Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

I spent a good deal of Friday reading over all the posts, trying to figure out why House was being so hostile to me and others, also, why so many at one time or another had accused Wolf of being Scum, and voted for her but yet her wagon never got that far. When you log into the thread and pick up where you left off, the pattern that is evolving is not too obvious, however, when you go back and read from the very beginning, post by post, it becomes too obvious.

Several people have read Wolf as town, but nobody has defended her and taken exception when anyone voted on her or read her as Scum as fiercely as has House. I have all the post numbers, and I noticed that not only does House come to Wolf's defense way too much to be coincidence, he also mirrors her votes several times. I think that is why Cafe, when she first came in and read the posts from the beginning, she suspected that Wolf might actually be the "queen".

Wolf claims that the only reason some of us have voted for her was due to the drama, but I have listed several reasons why I think she is Scum, and going back over the posts has just made it more clear. I know that she keeps saying over and over she is Town and getting overly agitated when she is accused of being Scum, but she has done the same when she was Scum in game 3.

Here are some of the posts that got me even more suspicious about Wolf being scum and House being a guard and their relationship throughout the game. My comments in Red.

Post #33 Wolf advocates lynching MeBelle instead of replacing her after Wake had already announced in Post #18 that he would replace her. Post #94, House mirrors a policy lynch on Mebelle. Nobody else supported or went along with a PL on MeBelle.

Posts #39 through #69 House is arguing with others over Usurper's win condition. Post #55 he makes a comment to Wolf that seems suspicious "we need to protect the usurper as an insurance policy." Why would townies need the usurper as insurance against losing? Townies want usurper along with ruler/guards dead.

Post #70 Wolf advocating for Scum, that they need an extra guard, then defends it with a comment that she wants to win fairly. Nobody else has any concern over Scum being short-changed.

Post #103 Wolf was caught by Josh for calling rebels "they"

Post #108 SR votes for Wolf, Post #124 House comes to Wolf's defense, and in Post #134 SR tells House he is hard defending Wolf without a town read on her.

Post #142 SR says she wants Wolf lynched....and in Post #152 Wolf does an OMGUS vote on SR. Post #162 House comes along and mirrors Wolf's vote on SR.

Post #211 Josh posts a good explanation of WS use of wrong pronouns - (Wolf had used "they" to refer to rebels).

Post #215 House discounts and argues against SR's contention that the ruler can get aggressive. (Wolf has been aggressive in her claims and votes)

Post #225 Josh notes that Wolf is seriously naming people as guards, but voting for others. Post #226, House immediately responds to Josh that he should read up Wolf's meta, (defending Wolf).

Post #263 SR votes for Ika. Post #266 Wolf sheeps SR's vote on Ika. Post #270 House votes Ika. Post #300 House anxious to lynch Ika.

Post #301 Wolf rings in "Can someone pls put IKA at l-1 so he can hammer (himself). Too anxious to have someone lynched.

Post #317 Math thinks Wolf is scum, votes for her.

Post #325 I mentioned to Avi that Ika wasn't the only one being defended (by Arden) and mention that Aye and House also defended Wolf. Post #326 House accuses me of trying to put spotlight on him. (He didn't like that I mentioned he was defending Wolf).

Post #340 I ask Wolf why she is anxious to have Ika lynched, her response "he's worthless....." House agrees with her comment and in Post #361 House posts "Bingo" to WS claim that Ika is worthless. And in post #384 Wolf votes for Ika, again.

Post #392, Wolf becomes agitated because I voted for her, accuses me of voting for every one that calls me Scum, yet nobody has called me Scum or voted for me at this point. Post#416 House tries to calm down Wolf.

Post #464 Josh claims Wolf is scum. Post #904 Josh notices House sheeps Wolf.

Post #914 Wolf makes an excuse when House asks her why she changed Cafe from "town" to "Scum" - (shortly after Cafe gave her reads and listed Wolf as Scum).
Cafe had called Wolf on it and told her it seemed like an OMGUS vote, so then Wolf claims she had miscounted and quickly moves Cafe back to Town.

Post #1063 Wolf is pushing a PL on TSO.
(Pls not good for town).
Actually, I find FA and Cafe's defense of Mertex to be interesting. Mertex's meta is off this game. She actually DID try to bring back drama yesterday but Cafe pretty much chewed me out again over the same shit and FA tried to bring it back up when the day started. Both of them are defending Mertex. AND, Mertex wanting to quit,etc. is not like her. She got worse last game and didn't want to quit.

None of us brought back the drama. FA and Cafe were just reacting to it, and I was just responding to your accusations. You want to have the last word, so when I respond to your comments, you claim that I am bringing it back up when all I am doing is responding to your "last word post". Just like you are bringing it back up in your post above, but will probably accuse me of being the one to bring it back up.

And you are right, I am not a quitter, but during the chaos (Rosie/you), Wake posted for you all to cool it, House praised Wake over it, yet when Wake told him (and me) to quit, all House could do is find fault with Wake's comment. House was all in agreement that a lynch was the proper thing when someone is attacking (Rosie), but yet doesn't want Wake interfering when he is doing it.

I decided it wouldn't be fair to Town to quit and Cafe may be right, you like to stir up trouble and then have people lynched over it. Who does that benefit?
Mertex, you would have to get nearly the rest of us to go after the ruler. I am not so sure on House scum but you and Cafe make interesting cases on Wolf and Math.

Putting you me ika Cafe Josh that's 5. We would need three more. We are much less likely to get the support on the ruler. I want to get a scum lynch.

Suppose Wolf and Math have identified each other as scum, which is the ruler? I can help us get a flip but it will make things much easiet if we run at a guard first.


I do not think House is scum. The things you were mentioning about House are posts I would make regardless of alignment. Attacking logical fallacies does not make someone scummy even if those defenses wind up benefitting scum.

You catch a player like House (supposing I am wrong) by looking for logical inconsistencies).

So you twisted everything I did in the game into some reason to view me as scum, taking things out of context, not quoting properly so I can defend myself, ignoring that most of that stuff I have explained and not putting my explanations in there.

In other words, you are framing me because you don't like I called you scum.

The last thing for example-I explained in great detail why tso is not a PL to me but you come back and call in a PL. Why do you do that? Because you ignored my comments saying it wasn't. Then put your own twist on it by repeating what SR said.

Yet you ignore the fact Avi won't move his vote of ika despite ika being obviously town.
@avi, you dodging question is noted

@wakescomment, i sometimes play into the mod notes type things, but i have to read it more in deph later im on break from work so i dont have much time.

what question did I dodge?

the question about me not being ruler let me rephrase:

when i flip rebel, who will you suspect next?

I didn't dodge the question whatsoever. I said I don't know. The fact that you don't like the answer doesn't mean I dodged the question.

thats not a vaild answer, it implies you are not activly reading the game or trying to figure it out. you are just voteparking now to avoid dicussion.

the correct answer would be to name someone and a reason why, it would of showed me that you are paying attention to the thread and have other ideas.
I actually want you guys to lynch me now so that when I flip rebel you can go after all those who have been pushing me all game.

I could pretty much do what Mertex did to just about anyone in the game and call them scum and I could point out just about anyone defending anyone and call someone a ruler or a guard.

But I've got better things to do with my day.

And SR calls it interesting and says Cafe's case is interesting when Cafe has barely said a word but chew me out for drama and then she excuses House's hostility. LOL-what a joke that is. She's probably not town either.
Wolf your reads are pretty much whoever attacks you is scum. That is textbook scum ina game like this.

If what Mertex did is so easy (it isn't), why don't you do it with your own scumreads?

Cafe's supplement to Josh's initial mental reference case (rebels as they) was compelling. Mertex then did a lot there to build on that. Am I 100% bet my game life on it that Mertex is right about the two of you? No. Her work is the best example we have of scumhunting and pretty valid.

Humoring you for a moment, suppose Mertex is scum, which of the current wagons is she trying to save? Make your case.
Post #33 Wolf advocates lynching MeBelle instead of replacing her after Wake had already announced in Post #18 that he would replace her. Post #94, House mirrors a policy lynch on Mebelle. Nobody else supported or went along with a PL on MeBelle.

Post #94
Silly Wolfie. I cannot guard myself much less anyone else.

And I Will Never Be Royal as the song goes.

Try, try again.

Regards from Rosie

You know who sang Royals? Lorde.

What's another name for Lord? Master.

What's another name for Master? Ruler.

You know who doesn't guard themselves? Ruler.

Rosie just admitted to being the Ruler, all.

GG, Rosie.

If you're going to reference quoted content, perhaps you should at least point to the right post. This particular issue is just a case of hair splitting because you got all butt hurt over a typo in my post earlier and here you are being a hypocrite by bastardizing quotes, yourself.

Practice what you preach, drama queen.

Post #103 Wolf was caught by Josh for calling rebels "they"

Post #108 SR votes for Wolf, Post #124 House comes to Wolf's defense, and in Post #134 SR tells House he is hard defending Wolf without a town read on her.

Hear ye, hear ye... this is what Mertex calls coming to Wolfsister's defense when being called out on grammatical errors by Josh:

Post #124
She actually did it twice... "their" instead of "our", too.

Nice catch.

Post #142 SR says she wants Wolf lynched....and in Post #152 Wolf does an OMGUS vote on SR. Post #162 House comes along and mirrors Wolf's vote on SR.

Wrong. I sheeped ika because his idea was interesting, as I stated quite plainly.

Post #162
I can go along with random voting if that is what folks want to do.

Vote: ScarletRage

Sheeping ika, my vote is not indicative of a read.

Post #211 Josh posts a good explanation of WS use of wrong pronouns - (Wolf had used "they" to refer to rebels).

And that you completely omitted the fact I corrected & complemented Josh on his point when you've gone to such painstaking research to build a case against me just shows your motives are scummy.

Let's review that post:

Post #124
She actually did it twice... "their" instead of "our", too.

Nice catch.

Scummy Mertex is scummy.

Post #215 House discounts and argues against SR's contention that the ruler can get aggressive. (Wolf has been aggressive in her claims and votes)

Yeah, because people can't hold a different opinion unless they're scum, right hive queen?

Post #215
Plus the king can afford to get real aggressive.
That's just silly.

No way I'd be out to piss people off if I could insta-lose the game for my team.

It's common sense that the ruler would be calling for his own head on a pike by pissing people off. Look at this dumbassery I'm having to respond to. You think somebody that actually has a big ol' secret like being the ruler would want to put themselves in my position?


Post #225 Josh notes that Wolf is seriously naming people as guards, but voting for others. Post #226, House immediately responds to Josh that he should read up Wolf's meta, (defending Wolf).

Advising a player that is new to the site to read up on a player's meta before jumping to conclusions isn't much of a defense. That advice holds whether the player being discussed is scum or town.

That you'd twist solid advice as damning evidence shows how much you're working to fabricate a read.

Post #263 SR votes for Ika. Post #266 Wolf sheeps SR's vote on Ika. Post #270 House votes Ika. Post #300 House anxious to lynch Ika.

Sure was.

Post #300
Give the man his l-1 so we can start being productive, plzkthx.

Know why I said that? Oh wait, we'll get there...

Post #325 I mentioned to Avi that Ika wasn't the only one being defended (by Arden) and mention that Aye and House also defended Wolf. Post #326 House accuses me of trying to put spotlight on him. (He didn't like that I mentioned he was defending Wolf).

Post #326
can't speak for the others but I'm voting for ika because he was the first player I saw where another player was defending him. Seems prudent that the king would have others defending him or her

Before anyone was defending Ika, House and Aye were defending Wolf...

Look at Mertex all trying to cast me in a less than saintly light.

Repent! Repent! Ask, and you shall be forgiven.

It's called banter.

Post #340 I ask Wolf why she is anxious to have Ika lynched, her response "he's worthless....." House agrees with her comment and in Post #361 House posts "Bingo" to WS claim that Ika is worthless. And in post #384 Wolf votes for Ika, again.

Remember that point I said we'd be getting to? Here it is.

Post #299
still not caring, i only joined this spcific game so you guys could have upsuper.

if you dont want to do my way fine, but i just saying that you wont be expecting anything from me for the entirety of the game

So yeah... by ika's own admission, he was useless. That you went to such trouble to research all these posts and didn't catch that just shows your motivation here is scummy...

Oh, broken record? Just shows how egregious your slips are.

Post #392, Wolf becomes agitated because I voted for her, accuses me of voting for every one that calls me Scum, yet nobody has called me Scum or voted for me at this point. Post#416 House tries to calm down Wolf.

Post #416
Wolf, maybe you should focus less on the words being used and more on the intent behind those words.

It is easy to get knocked off track by a player's attacks, but those posts are easier to deal with when you ask yourself what effects such posts are designed to have.

This was a hard lesson I learned "over there", if you remember.

When I instigate, I'm anti-town. When I attempt to deescalate, I'm... scum?

Logic fail.

Post #464 Josh claims Wolf is scum. Post #904 Josh notices House sheeps Wolf.

The problem with this assertion is that House didn't sheep Wolf, did he? No, he didn't.

Post #783
I will likely sheep a green whose logic I agree with.

(2 minutes later)

Post #784
Looking back over the start of the day, it was indeed FA_Q2 that brought the old drama back to the fore.

Vote: FA_Q2

What makes this particularly egregious is the fact I've already addressed this very point with your scum buddy MathBlade.

Post: 792
Vote House

Reason: Admitting that he will sheep instead of having his own reasons.

Hope you're paying attention to your sister, Scarlet.

The folks that only play here might fall for this stupid b/s, but I know you know better.

I'm paying attention to everyone. We need to lynch the ruler. I think you are scum for openly saying you won't think. So I'm going to bed quite happy my vote is here after that OMGUS change in my "suspected" alignment in your readwall.

Sheeping is more often than not scum. Townies have to deduce scum. Scum does not.

Lying MathBlade is lying.

I will likely sheep a green whose logic I agree with.

(Note the timestamp)

Looking back over the start of the day, it was indeed FA_Q2 that brought the old drama back to the fore.

Vote: FA_Q2

Totes sheeped there, didn't I? What's that you say? I did that to cover my as after Math called me out?

Vote House

Reason: Admitting that he will sheep instead of having his own reasons.

Nope, my vote preceded her scummy post.

Too bad, so sad.

Post #914 Wolf makes an excuse when House asks her why she changed Cafe from "town" to "Scum" - (shortly after Cafe gave her reads and listed Wolf as Scum).
Cafe had called Wolf on it and told her it seemed like an OMGUS vote, so then Wolf claims she had miscounted and quickly moves Cafe back to Town.

Wait, wait, wait... if I'm supposedly a guard, why am I poking my ruler with a stick and drawing attention to her mistake? That's pretty fucking dumb, innit? Your logic, that is.

Your misrep goes far beyond the realm of incompetence and should confirm to any holdouts that you are scum.
Wolf your reads are pretty much whoever attacks you is scum. That is textbook scum ina game like this.

If what Mertex did is so easy (it isn't), why don't you do it with your own scumreads?

Did you even go to the posts she was referencing and read them in context? I agree it's not easy... to fabricate such a large number of misrepresentations in order to sell a fraudulent scum case.
I do have a pretty good but not perfect memory House but your wall has done zero to persuade me beyond my original thoughts. You are derp town desperate to save someone who isn't town.

People crawling all over my posts and yelling misrep is something that happens to me all the time.
I do have a pretty good but not perfect memory House but your wall has done zero to persuade me beyond my original thoughts. You are derp town desperate to save someone who isn't town.

People crawling all over my posts and yelling misrep is something that happens to me all the time.

I don't care if Wolf is lynched. I do care that people are stupidly blind to Mertex's scumminess.
Also, it would be incredibly unwieldy if I had responded to scum's wall of accusations with separate posts for each lie.
You are derp town desperate to save someone who isn't town.

I'm desperate to save someone who isn't town... which is why I was in agreement with you & Josh at the beginning of the game over the grammar issue, and which is why I was the one that called out her flip on Cafe. Right.

I don't care about the player, I care about the logic. When people go after somebody with stupid ass excuses, then yes I'll step up and tell them they're using stupid ass excuses.

So you twisted everything I did in the game into some reason to view me as scum, taking things out of context, not quoting properly so I can defend myself, ignoring that most of that stuff I have explained and not putting my explanations in there.

In other words, you are framing me because you don't like I called you scum.

The last thing for example-I explained in great detail why tso is not a PL to me but you come back and call in a PL. Why do you do that? Because you ignored my comments saying it wasn't. Then put your own twist on it by repeating what SR said.

Yet you ignore the fact Avi won't move his vote of ika despite ika being obviously town.

I didn't twist anything you did in the game. It is obvious when you OMGUS someone. It is obvious when House mirrors your votes. It is obvious that you were eager to lynch MeBelle, Ika and now Tso and impatient about it, not waiting for everyone to give their opinion. I'm not anxious for a TSO lynch although I did say I would go along with it if the majority was in favor, but I'm not rushing it. As Town I believe we need to take time and evaluate why anyone should be lynched.

And, I have listed Avatar as a possible ruler/usurper, but, I'm going for the most obvious ATM.

And, it has nothing to do with you calling me scum. I'm going by what I see. I don't care that you call me Scum, I just want reasons, like I gave for you.

And Wolf, this is not personal. I like you as a person, but this is the game. If you are Scum you should be prepared to be considered Scum and not get agitated when you are accused of being Scum. I need to see proof that you're not, but you told me you didn't have to prove anything to me, so in other words, you just want me to take your word, but that is not my win condition.
@avi, you dodging question is noted

@wakescomment, i sometimes play into the mod notes type things, but i have to read it more in deph later im on break from work so i dont have much time.

what question did I dodge?

the question about me not being ruler let me rephrase:

when i flip rebel, who will you suspect next?

I didn't dodge the question whatsoever. I said I don't know. The fact that you don't like the answer doesn't mean I dodged the question.

thats not a vaild answer, it implies you are not activly reading the game or trying to figure it out. you are just voteparking now to avoid dicussion.

the correct answer would be to name someone and a reason why, it would of showed me that you are paying attention to the thread and have other ideas.

This is because Avi is scum and as scum, he never gets too involved in the game any more than he has to, in order to avoid taking any risks. He even said that in his scum QT last game. That he doesn't want to be too involved or it could backfire on him.
Wolf your reads are pretty much whoever attacks you is scum. That is textbook scum ina game like this.

If what Mertex did is so easy (it isn't), why don't you do it with your own scumreads?

Cafe's supplement to Josh's initial mental reference case (rebels as they) was compelling. Mertex then did a lot there to build on that. Am I 100% bet my game life on it that Mertex is right about the two of you? No. Her work is the best example we have of scumhunting and pretty valid.

Humoring you for a moment, suppose Mertex is scum, which of the current wagons is she trying to save? Make your case.

LOL-It's the most ridiculous case I have seen all game. And if you think that is good, then I guess you just want to see me as scum so bad you aren't thinking clearly. Almost all of it is her interpretation of things House has done in the game and a few non-alignment indicative things I have done and call me scum. I know my alignment and I know ridiculous allegations when I see them. No, everyone who attacks me is not scum. Everyone who makes up reasons to have a scumread on me is suspect.

LOL-lynch me please and you will see I am a rebel, go right ahead

Yeah House is very likely a guard.

However at this point I think we have to go after guards, not the ruler.

While town is more than the guard+ruler's numbers, the guards know who the ruler is making a lynch harder. The guards don't know who the other is. I think to succeed we have to pick off the guards one by one and IMO House is a good start.

If House flips then ika or Wolf ruler the other Rebel IMO.

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