Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

Wolf, there is a difference between reading someone as town/scum and actually going to their defense when someone accuses them of being Scum. Go ahead and show where I have gone out of my way to defend anyone or jump in a few posts after someone accuses them of being Scum and defend them.

This must be difficult for someone like you to believe but town has and will defend their townreads. I defended Avi in game 2 fiercely because I was sure he was town and Rosie was scum. I was pissed when he was lynched. Guess what? Rosie was scum and Avi was town. It was so freaking obvious too. So yeah, I will, have, and do defend my townread so for you to scumread two people because one is being defended over the other that is weak ass reasoning to call someone scum and just because you never defend anyone but yourself doesn't mean I don't.

As for Cafe, excusing House hostility, I don't know that she was excusing it more than just tolerating it, and she did called it for what it was, where in your case, you actually made excuses and asked me to ignore it and even "liked" his post and reposted it. You claim that it was a joke but it seemed more like you encouraging him and agreeing with him. I'm sure if one of us had reposted one of Rosie's post to you, you wouldn't have ever agreed that we were doing it in good humor.

Guess what I'm doing with House's hostility, sarcasm, snark-tolerating it. Asking folks to ignore it. Apologizing to Arden for it. Saying it is getting stale. I have already explained the font joke twice and I looked and never once liked any post of House's where he insulted you. This is just plain bitterness on your part because you erroneously thought I took House side in an argument with you and are going to call me scum for it.

Like I said, your case against me is weak. Lynch me and you'll find out the truth soon enough. Meanwhile your obsession with me is getting old.
Wolf your reads are pretty much whoever attacks you is scum. That is textbook scum ina game like this.

If what Mertex did is so easy (it isn't), why don't you do it with your own scumreads?

Cafe's supplement to Josh's initial mental reference case (rebels as they) was compelling. Mertex then did a lot there to build on that. Am I 100% bet my game life on it that Mertex is right about the two of you? No. Her work is the best example we have of scumhunting and pretty valid.

Humoring you for a moment, suppose Mertex is scum, which of the current wagons is she trying to save? Make your case.

LOL-It's the most ridiculous case I have seen all game. And if you think that is good, then I guess you just want to see me as scum so bad you aren't thinking clearly. Almost all of it is her interpretation of things House has done in the game and a few non-alignment indicative things I have done and call me scum. I know my alignment and I know ridiculous allegations when I see them. No, everyone who attacks me is not scum. Everyone who makes up reasons to have a scumread on me is suspect.

LOL-lynch me please and you will see I am a rebel, go right ahead

The posts are there for you to check out....I gave the numbers. If you are not the ruler, why is House so protective of you? If your alignment is Town, then why aren't you advocating that we wait and make sure we are lynching Scum like you did in Game 5 when you were town instead of being so eager to do quick lynches and PLs? Did you forget your town win condition?

You just don't seem to understand the concept of town defending town because you'd never do it.

I don't care what House does. You scumreading me for what he is doing is ludicrous and shows you have no ability to see teamwork.

This supposed eagerness to do quick lynches and PL's is bogus. It isn't true. You are lying. I am not going to repeat defend myself over something I didn't do.

Get a real case. Yours is weak and wrong.
Mertex, to be clear, did you intend to change your vote to vote Math?

She has her chance to get Wolf lynched, so I'm half-surprised she hasn't hopped on the Wolf wagon. Although there are 2 possible reasons why that is:

1) She knows she's up for the noose tomorrow when her frame up backfires.
2) She apparently thinks I'm the ruler now instead of a guard (lol), which makes even less sense in her campaign.
I'll make you folks a deal.

I'll help you lynch Wolfsister77 if we lynch Mertex after Wolf flips town.

I'm still solid on Avatar as obvscum, but I'm flexible.

Why are you helping them lynch a fellow rebel? You do realize that you are throwing a townie under the bus and there is no guarantee that Mertex will be lynched when I'm gone.

But whatever. If it gets the game back to scumhunting instead of obsessing over me, I'm all for it. Here, I'll help.

Vote: Wolfsister77

If I get lynched for voting myself and am kept from the next game or modkilled in this one, that's fine. I could use a break anyway.
I'll make you folks a deal.

I'll help you lynch Wolfsister77 if we lynch Mertex after Wolf flips town.

I'm still solid on Avatar as obvscum, but I'm flexible.

Why are you helping them lynch a fellow rebel? You do realize that you are throwing a townie under the bus and there is no guarantee that Mertex will be lynched when I'm gone.

But whatever. If it gets the game back to scumhunting instead of obsessing over me, I'm all for it. Here, I'll help.

Vote: Wolfsister77

If I get lynched for voting myself and am kept from the next game or modkilled in this one, that's fine. I could use a break anyway.

I know you're a rebel, but sometimes people have to learn things the hard way. These folks won't accept that you are town until you flip, and it's going to keep us both mired down in accusations until one or the other of us is gone.

Since Mertex thinks/thought (who the fuck knows anymore?) that you are the ruler, your lynch will shut her mouth and demolish any credibility she thinks she has.
I'll make you folks a deal.

I'll help you lynch Wolfsister77 if we lynch Mertex after Wolf flips town.

I'm still solid on Avatar as obvscum, but I'm flexible.

Why are you helping them lynch a fellow rebel? You do realize that you are throwing a townie under the bus and there is no guarantee that Mertex will be lynched when I'm gone.

But whatever. If it gets the game back to scumhunting instead of obsessing over me, I'm all for it. Here, I'll help.

Vote: Wolfsister77

If I get lynched for voting myself and am kept from the next game or modkilled in this one, that's fine. I could use a break anyway.

I know you're a rebel, but sometimes people have to learn things the hard way. These folks won't accept that you are town until you flip, and it's going to keep us both mired down in accusations until one or the other of us is gone.

Since Mertex thinks/thought (who the fuck knows anymore?) that you are the ruler, your lynch will shut her mouth and demolish any credibility she thinks she has.

Great, lynch a rebel to get them to shut up. Gotcha. Scum wins again.
As for Cafe, excusing House hostility, I don't know that she was excusing it more than just tolerating it, and she did called it for what it was, where in your case, you actually made excuses and asked me to ignore it and even "liked" his post and reposted it. You claim that it was a joke but it seemed more like you encouraging him and agreeing with him. I'm sure if one of us had reposted one of Rosie's post to you, you wouldn't have ever agreed that we were doing it in good humor.

In fairness, Scumtex raises a valid point here.

I didn't personally take Wolf's like/repost as encouraging (I don't care how people respond to my posts), but I can see how people would get that impression.

Unlike Scumtex the drama queen, I can admit my flaws and see the other party's perspective in situations.

Calling me names doesn't change the fact that you are the one that is acting like Scum. You should have been more careful.

And, I didn't include all the posts, either.

Post #504 Avatar mentions House trying to draw attention away from ruler, could be guard.

Post #552 Wolf votes Rosie....Post #607, House takes Wolf's side. Post #608 House votes Rosie.

Post #616 House pushes for lynching Rosie. Post #634 House pushes Avatar to get involved in the Wolf/Rosie conflict.

Post #700 FA votes Wolf. Post #710 Wolf OMGUS FA, votes for FA. Post #784 like clock work House votes for FA.

Post #810 House claims he fits all of Wolf's categories for Scum. Post #810 Wolf then gives excuses why even if he fits all her categories for Scum he is still Town. :confused-84:

Post #819 Avatar points out that Wolf is defending House. Post #821 House responds to Avi asking him "why does it matter" - (Duh! - my comment).
And anyone discussing a NL certainly doesn't look town and who brought that up? Oh yeah. And mathblade's only discussion here is how much she doesn't like it. How does that solve anything?

Yet you fail to explain whatsoever WHY that would be a bad idea. Possibly because it is good for us if we keep talking as that is how scum reveals themselves. Its a wonder why YOU think it is a bad idea....

A NL is off the table now (as per Wake) because it would tilt the tables in favor of town - scum does not get a night action and more communication is key.
As for Cafe, excusing House hostility, I don't know that she was excusing it more than just tolerating it, and she did called it for what it was, where in your case, you actually made excuses and asked me to ignore it and even "liked" his post and reposted it. You claim that it was a joke but it seemed more like you encouraging him and agreeing with him. I'm sure if one of us had reposted one of Rosie's post to you, you wouldn't have ever agreed that we were doing it in good humor.

In fairness, Scumtex raises a valid point here.

I didn't personally take Wolf's like/repost as encouraging (I don't care how people respond to my posts), but I can see how people would get that impression.

Unlike Scumtex the drama queen, I can admit my flaws and see the other party's perspective in situations.

Calling me names doesn't change the fact that you are the one that is acting like Scum. You should have been more careful.

And, I didn't include all the posts, either.

Post #504 Avatar mentions House trying to draw attention away from ruler, could be guard.

Post #552 Wolf votes Rosie....Post #607, House takes Wolf's side. Post #608 House votes Rosie.

Post #616 House pushes for lynching Rosie. Post #634 House pushes Avatar to get involved in the Wolf/Rosie conflict.

Post #700 FA votes Wolf. Post #710 Wolf OMGUS FA, votes for FA. Post #784 like clock work House votes for FA.

Post #810 House claims he fits all of Wolf's categories for Scum. Post #810 Wolf then gives excuses why even if he fits all her categories for Scum he is still Town. :confused-84:

Post #819 Avatar points out that Wolf is defending House. Post #821 House responds to Avi asking him "why does it matter" - (Duh! - my comment).

There is not one thing you have listed here that is proof that either one of us is scum. Rosie OMGUS'd every single person that accused her. She was town.

And anyone discussing a NL certainly doesn't look town and who brought that up? Oh yeah. And mathblade's only discussion here is how much she doesn't like it. How does that solve anything?

Yet you fail to explain whatsoever WHY that would be a bad idea. Possibly because it is good for us if we keep talking as that is how scum reveals themselves. Its a wonder why YOU think it is a bad idea....

A NL is off the table now (as per Wake) because it would tilt the tables in favor of town - scum does not get a night action and more communication is key.

You already showed your hand by jumping on my wagon at the first opportunity. When I flip rebel, you will be shown to be the scum you are.
I'm fairly busy this weekend.

Don't lynch anyone while I'm gone (unless it's House or FA_Q2).
Post #504 Avatar mentions House trying to draw attention away from ruler, could be guard.

Avatar is scum. IDGAF.

Post #552 Wolf votes Rosie....Post #607, House takes Wolf's side. Post #608 House votes Rosie.

I'll defend a townread over anti-town or scum any day.

Post #616 House pushes for lynching Rosie. Post #634 House pushes Avatar to get involved in the Wolf/Rosie conflict.


Post #700 FA votes Wolf. Post #710 Wolf OMGUS FA, votes for FA. Post #784 like clock work House votes for FA.

Duh. FA is scum. I saw a wagon on scum. I climbed on board. Next...

Post #810 House claims he fits all of Wolf's categories for Scum. Post #810 Wolf then gives excuses why even if he fits all her categories for Scum he is still Town. :confused-84:

Right, because if I'm scum I'm going to call attention to the fact that I'm suspicious. I found Wolf's inconsistency odd so I questioned her about it. It's oddball things like this and her Cafe flip that make me willing to put her on the block for the greater good although I think she's town. As I said, I'm willing to admit that I can be wrong.

Post #819 Avatar points out that Wolf is defending House. Post #821 House responds to Avi asking him "why does it matter" - (Duh! - my comment).

Sure did. If town doesn't defend town, it wouldn't be difficult at all for scum to pull flimsy frame up jobs like this.

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