Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

It's going to be me Arden. Scum has been getting wagons going on me and accusing me all game. I'm tired of it. The only way it will stop is if I go and they look at the ones doing this and go back to catching scum.

I don't play well under these conditions anyway.
It's going to be me Arden. Scum has been getting wagons going on me and accusing me all game. I'm tired of it. The only way it will stop is if I go and they look at the ones doing this and go back to catching scum.

I don't play well under these conditions anyway.

This was meant to be in response to Arden and House posted in between.
Mertex, House has a lot of the same scathing biting attitude I tend to have in my town posts. He just doesn't think we could be that dumb from his perspective. I am not making a too dumb to scum argument. I am arguing House is town.

Careful, Mertex will be after you next, since she has upgraded me from guard to ruler. :rolleyes:
I'll defend a townread over anti-town or scum any day.

You just proved to me you wouldn't.

Right, because if I'm scum I'm going to call attention to the fact that I'm suspicious. I found Wolf's inconsistency odd so I questioned her about it. It's oddball things like this and her Cafe flip that make me willing to put her on the block for the greater good although I think she's town. As I said, I'm willing to admit that I can be wrong.

It's never for the greater good for town to throw other town under the bus.

If town doesn't defend town, it wouldn't be difficult at all for scum to pull flimsy frame up jobs like this.

Yet you are helping scum frame me and getting rid of town.

You are directly playing to scums wincon.

I'd never do that.
I'll even sweeten the pot for scum:

I will not make a single post in my own defense for one full game day if Wolf actually is scum and you bus her. That's plenty of time to make a compelling case against me, and without my interference it should be fairly simple to do.

If Wolf is Scum, you have no defense.
I'll even sweeten the pot for scum:

I will not make a single post in my own defense for one full game day if Wolf actually is scum and you bus her. That's plenty of time to make a compelling case against me, and without my interference it should be fairly simple to do.

If Wolf is Scum, you have no defense.

I can't wait until my flip and you are shown for who you are.
I'll even sweeten the pot for scum:

I will not make a single post in my own defense for one full game day if Wolf actually is scum and you bus her. That's plenty of time to make a compelling case against me, and without my interference it should be fairly simple to do.

If Wolf is Scum, you have no defense.

Then why in the world are you not on the wagon? You'll have carte blanche to sail me up the river if you're right.
This must be difficult for someone like you to believe but town has and will defend their townreads. I defended Avi in game 2 fiercely because I was sure he was town and Rosie was scum. I was pissed when he was lynched. Guess what? Rosie was scum and Avi was town. It was so freaking obvious too. So yeah, I will, have, and do defend my townread so for you to scumread two people because one is being defended over the other that is weak ass reasoning to call someone scum and just because you never defend anyone but yourself doesn't mean I don't.
In any other set-up you might be right. In this set-up, the guards have to defend the ruler in order to survive themselves. That's why I made a post alluding to the fact that if someone has a wagon, and they happen to be the ruler, we can count on the guards coming to their defense because their life is as stake too. House just wasn't careful enough to disguise his protectiveness. If you flip Town, and House flips town, I will be amazed at his devotion to protecting you and agreeing with you, and I'll gladly be willing to be lynched for not taking into consideration other reasons for him doing that.

Guess what I'm doing with House's hostility, sarcasm, snark-tolerating it. Asking folks to ignore it. Apologizing to Arden for it. Saying it is getting stale. I have already explained the font joke twice and I looked and never once liked any post of House's where he insulted you. This is just plain bitterness on your part because you erroneously thought I took House side in an argument with you and are going to call me scum for it.

Yes, Wolf, and that is interesting, because D1 when it was between you and Rosie, you and House were all for getting rid of people that were violating the rules, even though you violated the rules yourself, interestingly enough, only Rosie got lynched. Yet, when that was all done and over, and I pointed out House's insults and snarks, you were all for forgiveness and ignoring. Excuse me, but I don't believe your font joke, you were doing exactly what you don't like others to do to you.
Post #686 House is all for weeding out all the bad apples.

Like I said, your case against me is weak. Lynch me and you'll find out the truth soon enough. Meanwhile your obsession with me is getting old.
Well, if it is weak, I guess we'll find out soon enough. I can't see that much protection and defense over someone that you really don't know is Town, unless you do know they're not.

Vote Count 2.5

★Arden (1): Josh_B
Avatar4321 (0):
AyeCantSeeYou (0):
FA_Q2 (0):
House (3):
Mathblade, ★Arden, Mertex
ika (1): Avatar4321
Josh_B (0):
Mathblade (1):
Mertex (0):
ScarletRage (0):
Shaitra (0):
tso! (1):
CafeAuLait (0):
Wolfsister77 (4):
ScarletRage, House, Wolfsister77, FA_Q2

Not Voting (3): tso!, TheOldSchool, Shaitra,

~ With 14 players, it takes 8 to lynch!
~ Deadline is 10/8/14, @2PM Central.

If you flip Town, and House flips town, I will be amazed at his devotion to protecting you and agreeing with you, and I'll gladly be willing to be lynched for not taking into consideration other reasons for him doing that.

You'll be in the DZ before I am lynched so feel free to contemplate to your heart's desire, scum.

Wolf's town flip after you've been crowing that I've been protecting the ruler all this time will put to bed all your unfounded accusations about the both of us, because scum would not defend a townie the way I've posted in defense of Wolfie.
You just don't seem to understand the concept of town defending town because you'd never do it.

I don't care what House does. You scumreading me for what he is doing is ludicrous and shows you have no ability to see teamwork.

This supposed eagerness to do quick lynches and PL's is bogus. It isn't true. You are lying. I am not going to repeat defend myself over something I didn't do.

Get a real case. Yours is weak and wrong.

Excuse me.....I didn't spend hours pouring over the comments for my own pleasure. You're just desperate now, because you know that you can't defend yourself against the obvious. Like I said, go read the posts, you must have forgotten what you have posted.
If you flip Town, and House flips town, I will be amazed at his devotion to protecting you and agreeing with you, and I'll gladly be willing to be lynched for not taking into consideration other reasons for him doing that.

You'll be in the DZ before I am lynched so feel free to contemplate to your heart's desire, scum.

Wolf's town flip after you've been crowing that I've been protecting the ruler all this time will put to bed all your unfounded accusations about the both of us, because scum would not defend a townie the way I've posted in defense of Wolfie.

This must be difficult for someone like you to believe but town has and will defend their townreads. I defended Avi in game 2 fiercely because I was sure he was town and Rosie was scum. I was pissed when he was lynched. Guess what? Rosie was scum and Avi was town. It was so freaking obvious too. So yeah, I will, have, and do defend my townread so for you to scumread two people because one is being defended over the other that is weak ass reasoning to call someone scum and just because you never defend anyone but yourself doesn't mean I don't.
In any other set-up you might be right. In this set-up, the guards have to defend the ruler in order to survive themselves. That's why I made a post alluding to the fact that if someone has a wagon, and they happen to be the ruler, we can count on the guards coming to their defense because their life is as stake too. House just wasn't careful enough to disguise his protectiveness. If you flip Town, and House flips town, I will be amazed at his devotion to protecting you and agreeing with you, and I'll gladly be willing to be lynched for not taking into consideration other reasons for him doing that.

Guess what I'm doing with House's hostility, sarcasm, snark-tolerating it. Asking folks to ignore it. Apologizing to Arden for it. Saying it is getting stale. I have already explained the font joke twice and I looked and never once liked any post of House's where he insulted you. This is just plain bitterness on your part because you erroneously thought I took House side in an argument with you and are going to call me scum for it.

Yes, Wolf, and that is interesting, because D1 when it was between you and Rosie, you and House were all for getting rid of people that were violating the rules, even though you violated the rules yourself, interestingly enough, only Rosie got lynched. Yet, when that was all done and over, and I pointed out House's insults and snarks, you were all for forgiveness and ignoring. Excuse me, but I don't believe your font joke, you were doing exactly what you don't like others to do to you.
Post #686 House is all for weeding out all the bad apples.

Like I said, your case against me is weak. Lynch me and you'll find out the truth soon enough. Meanwhile your obsession with me is getting old.
Well, if it is weak, I guess we'll find out soon enough. I can't see that much protection and defense over someone that you really don't know is Town, unless you do know they're not.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

House and I are both town. You'd be amazed that we'd defend each other because you don't think like that because you don't understand the concept of teamwork. I've never seen you once show teamwork in any of these games.

You don't have to believe my font joke. You think I'm excusing House.When I flip town you will be shown to be an extremely petty person who is lynching a person because you are upset with them over a joke and perceived taking sides.

You have nothing on me and you know it. I really can't wait for you to lose all credibility when I flip town. Maybe next game you'll do something besides talk about me all game.
Wolf's town flip after you've been crowing that I've been protecting the ruler all this time will put to bed all your unfounded accusations about the both of us, because scum would not defend a townie the way I've posted in defense of Wolfie.


This only makes you look like you are looking out for yourself by helping lynch a townread of yours. I'd never do that.

It directly plays against town's wincon and helps scum's wincon.

So I disagree with ANY townie that helps scum lynch another townie, no matter what your reasoning.
I'm fairly busy this weekend.

Don't lynch anyone while I'm gone (unless it's House or FA_Q2).

I thought we were going for House, but apparently he is so sure that Wolfsister is Town that he has made a deal that they should vote for Wolfsister, and lynch him next if Wolf flips Scum. On the condition they lynch me if she flips town.

I'm willing to take the chance. I can't believe anyone would be so protective over someone they don't know for sure is not Scum. If Wolf flips town, I'll just have to accept that House is just a valiant warrior defending Wolf because she was so nice to him in game 5 and didn't vote for him until she had no choice, even though he was Scum. That makes sense.

Wolf's town flip after you've been crowing that I've been protecting the ruler all this time will put to bed all your unfounded accusations about the both of us, because scum would not defend a townie the way I've posted in defense of Wolfie.


This only makes you look like you are looking out for yourself by helping lynch a townread of yours. I'd never do that.

It directly plays against town's wincon and helps scum's wincon.

So I disagree with ANY townie that helps scum lynch another townie, no matter what your reasoning.

As you've said.

We have different approaches to the game. If I was the one being harped upon as the ruler with you being labeled the guard, I'd be advocating you to do what I'm doing right now.
I'm fairly busy this weekend.

Don't lynch anyone while I'm gone (unless it's House or FA_Q2).

I thought we were going for House, but apparently he is so sure that Wolfsister is Town that he has made a deal that they should vote for Wolfsister, and lynch him next if Wolf flips Scum. On the condition they lynch me if she flips town.

I'm willing to take the chance. I can't believe anyone would be so protective over someone they don't know for sure is not Scum. If Wolf flips town, I'll just have to accept that House is just a valiant warrior defending Wolf because she was so nice to him in game 5 and didn't vote for him until she had no choice, even though he was Scum. That makes sense.


LOL-Here you go folks!! Another scum jumping on my wagon.

This is 5 out of 8. I'm not removing my vote on myself. Only 3 more need to come out of the woodwork and lynch me.

And Merex once again shows that town defending town is a foreign concept to here. LOL

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