

Also, I can't bitch House out for playing against town's wincon by also playing against town's wincon by voting myself. While others insist on voting out another rebel PL after already losing one I will not help them nor help scum by voting myself. I will play to my wincon and vote my top scumread until I am lynched.

Vote: FA_Q2
I'll make you folks a deal.

I'll help you lynch Wolfsister77 if we lynch Mertex after Wolf flips town.

I'm still solid on Avatar as obvscum, but I'm flexible.

Why are you helping them lynch a fellow rebel? You do realize that you are throwing a townie under the bus and there is no guarantee that Mertex will be lynched when I'm gone.

But whatever. If it gets the game back to scumhunting instead of obsessing over me, I'm all for it. Here, I'll help.

Vote: Wolfsister77

If I get lynched for voting myself and am kept from the next game or modkilled in this one, that's fine. I could use a break anyway.

I know you're a rebel, but sometimes people have to learn things the hard way. These folks won't accept that you are town until you flip, and it's going to keep us both mired down in accusations until one or the other of us is gone.

Since Mertex thinks/thought (who the fuck knows anymore?) that you are the ruler, your lynch will shut her mouth and demolish any credibility she thinks she has.

Lynching real scum is actually better than lynching a town if you're trying to prove that someone is town. Mr. Flippity Floppity.

Scarlet Rage, did you say logical errors? How about-
Wolfsister is town, let's lynch her to prove it.

or let's lynch wolfsister, if she's town, then we can lynch someone else that didn't think she was town.

I don't think a town you would ever follow such a ridiculous plan. Seeing as it's fallacies are surface deep.

This is one of the reasons I think SR is scum now.
I'm fairly busy this weekend.

Don't lynch anyone while I'm gone (unless it's House or FA_Q2).

I thought we were going for House, but apparently he is so sure that Wolfsister is Town that he has made a deal that they should vote for Wolfsister, and lynch him next if Wolf flips Scum. On the condition they lynch me if she flips town.

I'm willing to take the chance. I can't believe anyone would be so protective over someone they don't know for sure is not Scum. If Wolf flips town, I'll just have to accept that House is just a valiant warrior defending Wolf because she was so nice to him in game 5 and didn't vote for him until she had no choice, even though he was Scum. That makes sense.


LOL-Here you go folks!! Another scum jumping on my wagon.

This is 5 out of 8. I'm not removing my vote on myself. Only 3 more need to come out of the woodwork and lynch me.

And Mertex once again shows that town defending town is a foreign concept to here. LOL
I'm starting to wonder if scum defending town is a foreign concept to you.. It takes a little while but eventually you get cold to people calling you town, and wanting to sheep your logic especially when it's bad.
You just don't seem to understand the concept of town defending town because you'd never do it.

I don't care what House does. You scumreading me for what he is doing is ludicrous and shows you have no ability to see teamwork.

This supposed eagerness to do quick lynches and PL's is bogus. It isn't true. You are lying. I am not going to repeat defend myself over something I didn't do.

Get a real case. Yours is weak and wrong.

Excuse me.....I didn't spend hours pouring over the comments for my own pleasure. You're just desperate now, because you know that you can't defend yourself against the obvious. Like I said, go read the posts, you must have forgotten what you have posted.

I read every single one of your lame ass, fabricated reasons for calling me scum and defended against every one of them. You don't want to listen to it because you are scum or anti-town just like usual.

I am not the least bit desperate or I wouldn't be voting for myself and saying I should be lynched. Everything I'm doing and saying is to point out to town what you and others are doing when I'm gone and to explain exactly what is happening with my frame up.

I don't think her reasoning is fabricated. I just think it's misdirected. I'm pretty sure that everything that she said happened in the game did. I still haven't had a reread yet, but I'm pretty sure there's an underlying cause that Mertex is overlooking.
I'm on page 58, but the more Mertex posts, the more I want to lynch AYE.

I think her case is pretty solid, but I'm wondering if it is misdirected in some way. I'm going to do a reread myself. based on the the idea that Aye has been a peripheral supporter throughout the game.

LOL! Go ahead and lynch me. I really don't care. What's your reason for wanting to do that?
Actually based on an earlier post when SR started calling House town, I think she recognized a fellow guard. She bought into his bogus deal on lynching me to lynch Mertex to save his own skin and started calling him town. She is not thinking like a logical townie like Josh said above. She excused House's name calling and hostility as something she would do as town when she has never done that before. House's deal would never come from a town mindset and either would SR's reaction to it. It's self preservation and hurts town's wincon by getting rid of another townie. SR knows this and supports it. House is good at blinding me to buddying also. I can't believe I missed the obvious signs. They are both scum. House first, then SR, then FA, then Avi, then mathblade. My other scumreads are probably town then.

Vote: House
Is anyone else over looking the fact that House wants to lynch Wolfsister even though he has conceptually claimed that Wolfsister is definitely not the ruler with the idea that both he and Mertex will still be alive and available to lynch after the flip?
I'm on page 58, but the more Mertex posts, the more I want to lynch AYE.

I think her case is pretty solid, but I'm wondering if it is misdirected in some way. I'm going to do a reread myself. based on the the idea that Aye has been a peripheral supporter throughout the game.

LOL! Go ahead and lynch me. I really don't care. What's your reason for wanting to do that?

Me being unsure of everything. Originally you defended Rosie but lynched her on policy. Then said that you would vote anyone that brought up the drama from yesterday (which led to a WS, even though she was reactive to other people mentioning it) then you moved your vote to a policy vote on TSO. I'm starting to see a pattern here that you are attempting to lynch people for other reasons than "you think are scum."
Is anyone else over looking the fact that House wants to lynch Wolfsister even though he has conceptually claimed that Wolfsister is definitely not the ruler with the idea that both he and Mertex will still be alive and available to lynch after the flip?
Absolutely not. If TSO is town, then the odds of getting a ruler lynch are next to none today. One of Wolf or Mertex is almost certainly scum given their drama. I strongly feel that it is Wolf. I could be wrong and its Mertex.

Could you please try to explain again what logical fallacies exist given my assumptions?
Is anyone else over looking the fact that House wants to lynch Wolfsister even though he has conceptually claimed that Wolfsister is definitely not the ruler with the idea that both he and Mertex will still be alive and available to lynch after the flip?

You'll see I'm now voting him. I'm thinking through this logically. SR defends House's note to Wake as soon as we mention it is scummy, she calls him town today by saying he acts like her as town when he doesn't, they make a deal to lynch me and then Mertex knowing we are both town, Mertex thinks I'm scum because of scum buddying me and defending me, FA jumps on the wagon immediately because he is scum. Also, I'm a town counter wagon to a wagon on scum House. That's why they are pushing this.

So Aye, in answer to your question, the scum on my wagon are: House, FA_Q2, ScarletRage.

I feel pretty comfortable with this piece of analysis and where my vote is. I'll be interested to see how this plays out.
I'm on page 58, but the more Mertex posts, the more I want to lynch AYE.

I think her case is pretty solid, but I'm wondering if it is misdirected in some way. I'm going to do a reread myself. based on the the idea that Aye has been a peripheral supporter throughout the game.

LOL! Go ahead and lynch me. I really don't care. What's your reason for wanting to do that?

Me being unsure of everything. Originally you defended Rosie but lynched her on policy. Then said that you would vote anyone that brought up the drama from yesterday (which led to a WS, even though she was reactive to other people mentioning it) then you moved your vote to a policy vote on TSO. I'm starting to see a pattern here that you are attempting to lynch people for other reasons than "you think are scum."
I can also go for Aye as I like this explaination.
Since when did Mertex move into the town category? Oh right...whatever to save your own ass.

As soon as I figured out her reasons for voting me were a reaction to scum House buddying me, then following your plan to vote 2 townies out of the game while both of you survive.

It took me awhile to figure it out but as soon as I got the emotions out of the way and went with logic and saw the way you are defending House and following a plan that would really hurt town if Mertex and I were rebels, then yeah, this makes perfect sense.
So basically it's a russian roulette of my biggest pushers are scum. Mertex hestitates so you buddy her.
So basically it's a russian roulette of my biggest pushers are scum. Mertex hestitates so you buddy her.

LOL-If you think I'm buddying Mertex, you haven't been reading the game. You guys showed your hand with the deal you made today. You've been calling each other town. You are trying to get 2 townies lynched after saying you don't like PL's. You are not thinking like a logical townie.

Yep-I'm good with this. Until someone shows me otherwise or shows different scum than you, House, FA_Q2.

I would say I'm wrong about mathblade for voting House but guards don't really know each other, so meh.
Wolf's town flip after you've been crowing that I've been protecting the ruler all this time will put to bed all your unfounded accusations about the both of us, because scum would not defend a townie the way I've posted in defense of Wolfie.


This only makes you look like you are looking out for yourself by helping lynch a townread of yours. I'd never do that.

It directly plays against town's wincon and helps scum's wincon.

So I disagree with ANY townie that helps scum lynch another townie, no matter what your reasoning.

As you've said.

We have different approaches to the game. If I was the one being harped upon as the ruler with you being labeled the guard, I'd be advocating you to do what I'm doing right now.

In other words, he may have been using you. House is scum, he figured you were an easy target. He buddied you and used you as his scapegoat, and now he's made a deal with others to vote you off as long as I get voted off if you flip town.

What a weasel he is if that is what he did. If you do flip town, which I have my doubts based on your own scummy moves, and they lynch me for revenge, I hope they come after House, next. He's a scammer, that one, when it comes to fooling people, and this would be the second time he's done it to you

I would flip my vote to House in a NY minute, if I knew others would be willing to vote him off. But, I have a feeling most of the townies are out on Saturday, so we'll have to wait and see what they think.
House is town screwing over another townie to save his skin but he's town.

This could be your whole problem Wolf. You are the one with tunnel vision. You keep saying House is town but he is willing to screw you over even if he thinks you're town? He is using manipulative reasoning and you're not buying it, but you still insist he is town. How long did it take you in Game 5 to realize that he was messing with you?

My focus was on House because of his actions. He is either protecting you because he is a guard and knows you are the ruler, or he is a guard or usurper and using his skills of manipulation on someone he knew he could count on, after all, how long did he fool you in Game 5? Keep thinking he is Town and if you are not lynched this go round, you'll eventually will and believe me House won't mind doing the lynching.

Maybe some other townies will come in and cram some sense into you. I know you don't trust me, but from what I've seen, I don't trust you either, but I would rather lynch House at this time.

Wolf, clear your mind for a few minutes and think about who you believe is scum that's voting for you right now. You've already mentioned FA and Mertex in previous posts, but I'm asking you to think about others as well. Tell us who and reasons why. I said earlier in the game you've been playing your typical town game, so if you happen to be lynched, a clear post telling us who you believe is scum will help a great deal. With that said, the only way I'll put a vote on Wolf is if it's to keep us from going into a NL. I believe she's a rebel and do not like lynching our own.

I've already said who I think is scum and who is town, given multiple reads, and argued why what is happening is a frame up by scum or an anti-town townie and scum are taking full advantage of it with the help of another townie who is only looking out for himself. There is nothing else left for me to say but because I think you are a rebel and you asked, I'll tell you again. I'm not going to spend hours of my life pulling up posts out of context and making up shit to justify a scumread like Mertex did to me. These people's actions speak for themselves.

Mertex is either scum or anti-town like usual-she's fabricating a scumread because she's upset about my perceived taking sides when her and House were arguing, because he defended me, because she's pulling things out of thin air to label me as scum that are either non-alignment indicative, things I always do, things others are doing but she's ignoring, etc. She is using tunnel vision because the only person she's talked about all game is me. It seems anything I do is scummy even though she knows how I act as town. She's spent a lot of this game wrapped up in drama also.

House is town screwing over another townie to save his skin but he's town.

SR is scum
because she is playing a different game than her town game and is buying into scummy reasons to vote me and is trying to rush my lynch every time a wagon forms. She wants me dead and has done nothing to really help the game in any way otherwise.

FA-Q2 is scum for bringing up drama again, taking quotes of mine out of context as an excuse to vote me, hoping on my wagon at the first opportunity while contributing nothing else, has not given a read or done any scumhunting all game. Lurking more than his town game.

Avi is scum for lurking like he does as scum and being too careful, he even said in his scum QT that he doesn't like getting involved in the games too much as scum because it could backfire on him. Several things he's done show he's not paying attention and he insists on voting ika with poor reasoning.

tso! is scum or anti-town or a flake-he is active lurking and doing little else

You Aye are a rebel, ika is a rebel, josh is a rebel, Arden is a rebel-all of you are using logical reasoning for your statements and comments, not getting wrapped up in drama, actively scumhunting, and showing curiosity for the game and an interest in solving it.

mathblade is scum-her entire game has been complaining about the hostility and fluff posting, with an occasional comment about who she thinks is who but with no detail

Shaitra- while she's usually quiet as either alignment and I am going back and forth with her, she's still at least trying to game solve and scum hunt when she does play, so leaning town here but need more

Cafe-less active than usual, did not answer my question about who her reads were, only contribution is to chew me out over drama, she could go either way depending on if she tries to play or keeps non-commmital, because of the change from her usual game, she bears watching and I'm leaning scum here

Also, I can't bitch House out for playing against town's wincon by also playing against town's wincon by voting myself. While others insist on voting out another rebel PL after already losing one I will not help them nor help scum by voting myself. I will play to my wincon and vote my top scumread until I am lynched.

Vote: FA_Q2
This has far too many scum for a game this size.
I don't think her reasoning is fabricated. I just think it's misdirected. I'm pretty sure that everything that she said happened in the game did. I still haven't had a reread yet, but I'm pretty sure there's an underlying cause that Mertex is overlooking.
Yes, it could very well be that House is using/manipulating Wolf. But she is too focused on House being Town that she can't even see that he is totally manipulating her. Either she is the ruler (she has done some scummy moves) and he has been protecting her without realizing that it would be obvious when you reviewed the thread in total, or he is Scum and totally manipulating her into thinking he's town knowing her loyalty and that she will defend him even if he screws her over. He was Scum in Game 5 and told her some cockamamy story about having some power that he could only use at the very end, and she was believing him and arguing that he was Town and she would never vote against him. It took some of the other Townies telling her that if she didn't force him to reveal his power (which they knew was BS) they would vote her off. She finally realized he was a Scumbag and agreed to vote for him. He's pretty clever, to a point.

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